
Story by SwampRat on SoFurry

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BAHAMUT1.TXT - M/M, Violence - April 26, 2003

Even Evil has it's Nastier Enemies - Part 1

By SwampRat

(cl) 1997, 2003 Gay Furry Association

Just to let you know, this is derived from a Story called Bahamut4, where a Good Dragon is kidnapped by an evil one.

On the dock 2 draconian guards stood watch, sniggering to each other about what they imagined was going on the ship that had departed a few days ago. A noise brought them up sharply.. It was dark but they saw as well in darkness as light. A hulking figure came forward.

"I am looking for a ship." came gruffly to them.. Human? They both grinned wider. Humans can be a lot of Fun before they die.

"Sorry, You just missed it. But..." The figure moved closer. They growled in unison, moving forward to grab the 'prisoner', knowing a few smacks with a spear butt would subdue him. Then off to 'detention' where they would take turns 'interrogating' the human.. Pity he would die afterwards, if not during, but Hey - That's the way things go. There was only one problem with this plan...

Dwarven War-Axes ripped into their bellies, parting scale, bone and armor equally, inhuman blood pouring out to stain the docks. Neither had time to even grunt before they were in the arms of their goddess and their bodies were shoved off the pier, to the delight of many hungry mouths below. A cold wind blew up, moving a cowl aside to reveal a face, weathered with a growth of gray hair.

One blue eye burned with a deep fire, looking out as if to see the ship it was seeking. A wharf rat eyed the stranger, squeaking as he turned, the moon shining on the left side of his face - What there was of it. Bone showed signs of being gnawed on, hit with various sharp things. What flesh was left was white, crossed with scars. A hand that wasn't reached down to scritch the rat's ears, as the other clenched.

"That close.." A whirl of cloth, a flash of metal and the rat was alone on the dock to sniff at the dark stains on the boards, the sounds of boots fading in the distance.

* * * *

The tavern was open all hours, all weather. Catering to whatever the sea brought in, and with a motto of 'Mind your own business - Unless it becomes your business', the Slugged Whale had seen many strange things. No one even looked up when the doors parted to the cowled figure who came in and found an empty table. A male rabbit wearing a collar and nothing else padded to the table.

"Ale." A copper coin appeared and vanished as fast. There being few customers this time of Night gave him time to chat with the regulars, to let them cop a feel or three, and to decide who he would go to bed with when the sun came up. Neuman Never went to bed alone.. Even if it meant shacking up with the Wolf who ran the place.

"Strange one in tonight.." He put the coin in a box and waited while the grey furred male drew an ale.

"Be careful Bunny - He might be a Vampire.." Newman laughed and took the mug.

"If he is, he will have to bite me someplace Other than my Neck!" He winked and wriggled his cute rear, the wolf growling after him.

"Where can a ship be found that sails to Arter, Lad?" Putting the mug down carefully, he thought a moment, giving the customer a Good view of his body.

"Nothing sails till the Morning Tide Sir.. 4 bells after Sunrise - If the Weather Holds." Human, with a strange accent, almost a hissing lisp. He waited a bit more, hoping for a pat or fondle, then turned and went back over to the other tables, where he could get at least Some response..

When the rabbit decided about 3/4 of the mug would be empty, he drifted back over to the male, now the only customer as well.

"A refill Sir?"

The cowled head shook. "But I shall have to find a room for the night - Or what is left of it."

Neuman shivered.. "It's a silver sir - But that includes a Companion for a few hours.. If you want that kind of thing Sir."

A chuckle.. "And how Much if I just pushed you under the table, or Bent you Over it."

The lepine's leaf-shaped tail twitched at the thought, tongue licking his suddenly dry lips. "One.. One Copper Sir. Per Dalliance.."

A finger scratched his furry balls lightly, making Neuman come up on his toes.

"Or One Silver and I can have you for as many dalliances as I like.."

*Flick Flick Flick* went the finger across his now swelling nutsack, making the bunny arch and spread his legs.

"Ohhh Yesss.. Yes Sir. I promise to wake you on time, wash you if you wish a bath, And make sure you are Well satisfied before you leave.." The male was panting now, gripping the table as his dick poked out his sheath, mentally begging for a Yes. The silver coin barely had time to clink on the table before it was snatched up and held to the furry chest.

"I promise you Sir - You won't regret it." He almost skipped to the backroom.

"Room-key and Towels Please.." The Wolf chuckled, then his amber eyes went wide at the coin that was placed on the bar.

"You got a Silver out of Him? You should be wooing Fair Maidens and talking their jewels, not bending over for any half-drunk who has 5 coppers in his pocket." The rabbit Hmmphed..

"Maybe I like bending over a table so some Hot Male can Mount me. Besides - I never heard You complain.." He kissed the wolf who kissed him back.

"You just be careful - He may skin you and eat you raw.." Neuman giggled.

"I do declare Sir - If I didn't know any better I would say you had warm feelings for me." He batted his eyes and Giggled, grabbing the bundle of sheets, towels and key, then Yeeped as a grey hand slapped his butt firmly.

"You bring That back in one piece tomorrow and I will Show you Warm Feelings.." The bunny twitched his rear and padded to the hallway.

"Oh - Wake-up call 2 bells After.. Maybe I can lay between you and your mate for a while?"

The canine snapped his teeth and growled.. "I'll put bite marks in your ass yet!"

Neuman winked over his shoulder."You know where it is if you want it."

A deeper growl made him skip out with a smile on his face.. He really did Love that Wolf.

* * * *

"This way Sir.." A hallway that had seen better years but still held together, with the usual dingy rooms that barely big enough for bed, and wash basin. The rabbit slapped the bed to make sure anything in it scampered before sitting and waiting, somewhat impatiently to see what his new bed partner looked like. He had to giggle as he rubbed nervously at one leg.. 'You would take a Troll to bed!' was once tossed at him. If the being meant to be insulting, they were sadly mistaken as he had taken Trolls to bed.. and Moaned under them as they humped his soft, furry ass with their knobbed dicks.

"Soft." They would say, rubbing or gripping him.

"Furry." Would be added someplace along the line as he either bent over or lay on his belly.. Then "Uhg!" as they blew deep in his shivering body.

"Shall I lick it, Sir?" His muzzle was short and while he Could swallow big cocks, he Much preferred to have them in his butt and take the smaller ones in his mouth. A noise made him look up.. And his dick wilted.

"Lost interest Lad?" In the flickering candlelight, the man looked like Death Itself - One blue eye that almost glowed balefully, the drawn skin and yellow bone that made macabre shadow-dances in the flickering light.

Neuman somehow got his eyes to move lower.. A human - enough torso - But the scars! Criss-crossing him like war ribbons, they spoke of a harsh, violent life. From forearm to wrist, scales ran to a pair of paws that belonged on a dragon, not a man.. One such moved to caress his ear and he Mmmmmm'd, wriggling a little. Daring to look down, the bunny almost sighed - A very normal-looking human penis dangled down, fairly fat for being soft as it was. Taking it in a paw he leaned forward and kissed the bulbous head. He hefted it, stroked it, slid his tongue across it.. It tasted of dust, urine, dick. The meat had been washed recently, so the hungry rabbit only licked on the tip until it was clean then slid the tasty man-flesh between his lips and sucked, stroking the length outside his mouth, eyes half closed in pleasure. Clawed fingers ran along his neck and up the back of his head, then pulled away.

"Move over - I like laying with my back to the wall." One last kiss and Neuman moved as he was told, hearing the old bed creak in protest.. That made his dick stiff again - He Loved being half squashed under some Big male.. To his disappointment, all the man did was pull him close and rub the still semi-hard cock against his cheeks.

Then teeth bit into an ear tip and his balls were squeezed.

"Which would you prefer - Waking me up by sucking on my dick, or bouncing up and down on it?" The bunny squirmed in the masterful grip, gasping "Whatever Master Wants.." A claw tip scritched the underside of his cock and he arched..

"Cum." The rabbit turned his head, then his paw was folded over his erection.

"Cum.. Jerk off. And be Quick about it." A slap on his ass and Neuman was stroking himself busily, using the other paw to rub his aching nuts. In moments white streams of lepine semen flew to splatter on the floor.

"Again Slave." The big dick rooted around his rear, pushing against his leaf-shaped tail.. Neuman moaned as another long, hard orgasm made his hips buck.. As his anus gaped open between pulses, the head stuffed itself in, an inch or more of hard dick following. Fingers dug into his balls, his nipples and the bunny exploded, losing count of how many waves of pleasure he rode, feeling only the cock sliding in his anal passage and his own dick being squeezed and milked.

"Hot little Slave.." He heard hissed before everything went dark.. The man looked at the still bucking rabbit and pulled him close, more inches disappearing into the bunny-butt.

"Now I know you will sleep And my purse will be where I put it in the morning.." One more not-so gentle squeeze and the man drifted off himself.

* * * *

Neuman woke alone.. His butt was sore, His balls were sore, his nipples were sore.. and the room Smelled of hot male sex. He looked down at his dick, still hanging limply from it's furry holder and shook his head. Getting up, he winced, washed, winced again as body parts wanted to know what grinder he had run them through, then padded down the stairs.

"The male said to let you sleep, so I did. And you look like you needed it." The rabbit walked, up, gave the wolf a long, Hot, wanton kiss.

"I would suck you off here and now for a bowl of porridge."

The innkeeper whoofed and grinned.. "He was That good, Eh?"

Neuman stood a moment, and tried his best to remember what happened..

"I Think Number 7 will have to have it's floor scrubbed." Everything after the first time he put paw to cock was gone.

"Or aired out if you want to keep the 'patina'." They both laughed and the wolf patted his slave's butt, setting breakfast in front of him. Neuman ate standing up, then knelt and took the canine cock in his muzzle, nursing on it hungrily..

"Hey! Watch the Teeth! Don't be so damn greedyyyyy.. Yeowwwll!" Paws gripped his head and his Master came almost as hard as he had last night. As he nuzzled the thick meat, licking it gently, he silently hoped the Strange Man would return someday.. Between the Wolf and the Man he might get a good workout!

The End of Part 1