The Hunted

Story by Drunken Rogue on SoFurry

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Just a little something I had knocking around for a while that need a bit of polish and wanted to be read. Besides the usual 18+ warning I would like to caution potential readers that this is a rather graphic and violent tale. In fact when all is said in done it really is nothing more then a bit of sci-fi snuff fluff. So I really don't want anyone complaining that they were sicked or revolted or put into any other form of discomfort. Unless that is what you were hoping for of course. Anyhow to anyone left I hope you enjoy.

The forest was dark. Trees packed together making a solid roof of leaves mixing shadows within shadows and sending them dancing under the feeble light of a pale moon. It was unusually quiet for a forest with no sounds natural or otherwise to be heard. Only the dry hiss of the wind as it's chill touch spread though the trees. Suddenly the silence was shattered as a metal cage rose up through the forest floor with a mechanical whine. The thick bars glinted in the darkness though the moonlight was too weak to illuminate it's contents. For a minute or so after the cage came to a stop the silence of the night was still broken though this time it was by the pitiful gasping sobs coming from within the cage. Eight or nine small orbs rose along with the cage taking up positions above each as silent as the grave. One by one they came to life flickering lights blinking softly below their slick silver shells as the floating cameras came on line.

Slowly patches of light flowed over the the cage as the cameras synced up giving glimpses of the form inside. It was a fox, a vixen. She stood a little under five foot five with the standard white and orange color pattern of her species and her form was quite beautiful. A flash caught the fox full in the face causing her to blink as she raised her paw to shield her eyes. On her right ear she had a rough metal tag stapled to the edge a set of numbers and letters with a bar code underneath stamped into it. What caught one's attention was her eyes. Deep brown in color their beauty was offset by the look of primal terror they barely held in check.

Without a sound he cage door opened wide. She hesitated for the briefest of moments then she ran. Seeming to ignore any thought for her own safety or of stealth she crashed through the undergrowth as branches and twigs scratched at her like skeletal fingers. She tripped over a tree root sprawling face first into the dense undergrowth and when she came up again a deep red wet stain was spreading across her cheek droplets of blood glistening in the twilight as they fell. The cameras followed, some fanning out while others moved in closer to catch every single moment of her suffering they moved as silently as wraiths of legends standing silent vigil to some macabre ritual. In the distance a sound stilled her desperate gasps for air for a moment as it split the night. Deep and primal the sound followed no pattern before known in history but the meaning

was clear. Those that hunted were near, and she was prey.

Redoubling her efforts she ran once more. Hacking sobs deprived her of breath as tears streamed down her face and pain spread through her chest as if she had swallowed glass eviscerating her from the inside. Still she ran. Mud splattered her bare legs as she crossed the bank of a small stream. The water was cold. Ignoring her bodies cries for rest she pushed on. She could not hold back a yelp of pain as she felt her hind paws sliced by the loose rocks splinter sized cuts lacerated her flesh.

The attack came from the sides. A sleek dark shape lunged at her, it's form hitting her solidly in the back as it sped past giving barely a glimpse of sickly yellow eyes as she was thrown into the water. The second one came from the opposite direction it's maw opening to dig into her shoulder. Hot saliva burned even as serrated teeth pierced her flesh. She screamed this time the terror competing with the pain over the remains of her consciousness. The first creature bit deeply into her other shoulder standing over her and casting an evil silhouette in the dark.

With a primal grunt it pressed itself against her, a savagely barbed cock pressing at her hips and knocking her face down into the water. A sharp rock sliced through her soft velvety nose and down her muzzle bringing forth another scream. Water poured down her throat and she began to drown in less than a foot of water.

The first of the creatures now brought it's jaws down upon her arm with an audible crunch of shattered bone dragging her out of the water and onto the shore. The rocks tore at the soft flesh of her belly leaving a trail of bloodied sand. Even as bile and water spewed from her mouth the second of the creatures attempted to mount her again. Firmly pinning her to the ground it's talons dug long deep gashes into her back before it's cock found it's mark. She screamed a single shrill piercing sound her raw

throat spraying a mist of blood from her mouth for a moment followed by the first wave of unbearable pain as the creature stroked into her.

The barbed cock was far too big the feeling of her orifice being stretched much to wide far too quickly beyond any pain she had yet known. At least until she felt it's cock expand even larger. Felt the barbs become spikes. Before she felt it

tearing deeply though her body into her womb, each thrust sluicing out blood and tissue. For minutes she was only able to scream. Unable to form words her voice became a steady sound of raw pain her blood mixing with the damp earth running down to the water and flowing down stream at a lazy pace. Suddenly the creatures attentions became more frantic letting out a drawn out noise not quite a howl and much closer to a scream it's undulations in pitch speaking of terrors not yet dreamed of as it released it's seed. The creatures were still for a moment as their heads turned in unison to follow one of the floating cameras as it drifted lower to take in the sight. A single word was conveyed through a speaker and the creatures response was immediate. "Kill." The first closed it's jaws around the fox's throat snapping shut with a wet crunch the other buried its muzzle in her back ripping her chest out and spraying organs and fluid everywhere painting any remaining untouched fur in shades of red and brown. Her final though and feeling was welcoming the gentle embrace of death as it beckoned her beyond.

The creatures continued to fed for a few minutes upon the fox moonlight glinting off the water as fur bone and other matter drifted silently away.

The conference room was dark save for the lights that danced over the walls from several transparent screens floating over the large table. At the head of the table a figure spoke softly it's form only hinted at by the patterns of shadow cloaking it. "As you can see quite clearly gentlemen we are weeks ahead of schedule. Already we have finished the initial testing of all 9 prototypes with results exactly the same as shown here." Each of the chairs was filled with a hologram each representing a client comfortably light years away. Layers of static distorted each face beyond identification wrapping around them like grainy water. As one spoke up it was clear their voices were protected likewise. "When do you begin practical trials?" One could swear the form at the head of the table grinned as he made a slight movement bringing a large scale map into focus over the table nine regions of the three dimensional globe highlighting one after the other before smoothly separating and slowly revolving for all to see. "In fifteen standard days gentlemen. The targets have already been chosen and preparations have

been made for transport." Along side each region text scrolled by with statistics and predictions for a minute before blinking out once more bringing the room into deep shadow. "Are there any more questions?" Around the table the holograms shifted but each remained silent. "Very good. I would like to thank each of you for taking the time to attend this meeting. I look forward to seeing you again in fifteen days." With that each of the holograms blinked out vanishing one by one as candles being snuffed out. For some time the room was bathed in twilight and then the darkness of the room was pierced by a single screen. The shadowed figure leaned forward unblinking eyes watching the views from the cameras first one at a time then in symphony filling the echoless room with shrieks, screams and pleas interrupted at the last only by a small sigh of pleasure escaping the form left to drift away and be lost in the shadows.