How not to train your dragon.

Story by Zetriya on SoFurry

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A series of unrelated mistakes between a human dragon trainer named Kyra, and a powerful feral dragon named Xxyrrx.

This was intended more for humor, and yes I am implying that Kyra dies in every scene.

-Xxyrrx had slept late again. Wanting to encourage Xxyrrx to wake up on time she attempted to wake the dragon several times to no avail. Seeing this as stubbornness she decided to punish the dragon by putting a pepper on the dragons tongue. Xxyrrx woke with a start, proceeding to do what dragons are known for, and igniting poor Kyra, who suffered a slow painful death of being cooked alive.

Let sleeping dragons lie.

-Kyra wanted to take the opportunity to breed Xxyrrx. She forgot however one of the most important and nessicary pieces of this breeding thing... Another dragon. After getting Xxyrrx all horny, the dragon was going to release on, or in someone. One very sticky shower later Kyra learned her next lesson.

Hold your breath.

-a wanted to ride on the back of Xxyrrx, but forgot her saddle. After a short flight Xxyrrx did a barrel roll. When Xxyrrx went to catch the falling Kyra on his back Kyra learned lesson three.

It is safer to land on a saddle than on a spiked dragon carpace.

-Xxyrrx was hungry in the middle of a training session, and tried to run off to a nearby village to steal some livestock. Kyra learned her next lesson rather quickly when she tried to stop him from stealing cattle.

Don't stand between a dragon and it's food unless you prefer to be food.