The Second Crossing

Story by Leerrii U. Narsith on SoFurry

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#1 of The Second Crossing, Prelude Ch. 00

The Second Crossing

Author: Leerrii U. Narsith


Upon the heaped concrete jungle of one of North America's great metropolis lays one of Central Security's regional Headquarters. A time when well over 70% of all available land mass is inhabited by humans and the other by Central citizens.

Driving within Neo Denver on his way to work a young dragon, by the name of Leerrii, sat idly cursing at traffic caught at red light. His black work van trimmed with the normal red and green emergency light bar with matching built in strobes between the running lights. He contemplates just turning them on and blasting through the light but decides not to, not wanting to deal with Sara and her "acidic" tongue.

Just then, he jumps as he hears a splat right against the driver side window.

Someone just threw his child's dirty diaper at him. Furious he looks over seeing no skid marks or damage he rolls down the window to yell at the offending creature.

"What in Draco's name are you doing?" He barks at the human in the four-seater next to him.

"Get outta here! This is our planet!" The guy yells back.

"Whatever..." I say as the lights turn green leaving them in my dust. I just continue onward back to the massive obsidian pyramid I call home. Its ebony glass base spans a mile square, and that is not mentioning the some odd several miles that is just the palace grounds and palisades. It is quite an opposing sight.

"ID please?" The young lupine asks in an authoritative tongue. Obviously right out of 'The Grinder', she stills appears to be in her late teens and doesn't have the dress code down right.

"Oh! Err... Sorry... My mind was in the clouds..." I hand over the ID card, scintillating in the morning sunlight.

"Well, sir. You should take your head out of the clouds, because you nearly ran me over!"

Yelling at the top of her lungs, she reaches inside the small but well fortified guards shack and flips the switch. Normally CT's walls would be down allowing free range and use of the forested areas... Nevertheless, some of the locals are not too happy with us right now and have done several hundreds of credits in damage alone... One of the massive partitions marked 'Gate 3' at two stories tall (just two-thirds of the walls total height) begins it's decent into the ground allowing passage for incoming and out going traffic. After receiving my ID and a seething glare, I continue in having to turn off the radio as the music might cause the relay's to trip and the facilities alarm to sound. Being the Base Commander sometimes, I kick myself for using music as an alarm instead of a normal klaxon, but I leave those for outside the complex to let the rest of the world know that someone pissed off the wasp nest.

Again, the front row parking is full and some stupid Ensign left her P.P.A. (Patrol Power Armor) in the handicapped zone. I promptly find a spot, park and grab my duffel making sure I lock it down this time, not wanting a relapse of the last incident... Then again, I don't mind the smell. Just before I enter, I put on my headphones but keeping just low enough so the relays do not pick it up, then I head in passing both off duty and on the clock personnel. Deciding to be slightly evil I sneak up to the reception desk give a wink to Lilly, our resident Occicooniger and slip in without another soul knowing.

Setting down my pack, opening up the arms locker, and grabbing an ES-M17A and a few riot clips, being nothing more than a glorified paint ball gun with each round filled with compound ES-22A. Goo with the rough consistency of dish soap, the stickiness of freshly chewed bubblegum in your hair and the burning of tear gas mixed with the same itching qualities of poison ivy. I then proceed to find the erring pilot and any others who are slacking off while on duty.

It does not take me long to find her, making out with her girlfriend in one of the visitor rooms. Seeing a nice sniping point and a few furs who probably would not mind seeing the rules enforced, I take my spot on the other side of a bench that has roughly spaced every ten yards. Just as I set my scope a class of second graders comes out from around the corner I see Pvt. 1st class J. Henderson leading the little ones acting as their guardian. She sees me in time to stop a few of them from crossing into my field of fire, and upon seeing the kids, the rest of the activity in the hallway comes a screeching yet utterly silent halt. All eyes on me, unfortunately alerting my quarry.

"Mimi do you hear that?" One of the two vixens asks obviously having trouble speaking due to her mate cuddling her and having a paw creeping slowly below her waistband.

"Hear what? The silence? Maybe we got an audience. You know how that turns me on." The pilot giggles getting a bit friskier.

"Hey I'm serious, I think... Gasp!" Her sentence suddenly cut off as that paw found its way to her genital region.

"Think what Amy? We won't get caught; no one has used these rooms for three weeks now." Looking at her mate mischievously as she starts to run her middle finger between her lower lips.

"Mmmmm... Hey what's that red dot on your ass?"

Perfect! Just barely squeezing the trigger, I let off a single round. Piff! Moreover, a yelp of pain and indignation as my report that I hit my mark. The Furs around me explode into heavy applause, telling the two inside the room that not only that they were caught but that they are also in deep shit. I walk around the bench after giving those in attendance a bow, and step into the doorway just enough to lean on the doorframe letting the weapon come to rest against my shoulder with the safety on. Both Ensign's looking at me shocked, one using the wall for support with most of her uniform undone and the other on the floor whimpering in pain trying not to itch the spot on her left flank now dyed a nice bright neon day glow green.

"Who the hell are you?" Asks the one on the wall.

"Oh. I didn't know your were so high and mighty. Well let me rearrange your current perception. My name is Leerrii U. Narsith; my rank is Atma Class Soul Knight. In addition, I am the Base Commander. So if either of think you gonna get off easily you got another thing coming." Once Again adopting my acting nice but being pissed off behind the scenes, stances.

Continuing, feeling better by the minute I proceed to hand out their punishment. Enjoying the now imminent horror now crossing their faces.

"Ahh. Ensign Mimi Phillips, you are currently on duty under Staff Sergeant E. Tanya, 2nd Class Engineer. That is a C-3 misdemeanor, Sara or I will handle you punishment later this evening. Miss Phillips, you are dismissed." I look to the vixen on the floor, trying not to let my amusement show. Noting that Miss Phillips has not left yet, I decide to increase her mate's punishment a little further.

"Well now, Ensign Amy... Emuri is it?" Upon getting the nod of the correct name, I walk over to loom menacingly. "You have committed a C-3, a C-7, a B-2, a B-1, three E-6's, Thirty-one S-1's, two A-2's and an X-13. All in total-"

"Umm, Sir?" Mimi interrupts a look of total confusion on her face.

"Yes? What is it Ensign?" A reply attached with the kind of glare that a Drill Sgt. would use to put you on the spot.

"Sorry sir, but I know only a few of those, could you please tell us what are the others are?" She asks with pure innocence on her part.

"Alright. I will, seeing on how you asked ever so nicely. I will give you the blunt version.

C-3 is doing off duty activities while on duty,

C-7 is using a facility designed for recreation while on duty,

B-1 is misusing CS equipment without permission,

B-2 is leaving CS equipment unattended,

E-6 are decisions that ended in harm/disciplinary action to the rest of you unit,

S-1 is indecent exposure to a minor,

A-2 is actions that caused harm to come to the civilian populous,


"Now that I've made myself clear, I will continue. All in total..." I speak louder to let my voice carry not only to the crowd outside but as far as the acoustics will let it. "... I will let you chose one of the three punishments that is all that is available now. The first is by far the worst and the only one you would get if there were fatalities instead of casualties, is that of dishonorable discharge." I pause for a moment to let that sink in, but before any protest could be raised, I continue. "The second, by far a lot less worse is that of retribution in the form of Ten Thousand creds or the equivalent of One Million US Dollars total, that's twenty five hundred creds or the equivalent of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollars to each of the four families." Again, I pause, this time for a breath. Finally noting the scent of fear and arousal. "The third is a precise readjustment by me as the Grand Thirteen do not have the resources or the time to handle an enable of the 'Beta Protocol'."

"Therefore ensign, you will return to you P.P.A. and return to hanger B. Where then you will dismount and be escorted to your quarters by security, and then you will wait until I arrive for your decision." I turn around to find Mimi's face contorted into that of sorrow, anger and fear. "Miss Phillips, you will return to your station and finish your shift."

Phillips: "But that's really unfair! Giving her that kind of punishment and on top of that threading her with the 'Beta Protocol' that's Inhuman!"

Emuri: "Why do you hate us, we didn't do anything to you."

Solder A: "Wow that's harsh".

Solder B: "Nah, I've heard worse. The both of them are getting off lucky."

Solder A: "But THE 'Beta Protocol'?"

Solder B: "The 'Beta Protocol' is nothing; it's just some fancy term of being ship out the Orbital Platform".

Solder A: "Now that's harsh".

Solder B: "But that's the way things are, we can't jus... What the!?"

In the corridor, an explosion is heard in the distance and the external klaxon begins it wail on the world where upon the sound on aggressive techno fills the halls. The interior lights fade to that unsettling shade of crimson, cries of panic and fear arrive on our ears from the lobby as it seems that time it self forgets to breath and slows down. Using the training instilled in me from years of strife I snap to.

"Son of a bitch! Won't they just give up already?" Upon that epithet, I calmly walk back into the lobby only to see injured furs everywhere as well as a few dead activists wearing the white bed sheets looking like wannabe ghosts and the pointy hats that were the rejects from some mage shop. I understand that world peace is good and all but why does it have to be at the expense of another species. I slam the nearest comm. panel and bring up command.

"Get all available personnel to all access points! I am declaring Condition Red! Set fighter squadron Alpha 1 through Gamma 7 on standby. Also Enable Quadratic Control and begin Firing Solutions of SOL systems Pegasus 1 through Pegasus 4, Then I want a Damage report!"

Just as the stunned technician gets jolted out of her daydream, I could hear the external Klaxon is sending their banshee wail to the heavens and horizons. Seeing the carnage, I continue through the newly expanded front door stepping over bodies and rubble I grab a comm. set and the E22-B7 clips. Looking out I see the main road all of the way to Gate 3 burning as if it were strafed with a napalm spread the gardens that the youngsters tried so hard to cultivate nothing but craters and giblets. A pair of old WW2 Tiger tanks trying to make a mess out of Gate 7 and a second pair now blasting a hole between Gate 1 and Gate 2.

"When did they get a tank division? Aww... hell. What a time for Sara to go on vacation". I bring up the command line, and cover behind an overturned pizza delivery car. "Who in the nine hell ordered pizza, I'm gonna have their hide especially for not sharing. Hell I didn't get any breakfast."

With most of the security task force and the commander running out to play in the

Latest drill that someone conceived Amy and Mimi run off into a nearby room to continue, however their cut short by several activist as they are grabbed, tied up and hauled out with several other base personnel and some of the children.

During transport the sounds of pleading, crying and cussing are filling the back of

What appears to be a cheap cargo van, but before any attempt can be made to find out the location, they are gassed...