From Chains to Riches: Chapter 6

Story by Ikato on SoFurry

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#6 of FCTR

"People who have ever shed tears for feeling weak have desired power. Once they gain that power, they become the ones who make others shed tears."


Slowly Ikato's senses came back to him. H could feel the soft carpet under his body. Everything seemed blurry at first, but he managed to focus, after a while. He had fallen asleep, and in the same position he was in after Ray left him. Ikato feel feel that same feeling he had felt before. This feeling of rage, hatred, sadness, and helplessness. These feelings were overwhelming.

After a few minutes Ikato stood up, using the bed to balance himself. Every muscle in his body cried out in agony. Turns out that being in a ball for several hours isn't all that pleasant. Ikato briefly scanned the room only to find that he was alone. He took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom. Ikato turned on the warm water and stepped in the shower. He stared blankly at the bathroom walls as the warm water ran down his fur, slowly refreshing his body from the outside.

Ikato mind wandered back to the when he was back with Hiroto. To him, Hiroto was the most beautiful creature in the world. No. Hiroto was his world. He remembered how he was never sad when he was around, and how Hiroto always seemed to make him smile. Ikato started to ask himself why couldn't things go back to the way they used to be? Why did things have to be this way, and why did he deserve this? He had never done anything wrong to anyone, or better yet, he never had the freedom to have done anything wrong to anyone. He never had a choice about what happened to him. No one ever asked his opinion.

Ikato looked down at his paws and saw fists. He had to force himself to relax his paws. In the palm of his hand was a mark from him squeezing his fists so tightly. The water continued to hit him at a steady, rhythmical pace. He couldn't tell if it was he was crying, or if it was the shower water rolling down his cheek. It was probably both. "I...I never asked for this." He whispered to himself.

Ikato took his time in the shower, eventually washing up after several minutes of trying to make sense of things. He emerged from the shower with a sigh. He felt refreshed in a way he hadn't felt in a very long time. He half smiled as he grabbed a nearby towel and sat on the bed. He leaned back to lay down, only to stop when he heard a crunching sound. He reached underneath himself, finding a small letter with his name on it, written in cursive. This wasn't here before. Someone must have brought it in while he was in the shower.He ran his finger over the paper before unfolding it. it read,

"Ikato, I've missed you dearly. I truly have. I've been so busy with my father around that I don't have time o do anything. I know that is a pitiful excuse, and I wouldn't blame you for being upset with me, but please believe me when I say I love you, from he bottom of my heart. I guarantee we will see each other soon.

Love, Hiroto"

Ikato read the letter several times. Each time, more tears filling up in his eyes. Hiroto really hadn't abandoned him. He reall did love him. Ikato didn't care how this letter got here, who sent it, or if Matsu had seen it. The only thing that mattered to him was that someone still cared for him.

Suddenly, the sound of a doorknob being turned was heard. Ikato quickly hid the letter under his bed. He tried to act natural as possible. Ray entered through the door and looked at the naked fox. "Come on." He said blankly.

Ikato couldn't believe it. After everything that had just happened, Ray had the nerve to order him around. "Andy why should I!?" Ikato snapped back, the words spitting at ray like venom. Pure hatred was in his voice.

Ray kept his composure as he looked at the enraged fox. "Hiroto wants you. I'm supposed to be your escort. I really don't care if you come or not, but Matsu says he'll come for you if you don't come with me."

Ikato froze. All of his anger disappeared and turned into fear. The last thing he wanted to do was to make that tiger upset. He stood up and followed ray out the door. Ikato only thoughts as the walked were what Hiroto wanted. Did he want him for his...personal needs? Ikato was afraid of that. He never wanted to go through that kind of thing ever again. He could still remember every detail perfectly. Ikato was so immersed in his own thoughts that he didn't realize that he was naked until until they had entered a large door, and was staring face-to-face with Matsu.

"So how's my little kit doing?" Matsu said after moments of silence. Matsu was sitting up on a king sized bed, that seemed like a normal sized bed with his massive body on it. He patted a spot on the bed in front of him, inviting Ikato to sit down. Ikato dared not disobey. He knew he couldn't run for it, since there was no place to run. Ikato hesitantly made his way over to the bed and sat down, only to be swept into the tiger's arms and beings rested on his lap.

"Hmm. I never asked, but how old are you, boy? Thirteen? Fourteen?" Matsu asked with genuine curiosity.

Ikato stared at him with confused eyes. Where was this going? "I'm...I'm f-fifteen." He managed to say.

Matsu chuckled, as he got his answer. "That's right. You really are a kit, aren't you." Matsuran a clawed finger over Ikato's ear. "And a rather attractive kit, too." He stopped and took a deep breath, almost as if he were trying to control himself. "What a coincidence." He spoke. "Ray here is also fifteen." Matsu motioned for him to come over and sit on the bed. Ikato turned his head to see the approaching feline, now noticing that Ray was wearing nothing more than a white t-shirt. He looked back at Matsu, for once noticing how old he looked. He looked like he was in his mid 20's. He wondered how he never noticed before.

Once ray sat down Matsu chuckled again. "I have an idea." He said. "Ikato. I want you and Ray to kiss."

Ikato looked at Matsu with a stubbornly, that nearly screamed defiance. The only reaction he received from Matsu was the toothy grin that he hated so much. Ikato looked at Ray who had the same look. Everything was so confusing to him. Like why was Matsu acting so differently, almost kind. Ikato knew better that to disobey. Ikato slowly leaned his head closer to Ray, giving his a smell peck on the lips before pulling back.

Matsu roared with laughter at the sight. He loved it. "You know what, my little kit? I'm feeling generous today." Matsu positioned Ikato the small fox's back was on Matsu's chest. "Ray. Get in front of Ikato and bend over. Now!" Matsu said, changing his tone temporarily. Ray nearly jumped at Matsu's sudden change in tone. He was on his knees before he realized what was happening. Obviously, he was equaly afraid of him as Ikato was, if not more.

Matsu, who was obviously pleased with Ray's obedience, lifted Ray's tail high in the air, exposing his tail hole to the two. "Did you know," Matsu whispered into Ikato's ear, "that this kitten here is still a virgin? See how nice and tight his entrance is?" He paused and chuckled, seeing that Ikato was becoming aroused from the sight of Ray's furry rear. "Remember how I said I was feeling generous today?" He continued. "What I meant by that was...I'm giving this to you. I mean I'm giving you this kitten's virginity.

Ikato could not believe what he was hearing. He was being given Ray's virginity, and Matsu was the one giving it to him. From where he was looking, rays butt looked so good. He couldn't help himself. Before anything more could be said, Ikato was already over by Ray, feeling every single curve on his backside. Matsu was pleased. he hadn't expected Ikato to be so cooperative.

Ray, meanwhile, was nearly in tears. he couldn't believe what he was hearing. His virginity was being given away, and to Ikato of all people. He wanted to fight, to run, but he knew he couldn't. if he even tried, he knew he would be punished. His thoughts suddenly disappeared as he felt something warm and wet brush against his tailhole. It felt amazing. Ray was left moaning as Ikato continuously licked Ray. As Ikato continued licking Matsu whispered in his ear, "Remember your first time? Remember how much it hurt? Look at him. He's enjoying this. Why not make him hurt for all the things he's done, make him hurt just like you did." He suggested before pulling away from them, deciding to spectate and enjoy the show.

Ikato stopped licking and positioned his pulsating seven inch cock on to Ray's hole, barely paying attention to Matsu's words. Pre cum poured out from his tip, adding as lube. Ikato made sure to position himself just right before grabbing, Ray's hips and pushing himself inside of the feline. Ray went from pleasure to pain within a second. He cried out as Ikato burried himself deep inside of him. "Please, take it out!" He cried, as is virginity was being taken away from him. He knew as well as Ikato did that there was no way he was going to.

Ikato moaned in pleasure as he his entire length was inside of Rey. He could feel Ray's tight, fleshy walls squeezing against his cock, massaging it. it felt like Ray was trying to suck him in. He wondered if he could orgasm just by sitting there. After a few moments, Ikato pulled out and thrusted back in, starting slow at first, but then speeding up. He eventually wrapped his arms around the kitten's waist and started fucking him as hard as his body would allow him to. He still could not get over how tight he was. Ray continued to cry out. it felt like his insides were on fire.

Matsu had grown tired of just watching. This whole thing had made him horny almost to a painful level. He climbed over to the edge of the bed and poured a blue, liquidy substance on his cock, positioning himself behind Ikato, before entering his smaller body.

Ikato gasped as he felt something familiar inside of him. It didn't even hurt for that long. The pleasure he was feeling heavely outweighed the pain. Without holding back, Matsu started fucking Ikato with a simlar force as before, but the time was different. Instead of crying in pain, he was moaning in pleasure. He didn't realize what was going on, being to drunk with pleasure.

With a loud moan Ikato shoved his knot inside of Ray, releasing his seed iin his bowels. Ray, however, was screaming in pain. He thought he was going to be split in half. Ikato and Ray collapsed onto the bed as Ikato finished. They couldn't move since they were tied. Matsu, though, was still fucking Ikato even though Ikato was finished. Matsu finaly stopped several minutes later, nearly filling Ikato with his cum.

The three lay on the bed, exhausted. Two of the three satisfied.

Matsu grabbed Ikato shoulder and brought his head close to his mouth. "You see, Hiroto is not coming for you. He has abandoned you. I AM your new master. As you can see, I am very fair, as long as you do as I say." He said before letting go.

Ikato was to exhausted to argue. He laid on top of Ray, and waited for them to untie. A feeling of Satisfaction, and yet, great sadness.


End of part 6

I really appreciate comments on my writing, weather it be one to congratulate me or to critisize me, I still appreciate it. I know no bad comments, since they all help me to improve myself. Please leave a comment or e-mail me at [email protected]


Please forgive me for any typos. I was up late typing this, and I just wanted to get this up. I'll fix when I can. XP