What I See in You (Epilogue)

Story by Zerrif on SoFurry

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#5 of What I See in You

I didn't make it horribly evident in the story, but Zulf has a HUGE sweet tooth, especially for fruit things (according to Humbuged).

So why not take the words sweet and fruity, use them as a plot bunny, and write a fic? :D

Consider this the epilogue (since I apparently cheated people out of pron in the story xD)

"You're joking me, right?" Zerrif said, amused. He stared into the shopping cart that Zulf had been pushing around, that slowly filled up at least halfway with different fruits; Canned, bagged, sitting in juices, all different sorts. Everything from apples to watermelons had to be in that cart; while the second rung held just about everything else; regular groceries from meat to vegetables to snacks.

Sad thing was, Zerrif knew that they'd probably burn through all the fruits before the other groceries were finished. Zulf had, what he called, a more than unhealthy love for fruits and all things fruity and sweet. He didn't go a meal without some sort of dish to go along with it.

Not that he complained, either. Zulf was always eager to make enough for the both of them, and it was hardly ever bad (except that time Zulf had made him try to eat lemons and limes raw. His face had turned sour, then.) but it just seemed a little excessive.

"You sure like your fruits." Zerrif said, as Zulf began checking a cantaloupe. Satisfied, he picked one and placed it in the cart, then smiled at the ferret.

"All in due time." Zulf muttered, walking down the aisle. Zerrif just happily followed at his side. "Did you want anything here?" The wolf asked.

"I'm a carnivore too, you know." Zerrif said, not really understanding the question. "You're the one who thought ferrets were vegetarian and got me a salad that first day." The ferret looked at the wolf, who simply stared him down. "Oh, you meant in the grocery. I'll go get some stuff." Zerrif said, beating a hasty retreat. Zulf just chuckled.

Zerrif let out a long sigh, setting down bags of groceries in the kitchen. God, why did Zulf always insist on getting so much fruit and getting the biggest ones, too? His back wasn't going to last through this sort of labour.

"Thanks, Zer." Zulf said, leaning over and kissing the ferret's neck before he dropped the last couple of bags on the ground.

"Want me to help?" Zerrif asked, starting to rummage through the bags. Zulf just smiled, and nuzzled the ferret's neck some more.

"Nah, I said I'd make dinner tonight, go ahead and wash up. It won't take long." The wolf replied. Zerrif smirked, and turned around to give Zulf a quick kiss, before he stepped aside and headed to their room.

Heh. Their room. It had only been a few weeks since he'd moved in, and already he felt like this place was his home. Add to that, that Zulf willingly seemed to give him part of the home, and that he was almost too happy to share the house with someone, and it seemed like they were made for each other.

He giggled, stepping into the bathroom and locking it, before stripping and stepping into the shower. Sighing as warm water almost instantly came out of the showerhead onto his body, he just stood there, drenching in the heat before moving to actually clean himself. He was never one to really spend too long in the shower; he just didn't see a need for it. A quick jump in, a thorough lather, and a rinse was all the body needed, in his opinion.

He was just about finished; starting to lather his head with shampoo, when the bathroom door slid open behind him, and he felt something big, and warm pushed at him. He turned around, and shut his eyes; only seeing black fur for a split second before two hands were in his hair, gently kneading and massaging shampoo around.

Try as he might, he let out a soft, stifled groan, as Zulf's hands found a spot around the base of his ears to massage. "G-Ggh...ohh... mm..." Came the soft reply, as Zerrif just leaned forward, feeling the fur of the wolf more than seeing it. He heard another chuckle.

He was pushed back a little abruptly, back into the falling water, and was surprised by it for a second. He felt the lather run down his body as Zulf treated him like some sort of plaything; turning him as he willed to get him as clean as possible. He was stopped after a while, and strong, coarse fingers delicately moved his aside from his face, and Zerrif opened his eyes.

"You're welcome." Zulf said, with a smirk, before leaning down to kiss the ferret. Zerrif didn't even make a sound this time; he couldn't, really. The pressure applied around his ears was almost like hitting his prostate; now his head just swam with delight and a tranquility, as if he were soaring through the clouds (though, to be more specific, cloud nine).

"Want help cleaning yourself?" Zerrif said, eagerly. The wolf chuckled, and simply shrugged.

"Actually, could you make sure dinner doesn't burn?" Zulf asked. The ferret quickly lost all eagerness. "Go on now, get." The wolf added, mimicking Lorrie's accent before opening the shower door, pushing the ferret out, and shutting it again.

For a couple seconds, Zerrif stood out there stunned. Did Zulf just ask-- deny--

Oh, he was going to pay for this one. The ferret smiled devilishly, and dried himself up, leaving the bathroom.

Zulf whistled as he stepped out of the shower, smelling the delicious aroma of food coming from the kitchen. Smirking, and dressed only in a towel (which hung pretty loosely), he padded down the hallway. His tail swished in excitement, and his stomach rumbled in hunger, and he turned the corner to see Zerrif already sitting at the table, a huge smile on his face.

"Took you long enough, I'm hungry!" Zerrif said. The wolf chuckled and sat down, and began eating. No, that was inaccurate, he _devoured_his food. He looked up to see Zerrif sitting there, just watching, and stopped his carnage, if only temporarily.

"You even hungry?" Zulf asked. The ferret patted his stomach.

"I've eaten already, thanks." He said back. Zulf shrugged, and continued eating. Though, it didn't seem like a lot of the food had gone missing; either Zerrif wasn't hungry or was eating less. Then that worried him. He hadn't been acting any differently, so he wasn't sick; and he wasn't depressed or as far as Zulf could see. There was no reasonable explanation for his lack of appetite.

Finished, Zulf let out a small burp, and took his plate to the dishwasher. He loaded it, set it to run, and headed to the fridge. The wolf had made a fruit salad while Zerrif showered to whet his appetite for all things fruity, but when he opened the fridge and looked at where he'd put it, there was only a bowl with fruit juice there.

Then he looked back at Zerrif, who yawned, and got up from the table. He shut the fridge door and padded up to the ferret, and leaned in as if to kiss him. That caught the ferret by surprise; before he could scramble away or turn away, Zulf's tongue was down his throat, and there came a low growl.

"You ate it all, didn't you?" Zulf asked. Zerrif pushed the wolf away, and smirked.

"Devilish, ain't it?" Zerrif replied. "Almost like, you want something so bad, and you just couldn't have it because someone denied it from you, hm?" He said that almost too sarcastically, before leaving the kitchen and heading to their room. Zulf just shook his head and chuckled.

"You wanna play this game?" The wolf mumbled. He scratched his little black chin, and smiled. "Oh, this wolf can play, you better watch it."

The night had gone on without some sort of hitch; but Zerrif wasn't stupid. No, the ferret knew better, knew that Zulf had something planned. Some sort of payback was in store.

He felt bad now. Zulf loved his fruit. More than most other foods; he chose juice over any other drink, a sorbet over ice cream, even an apple over a chocolate bar. No, the word "bad" wasn't strong enough, he felt guilty.

"Zulf?" Zerrif said, as they were both in bed. Zulf tended to stay up and read a little; the truth of it having surprised Zerrif at first. The wolf wasn't exactly the bookish type, nor did he seem to be the one to get engrossed in a story. He chuckled many times, trying to imagine the wolf in his much, much older years, with glasses and having aged a lot, sitting in his bed reading all the time.

"What is it, Zer?" Zulf asked. Zerrif leaned up, and kissed the wolf's muzzle.

"I'm sorry." The ferret said, before laying down, turning on his side, and falling asleep quickly. Zulf chuckled, and shook his head. Zerrif seemed to have an almost instant ability to just lie down, and fall asleep. Unless, of course, he was being preoccupied to stay awake.

No later than a few seconds after his musing, the wolf heard faint, almost inaudible snores from the ferret. It was show time. Carefully, trying not to move too much to wake Zerrif, Zulf set his plan into action. He reached into his night table, pulling out a pair of fuzzy handcuffs (designed like hollowed out oranges, no less), and smirked.

Cold. There was something cold on his stomach. It was wet, too. It felt like little hairs running up his front, then slowly something warm. More moist than the last object. Zerrif let out a gasp, and slowly woke up, instantly trying to shrug off the drowsiness to see what was happening.

That's when he realized his arms were above his head, and bound. He wiggled, hearing the click of a chain, and looked up. His wrists were bound closely together, and he was handcuffed around the headboard. Fear hit him. Didn't Zulf see whoever had done this to him?

Where was Zulf? Before he looked down, he tried squirming, and ended up kicking something. Moreso, someone.

"Stop squirming, or it'll get worse." He heard a voice say. Zerrif looked down, to see Zulf sitting at the foot of the bed, nonchalantly. He had the bowl of the fruit juice in his hand, and was looked like a basting brush.

"Wh-What on e-earth-- Don't scare me like that!" Zerrif said, miffed. He tried to wriggle again, and in response, Zulf moved to sit on the ferret's legs to further restrict his movement. "L-Lemme--"

"Shut up, Zer." Zulf said. The ferret snapped his mouth shut, and began to think about things. Zulf had handcuffed him, which was obvious by now. He held the bowl of what had been his fruit salad in his hands; was this the wolf's plan of revenge? To rape him? Not that you could rape the willing, but--

The ferret eyed the brush, as Zulf began to dip it into the bowl, and held it over Zerrif's body.

He took the juice-coated brush, and slowly swirled it around Zerrif's nipple. So that was the cold thing he felt earlier. He let out another gasp, the sensation tickling him and sending shivers up his body again. Then the warm thing had been--

His thoughts were instantly cut off, as wet heat enveloped the nipple that had been previously cold before. A quiet whimper escaped his lips, and he looked down again to see Zulf lapping up the juice he'd brushed. Now he understood. It wasn't going to be rape, Zulf wasn't like that. It was just going to be pure torture; hence the restriction: torture in its tastiest form.

Gods, how tasty this ferret was, too! Zulf licked his lips, drawing back and dipping the brush again. He could see the ferret looking up at him, his eyes a whirl of colour as he began to be lost in his sensations. The wolf smirked. Legs under him writhed in madness, but he ignored them, instead settling on them a little more firmly, and soon the wriggling stopped.

"You brought this upon yourself." Zulf said, before brushing over the opposite nipple. The ferret was going to say something, but at that moment, the scent of the juice was too alluring. The sight of sticky, fruity juice running down his partner's side made him ravenous. He leaned in, less time in between hot and cold than before, licking up the juice on Zerrif's opposite nipple.

Instead of some sort of retort from the ferret about how he hadn't thought things would turn out this way, a moan escaped his lips. Louder than the last one, too. He could feel himself getting aroused already; which he knew only played into Zulf's hand more. He couldn't resist it, he felt so helpless. The wolf was being overly sexy, almost abusively.

"P-Pl-please..." Zerrif moaned, but Zulf just chuckled.

"Oh no, you don't have a say in this now." The wolf said. The brush entered the juice again. Zerrif shut his eyes, trying to focus on something else. It was too much to do; especially when the cold brush ran along his neck. His heartbeat quickened in anticipation, and soon that cold chill on his neck was replaced by the wolf's warm tongue and mouth. He groaned again, at both the feeling and of annoyance; it felt like pure bliss, making him want more. Yet, he was annoyed; the pace Zulf was taking was extremely slow, excruciating to the point where he knew that if the wolf continued, he'd probably just cream his pants.

That thought made him realize that he'd been stripped naked already. He hadn't had the time to think of it, amidst all the sensations he was feeling. He looked up, and saw that Zulf only had his shirt off, sitting clothed from the waist down. That only made him want more: more friction, more feeling, more anything! Zulf did have the right to get some sort of revenge, but this was going too far!

"P-Please..." Zerrif moaned again. And for a second, Zulf stopped and seemed to contemplate letting him go. But he just looks down with that little smirk, and leaned in.

"Only 'cause I love you." He said. The ferret's chest heaved up in anticipation, as the wolf began to strip himself of his boxer.; but it fell when he saw the wolf dip the brush in the bowl again, it fell in dismay. The wolf smirked, leaned in and kissed the ferret. His tongue snaked in fiercely, and Zerrif noticed that Zulf tasted like the juice he'd been licking off the whole time.

Then Zerrif moaned, much louder this time. The brush began to run up his shaft, swirling around his sac and running back up. It felt colder there than anywhere else and soon the kiss broke. The ferret began to whimper as the bristle began to tickle him, as if they were each individually running up and down his cock. The pre that began to seep from the head mixed with the juice, slicking him more than felt healthy.

Then, wet heat. Again. But gods, it felt so much more intense, there. His hips bucked up against his bindings, as Zulf had quickly taken the whole thing in his mouth, but not moved. The ferret felt the wolf's tongue snake out, lick over his sac again, lapping up the mixture that had been created by the pleasure.

"A-Ahh! F-fuck! Z-Zulf!" Zerrif cried, humping into the open mouth. Zulf just chuckled, vibrating around his cock, and starting to bob his head. His head swam with pleasure, more so than the ministrations in the shower. He couldn't think straight, could barely even stay perfectly conscious; wanting to slip into a peaceful bliss.

He didn't notice that Zulf had stopped until it was too late. The brush was back in the bowl, and now Zulf moved off of the ferret's legs, bringing them up, placing them over his black, furry shoulders. Zerrif just panted, as the brush began to paint over his tail hole. His tail swished playfully, rubbing slightly over the wolf's body before it went frantic, and Zerrif began to moan again. The wolf quickly bent in, licking up the juice yet again, as the ferret began to whimper, pre dribbling slowly off his cock.

"Please!" Zerrif pleaded. "I-I'm already... g-gonna... C-can't take..." He moaned. His legs were lowered a little, and he felt something at his entrance. One last punishment that Zulf had planned would be a raw fucking, for lack of better terms. And with that thought in mind, he pushed past the ferret's ring of muscle.

God, it felt so much tighter without the lube. It was harder to push in, and Zerrif cried out, partly in pain. The wolf leaned down and kissed him lovingly, whispering assurances into the kiss as he hilted himself. Two golden brown arms fought against the bindings, wanting to wrap themselves around the strong neck as the wolf took hold of the ferret's legs, pulling out to the very tip.

He quickly thrust back in, and Zerrif's body arced up, rubbing up against the bent over form of the wolf. He began to drool slightly, which Zulf gladly licked up, before kissing him again. He thought about reaching up and untying the ferret, before he just used one hand to grab one of the bars of the head board, and using that to propel his movement. He pulled out of the hole, only to pull himself with the head board to thrust back in with more force than he'd ever thought he'd apply.

And with each thrust, Zerrif's back arced to meet it. After a few "probing thrusts", he had found the angle that turned the ferret to mush; his legs gave out and his back arced weakly. His body shivered, and his member just leaked a sudden amount of pre.

"Need... to h-hold... p-please..." The ferret whimpered. Zulf looked down lustily, as Zerrif's face contorted in a form of pleasure, and torture. At that moment, pity overtook him, and he undid the binding that held his arms above his head. He clung weakly to the wolf, his arms locking themselves behind the wolf's neck. He just nodded, and moaned, as Zulf began to assume a steady pace.

The hand that held the head board now moved down ferret's body to grip at his cock, poking out of its sheath and leaking profusely. He began to gyrate into the wolf's hands, his grip behind his neck tightening. He raised his hips a little, allowing Zulf access at a better angle.

"Z-Zer... sh-shit..." Zulf muttered, before starting to break the rhythm that he'd acquired before to start to hilt himself rapidly. Needily. Every moan that escaped the ferret's lips, every sound that his ears picked up only spurred him on, the feeling in his groin making him want to rush to the end.

He had to admit, the whole time he tortured Zerrif, he felt pained to do so inside. Every plea that the ferret had made him want to just free him, and ensure in the lovemaking. But gods, how the wait had been worth it!

He let out a howl, and it amused him that at the same time, Zerrif let out a sharp cry, releasing himself over himself and Zulf's hand. The wolf hilted himself, leaning over and a groan released himself the same time that he had let himself go inside the ferret. He kept that position, their breaths heavy and their pants ragged, before he let Zerrif's legs lay flat on the bed, and he lay beside him, pulling the ferret to lie on top of him.

He felt Zerrif pull at his arm, taking his sticky hand up to his face. Though he couldn't fit the whole thing in his maw, the ferret began to clean up Zulf's paw. The wolf chuckled, letting the ferret do as he please, until the golden brown rodent just lay on his chest, being heaved up and down by his languid breaths.

"... I'm sorry." Zerrif muttered, after a little. Zulf chuckled, and used his other hand to ruffle the ferret's hair.

"You're forgiven now." He said. There was a soft chuckle that slightly rumbled his chest, before he heard the familiar light snoring that came from the ferret.

Zulf reached down, moved the bowl onto his night table, and smiled. He took the brush, took one last lick of the juice, before putting it in the bowl, shutting the light, and going to bed.

His very last thought, was that he had barely even used any of the juice in the bowl.