Dragon Lovers, a lovers choice

Story by Technofreak101 on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon lovers

I laid peacefully next David as we watch the stars flicker above us. He loved the fact that I took him up the pervious day for a flight to let him feel what I felt when I flew in the air. He just simply loved it when I did loop-to-loop real close to the ground. I looked at him with loving eyes. Oh I envy over about having kids. Oh so many times that I wanted to mate with him but I feared that would endanger our friendship so I kept quite about that. He knew that I was in full blown heat thanks to him being half human. There another feature that really made me wants to mate with him. He was Half-human, half-wolf. It took me by surprise when he finally showed me his wolf ears. I couldn't see them because of his long heir.

I notice it started to get really cold and seeing David shiver, so I curled up more closer to him making him warm as possible and conferrable. He rolled over head lying on my left arm and went to sleep but before he drifted away I thought I heard him say 'I love you Sarah.' I curled my head around his body curling around him and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning lying on my belly. Then it hit me David was gone. I was suddenly awake looking for where David could have gone. I looked inside the barn but he wasn't there, I peeked through the windows of the farm house only to realize he wasn't on the farm at all. I suddenly felt like I was abandoned, broken heart. I jumped up into the air to go looking in the village see if he was there. I flapped my wings as I flew over the small village. I didn't see David anywhere not even the local market. Where could he be?

It was starting to get dark when I caught sight of him. He was up in the tree enjoying the cool breeze. When I got closer I notice his skin was different. Then I caught whiff of something mucky like smell wolf fur. The smell came from David. I looked a little closer and found he was covered in fur, golden fur! I stop for a second in mid air. Wait a minute how could he have fur? I know he a half-breed but how can he have fur. Then it struck me. It was something I read in one of my old book when I still lived in The Dragon Valley. I think it was Anthropomorphic, yeah I think that it. He's an anthro wolf. I moved closer then stopped. He looked at me his blue sapphire eyes. "Hello Sarah I was expecting you would come." He said. His word hit me like I was shot several time in the heart. He jumped over to where I was and leaping onto me, kissing me in the process. My eyes went wide, then losing all control, tucking my wing in falling to the ground below. Right before we hit the ground I reopened my wing filling my wing the air soaring through the sunset. David slowly crawled onto my back. Right then I knew David loved me and I loved him.

About an hour David asked "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you home with me." I turning my head to look at him, then noticing he was back to normal. "Why didn't you tell me you were an anthro?"

"Sarah or is your name Silvia." He chuckled at my expression. "This power that I got isn't all I have. I have four transformations. The first one is what you see now, the second one I grow fur and a tail and have super strength. If I wanted to I could lift you with ease. The third one I turn more wolfish and grow sharp teeth that can tire through the tough fess of material and I produce an overpowering need for meat and my last form is when I lose control of my action and kill everyone insight. This last stage is my deadliest one because I don't even know what I'm doing. I can attack YOU without even knowing it."

"But how did you know my name was Silvia?"

"It was a guess!" He shrugged a little shifting a little.

I turned my head back, facing forward. We remain quite for awhile.

We finally arrived at my cave or I like to call my underground palace. I slow flew through the main entrance to the cave. I slow flapped my wing slowing my speed ever so much coming in to land. I landed carefully on the hard marbled flooring. David consumed with amazement. He got off slowly trying not fall off. When he was on the ground, I walked to the bath telling David to fallow. David gasped when he was a huge hot spring. "There's Magma chamber about ten to fifthteen miles down so it's naturally heating this underground spring." I told him. He quickly took his cloths off and quickly jumped in. He swam for awhile until he sat up against a heated rock. He sighed in relief enjoying the hot warm waters. I laughed at him when he took on his second form, the one with fur, tail and sapphire blue eyes. I slowly got in. My eyes closed, I walked until my feet could no longer reach the bottom. I heard a splash and a yelp. I opened my eyes and looked around looking for David. He was gone! I ducked my head underwater but saw nothing. Then out of the blue David jumped out like a bat out of hell. I lifted on to my back legs then falling straight on my back sinking. When I surfaced I saw David laughing his head of saying, "I can't believe you fell for it!"

I giggled at him a bit then taking my tail and pushed him down under the world. He dodges my attempt and swam up to me. I rolled over onto my back so David could get on my belly, which he did. He crawled up to look at me straight in the eye. "Silvia I love you." He said in a loving, soft voice. I went wide eye, then hugged him saying, "I know."

I knew deep down in my mind this is... wrong. I'm not suppose to fall in love with a, do I dare say it, a mutt. I'm supposed to be a proper female and just have sex with the nearest male and have kids. But I'm not a proper female, I have, how should I put it, special needs, that was what my mother always said when I was just a hatchling.

"HELLO Earth to Silvia you in there?" Coming out of my daze, "Huh what?"

"I was saying lets get out and get some shut eye. I have worked to do." I looked at him as he morphed back to his normal form. I was still not use to that.

"What do you mean work?" I said, puzzled.

"When we were flying in I saw a great big field up above up. I wanted to start farming. That is to say if I'm going to stay with you?" He said crossing his arms. "That was the idea, right?"

He looked at me, waiting for an answer.


"Right Silvia was that the Idea?" He repeated.

"Yes." I finally said. He relaxed a bit. But the idea of having a big vegetable field growing above my home was not really a good idea. But I didn't want to upset him now.

About an hour later we were settling down in my big huge bed. I laid next quietly next to David as he told me a story that his father told him when he was young. It was about a young boy and a young female dragon. As he went on about how they fell in love. I wondered in my mind if I could do like in the story eventually have kids with David. He looked at me then nuzzled me. He slowly turned into his wolf form, and then nuzzled me again but with a muzzle. I laughed at him, fallowing what he did. I nuzzled him, I pinned him down on the bed me on top and David on bottom. I moved little closer to his face and then kissed him on the lips. I opened my head a bit to push my tongue inside his maw. He fallowed, opening his mouth slightly. We touched tongues; a jolt of pleasure ran through my body making me moan into him. We kissed for about ten minute until finally braking up. I gasped when I looked down at his waist to see his fully erected cock peeking out from his boxers. I looked back at his face, his ears were flat against his head, and I had a feeling under all that fur his face was burning red. I flipped around in the 69 position.

I had no idea what Silvia was doing but... oh god does that feel good. I looked between her legs and saw her rapping her long snaked tongue around my ten inch cock. Oh boy was it the best feeling I has ever had. "Hey don't leave me high and dry, lick me back there!" She growled. I looked up at her slit which was wet and reddish orange color. I moved my arm up fingering her pussy. I lifted my head and slowly ran my tongue over her pussy tasting something wonderful, like raw cinnamon. I heard her moan with pleasure as I licked more and more. Finally I slipped my long tongue inside licking her walls. She cried out as I found her G spot and licking it. She climaxed, her juices gushing all over my face and chest. She couldn't hold it any longer. She got up and flipped around where her vent was lined up with the head of my cock.

I went down slowly on to David cock. It was huge, ten inch long and about two inches wide. I finally got all the way down, and then preparing my self I came back up, "I might hold on to something." I warned David. He grabbed the sheet preparing for what to come next. I came down hard taking him whole. I came back again and slammed back down. He gasped, "Oh ah Silvia ahh you're... amazing."

"YOU ahh Are to." I said coming back and slammed back down. I continued on coming up and down until I felt pressure building. I was reaching my peek. I slammed a couple more times. I slammed down when David cried out. "OH SILVIA!" Cumming inside of me pumping my womb with his hot warm seed, making me climaxed crying his name. After all was over I rolled on his side laying my head down on his chest, relaxing but still breathing rather hard. I moved my eyes at and saw him sound a sleep. Exhausted from me slamming down on his cock, I looked back at his cock and saw it retreating into it sheath. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning was cold and frosty when I woke up. I was under my warm covers, looking at my dearly beloved David looking back at me. "Morning Silvia, you sleep well." He said softly. I smiled and said, "Well let's see... YES!" I said grabbing him. Suddenly I felt a pop, then feeling sick. I quickly got up and ran to the bath. Leaving David with worried a look on his face. I made it in time. I throw up behind a rock on the other side of the hot spring.

I slowly walked back to the room. David was still sitting on the bed looking worried. "You okay?" He asked jumping down from my bed.

"I just got sick that's all." I assured him. "I'll be ok once I rest for a bit."

"I can make you some soup if that'll help?" He offered moving towards the fireplace at the other end of my room.

"No need David you rest with me ok. I'll be ok." I said, crawling under the covers to get warm. I knew what was wrong with me. I was pregnant, how am I going to tell David?

David lay right up against my stomach, kissing me. As I was drifting away into sleep I felt David rubbed my belly. I purred a little enjoying the feeling of his hand run down my belly scales.

I slowly walked back to the room. David was still sitting on the bed looking worried. "You okay?" He asked jumping down from my bed.

"I just got sick that's all." I assured him. "I'll be ok once I rest for a bit."

"I can make you some soup if that'll help?" He offered moving towards the fireplace at the other end of my room.

"No need David you rest with me ok. I'll be ok." I said, crawling under the covers to get warm. I knew what was wrong with me. I was pregnant, how am I going to tell David?

David lay right up against my stomach, kissing me. As I was drifting away into sleep I felt David rubbed my belly. I purred a little enjoying the feeling of his hand run down my belly scales.