Sulphira's War: chapter 2

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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"AHHHHHHHHH! PLEASE JALLEK! STOP!" Celina screamed. Every nerve in her body shot out with agonizing pain. Jallek just laughed as he pushed his cock further into her tight pussy. Every thrust he gave brought more and more pain as she struggled hard to break the ropes that bound her hands.

"Every time you scream, I just get more aroused! If you really want me to leave you alone, just be quiet!" he shouted over her screams. The weird thing was, she actually took his advice and tried to close her mouth and try to keep the screams from escaping.

"HAHAHA!" he laughed. "You thought I was SERIOUS?!?! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" He just kept laughing until he finally felt his orgasm approach. He closed his demonic eyes and moaned as he shot his load into her pussy. There was so much of it, some of it leaked out around his dick. He pulled out and snapped his belt buckle together.

"Get some rest, whore! I'll be back in an hour! Think I'll have the pot roast today..." the monstrous creature mumbled to himself as he walked away. Celina wiped away tears as she collected herself and pulled a blanket off of Jallek's bed to cover herself. She shivered uncontrollably, even with the blanket over her. She had to find a way to kill herself...or escape. That always worked when killing yourself failed.


Sulphira looked over at her master. He was sound asleep. She licked his face; he smiled lightly and rolled to the other side.

"He always was a heavy sleeper," she sighed in her head. Even though she never saw him sleep, he would never answer the door when she knocked to wake him for breakfast or other important items. She slowly slithered out of the bed and onto the floor. It felt cool and refreshing as she slid around. It felt so good...everything did since last night. But she had other matters to attend to, now. She slithered under the door, collapsing her ribcage and moving under it. She wondered why she couldn't have just done that before to get in, but then she looked back and saw the small, outward spikes coming from the bottom of the wood. She moved her way through the castle and towards Jallek's chambers, the place she knew where she find her quarry. As she moved though the dark halls, she could hear the Kree stirring on the rafters of the ceiling. She looked upwards to see them clasping the rafters with their clawed feet. Their arms folded across their chests, resembling vampires, they looked at her as they woke. One by one they dropped, careful not to hit her on their way down.

All of them landed on their feet, except for one who fell on impact. The others laughed. One of the Kree stepped up and stabbed it in the back with its claw.

"Anyone hungry?" he laughed as he pulled his claw out of the dying Kree and laughed even more when all the others swarmed it, tearing flesh from bone, rending flesh and snapping tendons. Sulphira looked away from this macabre image and continued slithering towards the demon's room. She finally reached it and shrieked in fright when a giant, red foot stamped just inches from her body. She looked up at the equally startled demon.

"Alumox neva deraculus, Sulphira!" he swore in demonic languages lost to most ears. She glared at him angrily. He returned the stare ten fold.

"Zellamus ordered me to interrogate the prisoner. You cannot stand in my way, Jallek," she lied. The truth was, he could step on her right now and kill her instantly. But as long as she was servant to Zellamus, he couldn't touch her or Zellamus would make a hand basket out of him.

"You never were a good liar, Sulphira," he said as he unlocked the door.

"But I have better things to do than fuck with you," he snarled. The door swung open and Sulphira slithered in. The girl was huddled in a corner, tears pouring out of her eyes. She backed away and started breathing heavily as Sulphira slithered towards her. She heard Jallek stomp away and both of their breathings calmed a bit.

"What do you want?" she stuttered.

"Answers," Sulphira said.

"W-what?" asked Celina. Oh yes, that's right, Celina was a good person, and she couldn't understand Sulphira. People with good hearts couldn't comprehend reptile-speak. She slithered to Jallek's desk and grabbed a piece of paper and a quill with her mouth and tail. She slithered back and went up again to get the ink. She pushed the quill into the ink and then scribbled her first question, "Why did you stand up for me?" Celina started to write her answer, but Sulphira rested her tail on her hand and shook her head. She wrote that she could understand Celina, but Celina couldn't understand her. She continued saying she needed to save the paper. Celina nodded her head and spoke.

"I don't know why I spoke out for you, it was just instinct," she stammered.

"Where is Jallek?" she asked Sulphira. Sulphira wrote "away for now" she continued and wrote "I'm so sorry, but there's nothing I can do for you when he gets back" painfully. Celina cringed and looked at her sadly. Suddenly, the door exploded into splinters.

"JALLEK! Where is she?!" Zellamus burst in, cloak billowing behind him. He looked down and saw Sulphira.

"Oh, there you are," he said calmly. He turned to the door.

"Occuli garmane soloctus," he chanted and the door was instantly repaired, even the splinters were gone from the floor. Sulphira looked up submissively at Zellamus and then at Celina, then back at him. He got the idea. He bent down and picked up Sulphira and placed her on his shoulders. He got Celina's robes and tossed them to her.

"Follow me, keep close," he warned Celina. He led them down the hall past the bloody stain of what used to be the "Breakfast Kree". Celina wondered what Jallek was going to think when he realized they were gone. She giggled at the thought of him standing up to Zellamus and getting turned into a slab of beef on the Kree's plates. She also pondered what would happen to her. She wasn't worried for her safety, she was sure they wouldn't kill her, but she wondered where they were going anyway. Her question was answered as she strode up to the huge drawbridge that led to the outside. The Kree at the door looked at Zellamus and then at Celina. Zellamus nodded and the Kree started winding the crank, releasing the chains and opening the door. Sunlight poured in and Celina cringed, not seeing sun for so long, and squinted her eyes. Zellamus backed away into the shadows, careful not to let the sunlight touch his bare face. He held out his hand to the open door, gesturing for her to leave when she is ready. Celina looked at the door and then at Sulphira and Zellamus. She shook her head.

"I have nowhere else to go. I have to stay here," she said slowly. Zellamus and Sulphira looked at each other simultaneously and then at Celina. "Is she insane?!" was their combined thought.

"Cant you go back to the rebel base? Somewhere like that?" Zellamus asked hopefully, honestly not wanting her in the castle. She shook her head again.

"The reason I led that attack force on you was because I was told by the leader of us all that if I was to come back, I was to come back with the heads of you scumbag offense," she said apologetically.

"None taken," the other two both said in chorus. She couldn't help but smile at them, how in-sync they were with each other. She wished it could still be so with her husband.

"So, where am I sleeping?" Celina asked. Zellamus looked dumbstruck. She couldn't actually be serious about staying here, could she? Jallek would rip her apart.

"You can't-" he started, but was cut off when Sulphira spoke.

"She can stay with us...can't she?" she more like ordered to Zellamus. He looked at her and then at Celina, then again at Sulphira.

"But she...and the...what...who the...why the..." he looked at Sulphira again, who was giving him an irritated look. He continued to mumble until she slapped him lightly with her tail.

"Yes Sulphira," he grumbled. "Alriiiiiight, you can stay in my chambers for now, but you'll have to sleep on the floor..." he started until he looked at Sulphira again; she was angrily glaring at him this time.

"But that's not fair, it's my bed!" he whined. She slapped him again. He squinted his eyes at her shadily.

"You're so lucky you're hot...fine, I'LL sleep on the motherfucking ground!" he shouted at her. She looked satisfied. He pulled her off of him and placed her in Celina's arms.

"Fucking dominatrix...hitting me...hope you two enjoy cuddling each other!" he mumbled as he walked away leaving Sulphira on Celina's shoulders.

"Well he's in a fine mood," Sulphira said.

"Yea, I never really saw him happy, you know?" Celina responded.

"Oh, trust me, when he's happ-" she stopped.

"You just heard me!" Sulphira squeaked, half in delight and half in wonder.

"Wow, I guess I'd I do that?" Celina asked.

"You killed your cat didn't you?" Sulphira implied, knowing she was right.

"How'd you know that?" Celina gawked.

"Everyone who can hear me has killed a small animal of some sort in their's just how it goes,

trust me," she said all-knowingly. Celina shrugged and started walking.

"Which way to Zellamus's place?" she asked.

"Not now, in a little bit," Sulphira said in response. "All he's going to want now is sex and I'm really not in the mood," she said. Celina nodded in agreement.

"Amen, sister. You're not alone, y'know. All girls have that problem with their men," she assured her. Sulphira looked at her.

"You're the only other girl I have ever met," Sulphira said. "But I'm glad you're the first!"

"I'm glad I know you, too," Celina giggled. And with that she walked towards the garden on the outside of the castle. She was glad she had someone other than her lover to talk to now...Hope you enjoyed the next installment! More to come, We promise... Your dear friend and writer,
