My New Mate

Story by Sabertooth-Wolf on SoFurry

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Just Like to say .. be nice this is my first story! and i've tagged it as human but please image how you want them to look. if you don't like human then imagin them as a fox or rabbit or what ever. oh and enjoy :D

"Well that was a lousy day..." Sarah mumbled to herself. First of all She wakes up horny as hell, so assuming she could just drop by her boyfriends and take the edge of it, but then of course life isn't that easy, her surprise visit really was a surprise as she walked in on her now ex-boyfriend with some little cheap slag, so as she stormed from the house mumbling what a jerk he was it starts to rain, so then having to walk home for like 10 blocks with it pissing down just topped of her morning. Heck she even thought sorry for her; he was a crap lay any way. So in the end she was pissed off, still horny as hell and soaking wet, and not even in the good way. As she Closes her front door Cerb her French Shorthaired Shepherd opens a lazy eye at her. He was a Large dog, not a lot bigger than they are meant to be, but it still helped that she lived near the edge of the wood where he can get the exercise he needed. His fur was black and he had tan coloured legs. Cerb was short for Cerberus what was the dog that guarded the underworld in Greek Mythology. It Kind Of suited him as She always felt safe around him even if she wasn't to happy to be compared to a place what can only be described as hell.

"Least I still got you, boy" she said walking over to him to scratch him behind his ears. Why were all the decent men either gay, in fiction books or have four legs?

Shaking her head she left Cerb to go back to sleep.

Stripping as she walked she was soon naked and showering. After rinsing her hair, she let her hands travel down her stomach towards her shaved sex. Dipping one of her fingers into her cleft to gently stroke her clit. The pleasure was rising in her, her other hand stroked her leg in small circles working its way up to join the other. As she continued to stroke building her pace, she plunged two fingers into her, making her stifle a moan. The relentless pounding of her own fingers into her sex was making her climax edging closer... Just as she was about to peak, She heard her front door slam shut And Cerb start baking and growling like crazy.


That could only mean john her now ex had followed her. Sarah Quickly Turned of the shower and grabber her bath robe. Cerb had never liked John, just wished she had listened to him and stayed away from that bastard. Walking out of her bathroom she saw john pressed against the wall to try to get away from Cerb. Instead of telling Cerb to back down she just left him there, she couldn't help the smug smile creeping onto her lips seeing john look so scared.

"Sarah! Call your mutt away!" John screamed in at her.

"Cerby heel" even though Sarah didn't used a harsh voice Cerberus came to sit by her feet still staring at john!

"Sarah," John said giving her the puppy dog eyes, "look we need to talk..."

"No we don't, there's nothing to talk about. And don't ever... EVER call Cerby a mutt!!!!"

"So I'm forgiven?"


"But..." Queue Teary eyes, "It meant nothing, we didn't even get to anything this time..." before he could finish Sarah cut him off

"This time?.. That's it john get out of I'll make Cerb eat you"

"Sarah, please, and plus you wouldn't let him. You love me."

Love him? Plah-lease she'd only been dating him like 3 weeks!

"John I don't love you! Now are you going to leave and never talk to me again or do I have to carry out my threat?"

Cerberus growled beside me to make sure John got the message.

"I'm Not Leav..."

"Cerberus ... Fetch!"

As quick as you could blink john was running through the door! making Sarah give a cold laugh. Walking towards the door she closed it and put it on the latch and chained it so john didn't come back.

After that little battle she was even more hyped up and needing release... fast!

Walking to her bedroom dropping the robe on the way she sat on the edge of her bed letting her hands take that familiar path once more. Laying back with her legs over the edge she closed her eyes to let her fantasy's come to life.

She was so consumed by pleasure she didn't hear Cerb come in the first time she realised she wasn't alone was when his tongue rasped near her fingers what were buried in her sex. Pleasure shot through her body. Opening her eyes she looked down to see Cerb's muzzle pressing into her trying to move her hand.

As she withdrew her fingers fresh moisture seeped out.

She was still confused what Cerberus was doing but as she pulled her hand away from between her legs he gave her fingers a quick lick to remove the moisture there.

Ah so he wants her juices? Wow that was a bit weird...Yet she could feel herself getting even more aroused by the thought of him licking her there!

As if he read her mind he gave a long lick right up to her clit making her shudder with pleasure. As Cerberus continued with his ministrations, Sarah could feel her self nearing her climax. For a dog he was skilled with his tongue forcing it into her sex to draw out more oh her juices. Within the next few licks she was moaning and grinding her sex into his muzzle. Release was so close she could almost feel it.... Then with one hard stab it hit her the hardest orgasm she has ever had! Making her come all over his muzzle, it didn't seem to faze him he just kept licking drawing more and more out of her till all she could do is writhe in her bed grind on him.

Once the second orgasm had taken hold she screamed, clutching on to the duvet so she wouldn't slide of the edge of the bed. When she looked up she saw Cerberus licking his chops with almost a doggy smile on his face.

Oh...My...Goddess! What have I done? Well...apart from have the greatest two orgasms of her life!!!

Sarah's Energy was spent all she could do it pat him on the head and crawl up her bed to sleep. Before she drifted of to sleep she felt the mattress dip under Cerb's Weight. His Body a warn softness pressed up to her. With her last little bit of energy she patted in on his side and thanked him.

Sarah Woke sometime in the evening. Remember a very odd dream involving Cerberus and how he...

Oh Goddess... that wasn't a dream it actually happened. What had she done? Cerb wasn't just her pet he was her friend. Grabbing her robe she wrapped it around herself and head towards the kitchen she noticed Cerberus was lying in front of the window soaking up last of the sunlight. After getting herself a glass of water she heard the clicks of Cerberus's claws on the tiles coming to wards her. As he sat at her feet she looked at his face and how his muzzle had given her so much pleasure thinking over what they had done she wasn't exactly freaking out over it in fact she could feel herself getting aroused again just thinking about it. Was this so wrong then? She wasn't hurting anyone, she didn't force Cerby to do it, he did it himself so she didn't need to feel guilty.

Shaking her head she put the glass on the counter top she reached to stroke his head. As she continued to stroke him he took in a big breath through his nose and started sniffing around her hip. Once he figured out what smelt so good he started to wag his tail. He soon pressed his nose near her sex again, muffling a gasp Sarah just held onto his head.

Did he want to do it again? Did she dare? Well no risk, no orgasm right?

She lead him into the bedroom again and sat on the edge of the bed. Removing the robe she started to stroke his head once again. Spreading her legs wide she ran a finger up through her cleft collecting her juices. Bringing that finger to his nose so he could take in the scent and as he did his tail started to wag again. Once he had licked the finger clean he started to lick her once again.

She couldn't believe she was doing this, but it felt wonderful. His tongue finding its way into her sex and drawing out more of her juices, his nose rubbing against her clit sending ripples of pleasure up her spine.

How could something feel so good? As she began to orgasm she ground her sex into his muzzle enjoying the feel of his fur and how it tickled the lips of her sex. Then she was coming, the rush of liquid seeping down her crack. Once it began to die down Cerb gave one last lick what went from her anus to her clit, what made her shudder as her clit was throbbing and sending out waves of pleasure.

Cerberus sat back on his hunches and stared at her. Goddess she must look a mess all flustered. Staring down she could quite easily see he had become aroused by what had happened.

Wow, I have got myself in a pickle now. Sarah had no idea what she was going to do about ... it.

As she continued to stare at his member she became more and more aroused.

Rolling over so her chest was hanging on the bed. She wiggled her hips, hopefully Cerberus would get the message to mount her.

Goddess she wanted it, no, needed it. She needed him to mount her and fuck her.

He gave a quick lick to sex once more and then she felt his front legs slid over her hips till she could feel his weight resting against her back. Spreading her legs father apart she felt that hot poking sensation against her inner thigh. Shifting her hips to the left till she felt in against the lips of her sex. The first couple of thrust he missed and his member brushed against her clit. She was just about to reach back to guide him into her but at that moment he rammed into her with so much force it made her cry out in pleasure.

He continued to pound into her sex. She couldn't believe it she was already starting to come after about a minute. She could feel his member beating inside her. It was so hot, causing more of her juices to run. The sides of her sex started to quiver and grip at his member every time he withdrew from her and then a giant orgasm started and continued to shudder through her body. He was still pounding into her. She could hear the wet smacking sounds as his thighs smacked against hers. She could feel his knot begin to swell she knew dogs had them but never seen one. It pushed back and forth through the lips of her sex sending a whole new feeling through her.

By the time she began to orgasm a second time the knot was so large it was starting to stretch her lips as he pushed into her. With one finale push he embedded himself in her with the knot still swelling in her sex. As he tugged a few time to see if he was full in. she went over the edge and a new lot of juices flooded her channel covering his member and slowing leaking out. She could feel his member beginning to twitch, she hadn't thought this far ahead he was about to fill he sex full of his doggy come.

And then he did hot spurts of doggy come started to fill her up. The volume was impressive. After four large spurts I thought he was finished but instead he began to fuck her again. The sensations vibrating through her sex were unbelievable. Their combined juices trickled down Sarah's slit. After she reached another orgasm he shot more of his seed into her womb. We were still tied together, her sex continued to contract around his member before he could pull out. Once he did I sunk to the floor to worn out to crawl up onto the bed he came over and began to lick her face and neck. Sarah took that as his thank you, he laid down next to so she snuggled up to his back to steal his body warmth before she drifted of to sleep with a smile on face thinking about how I just found my new "mate".