First Time: Adding a Little Wolf to the Mix

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#5 of First Time Series

Well, we've seen just how 'involved' our two dragons have become in such a short time. Now, as school continues, they find that they are not the only ones finding a new lease on life and love at Ivalice. And with new weeks and new revelations comes new possibilities.....

Chewing gently on the end of his pen, the silver dragon that was Auren bobbed slightly to the music playing through his ear-buds as he read over a passage in his textbook. Professor Resten, the Fire instructor for his year, had given her class a series of readings she expected done over the weekend, which was met with the expected groans and sighs. Nevertheless, as the coursework started to entail more and more effort on their part, the students grudgingly accepted the assignment, hence why the normally lax silver drake had his snout buried in his books.

Laying on his chest on the couch, Auren had compromised between relaxing and studying on the Friday night, by plugging in his music player and letting the soft background noise keep him focused on the task at hand. Every other day, his Fire classes got out an hour earlier than Glau's Earth lessons, so he figured he'd kill the time by jumping ahead in the readings. A notebook with some short-form points laid next to him, accompanied by a few doodles from earlier.

Absorbed as he was in the text, and with the soft music in his ears, he failed to hear the door to their dorm room open, and gave a small start as he felt hands slink around his torso. Turning around, Auren was met by a wide grin as his golden scaled boyfriend slid next to him on the couch."Well, hello there," he rumbled, pulling the buds out of his ears.

"Hey handsome," Glauron purred, leaning down for a quick kiss. He gave the silver dragon's toned torso a few playful rubs. "Homework?" he nodded towards the books.

Auren snorted softly. "Yeah....Resten wants us to read and make notes on a few chapters over the weekend." His muzzle turned upwards in a smirk. "And here I had other plans for our days off...." Glauron simply laughed, understanding exactly what he meant.

It had been almost a full week since their last little intimate encounter, as school work had started to pick up, leaving the two dragons with less time for romance in the evenings. That, coupled with their dedicated visits to the gym every night, meant their nights were spent going over notes, grabbing something for dinner, before simply going to bed, too tired and much too late to stay up fooling around. Regardless, it hadn't affected the relationship between them. If anything, it only added to it, as Glauron and Auren looked forward to a nightly cuddle beneath the sheets. Even if they had gone without sex for a while, it was still nice to feel the warm, naked body of their boyfriend against them at night.

"Well, I hate to dampen your libido some more, lover boy," Glauron teased, going in for another quick kiss and nibble. "But I wouldn't be around this weekend anyways."

Auren rolled over and sat up. "Huh? How come?"

"Its my mother's birthday on Saturday," the gold dragon sighed. "And I promised the family I would be home for the weekend." He reached up and gently cupped Auren's cheek. "Sorry, bro. I meant to tell you this morning."

Auren's shoulder's slumped, but he wasn't upset. "Nah....its alright, Glau," he rumbled softly, sliding an arm around the golden drake's waist. "Family does come first after all. Besides," he nodded towards his textbook next to them. "I probably should focus on this assignment. Got like, four chapters to read for Monday."

"You're not mad?" Glauron asked softly, nuzzling into the silver dragon's neck.

Auren simply smiled and held his boyfriend closer, rubbing his stomach. "Of course not, silly. Its only like, what, the second-ish week of school?" He flashed his trademark grin, one that made Glauron's gut jump happily every time he saw it. "We got the whole rest of the year together....and then some." He returned the nuzzle with on of his own, playfully nibbling Glauron's neck. "We got lots of time for you and me. Go home and see your folks."

Glauron simply rumbled happily, and met Auren's mouth in a tender kiss. His dragon boyfriend really was one of a kind. "When do you head out?" the silver drake asked, pulling back slightly.

"Tomorrow morning."

"Mmm....that still gives us tonight," Auren growled playfully, going in for another kiss. He was stopped however, by a gentle finger on his snout.

Glauron grinned at him. "Aren't we supposed to meet Ren at the gym in 15 minutes?"

Auren turned around and looked at the time on his phone. "Aw, rats," he pouted in fake disappointment. Glauron simply chuckled and stood up with him as they went to grab their bags. A few minutes later, they were strolling down the corridor, bags on shoulders, as they made their way to the gym. A few playful, hidden squeezes and grabs were exchanged, but when the pair of dragons finally entered the gym, the managed to revert back to their air of friendship.

Rolling over in bed, Auren stretched his warm, comfortable body, then immediately reached for the other body that should have been there. Instead, he only snagged a pillow, and he opened his eyes with a slight sigh. Remembering it was Saturday, and that Glauron had said he was leaving early that morning, the silver dragon grumbled to himself about already missing his boyfriend. Part of him had wanted to be up in order to snag a kiss goodbye. But then, he rationalized, it wasn't like Glau was gone long. The gold dragon would be back tomorrow night, as in he had never left.

On the bright side, Auren thought to himself with a tired grin. That limits my excuses for not getting my homework done. Indeed, after returning from the gym last night, Glauron had encouraged Auren to hit the books again. Although he got a grumble from his silver boyfriend, the golden dragon had pointed out that, the more Auren got done now and while he was away, the more time they could spend together when Glauron got back. That little nudge alone was enough for Auren to plow through more than half his assigned readings.

Stretching once again, Auren let the sheets tumble off his nude body, before snorting and scrambling for his phone as it began to buzz. He rearranged his half-erect manhood as he sat up, looking at the screen, before grinning as he saw a text from Ren.

Feel like snagging some breakfast?

Tapping back a quick affirmative, Auren stood up and gave on last stretch, giggling to himself as his black shaft poked into the dresser. He quickly pulled on some boxers and pants, the dangling anatomy getting the hint and retreating back into its slit. Giving himself a quick check in the mirror, Auren adjusted his black shirt before grabbing his wallet and phone, and heading out.

Renfear was waiting for him in the mess lounge, waving him over even as his other paw held a forkful of pancakes. Auren wove his way through the crowd of students, exchanging a fist bump with his buddy as he took his own seat. "Smells good," he quipped, eyeing Ren's plate.

"Mmhmm," the snow wolf mumbled through a mouthful. "Special today. Grab a plate, bro, their awesome."

Nodding, Auren got back up and worked his way over to the delicious smelling kiosk that was serving the breakfast. A few minutes later, he plopped back into his seat, a stack of banana pancakes making his stomach rumble in want. "Sweet," he growled hungrily. "Good call on breakfast."

Ren simply grinned and licked his lips. "Hey, I know they're one of your faves. Wouldn't be your oldest friend if I didn't." The dragon simply returned the grin, and then the two pals sat in silence as both of the dove in to the fluffy meal. As they downed the tasty dish, Auren could have sworn he saw Ren shooting him little glances every now and then.

Scraping their plates clean, the pair spent a few moments enjoying the meal before returning their dishes to the wash station. "So, you got any plans for the day?" the white furred wolf asked casually.

"Not really," Auren shrugged, rolling his shoulders. Again, there was something in Renfear's gaze that he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He knew his friend almost inside and out, but this little nuance struck a chord in the back of his mind.

"We could hit the gym for a couple hours," the wolf offered nonchalantly.

Auren paused for a moment to push his earlier musings away. "Sure, why not?

Ren simply nodded, and the pair of them made their way out of the mess area and towards the gym facility. As they entered the locker/change room, and moved to their separate lockers, Auren kept glancing out the corner of his eye, keeping a watch on Ren. His slightly odd behavior had Auren's curiosity peaked. Stripping off his shirt and jeans, the silver dragon busied himself with pulling on his gym clothes, still sneaking glances at the nearby wolf.

His curiosity was well warranted. Ren was giving Auren's bare form definite looks, ones that were not all dissimilar to the ones Glauron had given him just before they had gotten together. Now, admittedly, having been friends with Renfear almost all his life, it was inevitable the the two friends has 'seen' each other before, and even fooled around innocently once or twice. But this wasn't the innocent type of looks. Auren could feel the white wolf's eyes trace his lower torso, eyeing the solid washboard of his abs and sliding lower......and slight alarm bells began to sound in the dragon's head.

He can't me out, can he? The silver drake wondered as they came out onto the gym floor proper. I mean....I love the guy like a brother, but he knows I'm with Glauron. As Auren set himself into a routine on the chest press, he tried to keep from glancing over at Ren a few machines over. Every time he did though, he noticed the snow wolf avert his gaze, trying to seem focused on his own workout. Okay, Auren sighed to himself. I have to put my foot in this before it goes to far......whatever this is.

"So, come across any new tips or tricks lately?" the silver drake asked suddenly, hoping to snap the wolf out of his back and forth trance.

"Er, what?" Ren stumbled. Then, shaking his head, he brought his focus back. "Actually, yeah," he said, replacing his weights and swinging his legs around so he could face Auren. "Nate and I have been looking into some new stuff."

"Nate?" Auren asked curiously, sitting up. Now his interest was peaked. "Who's that?"

The snow white wolf shuffled slightly as he clamped his mouth shut, the distinct shade of a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Um....just a friend." Auren simply looked back at him with an even stare, an the wolf sighed. "Well, roommate, actually."

"You never mentioned him before," the drake observed. "How come we haven't seen you hanging with him around school?"

Ren coughed slightly in his throat. "Well, he's got a job off-campus most of the week." The snow wolf seemed to relax a bit as the topic progressed. "In fact, he's trying to line me up a position too."

"Nice," Auren rumbled, replacing his weights and letting out a sigh, feeling the awesome burn in his firm chest. "But you still never answered my question," the silver drake's eyes danced playfully. "How come you never mentioned him before now?"

The wolf opposite him shifted on his bench, seemingly absorbed in the motions of his paws. Auren's grin only widened as more seconds passed, and the wheels in his head began to turn. Finally, Ren looked up. "Look.....can I tell you something, bro?"

The silver dragon got up to move over and sit beside his friend. "Of course, man," he said softly, putting a hand on the wolf's shoulder. "You're as good as a brother to me. Now, what's up?"

A large sigh escaped the wolf, and his shoulders slumped. "Well....Nate and I are....kinda.....together..."

"What, did Glau and I start a trend?" Auren growled teasingly. "Sleep with your roommate, get a free boyfriend?"

"Hey..." Ren's eyes flashed slightly as he turned to look at the chuckling dragon. Auren held a hand up in an 'okay, okay' gesture, then nodded to him to continue. "Alright, well, at first, we just hung out to get to know one another," the wolf began. "I'll admit....he was certainly nice to look at." His pearly white fangs flashed in a quick grin, and Auren chuckled in understanding. Like him, Auren knew Renfear was proudly bisexual, even if he leaned slightly more towards guys.

Although, Auren wondered to himself, suppressing a grin. With Glau, I wonder if I'm not perfectly happy playing for just one team?

"Anyways," Ren continued. "I didn't want to try anything at first, because Nate's a pretty awesome guy. We have alot of the same interests; he frequents the gym as much as we do, enjoys a good gamer session now and then...." The wolf paused as another grin crept over his muzzle, and Auren felt a sense of nostalgia wash over him. He could practically sense how Ren was feeling, seeing as how he had come to feel the same way about Glau when things had started to get serious.

"So," Auren rumbled. "How did you two....?"

A slight blush appeared under the white wolf's fur. "Actually, he made the first move," Ren grinned. "Turns out, he was entertaining thoughts of the same nature." The toned lupine stretched a bit, before sighing happily. "One night, we were just chilling in the dorm room, studying and such, and I was trying to figure out if I should make a move or something. You know....before something came up." Auren nodded, and his friend continued. The wolf's grin widened as he recalled the night.

"Turns out, apparently Nate had been thinking much the same ideas. I was absorbed in my Ice textbook, when out of nowhere, the book gets tiled down and I see this big grin in front of me." The snow wolf's eyes glazed over a bit, clearly lost in the memory. "Before I could even mumble something, he leaned in and locked lips." Ren shivered happily. "I barely had time to comprehend that before we started tongue wrestling."

"Which is quickly becoming one of my new favorite sports," Auren interjected playfully.

Renfear chuckled in agreement before going on. "After a few minutes of that, he finally pulled off and I asked him. Nate just shrugged and said 'I like you, and I wanted to see if maybe you liked me too.' As it was obvious I did, we dove back in for more and then....well....." he trailed off as a knowing smile stretched across the silver drake's muzzle.

"So, how long?"

"Two hours," Ren sighed happily.

Auren snorted and smacked his friend's shoulder playfully. "Not 'how long did you go at it', hornball!" he laughed. "I mean, how long have you two officially been an item?

"Oh, that," Ren blushed and tried not to giggle at his own blunder. "Er, just about a week now."

The silver dragon simply grinned and arched his back, stretching. "Mm....its an awesome feeling, ain't it?"

"Yup," came the simple reply.

Then, Ren shamelessly let his eyes wander over the exposed torso stretching beside him, earning a growl from its owner. "Hey now.....this is taken," Auren teased, poking the wolf on the forehead.

", hey Auren?" the snow wolf asked, his voice getting slightly more serious now.


"If I.....kinda came out of left field and....say.....asked if you wanted to fool around," Ren mumbled, drawing a circle on the cushion with a claw.

"Say what?" the dragon stammered, leaning his head in closer to his friend.

Ren's cheeks were red again. "Its just that....well, Nate is gone for the weekend....and I know Glauron is too," he fumbled with something on his pant leg, clearly embarrassed about jumping to this so randomly. "I thought maybe...."

"You mean, you and me?" Auren asked incredulously. He sat back slightly, eyeing the wolf with unsure eyes. "Wouldn't that kinda be like cheating, bro?" The dragon shook his head. "Ren, you're my boy for life, you know that. But I couldn't do that to Glau...."

"I-Its not that!" the wolf yelped quickly. "I'm into Nate too, remember?" He took a few breaths to calm himself, and gave a quick check around the gym in case anyone had started listening to them. "I'm not asking to get serious," he went on. "Just....blow off a little steam, seeing as how both our guys are gone." The wolf looking over at Auren's tensed body. "You can't tell me you're not the least bit pent up from not getting time with Glauron lately...."

Auren held his gaze for a few moments, not sure exactly how to handle this. "I....would be lying if I said no," he rumbled truthfully. He shook his head again gently. "But still, we can't just drop and go at each other because our boyfriends are out of town..." The dragon sighed and put his head in his hands. Then, a heartbeat later, he brought it back up. "......can we?"

"Well, I dunno," Ren mumbled. "This is why I'm asking." He slid a gentle arm around the dragon's waist, out of sight from any potential passerby. "Look, Auren, I would never think of trying to get between you and Glau. Ever. And I know you would be the same about me and Nate." The wolf sighed softly. "But, as a guy, you know how hard it is to think when you are pent up...."

"Yeah.....yeah I know," Auren murmured, feeling his own loins warm at the mere thought of something - anything - involving Glauron and a bed. He weighed the thoughts in his head as a few minutes passed, trying to sort out the pros and cons. Really, it wouldn't be the first time he and Renfear 'took care of some urges' together with their paws, but on the other hand, the silver drake was pretty sure he knew what the wolf wanted, and that was another level entirely. "Look, I'm not denying I could use a release," he grunted again. "But I need to make sure this is going to be okay." He brought his electric blue eyes back around to meet the paler blue of his lupine friend. "I'm not losing Glau..."

Ren nodded in understanding, then stood. "So, why don't we head back to my dorm, and you can give him a call?" he offered. "If not, we can just hang out."

"Alright," Auren sighed, standing up and following the wolf to the locker rooms.

As they changed, Auren couldn't help but sneak a few glances at Ren's exposed body. Considering what they may end up doing, he felt it was only justified. The wolf had a bit more muscle than Auren did, the hint of starting six-pack visible beneath the smooth fur of his stomach. Like his dragon friend, his body was outlined and accented by sharply defined and visible muscles, lean yet firm. As Auren's eyes travelled downwards he glimpsed the tell-tale bulge in the front of the wolf's boxers that indicated his sheath and balls. The size was impressive - 'hand-filling, as Auren's mind put it - and the drake tried to remember just how big it was when he had seen it last.

Renfear never bothered to say anything as he noticed the silver dragon checking him out, as he was giving Auren's body the same cursory look over. His draconic friend had started to fill out a bit more in his chest and torso, the washboard abs under his scaled hide were considerably tighter and thicker than before. His rump was nice and compact, curving against his frame nicely, leaving the front to be the only protrusion worth noting. Because dragons didn't have the same kind of sheath as a wolf, Ren couldn't see alot of what Auren as packing, but there was still enough of a bulge down there to hint towards it. Whereas a wolf or canine had a nice furry sheath that stuck out from their groin, where their member lay in wait, a dragon had something more akin to a slit. There was still enough of a drop from their abdomen to indicate the fleshy length within, which was proportionate to just how big said dragon was. From what he could remember, Ren knew Auren's cock had more of a sheath than other dragons, possibly indicating a lupine ancestor in his bloodline. As the images from a few years back wormed their way into the wolf's mind, he could feel his own sheath stirring, a pleasant warmth running into his balls.

Regardless of the thoughts and images running through their minds, both friends had actually finished dressing, and had now made their way from the gym to the hallway where their dorms were. Renfear's room was just around the corner and two rooms down from Auren and Glauron's room, seeing as how both Auren and Ren, having arrived first, had been assigned to the athletics dorm due to their love of sports and the gym. As they entered Ren's dorm, Auren looked around to see that it was more or less the same layout as his own. The middle sitting area was graced with a couch and table, as well as the small TV and fridge in the corner. From the center room, the opposite bedrooms stretched out, one for each of the two wolves.

The biggest difference was the smell, and Auren fought down a wave of arousal as he took a breath. The room was thick with the musky odor of two male - and horny - wolves. It was likely all the more potent from the recent activity of Ren and Nate, which only caused the dragon's lusty thoughts to increase. Auren sucked in a smile as his eyes wandered the room, wondering just where the two horny lupines had done it.

Seeing the way his draconic companion's nose had crinkled, Renfear let out a chuckle. "Yeah, guess you're not used to that," he grinned. "I myself don't notice it as much, seeing as how I'm one of the wolves you're smelling."

"Its no biggie, bro," Auren flashed his fangs in a return grin. "I'm sure you'd get the same reaction stepping into Glau and I's place."

"Mmm...the scent of hot, sweaty dragons....rubbing and grinding against each other...."

"Okay, stop that," Auren growled playfully, punching the wolf on the shoulder. The wolf simply grinned and flopped onto the couch, stretching out his furry body in a revealing pose, and the dragon shook his head, laughing. Auren pulled out his cellphone and hit the speed dial for Glauron's own cell.

All it took was two rings "Hello?" came a familiar voice.

"Hey you," Auren purred softly, and over the phone he heard a distinct rumble of happiness.

"Hey handsome," Glauron giggle on the line. "I was just thinking about you..."

"Same here," the silver drake growled tenderly. "How goes things?"

"Oh, you know. Usual family stuff. Its nice though. How about you?"

Auren flicked his eyes up and the wolf stretched out on the couch. "Actually, that's the reason I'm calling. I wanted something with you."

Glauron must have been able to hear the slight unease in his boyfriend's voice. "Is something wrong, Auren?"

"No no," he assured his friend. "Nothing's wrong. Its just....well..something has come up, and I needed to call you about it." When there was a pause on the line, Auren took it as his cue to continue. "I was hanging out with Ren today, and we got talking about stuff...." The drake trailed off slightly. Then, he sighed and just blurted it out. "Ren asked if I was interested in messing around. You know....with him..."

"I see," the voice on the other end replied simply, and Auren felt his gut twist in unease. " two are gonna do it?"

"That's why I'm calling, Glau," Auren murmured. "You are my boyfriend, and when it comes to that stuff, you are number one. and only." His eyes flicked over at the snow wolf. "Had it been anyone other than Ren, I'd have never even thought about it," he went on. " know how far back he and I go."

"I see," the golden drake repeated. There was a heartbeat of silence on over the phone, and Auren was sure he could hear shuffling as Glauron moved around a bit. He became aware of the golden dragon's breathing getting louder, evidence that Glauron was holding the phone close so he could whisper and not be overheard. Finally, his voice sounded again. " you love me?"

The silver dragon was taken slightly by surprise at the direct question. Lowering his own voice, he murmured to the phone, "More than anything, Glau. You mean more to me than anyone else ever has."

"Then I'm okay with it," came the sudden, cheery reply.

"Huh?" Auren blurted, caught off guard by the confusing switch in mood.

"Auren" Glauron purred from the other end. "I love you too. And I know you would never hurt me....I've seen it in your eyes when you look at me." The golden dragon gave a soft giggle. "I just....wanted to hear you say it, because then I could rest easy on the whole thing, knowing we feel the same."

The silver dragon hesitated a split second. "So....that's a yes?"

"Yes, Auren," Glauron whispered tenderly. "Go, have fun with Ren. And let him know I trust him completely. I know how....pent and I have been the past week. 'open' relationship might be a good thing." Another chuckle came across the line. "Just know I'll be expecting one hell of a welcome home...."

"No question about it," Auren growled lustfully to his boyfriend over the phone. "I intend to get every drop from you I can."

Another purr and a laugh. "I love you, Auren. See you tomorrow."

"Love ya, Glau."


Hanging up his phone, Auren grinned and looked back at his lupine friend on the couch. "Well, pup, looks like you got yourself a pass at this," he teased, flexing his abs.

"He's cool with it?" Ren asked.

"Yeah, he's good," Auren nodded. "I told him he comes first and foremost, and he said much the same. But he knows how close you and me are, so he's agreed to s slightly 'open' relationship."

"Awesome," Ren growled happily, flashing his own pearly fangs. Now that he basically had permission, he reached out and gave the dragon's groin a grope. "Been a while since I had something scaly."

Auren chuckled, but thrust his hips forward slightly. "Right down to business, hmm?"

"Are you kidding? Been holding in my boner since the locker room."

"I can roll with that," the silver dragon grinned, and began removing his top. In the time it took Auren to pull the shirt over his eyes, Renfear has stripped right down and now lay naked on the couch under his friend. "Jeezus.....horny much?"

"Every day all day," the wolf laughed, fondling his sheath. With eager paws, he helped Auren out of his pants, until the dragon was as bare as him, and he reached forward eagerly to play with the silver drake's own sheath.

"So, anything particular in mind?" Auren rumbled softly.

The snow wolf just flashed his fangs again. "Sex, sex and more sex." As Auren stooped down to lay with him on the couch, Ren lifted a claw and traced the drake's chest gently. " making out, okay pal?"

The dragon nodded, but laid atop the bare wolf anyways. "I know," he smiled. "That's a 'boyfriend only' thing." He growled and gently humped their groins together. "Besides, that big ol tongue belongs around my shaft rather than in my mouth..."

"Oh....trying to take charge, are we?" Ren growled, humping up in response. "Well, I suppose I could try a taste. See what Glau likes about it so much anyways." Auren snorted, then sat higher up on the wolf's chest, until he was straddling his pecs. Unbidden, his black, ridged cock began sliding out of its protective flesh, extending towards the wolf's muzzle. "Certainly not lacking, I see."

"Nope," Auren chuckled as he cock bobbed in front of Ren's nose. As the wolf started licking his head, the silver dragon reached back and began to stroke the furry sheath behind him, ushering Renfear's tapered cock into the world. He rumbled appreciatively as the snow wolf wasted no time, and eagerly swallowed the head of the drake's shaft, making Auren moan as it was surrounded by the warm and wet muzzle. Giving a few thrusts, he slid his thick cock farther into Ren's maw, feeling the head bump into the back of his friend's throat. Happily, Auren noticed that like he and Glau had discovered about themselves, Ren could suppress his gag reflex, and he slid a few more inches into the wolf's muzzle. " do want this dragon cock, don't you?"

The snow wolf simply nodded and began swallowing around the dragon member in his mouth, eager to taste his friend. His hips gave a few thrusts upwards as Auren continued to fondle his own hard cock, but knew he would wait and return the favor. Just the thought of that hot dragon maw around his cock caused him to leak a few dribbles of pre....only to be smeared by Auren's hand going up and down. Bobbing forward, he sucked in a few more inches of Auren's cock, making the dragon above him moan. "Unnh....keep that up, and I'll take over," the drake warned.

All he got was a grin from the muzzle around his cock, and Auren took the hint. Using his free hand to hold the back of Ren's head, he began thrusting into the wolf's maw, claiming the passage with his thick shaft. The wolf gurgled and mumbled around the ridged flesh, clearly not complaining, as he bobbed in time to Auren's thrusts trying to swallow as much of it as he could.

Grunting, Auren worked his cock quickly in Ren's mouth, starting to feel his pent up seed rising already. Truly, not having a release for almost a week was a killer for stamina. Then again, he thought, there's just that much more to work out. With that in mind, he took Ren's head in both hands and started humping in earnest, eager to blast down the wolf's throat.

Renfear relaxed his throat slightly, so as to allow the thick dragon shaft in his mouth to slide back and forth freely, as Auren attempted to bust a nut in his maw. His tongue worked the underside of his friend's shaft swiftly, teasing the ridges as they passed over it. Judging by the grunts and snorts coming from the dragon humping his face, he knew Auren was already getting close. He must have been pretty pent up indeed.

His thoughts were confirmed then, as the wolf felt the thickening knot at the base of friend's shaft bump into his nose, before a thick jet of sticky fluid assaulted the back of his mouth, and he swallowed reflexively. As Auren started pumping his load down Ren's throat, the wolf simply murred and swallowed, drinking down the thick dragon cream as fast as it shot out. The drake filling him panted and moaned, still humping for a few minutes, before sagging back, his slick member popping from the lupine's mouth. "Mmph.....that was good," Auren chuckled.

"A little quick," the snow-furred wolf teased as he licked his lips. The dragon on his chest shot him a half-hearted glare, before laying back, still atop the wolf. As Ren licked at the dangling shaft in front of him, his own cock twitched as something warm was dragged up it. "Ohh.....right to business, hmm?" he growled. All he got in response was another lick, and Renfear simply grinned, making himself comfortable.

Half twisted around atop his lupine friend, Auren set to work giving the hard wolf cock before him the same treatment he had received. Unlike his own maleness, the drake saw before him a smooth, tapered shaft extending from the white wolf's groin. It had a more defined tip than his, being slightly more narrow than his own thick headed cock, which made it somewhat easier for Auren to take into his mouth smoothly. Bobbing on the hot length, he felt the tip brush against the back of his throat before pulling off, only to bob down again. Ren had a nice 9 inches on him, rounded out by the thick knot at the base of his lupine cock. Even though, as a dragon, Auren knew of his own knotted cock, he could see that Ren's knot was considerably larger in size in proportion to the rest of his shaft. When swollen, he guessed it would be nearly double the thickness of the rest of it.....possibly even more.

Damn.....and I thought Glau's was hard to get in, he mused to himself.

Still, he had a job to do, and the silver dragon began sucking and bobbing on the length of wolf cock before him, earning soft moans and twitches from his partner under him. With a slight giggle, Auren felt Renfear start to lick and lap at his spent shaft and balls, giving the dragon some soft stimulation to prolong the shared pleasure. From the amount of pre he was sucking and swallowing, Auren could guess Ren was at least as horny as he was, and therefor unlikely to last long for the first round.

Long lasting or not, the snow wolf half-panted with the feeling of his buddy going down on his hot cock, his furry balls aching for release. Humping upwards in time with Auren's motions, he worked his leaking cock in and out of the dragon's mouth, eager to blow his own load into the hungry dragon's maw. As he did this, Ren redoubled his efforts on the dangling black dragon cock before him, licking at it and even sucking on the head once more.

Auren groaned softly as his shaft was treated once more, and he started sucking harder on Ren's bulbous shaft. The results were evident, as the wolf began to grunt and growl, his upward thrusts becoming more urgent. In front of his nose, Auren saw the thick knot on Ren's cock begin to expand, and he dared to take more of the cock in to he could suckle on the lump of flesh. His friend snarled beneath him as the sensitive flesh was teased, bringing him to his peak quickly. With a moaning howl, Ren bucked upwards and began pumping his own thick load into Auren's waiting maw, the dragon gulping and attempting to swallow as much as he could. The wolf managed to pump out quite a bit, forcing Auren to shove the head of his cock into the back of his throat in order to bypass swallowing. Jet after jet of wolf spunk shot down his gullet and into his stomach, sending warmth throughout his body. Auren had to admit, the wolf didn't taste all that bad. He was no Glauron.....but not bad.

Panting, Renfear felt his cock leave Auren's maw with a wet pop, and the dragon rolled off of him slowly. The silver drake gently lifted himself off the couch, coming to kneel next to it and look at his friend. Without words, the pair of them grinned widely and began to chuckle. "Yeah, we needed that," Auren laughed, giving the still solid wolf cock a stroke.

"Mmhmm," Ren murred, still fondling Auren's scaly sac gently.

As Auren stood up to retrieve a bottle of water from the small fridge, Ren couldn't help but stare at the silver rump as it faced him. He watched the long, scaly tail flick idly back and forth, signifying the dragon's contentment at the moment. Shamelessly, he could picture that toned silver rump taking as it bounced underneath the golden drake absent from his counterpart. The more he stared, the more Ren began to wonder if he might get a shot at it. It couldn't hurt to ask, right? " got anything more left in the tank?" he grinned, as the dragon turned around to face him.

"And here Glauron calls me insatiable," Auren snorted. Renfear innocently indicated his still, mostly hard cock, earning another chuckle from the dragon. "Yes, I can see that, pup," he smiled. "And I'm thinking about it too. Just....gimme a minute to finish swallowing all that junk."

"Ah, come on," the wolf teased. "Top predator like you? Should be able to digest that in no time." Auren raised a scaly eyebrow at the unusual terminology, and Ren coughed slightly, a hint of red under his fur. "Er....sorry. Something Nate says."

The dragon eyed him for a moment more. "'Predator', huh? Just what are you two into?"

Renfear looked back at his oldest friend, and contemplated telling him some of the things Nate had introduced him to. But what would Auren think of them? Granted, they were pretty far out there as far as kinks go, but if all those others he had met found them alright.....

His thoughts were snatched from him then, as a buzzing sound met his ears, and Auren stooped to grab his phone. While the silver drake was answering what appeared to be a text, Ren managed to corral his previous thoughts. Yeah, he would tell Auren about the new things he had started to try, but maybe after tonight, else the dragon might get the wrong impression giving their current activities.

Dropping his phone back to the pile of clothes, Auren slouched onto the end of the sofa, just between Renfear's legs. Giving the furry appendages a gentle rub, he looked back into the deep-in-thought wolf. "So, you serious about doing some more?"

"Erm.....well yeah, if you're up for it," the snow-colored lupine grinned. His half-erect cock gave a emphatic throb as his libido began to recharge. "I wouldn't mind getting some more dragon cock."

"Heh....I'm pretty sure it'd like some more of you too," Auren growled lustfully, stroking his ridged maleness as it dangled between his legs. Letting his eyes wander down to the throbbing wolf member an arm's length away, he dared to ask. "So who gets to ride who first?"

With a grin and a lustful growl of his own, Ren rolled off the couch and scooted along the floor towards Auren, tail wagging slightly. Wiggling his rear at the silver dragon, the snow wolf gave a mock whine, as if begging Auren to take the lead. Flashing his fangs, the drake knelt behind the needy wolf, his member springing back to attention as it seemed to understand. Reaching around, he stroked the lupine cock a few times, getting the trickle of pre and seed from it to slick up his own cock. Naturally, Auren knew that Ren had no doubt taken Nate before, but not knowing how large his boyfriend was, he decided to take the safe route with his friend.

As he felt the thick head of his dragon friend's cock press up against his tail-hole, Ren let out a soft whine as the size of the dragon member became apparent. His new mate Nathaniel was not exactly small, but Auren had more girth to him. Regardless, once a dragon's libido get started there is no stopping it, and Ren's whine turned into a moan as he felt himself part under the pressure from that thick head. A few eager thrusts, and those ridges slipped in one after the other, until the wolf felt Auren's groin pressed up against his backside. "Ummph...I can see why you make Glauron squeal," Ren growled as he felt the dragon's member filling him up.

"Heh....true," Auren grinned, then pulled out and quickly thrust back in, earning a yelp. "But now its your turn, big wolfie..." With that, he gave another quick, deep thrust, making sure the snow wolf below him could manage, and set into a steady rhythm. His ridged maleness plunged in and out of that furry behind without much resistance, to Auren's surprise and Renfear's pleasure. "Mmph...just how much has Nate worked you?" the silver dragon snorted as he pistoned in and out.

"More...than....enough..." Ren panted, moaning happily as Auren hilted on each thrust. He huffed and groaned loudly as the studly silver dragon began going harder, clearly pleased with being able to make this encounter a little rough. "Ahh...ohh!" Ren yipped, feeling the impact of Auren's scaly balls against his own. "Yes....just like that!"

Auren simply grinned and leaned forward, resting his weight on Renfear's back as he urged his hips to work faster. The only sounds he got were ones of pleasure and joy, illustrating the snow wolf was loving the rough mounting as much as he was. Audible smacks echoed through the room as he mounted his friend, the silver dragon growling and rumbling in satisfaction as he worked through the pent up lust from the last week. Normally with Glauron, it was tender and passionate intimacy, perfect for the two dragon boyfriends to express their affection. But right now, between these two friends, it was just the urge to rut.

Grunting with each thrust, Auren pounded into his lupine friend heartily, not bothering to worry about tenderness or passion. He and Ren were horny, pent up and really needed to bust a nut, which is why the silver dragon left behind all hesitation and started ramming into the wolf below him. Ren yipped and howled as he was bred, but only moaned Auren's name and begged for more. It was lewd, sweaty and hard, but neither of them were complaining.

The silver dragon had an impressive cock on him, and Renfear could feel it bulging into his innards every time Auren slammed it home. He wouldn't be surprised if a small bump appeared on his stomach each time he did so, the wolf feeling so very full from his friend. Auren on the other hand was almost floating on his bliss as Ren's still-slightly-tight passage gripped every ridge and inch of his cock, making the dragon moan happily. His tongue threatened to loll out of his mouth as he continued to pound into the snow wolf, the warmth and friction making his head buzz.

Unfortunately, with sex as hard and fast as this, it never lasts as long, and Auren began to huff and growl as he felt his member start to swell. Each thrust into Ren was getting slightly more difficult, and the silver dragon groaned as his cock began to bulge at its base, signalling the arrival of his dragon knot. Ren felt it too, and began to whimper and moan as he felt that lump of flesh trying to gain entrance. Nate had knotted him many times already, but a dragon's knot was a different kind than a canine. Canine knots were usually shorter in length, and swelled out considerably in respect to the shaft. A dragon's knot however, was longer, and while maybe not as prominently thick in comparison to the rest of the shaft, it managed to feel bigger because it took up slightly more of the shaft. And with Auren humping that lump of flesh in, Ren was going to get a first hand experience as to how different the two felt.

With a grunt and a wet squelch, Auren popped Ren's tail-hole wider and began to push his knot in, the wolf moaning loudly. Holding onto Renfear's hips, Auren humped harder, jerking the wolf backwards onto him as that knot pushed deeper....deeper....before with a grunt, Auren bucked on last time and buried himself into his friend. Ren let out a small howl as that dragon knot locked itself inside of him, and then began to moan as his own bouncing cock began to spray his seed onto the carpet beneath them. The simple pleasure of Auren's thick cock swelling and knotting him was enough to push him to orgasm, and the wolf yipped happily as he shot jets of spunk onto the floor, his rump clenching down on the dragon cock within him.

Stars exploded behind Auren's eyes as his sensitive knot was taken in, then gripped firmly by Renfear's passage. Almost immediately, he began pounding away again into the wolf, roaring in instinctual dominance as he knotted and bred his partner, bouncing Ren beneath him as he quickly tried to finish up. The wolf moaned and yelped as that thick knot was forced back and forth inside his tail-hole, letting himself go limp so that Auren could fill him. Finally, Auren fell backwards and pulled the wolf with him, the force of gravity driving the wolf hard into his lap, and subsequently, his knotted cock even farther into his partner. Ren yelled in surprise as he felt the knot go in even deeper, having come to land in Auren's lap as the dragon held him tightly around the chest.

Another roar escaped the silver drake as his thick member throbbed, and began spewing his seed up into Ren's bowels, the wolf held tightly in his lap. Auren's hips jerked and bucked, the dragon riding out the throes of his orgasm as his balls emptied themselves eagerly. He clutched his friend hard to his chest, determined to fill him with every last ounce of spunk his testes could fire, and the wolf only howled happily, feeling his gut bulge slightly from the dragon's sheer volume.

Finally, the pair of them sagged, panting. Auren leaned back against the base of the couch as Ren lay against his chest, the wolf's tongue lolled out as they both gulped air. Rubbing his slightly swollen stomach, the snow wolf chuckled. " really were pent up, huh man?"

The silver drake just growled and laughed, wriggling his still hard knot inside the wolf's passage. The two of them remained there for a few minutes, catching their breath and letting their bodies come down from the nirvana-like high of orgasm. Eventually, Auren felt his member start to shrink, and Renfear was able to lift off his cock, the knot pulling out with a wet squelch. Another round of chuckles, and the wolf rolled over onto his chest, stretching out and groaning as a few muscles popped. "Mmph...I needed a good fuck like that," he grinned, gazing pleasantly over at the dragon as Auren fondled his now half-flaccid member.

"Uh-huh," the drake sighed. "Me too." Auren softly stroked his black, ridged maleness, enjoying the gentle stimulation in his afterglow. Unfortunately, he guessed his - and probably Ren's too - libido was not quite satisfied. Not only that, but being the kind of person he was, Auren knew there was still one round left. Looking down at his furry friend, he saw the head of the wolf's tapered shaft poking out from under his stomach, and instantly his gut started twisting in desire again. "But I bet you're still looking for a little mounting action yourself, huh?"

The wolf's jaws parted, revealing his fangs in a teasing grin. " did you guess?" he chuckled, rolling over onto his back, the erect wolf cock flopping against his hard stomach. Still grinning, Ren ran a claw up and down his throbbing length, already envisioning it sinking into the silver drake's rump. From the look on Auren's face, Ren could guess the dragon was picturing pretty much the same thing. "So....can I have a go then?"

Auren shrugged, still a bit buzzed from orgasm. "Only fair, I suppose," he chuckled. With that, the pair of them swapped spots; Auren got down onto all fours on the floor, and Renfear stood and stretched, before coming to crouch down behind his draconic partner. Already he could feel his wolf-cock throbbing in anticipation, eager to once again blow his seed in a plateau of pleasure. Like his dragon friend, Ren knew wolves like him had near insatiable libidos. Between the two of them, he partially wondered if they would ever stop going at it long enough to do something else.

Regardless of what may come, right now the two of them knew what had to be taken care of. Smearing a fresh bunch of pre against the dragon's tail-hole, Renfear lined his tapered shaft up, and with only a grunt of resistance, started pushing into the silver scaled rump. Auren breathed out a long sigh as he felt the familiar sensation of his passage being stretched, musing at how easy this had started to become. The snow wolf's member felt quite different than Glauron's, lacking the ridges that a dragon's shaft was known for, and being considerably thinner. But, Auren was all to aware of that thick knot that showed at the base of Renfear's cock, and knew just how filling that lump of flesh would probably be. And judging by the eager humps of his partner, he was soon to find out.

As the dragon's warm passage took in his hot member, the snow wolf panted happily, his tongue almost lolling out of his muzzle. That's the one thing he had loved about Auren, even before they had started messing around with one another. Dragons were always so _warm...._and the feeling of warm, muscled passage swallowing his cock was almost too much already. With a swift buck, Ren sheathed himself into Auren's rump, growling happily as his hips started to work, the dragon under him already moaning softly.

Before too long had passed, the pair of them adopted a steady rhythm of thrusting and pushing back, their libidos overriding muscle control and leading them to delve deeper into the rutting. All it took was a few more sharp thrusts, and Ren began bottoming out into his dragon buddy, giving him the full nine inches on every motion. Auren moaned and grunted, feeling his backside spread and flex with each intrusion, and his scales were smacked steadily by the bouncing furry balls belonging to the wolf mounting him. "F-f-u-uck..." he groaned, moving back and forth each time Ren drove into him.

" know you love it," the wolf grinned from above, holding his friend around the waist as he began to take him in true doggystyle. The drake simply moaned louder as the thrusts became faster, the wolf atop him panting heavily now. The scarce words between them were all that distinguished them from their feral counterparts, as the dragon and snow wolf began to mate like wild animals. Ren's hips bounced and drove forward hard, eager to claim his partner who now only yelped and moaned in response.

For nearly ten minutes the only sounds the rutting pair made were grunts, moans, and the slap of their hips together. Soon enough though, Ren began growling louder as a familiar feeling began to build in his loins. Below his, Auren groaned loudly, feel the thick knot at the base of the cock taking him begin to swell, and the silver dragon knew he was in for a rough tie. Renfear's knot continued to swell, until it was almost the size of a softball, and he began pushing it into the dragon's tight ring, urging it inside. Auren huffed and groaned, feeling a twinge of pain as his tail-hole was forced wider, not having been knotted in almost a week. Regardless, he knew the panting lupine on his back was getting it in, whether he was ready or not.

There was a slick, squelching sound, and the fat knot began to push its way in. Ren started to howl slightly as the hot, sensitive flesh was surrounded by dragon rump, and he gave one last hard thrust, popping it in. Auren cried out, his passage roughly stretched by the thick lump of flesh, and it was all he could do to will himself to relax and just take it. Renfear, now that he had his knot in, began thrusting hard and fast, eager to seed his partner now that they would be tied. The swollen ball of flesh pushed and pulled at Auren's insides, making the dragon grunt and groan as his passage was worked. All it took was a few more thrusts, before Renfear buried himself balls deep, and let out a loud howl his spunk firing deep into his dragon friend.

Auren gasped as he felt the hot fluid pumping into his bowels, a slight bump appearing on his lower belly from the sheer volume of Ren's release. His gasps turned to pleasant hums as he wolf continued to fill him up, his friend coming to lay across his back and hold him tight with his furred, toned arms as his seed continued to flow. With Ren's knot swollen fully and locking them together, there was nowhere for them to really go, so the two friends simply laid onto to the floor gently, letting the process run its course. Being a wolf, the dragon knew his friend could be tied to his tail-hole for a while, and he chuckled as the two of them began to get comfortable. "Good?" he grinned.

"Great," the snow wolf sighed, his manhood still throbbing and spilling his spunk into the dragon. Once again revelling in Auren's natural warmth, he half-snuggled into the drake's back, letting the body heat and the bliss or orgasm lull him into a gentle calm. The two friends, finally feeling a little spent, sighed in unison as they lay on the floor. Now that the sex was over, they started to look forward to a long, comfortable night of relaxing sleep. Unfortunately.......

The dragon and wolf both froze as they heard a key in the door lock, and immediately looked upwards in fear. Painfully slowly, the door crept open.

"Well well well......what have we here?"



I daresay things have gotten a bit more interesting, wouldn't you?

Come back for the next chapter to see just how much!