Spellbound Curiousity

Story by beatboxgal on SoFurry

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A guy finds a magicaly book at a yard sale...

I finally finished 's story :D

asked me to write him a story about a man finding a spell book and well read the story if you want to know XD

Note: This is first ever adult story AND my first transformation story so be gentle :)

Spellbound curiousity

Chris sighed as his shoes sank into the muddy grass beneath his feet, his wet lanky hair dangling in front of his eyes as he looked around the small field packed full of people looking at various knick-knacks on the tables. Chris slowly made his way around the cars looking at the random things that people are trying to sell, one table had 3 lava lamps on top of it another had 20 or more small figurines gathered in the middle of it.

The middle aged lanky male bought a few things off various tables, a new computer mouse, a box of light bulbs and a poster of an early Aston Martin ...you know just random stuff. He had made it to the last few tables and was scanning the sparsely covered tables for anything of interest, and then he spotted a small book with a curious looking emerald coloured jewel embedded into the cover.

Chris ran his fingers over the jewel as the owner of the tale appeared from nowhere "you like the special book sir?" the elderly woman asked with a grin, "yes it's very curious looking, how much do you want for it?" he asked quizzically looking to the woman as he picked up the small book. "How much are willing to pay curious one?" she said with a cough as she placed some more books onto the table, Chris put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a few coins "I have 53 pence left will you take that for it?" he asked thinking that she'd say no.

The woman snickered quietly and muttered something that Chris didn't quite hear before placing her hand on the book "tell you what you can have the book if you promise to me you'll use it well", the drabby dressed male looked at the woman with raised eyebrows "err alright I promise to use it well madam" he said pulling the book against his heart as he walked away from the table. The woman cackled as the man disappeared into the crowd of people 'he has no idea of the power he now holds' she thought to herself as she busied herself sorting her other books, Chris made it off the muddy field with the dark mud caked over his trousers "man that was a washout" he grumbled as he tromped towards his small flat.

He rounded the corner to find his upstairs neighbour and her young son who was screeching at the top of his lungs while his mother fumbled in her purse, "you alright there Margret?" Chris asked as he pulled out his keys to unlock the communal front door of the grubby block of flats. "Yeah my keys like to hide in purse whenever I need them" she said with a posh sounding laugh "mommy! I want some sweeties!!!" the spoilt child screamed as the group entered the small group living room, "I told you no James! You've been very silly today" Margret answered calmly as she pushed the button for the lift.

James made a weird whining noise as he entered the old lift, Chris heard another scream as walked towards the stairs this time it sounded more girly "omg that was an epic kill!" The middle aged male looked around and spotted a thin, lanky girl sporting a pair of broken glasses sitting in an armchair, "you still walking all over them Becky?" Chris said with a chuckle as he noticed she was wearing her trusty purple micro-headset "yeah were trouncing them today, feel free to join in on your laptop now I've fixed it" she said without looking away from her laptop screen.

"Will do after I've sorted this new stuff out" the lanky male answered as he climbed the stairs to his second floor flat he managed to make it up the 13 steps quite quickly, he stumbled into his flat after having to barge the door open yet again "damn door" he muttered as he kicked it closed behind him. He tromped over to the couch and laid his purchases on it before turning and moving into kitchen picking up his laptop along the way, once in the kitchen he cleaned a mug and filled up the kettle "nothing better than a cup of tea to warm me up" he said with a smile as he opened up his laptop and woke it up from its sleep.

'I think I'll join Becky after all as soon as I make my cup of tea' he thought to himself as he waited for the kettle to boil he quickly stripped off his wet clothes choosing to keep his boxer shorts on. There was a loud click as the kettle finished boiling the water inside it, Chris turned and poured the hot liquid into his mug when it instantly turned brown form the teabag he'd thrown inside, he quickly added two cubes of sugar and gave his tea a stir before carrying the mug and his laptop into the living room.

He flopped onto the worn armchair with a thump managing not to spill a drop of tea as she lay his laptop on his lap, joining Becky's game and grabbing his headset so he could chat to the other players, "hey guys guess who's up for some domination" he said with a chuckle as he kitted his on screen character out with a new weapon and joined in with the battle. He took a sip of his tea as his character swung his sword at a medium sized zombie, "go on my son" he said with a grin as his character defeated the groaning zombie by stabbing it through the heart "yes, finally!", he said as suddenly noticed the little light on his phone that signalled a message, he pressed the mute button on his headset as he grabbed the phone and pressed the little button. "You have one message, 'hey Chris I've had to drive over to my mother's early to help her put with dinner, left your favourite meal in the microwave see you soon loves Sandra". Chris smiled as he deleted the message and placed the phone back on its little table "that means I've got the flat to myself tonight hehe", he finished his cup of tea and shuffled toward the kitchen.

He lurched into the kitchen looking towards the microwave as he walked over the cool floor and places his mug in the sink ready to wash later, he turns back around and presses a few buttons on the microwave which made a beep as it turned on and started to heat the bowl of stew inside it. Chris shuffled back into the living room to check his laptop he looked at the screen to find he character had been killed by something, "darn it I'm away for 5 minutes and something kills me" he says with a sigh as he stretches his arms, he freezes as he looks towards the pile of purchases on the couch. He slowly walks over to the couch, a light green glow coming from the books gem that made the surrounding objects look rather ghoulish.

"What on earth?" he exclaims as he picks up the glowing book and opens it to find a passage in bright red script 'Please be careful to pronounce the words properly in the spells contained within, otherwise the spell may go wrong or any change may be made permanent'. Chris raises his eyebrows and flicks through the first few pages "spells eh? This probably one of those fake spell books they sell to people on Halloween", he says with a chuckle as he reads some of the smaller passages, he quickly decides to try one for a laugh he settled on a teleportation spell that stated he had to say the words aloud while thinking of the place he wanted to go "let's see... eon casa de loppa". As soon as he said the words aloud he was engulfed in the green light he closed his at the sudden brightness, the light toned down and he opened his eyes to find himself in his kitchen "wow it actually worked" he said in surprise as the microwave beeped at him signalling that his food was ready.

As soon as he'd eaten his stew which was lovely as always, he placed his bowl in the sink with his mug and shuffled back into the living room, he clicked on the light to see the pages of the mysterious magic book better 'so I wonder what else this book can offer' he thought as he flicked through the faded pages. He flicked over the page to find a spell written in bright purple ink titled growth spell "well I can guess what this spell does" he said with a chuckle as he looked around for something that he could use the spell on, his eyes fell on the small vivarium on top of the chest of drawers that contained Sandra's breeding pair of leopard geckos.

Chris walked over the glass cage and gently picked up one of the curiously patterned yellow lizards, "I could never tell which one of you was which Leon and Sophia" he said as he laid the small lizard on the floor where is crawled around in a circle "o.k. let's see cara neomi kiao potof". A few minutes pass before the leopard gecko glows orange and the small creature starts to grow, Chris watched with wonder as the small lizard grew to the size of a large dog, it's muscles shifting and moulding themselves to the new shape, the glow subsides as the gecko stands on its hind legs as if it could walk on two legs all along. "Wow that was weird but cool". Chris blushed a little as he looked over the newly grown lizard, he now established it was the female from the two breasts covered with scales that protruded from her cream coloured chest, the confused gecko looked around so something to cover herself with "what happened to me?" she said shyly, her cheeks turning pink as she covered herself with the blanket that was laid over the couch.

"Oh my god you can talk!" the startled male yelled before clamping his hands over his mouth, secretly hoping that no one could hear this weird conversation. The confused lizard looked at Chris with a smile "this feels weird being this big, everything looks different", she said looking all over the apartment. Suddenly there was a knock on the door 'oh god how do I explain this?' Chris thought as walked to the front door and opened it a crack "hello?", he said as he recognised the shock of spiky brown hair "oh hello James to what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked the small brat.

James smirked at him and pointed inside the apartment "I heard some weird noises so I came downstairs to see what it was", he said as if he'd planned to come downstairs anyway. "Oh that was my friend here falling over as she was trying on her new costume" Chris replied thinking fast to try explain the anthro lizard that was clearly visible through the gap in the door, "wow that's a wicked costume! It looks so real" James said as he pushed the door open a little more. The confused lizard smiled and gave the child a little wave, trying desperately not to drop the blanket covering her modesty.

After gawping at the gecko for a few minutes James down at the floor, his cheeks tinged light pink, he suddenly noticed a small piece of paper beside Chris's foot "what's that?" he asked quizzically. Chris bent down and picked up the scrap of paper quickly reading the tiny writing "I can't really read it, the writing is tiny" he said with a chuckle as he looks at the paper a little closer, "atembo got kial oh" he says a little slowly and a soft green light lifts up from the paper and attaches itself to James then tugs him past Chris, over the couch and stops the brat right in front of the lizard. The bright light then engulfs them both and disappears just as quickly as it appeared, "what on earth happened?" Chris muttered as he looked over to the lizard, whom had now shrunk a little and a shock of spiky brown hair had grown on top of her head. "What the...how did I shrink?" the gecko questioned as she ran her clawed fingers through her new hair, "I think the spell merged you with James" Chris offered as it was the only thing he could think of. The anthro gecko looked towards him with a panicked expression "oh no I don't want to stay like this, is there a way to undo the spell?" the now smaller gecko said shakily, Chris quickly looked at the scrap of paper searching for anything that looked like a counter spell, forgetting the door was wide open.

"Have you seen James, Chris?" Margret called as she walked through the open door seeming to ignore the anthro gecko in front of her, "err he was just here Margret but you missed him" Chris replied with a slight stutter as he looked at the paper closely hoping he could un-attach the brat form the female gecko, "let's see what if I say it again... atembo got kial oh" the light re- appeared and attached to Margret's hand and pulled her closer to the lizard "what on earth?" the middle aged woman exclaimed as she was engulfed by the light. The light quickly disappeared revealing a taller, and slightly fatter gecko and a dazed James. "What...?" James said groggily as he stood up and made his way to the door, "James don't go far mate your mom's looking for you" Chris shouted after the child as he disappeared into the hallway.

Chris quickly looked back to the scrap of paper in his hand "oh god how to fix this..." he said nervously as the gecko surveyed her new shape, "I like this one she's taller, but I don't like this" she said holding her now bloated belly. "Welcome to every middle aged human's world my gecko friend" Chris said with a chuckle as he tried to read a bit of red text on the paper, "okay let's try this... kilt mila hesp ui" a yellow glow engulfs the anthro lizard suddenly then disappears. As Chris's eyes readjust he sees a distressed Margret run past him "James where are you?!" she yelled as she ran out of the open door, Chris watched her run down the hallway "it seems that whoever the spell merges with you forgets being merged" he exclaimed.

"Well at least I turn back to normal, well as normal as I can be after they get un-merged from me" the girly lizard stated as she surveyed her normal flat belly, Chris looked at the gecko and then to the scrap of paper "this spell is outstanding... I wonder if it would work through walls". Chris said with a grin as he thought of his teenage next door neighbour Sandra and her long luscious locks of blond hair, also her thin but curvy body would probably make the lizard look rather sexy. "Why don't you try it Chris?" the anthro gecko asked, she was rather curious as to what Chris was thinking as he recited the spell again.

"Please work, atembo got kial oh" Chris muttered as the light re-appeared once more and flew through the wall, the wall and the girly gecko glowed brightly as the spell went to work. The light disappeared slowly revealing the much more sexy figure of the lizard, her breasts having grown about two sizes and a mane of luscious blond hair came cascading down from her head. "Wow, I really like this human's shape" the lizard exclaimed as she ran her scaly hand over her new assets, "I can't believe it worked through the wall... you look really sexy" Chris muttered to himself as he got a little over excited .

"Did you say something Chris?" the anthro gecko asked blushing bright red as she realised she had let go of the blanket that was covering her, "oh it was nothing" Chris answered as his cheeks turned red, his hand slipping down to cover the bulge in his boxer shorts. He quickly re-read the counter spell "kilt mila hesp ui" he said a little shakily, the gecko glowing bright before the light disappears and her body is back to normal again with no visible side effects.

"Err would you like a cup of tea or something miss?" Chris said forgetting the name that his girlfriend had given her pet gecko, "Isabelle, and I'll just have some milk please Chris" the anthro gecko replied as she picked up the blanket to cover herself once again. Chris shuffled into the kitchen and opened the fridge grabbing the little pint bottle of milk before deciding to take some eggs out for later, he placed the carton of eggs on the kitchen counter and twirled around back in the living room where Isabelle had sat down on the empty chair.

"Here you go finish this bottle off I'll get some more later" Chris said handing the lizard the bottle helping her to hook her claw through the handle to hold it better, "thanks Chris" Isabelle said with a smile as she unscrewed the top of the bottle easily and took a swig. Chris sat on the arm of the couch as he flicked through the magic book "this book has got everything...growing spells, transforming spells, cleaning spells and loads more" Chris said as he leafed through the pages, "Chris, can I ask a question?" Isabelle said quizzically before taking another sip of the milk.

"Err... sure go ahead" he said closing the book, laying the scrap of paper on top of it, "are you going to change me back?, you know to my proper size" she asked innocently. Chris thought for a moment looking at the anthro gecko but his thinking was cut short by a knock on the still open door, "maid service Mr Chris" the attractive 30 something, woman exclaimed with a smile as she waltz into the apartment shutting the door behind her and placed a pile of towels on top of the cupboard. "Thank you Julie, you always know when I need more towels" Chris said with a chuckle as he stood up to greet the maid, "ah a good maid always knows when her customers need things" Julie replied as she noticed the anthro lizard sitting on the couch.

"Oh Julie this is my friend, she trying out her new costume for a play she's performing" Chris explained hurriedly so the maid didn't get the wrong impression, "oh nice to meet you, I'm so glad that Chris has found someone nice" Julie said with a nervous giggle as she surveyed the lizards youthful body. "Oh we are not together Julie" Chris said as he tried to hide his excitement, Julie chuckled as she noticed the magic book in Chris's hand "is that one of them romance novels?" she asked as Chris pulled it in front of him. "No it's a magic book, want to see it in action?" he said with a stutter as he had a sneaky look at the scrap of paper, "o.k. show me some magic then" Julie said with a smile as Isabelle stood up to see what spell Chris would use.

"Alright... atembo got kial oh" Chris muttered as the green light re-appeared again flying straight into Julie's stomach and pulling her close to Isabelle, the light getting really bright then disappearing. Chris blinks a few times to find Isabelle has grown a little taller and her breasts have grown in size again, he blushes bright red and places a hand over the bulge in his boxer shorts. "Wow.. I feel really weird with this human's body" Isabelle said with a smile as she stroked her hands over her new assets her stripped tail swishing behind her, "what sort of weird?" Chris asked curiously as he admired her new shape. "I don't know...I feel hot, and I really feel like I want to have some eggs" the anthro gecko said with a grin as she eyed up Chris's bulge, "eggs? Wait a sec I have some in the kitchen" Chris muttered as he tried to move towards the kitchen.

Isabelle had other plans, grabbing him by the waist and pulling him close "no not those eggs, I want eggs of my own" she whispered in his ear as she ran her hand over his boxer shorts. Chris let out a soft whimper as the anthro lizard stroked his boxer shorts "rrreally? What's come over you were really shy a minute ago", he said with a soft groan as the lizard pulled down his boxer shorts revealing his stiff member.

"I think it's this human, she is really making me feel weird" Isabelle said as a matter of factly as she stroked her scaly hand over Chris exposed member, "it looks like you feel weird too Chris" the lizard whispered into his ear as she pulled away from him. "I am... I'm sorry it's just your body is so beautiful.. I couldn't stop it.." he said twirling around to find Isabelle on all fours with her tail wrapping around his waist.

"No matter this is good, now you can help me get eggs of my own" she said with a grin as Chris took a step towards her, Chris couldn't help but step forward as the geckos powerful tail pulled him to her. "But but..." he started to say but the lizard had pulled him right up against her, his throbbing manhood poking against her butt cheek. Isabelle decided to help him along by unwrapping her tail from his waist and pushing her butt against his member "come on male human, give me the eggs I desire" she said with a soft moan, Chris blushed bright red as the gecko rubbed against him. "Well.. if you're sure..." he said as he leaned back letting his member slide down to her waiting vagina, "mmm of course I'm sure Chris, now take me" Isabelle said with a whimper as Chris lid his cock into her folds.

"Oh god you're so warm" Chris moaned as he slowly slid his member into her folds, her warm walls squeezing at his cock as his crotch pressed against her bottom. He gently pulled back a little then pushed back in, repeating this movement making his member slide in and out of her. "Oh mmnn it feels better than I ever imagined, go faster please Chris" Isabelle groaned as she felt Chris member sliding in and out of her, she curls her tail around his waist once more and lightly strokes the tip of her tail over his butt cheeks.

Chris wasted no time in speeding up his thrust as Isabelle had told him, his cock sliding into her with a slurping sound as he thrust into her a little harder. "Oh man this feels awesome Isabelle" Chris said with a groan as he pushed himself in and out of her wet passage, his member spurting some pre into her as he got more and more into it. "Ahh yes please do it harder!" Isabelle shouted before moaning loudly as Chris did a particularly hard trust, Chris grunted as he placed his hands on her hips thrusting his cock harder into her wet pussy.

"Ahh ohh Isabelle I'm getting close" Chris grunted loudly as he quickened his thrusts, his tip prodding at the entrance to her womb a he pushed his cock in hard. "Ohh yess go on Chris, give me your eggs" Isabelle moaned loudly pushing herself against him as he thrust all the way into her. "Ahh fuck..." Chris exclaimed as he spurted his seed deep inside of the gecko's pussy, humping himself into her as his orgasm subsided and the last of his cum dribbled out of his cock.

They both moaned softly as Chris gently pulled his member out of the lizard's pussy, he panted softly then sort realised what he'd just done and ran to the bathroom. "Oh god what just happened? I should have controlled myself" Chris said shakily as he cleaned himself up and slipped on a pair of boxer shorts from the radiator, he shuffled out of the bathroom, his face bright red. As he rounded the corner he saw Isabelle getting up and sitting back on the couch and covering herself as if nothing happened and a disorientated Julie sitting on the floor, "err thanks Julie for checking for mice but as you can see there is none in sight" Chris said with a stutter as he helped Julie up and out the door.

"Err okay then I'll check again next week, the little blighter seem to be popping up everywhere" Julie replied before tottering off down the hallway, Chris gently shut the door after the maid and sighed as he walked over to the corner to pick up the magic book and the scrap of paper. "Chris?..." Isabelle started, "yyyes?" Chris stuttered as he looked into the anthro gecko's eyes. "Did something happen?" she asked innocently as she looked to the magic book then into his eyes, Chris smiled a little as he thought to himself 'oh god she doesn't remember what just happened is that good or bad?'.

"Err nope the maid was just looking for mice under the couch and stuff" Chris said as calmly as he could, getting up as he heard a knock at the door, "oh I see teehee" Isabelle giggled as she watched Chris answer the door, magic book in hand. "Hello?" Chris said as he opened the door to find a burly builder standing there holding a piece of wood, "hello sir I'm here to inform you that we are going o start some building work outside the building and it may get a little noisy" the builder said gruffly.

"Oh thank you for informing Mr..?" Chris said with a smile, "Alan sir, and thanks for your co-operation on this matter", Alan said with a chuckle as he noticed Chris holding the magic book. "What's that you're holding? Not one of those Twilight books I hope" Pete said with a frown as he pulled the book from Chris's fingers, "it's a magic book actually Pete" Chris said with a chuckle as he watched the builder try to read the scrap of paper. "Magic eh? Mind if I give it a whirl?" Pete asked Chris as he read through the tiny writing on the paper, "go right ahead Pete my friend" Chris replied knowing full well what would happen.

Pete stepped into the apartment so he could use the light to see the text a little better "here we go I think I've got it... atsembo gotta kial ohr", Chris turned from closing the door to see the builder disappear in a flash of light. Chris blinked a few times and looked to Isabelle who had stood up revealing that her body had become much more muscular and she even sported a new addition in the form of a medium length member. "Err I think the spell went wrong.." Chris stuttered as he noticed that Isabelle had also gained some shiny nipple rings as well, the now masculine looking gecko walked over to him and grabbed him by his waist. "Hehe I really like this human's shape and his thinking too" the muscled lizard said gruffly as she looked down at her new addition "you and me are going to have some fun little man..." she said pulling the smaller human to her and kissing him passionately on his soft lips...

The end?

Thankies so much for reading my story

bbg <3