Chrissie's coming of age pt 1

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#1 of Chrissie's coming of age.

A half-human, half-feline alien known as a "Caitan" ins coming of age and there are certain ritualistic things her father needs to do to her before she reaches her 12th birthday.

"Dear? We need to talk, " my wife said as she came into the living room and sat down next to me.

"You look so serious, " I said to her. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes and no." She took one of my hands in hers and gazed deeply into my eyes. Her ears twitched slightly which meant she was nervous about what she was going to say. Glancing at her tail, she was doing all she could to keep it still but even then it writhed around like it had a mind of its own. She sighed deeply, then started her tale. "As you know, it's K'risi's birthday in a few days and she will be turning 12 which is a significant age for our people. This is the age when a child becomes a full member of our society and there's a ritual that needs to take place. It's very important that this happens and even though K'risi is half-human and she's has grown up in the human world this is a necessary part of her development."

"Okay, you've got me intrigued. So what's the problem?"

"This goes back to when our people were still nomadic hunters. A girl's 12th birthday represented the time she would become a breeding female even if she wouldn't conceive a child for another several years. There would be a ceremony that is usually not done anymore except by the most devout of our people or for the girls that still need it. In many cases, now that we've adapted to modern life a lot of girls don't go through this and I had hoped that K'risi, being half-human and all, wouldn't show the signs but she has. I'm sure you've noticed that she's a lot moodier and one moment she's acting kittenish towards you while the next she's spitting in your face?"

"Yeah, but that's just a normal teenage phase isn't it?"

"For your people yes, and again since she was half-human I thought that maybe that was all that it was but she has the mark which means she's still Caitan and she will need to go through this. If she doesn't she could be in a lot of trouble."

"Okay, you've made your point. She has to have this ceremony and if not bad stuff will happen but you still haven't told me what this is all about and I'm kinda worried right now."

"I know this might be a little difficult for you to hear but you, as her father, needs to mate with her on her 12th birthday."

"I'm sorry what?" I said, stunned with this revelation. "What the hell do you mean I need to mate with her?"

"As her father, protector and leader of her tribe the duty falls to you to usher her into full womanhood. For most Caitan that don't follow the old ways and don't need to have the ceremony, this is done symbolically with a big party, presents and a non-sexual ritual. K'risi however is showing the signs and has the mark, she will need you and your seed or risk physically being a child forever." P'rin sighed deeply and shook her head. "I don't know all the details except that when this happens, a daughter needs to take her father's seed inside her before her body can make the transformation into a woman. I had to do it, my mother had to do it and it's been that way in our family since the beginning."

"But I can't. She's our daughter, I mean there must be another way, " I protested.

"Darling, there isn't. The tantrums she's having now will only continue to get worse, her mind and body will not develop properly unless this is done. I've already spoken to her about this and like all Caitans, she's actually eager to start. And you're going to need to start tonight."

"Oh hell, seriously? Why did it take so long for you to tell me this if I have to start right away? Sorry, it's not your fault, this is just a little more information than I was ready for tonight. I think I'm going to need a drink and you're going to need to tell me what to do."

I poured myself a double shot and downed it immediately. I was tempted to pour myself another but felt that I should still have a clear enough head about all this. P'rin waited until I was back, wrinkled her nose slightly at the smell of the whisky I had drank then told me what needed to be done.

"Tonight, and for the next few nights until her birthday you will need to go to her room and help her prepare for this. Don't worry, I will be there to direct you should need be and to help prepare you should you need. Tonight, and every night until the ceremony she will need to take your seed orally. This will attune her body to your biology. Then, on the night of her birthday, you will mate with her. Now, come, " she held out her hand and when I took it she half-led / half-pulled me to Chrissie's room.

P'rin knocked on Chrissie's door and announced that we were there and for her to get ready. She opened the door and the first thing to hit me was the funk that seemed to permeate her room. Caitans have a distinctive smell when they're aroused but this was just intense and the worst part about it, it was turning me on something fierce. She was currently lying naked on her bed, one hand playing with her pussy while the other tweaked her nipples.

"Mommy! Daddy!" she mewed. "Please help me, I can't stop!"

"That's the hormones in your body making you do this K'risi. Your father is here to help prepare you." Upon saying those words, P'rin undid my belt and helped me out of my pants. My traitorous dick, freed from the confines of my underwear and sensing a willing and able female close by started getting erect. The effect on Chrissie was immediate, she stopped her masturbating and lay there transfixed by my rapidly growing member. Her tail twitched back and With a predatory growl she leapt at me, but was stopped by a word.

"T'klat!" P'rin shouted and Chrissie landed on the floor next to her mother, her ears flat against her head and her tail held down in a position of submission. P'rin looked at me and said, "sit on the bed and don't speak no matter what happens next. Our daughter is deeply into the blood fever and we need to work quickly."

I sat on the bed as requested and watched as P'rin removed her clothes to stand there gloriously naked in front of both of us. She kneeled down next to Chrissie and started to groom her as a mother cat does to her kittens by licking her. This had always had a calming effect on Chrissie since she was a baby but it wasn't something typically one did to a young girl on the cusp of becoming a woman. Bit by bit, Chrissie started to relax, then her eyes closed and she started to purr.

P'rin led her to me so they were both at eye level to my dick. P'rin would demonstrate with me what Chrissie needed to do then motioned for her to do so. And so, P'rin brought her nose into my crotch and started sniffing at me, inhaling my scent and rubbing my erection against her cheek. Chrissie did the same, mimicking her mother in every way. I couldn't help but compare the two against each other.

P'rin, a full blooded Caitan female looked a lot like a human sized tabby cat with the appropriate human fingers, breasts and a face halfway between a cat and a human. Her ears sat on top of her head, she had a tail and soft fur all over her body. Chrissie had the same ears, tails and colouring as her mother but she had little in the way of fur, except around her ears, tail, hands and feet which always meant it looked like she was wearing gloves and socks. She had smaller fangs than her mother but did share the golden cat-eyes that all Caitan had.

P'rin licked at my dick and thankfully this was where the comparison to cats ended because her tongue did not feel like sandpaper. No, it was a little rough but had the texture of a soft terry towel instead. Chrissie did the same, but her tongue was just as soft as any human woman's. P'rin repeated the process on the other side and Chrissie again mirrored what her mother did.

Part of me wanted to cry out, to stop this but the smell in the air and the threat of what could happen to our daughter kept my mouth in check. The licking turned to alternately kissing and licking the head. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to enjoy what was happening. Soon the kissing and the licking turned to full on sucking of the head then bobbing up and down on it and finally taking as much of it into the mouth while sucking and running their tongue over it.

I felt my orgasm rising and had to keep my eyes closed. The sight of my dick disappearing into my daughter's mouth was enough to make me lose part of my erection even with all the physical stimulation and pheromones in the room. I kept repeating P'rin's name in my mind over and over again, picturing her bobbing her head on my dick as she had done when we were first dating, thinking back to all the crazy sex we had had in the past and finally reached the point of no return.

I came with a loud grunt, blasting semen down my daughter's throat as P'rin held our daughter's head in place and made her swallow every drop. Then they alternated licking me clean. I felt sick and without meaning to tears came to my eyes. Even if this was a cultural thing that Chrissie needed, I felt like I had violated my daughter.

I heard Chrissie's voice come from far away, "what just happened?" she asked.

"As we discussed earlier, you took your first step in becoming a woman. It is now imperative that up until your 12th birthday you swallow your father's seed at least once a day. If ever you feel yourself getting overly excited and needing to play with yourself as you were before we came in, you must come see your father immediately. It doesn't matter if this is late at night or in the middle of the day."

"Okay Mom, " Chrissie nodded her head before looking up at me. "Daddy? Are you okay?" she said when she saw I had been crying.

I wiped the tears away and said, "I'm fine honey, just feeling a little out of my depth here. I'm just a human and don't always understand how you cat-ladies work." I held out my arms and she jumped up, sat on my lap and we hugged. Right now it didn't matter that my daughter was naked and her sex was currently leaking into my crotch. All that mattered was she was going to be okay.

"Thank you Daddy. I love you, " she whispered in my ear.

"Love you too kitten, " I replied as I stroked her bare back which caused her to start to purr again and everything was once again right with the world.

"Okay, " I said giving her a gentle swat on the bum and pulling back, "you need to take a shower then get ready for bed. Kittens need their rest and you're still my kitten for the next few days at least."

Chrissie giggled, gave me a kiss on the cheek and padded off to the bathroom to take a shower. When she left, I sighed heavily and flopped back on the bed feeling totally drained by what had just transpired. P'rin reached down and with only minimal effort pulled me off the bed, collected our clothes and brought me back to our bedroom.

She regarded me with curiosity, her tail twitching back and forth but I couldn't tell if she was angry, concerned or if there was something else going on. She marched up to me, placed her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately, her terry towel tongue probing and wrestling with my own. She started to purr and rubbed against me, her need now plainly obvious.

"I need you now, " she breathed into my ear. "Your musky scent filled my nose, the taste of your arousal aroused me and seeing K'risi take you in her mouth reminded me of when I did the same to my father all those years ago."

I slid my hand down her body to her hip and she raised her leg to give me access. She wasn't kidding and was currently dripping with excitement. She moaned as my fingers passed over her puffy outer lips before giving a slight 'mrowl' as they slipped inside. She closed her eyes and just humped at my hand, her hips seemingly working with a mind of their own.

Looking at me through half-lidded eyes she whispered, "please, don't make me wait any longer, " before once again kissing me deeply.

Picking her up, I placed her on the bed and gazed down at the perfection that was her body. While she looked good before we were married, she looked so much better now. Her youthful frame had filled out with womanly curves, her stomach toned and taut, her entire body like a coiled spring yet able of such amazing tenderness. She growled slightly at my hesitation followed by an almost petulant, "please". I leaned down and kissed her hard on the lips, her arms and legs immediately going around me and preventing me from moving.

"I have you now, " she whispered saucily and I'm not letting you go until you've pleasured me. Her hot, wet sex was grinding into my crotch but it had been too soon since shooting my load down Chrissie's throat so I wasn't ready.

"Humans and your lack of stamina, very well, " she reached down between us and gave my dick a couple of rubs while smearing her juices all over her hand. She brought it back up and held her hand which was practically dripping with her juices in front of my face. The smell alone was enough to light a fire in my belly but we both knew that what really counted was the taste.

Caitan females had a reputation of screwing anything that had a working penis which could explain why their vaginal juices were a powerful aphrodisiac to anything with a working penis. She ran her finger over her lips, coating them with her lubrication then brought my head down for a kiss. As we shared her juices, I started to feel energised and not only did my penis come back to life, I felt like I could screw for hours.

With an almost animalistic growl I thrust into her which caused her to mrowl in surprise. I fucked her with a slow, steady rhythm. Each thrust was met with a thrust of her own as she used her powerful legs to lift her hips off the bed and meet me part way.

"I love your smooth human penis, " she moaned. "I was right to choose you for my mate all those years ago." She drew herself up to kiss me then gently licked and nibbled at my neck and shoulder. Occasionally I felt her claws come out but she was careful not to break the skin.

"You just love me because you love humans and our lack of fur, " I chided her as I pumped in and out of her.

"Mmmmm, such beautiful naked skin, " she said as she stroked my chest lovingly. A small gasp escaped her lips which made me smile because she was even more beautiful when she was enjoying getting fucked. She smiled as well but it soon turned predatory. "And not at all fragile like I had originally thought." With those words she flipped me over until she was now on top and I was still inside her. Her body stretched out over top of me and she started to purr while sniffling at and licking my neck. "You smell so good, I don't know why you smell so good tonight."

My hands reached down and grabbed hold of her butt before squeezing. P'rin let out a moan and bore down on my dick. Getting the hint she started to move her hips and we started fucking one more time.

Her tits hung down and swung lazily back and forth as she rode me. I reached up and grabbed a double handful, taking care to tickle her nipples which caused her to gasp and grind even harder into me. Lifting myself up I took one of her nipples in my mouth and ravished it with my tongue. Rolling it around in my mouth, I alternated sucking and licking at it.

"That's my kitten, " she mewled. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her tail thrashing back and forth which meant she was getting close. She usually didn't climax this quickly so I guess seeing Chrissie suck on my dick earlier turned her on a lot more than she wanted to admit. Taking advantage of the situation I scraped my teeth across the surface of the nipple in my mouth while twisting the other one. That was all it took and she cried out as she climaxed before hungrily attacking my mouth and kissing me passionately.

She slowed down and rode out her orgasm before sliding off my cock and curling up next to me. She nuzzled at my cheek and rubbed her cheek against me. This was one of the ways that Caitan females marked what they felt was theirs and P'rin would always do this after she climaxed. Her hand ran down my chest and continued until she grabbed hold of my still rock hard member and slowly pumped it a few times.

"Do you want to finish inside me, or would you prefer me to swallow your seed?"

"Inside you of course, although I would never fault a hungry kitty for wanting to swallow, " I said with a leer.

"It's a good thing that my nether lips are hungry for you today, that means we both get what we want." She rolled over onto her stomach, her tail lifted and revealing her dripping pussy. My eyes were drawn to it but also to her glorious asshole. Grinning with mischief I positioned myself behind her and slid into her pussy. I lubed up one of my fingers and slowly started to work on her asshole, getting it all nice and slick before slowly pushing my finger in. She moaned at the intrusion of my finger and clamped down on it but didn't ask me to remove it.

"Relax kitten, " I said softly to her. "Just let the finger do its thing." She relaxed and soon I was fingering her ass. Pulling the finger out and twisting it slowly back in. She was thrashing a bit on the bed now, clawing at the sheets and biting her pillow to keep from moaning too loudly. I returned my fingers to her pussy and this time inserted two fingers. Her entire body went stiff and she tried to hump back against me in opposition to my thrusts.

Finally, when she had been loosened and lubed up enough I withdrew and pressed up against her asshole. She reached back, pulling her ass cheeks apart to grant me easier entry. Then I slipped past her entry and we both groaned with pleasure until I bottomed out and my balls were resting against her pussy.

We stayed that way for just a moment while we got used to the feeling. She was incredibly tight and a lot hotter back there. I didn't think I would be able to last long but that was okay. She had already had an orgasm and with luck she'd do so again before I was done. It was now just an exercise in patience to see which one of us would cum first.

I started to fuck her ass and from the way she was carrying on I knew she didn't have far to go. It didn't take long before I felt a familiar tightness in my balls and knew I was close. P'rin was going out of her mind and had gone beyond words to just wailing like a cat in heat. Her tail was thrashing about so hard I felt it would smack me in the face before too long. Her wails rose in intensity until she crested and with her entire body shuddering she orgasmed again. That was all I needed to push me over the top as well and I painted her insides with my spunk.

I withdrew from her ass, we had made a bit of a mess on the sheets and there was a bit of santorum as well as a mixture of her juices and my cum in a puddle under her.

"I think we're going to have to throw the sheets in the wash, " I said as I held my currently purring wife in my arms.

"Yes you will, " P'rin said giving me an arch look. "That's your punishment for putting it in my ass without permission. So either you clean the sheets, or I fuck your ass with a strap on. It's only fair."

"Yeah, I'll do the laundry."

"Good boy, " she said kissing me deeply before getting up and heading to the shower to get cleaned off. I stripped the sheets from the bed and threw them in the sonic. They'd be cleaned, sterilised and de-odorised in about 20 minutes which was more than enough time to join P'rin in the shower and get cleaned up myself.

P'rin looked at me when I entered the stall as if to ask if I wanted another go but I just shook my head. I just wanted to get cleaned up, scrub her back and then go to sleep on some nice, clean sheets. That's not to say we didn't fool around a bit. You can't get naked with your wife in the shower and not fool around even if you've already had sex. There's just a lot of soapy touching and feeling that goes on during that time.

Stepping out of the shower we towelled off, got all dried and by the time we were finished the sonic dinged and the sheets were cleaned.

As we lay down and snuggled before going to sleep I asked her, "can you tell me tomorrow what else is expected of me where Chrissie is concerned?"

"Yes, " she said with a cute little yawn. We will discuss this with K'risi tomorrow. But now it is time for this cat to go to sleep. Good night." And with those words she kissed me and settled in to go to sleep. It didn't take long before we were both out.