Runaway: Chapter 3: Altered States...

Story by Myrddyn Emrys on SoFurry

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#3 of Runaway:

Disclaimer: This story deals with adult themes, and themes that may not be suitable for anyone to read. You have been warned. Continuance to read this document, acknowledges that you are allowed to read this document in your place of orign, that you are of legal age to read it, and that you take responsibility for having read this document. The author is therefore in no way liable for any damages, in any way shape or form. * * *

Runaway: Part 3 of a Series

  • * * Chapter 3: Altered States... The air felt cool when I finally awoke, more sterile and controlled than even in the examination room. I ached all over, probably from the massive exertion I thought, but something else seemed to be in my mind though I couldn't tell. In a way, I felt like either I hadn't slept enough, or had slept for way too long; that general stiffness you get as the body still has too much of the neural blockers in the system to keep you from sleepwalking. "Ah, I see you're finally starting to wake up. Take your time." said an unfamiliar voice which had a thick Russian accent. I tried to open my eyes, but everything was a dim blur. "Relax, don't rush things, you've been asleep for about three and a half days." There was a pause, and I felt movement near me as the voice got closer, what sounded like a heavy chair being slid across a barely carpeted surface, and the being sitting down in it. I could head him clear his throat. "I should explain. My name is Doctor Marcus, you've been in my care since you passed out during your testing. We then put you under a very gentile anesthesia to perform your necessary modifications. You're now on way to Epsilon 9, a waystation for hyperspace ships, on board the transport ship Claudius. You may not be able to see very well, because I have kept the lighting low until you can adjust." It sounded like he was checking a chart, but I tried again. As I opened my eyes, the aching seemed to get stronger, but I slowly opened them, the blurry outline of the room starting to come in, a sick-bay, very standard for the colony ships in its sleek, elegant design and soft colors. I moved to sit up, but my body didn't want to respond, and as my senses started to return I felt a weight on my chest. Reaching down, I felt a furred object there, which pushed against my hand. "Well, you're learning to move all over again quite well." I paused, and he took notice, before the critter on my chest lifted its head into my hand to indicate it wanted me to continue petting. "As I'm sure you remember, and it is my duty to now re-inform you, you have been hired by Future-Tech to work on one of its offworld labs. As part of that agreement you agreed to have yourself modified to be capable of performing your duties on that lab. Those duties will not be explained to you until you arrive to keep the nature of the research a closed secret. After all, if you don't know, you can't tell anyone; and once there any off campus comminique is monitored and filtered. Your files and testings, showed a few allergies which have been corrected. Your body was modified to also withstand the offset average temperature of the facility, as well as the offset in gravity from Earth standard." I kept petting the critter on my chest, which I still couldn't see, while he relayed this information. As my sense of touch started returning, I started trying to figure out what it was I was petting, it was warm, with a thick fur coat, fairly small, yet familiar. Catlike, but no purring; at least not yet. I guess he was watching me at this point, seeing my slight distraction or preoccupation with whatever creature was on my chest. "You might be interested to know, that the girl on your chest was your genetic donor. Her physique suited these needs quite well. Of her specific species, she's of the sub-type that is the most agile. And I think you'll enjoy having been merged with her species, since you partly asked to be." My mind half hurt at the information of knowing that I had been mixed with an animal, that I was now a genetically recombined animalkin. Part of me wanted to be angry at such drastic changes; but something in the back of my mind seemed to say that this was meant to be. But what is she... Rather, what was I now? What did I partly ask to become? I tried my eyes, again, the light becoming in a little clearer, edges more defined. I looked over and saw his face. Color seemed to not work properly, but it was most likely due to the low light levels and my eyes were using their night contrast parts instead of color perception; but I could clearly make out the face shape of a bear, longish snout, wide almost wise looking head. Even sitting he looked huge, strong, muscular; somehow attractive. He continued even as my mind thought and absorbed this knowledge. "Since you seem confused, it seems someone asked you your favorite animal, and you responded. We were lucky enough that that animal fit the needs of our company on you, as well as we had a very healthy specimin who was being transported to a different colony. Spilogae Putorius, or the Eastern Spotted Skunk. So if you need at some time to your species on a form, you'd best put Homo Sapiens Mephitis, or Homo Sapiens Spilogae on your form. Your height is the same, though you weigh much less than you did; but part of that is from the energy your body has used to rebuild itself. You do have a tail, which you'll have to learn to use. And it seems that while not necessarilly planned, you have changed genders from the transformation as well, so you might want to pick a new name, or at least start pronouncing yours differently. I will say, that you are quite a fetching woman..." "Shipwide announcement..." came over the intercom, interrupting his train of thought. "Shipwide announcement... We will be entering hyperspace in one minute. General quarters is ordered for this. All items and personel must be secured and strapped in for crossover. Message repeats... Shipwide announcement... We will be entering hyperspace in one minute. General quarters is ordered for this. All items and personel must be secured and strapped in for crossover. Next announcement will come upon arrival at gate delta-two-niner, Epsilon-9." The comm went silent. "Well, I'd best get you two strapped in. She can stay with you, as long as I tuck her under the blanket, as she seems awfully comfortable being atop you. But I will need to put the straps over you. This ship generates its own hyperspace entry, and as it is not a cruise ship, it doesn't have field dampners, so you might have an odd experience during hyperspace travel." He tucked the blankets tightly under the bed, wrapping me and my donor skunk snugly under them. She seemed to enjoy this, and I just kept stroking her head. Somehow the feel of her calmed me. Two heavy straps were snugged about me and her, one about my legs, the other my chest just under where she was tucked. The doctor then walked off to his office. "I'll check in on you when we arrive." There wasn't much to do but wait the last seconds out before we entered hyperspace. I tried to think on all I knew about it, but I hadn't studied much about it. There had been an article or two I had scanned at some point in time, discussing how on early ships, and ones without dampners, people could hallucinate, that it was a trip better than most drugs could provide. However, I couldn't recall any specific information about it. I knew that hyperspace travel was easier to accomplish than faster-than-light ships; but as hyperspace was almost akin to travel through a parallel dimension, or a sub or hyper dimension of space, tended to warp reality. Hence why we all had to be secured. I felt stretched, pulled apart at the seams like a rubberband, then snapped back as the ship seemed to stop, inertia and physics seemed to stop working then suddenly lurched in all directions at once as we entered hyperspace. Had I a voice, I would have screamed, and it felt as if I blacked out. Dreams are a funny thing, hallucinations doubly so. I awoke in a field of blue grass, yellow leaved trees, and a very familiar smell in the air. I looked about and saw her lookin back at me. She came over, almost waddled with her low gait, to where I was. As if knowing I would enjoy it, she turned, lifted her bushy white-tipped black furred tail and did her business, spraying me. The scent was unimaginable. It burned my nose, made my eyes water, but only briefly. The sudden need to not breathe made me breathe it in even more deeply a moment later. My mind, my senses were flooded by the odor as the pheremones contiained within this spotted skunk's spray worked my naked body over. I breathed it in in almost pants. Almost like an addict I needed more, and it worked my body like a drug as well, arousing me in an instant, making me lay back and writhe in just the pleasure of the smell. I felt her cold nose between my legs, then her soft tongue as she licked at my crotch, teasing my shaved ballsack. My cock stiff in the air wanted its own attention, but I couldn't do much but moan and shudder under the heady scent. I rubbed my chest, and shudderd as her nose lifted my balls, her furry forhead tickling them. She started licking at a spot just under them, and it felt so good. I spread my legs as she incessantly licked and licked this new sensitive spot, and it seemed she licked deeper and deeper, though there wasn't anything there, but the sensations felt so good. I wanted more. I felt almost as if I had a pussy down there it was so tender. Her licking must have created one, as I felt her nose and licking spread into me, making me shudder with passion at the sensation of my new orafice being opened, being teased by her. I rocked my hips a little and she sped up, pushing her full head into my newly formed cunny, feeling damp, smelling my arousal mixing in with her spray of love. She was an expert, and I a novice as her head went deeper into me. I felt her shoulders, then her clawtips as she delicately placed them to my new lips, and pushed them open, before pushing her wider shoulders into me. I felt my body stretch, my hips grow wide as she pushed deeper, stretching me, filling me, teasing me. Her soft fur felt so good as it slipped inside me, her head turning back and forth as if her tongue was magically creating my new womb. I screamed and orgasmed as her tongue licked over what I could not see but guessed was my new cervix. The tight sensitive muscle blocking entry to my new womb. She licked and teased the slight nub of an opening in it, and pushed her tongue into it, making me writhe in pure ecstacy. I wanted more, I wanted to be filled with her, to have her inside me. I gripped the ground as she pushed her nose against it, deepning my orgasm, making my cunny clench about her form, which spurred her on to heighten the sensations. She arched her tail up, the fur of the tip teasing my new clitoris, and my old ballsack, sending chills down my spine, before she sprayed again, refuelin the wonderful odor in the air. The new dose seemed to relax me, while heighten the experience. I felt her hind feet reach forward, the clawtips grasp at my outermost labia, and then spread them wide. The movement pushing her deeper and her nose forced my cervix open. I cried out with the odd blend of pain and pleasure. My body sensitized to no end, feeling on fire with desire The pain and pleasure of being stretched, of her fur rubbing every nerve ending within me, her nose spearing through the tight muscle, which seemed to relax just enough that her nose pushed in. She pushed herself forward even more, her hips wide, stretching me even more. Bringing about a second wave of orgasm atop the first which had not yet died. Her head popped into my womb, and I could feel her licking again, feel my body stretch, feel the sensations of the beginning of pregnancy. I wanted more.. I never wanted this to end.. I could die right now and be happy. Pure bliss, then a moment of more pain as she lurched herself forward and almost crawled up inside me, her hips fully inside me, just her tail sticking out of my cunny. Her body curling up as she moved into my womb, my belly distending outwards. I started to meld with her, to grow fur, to be her proper mother. My belly first grew soft black fur, a lare ring of a spot to my right side. My nipples fattned up and started to grow away from my body, gaining their own soft fur. The skin of my nipples darkened to an inky black, the aeroles very puffy as milk and fats rushed to the area. I felt her tail wriggle, still outside my body, teasing my cunny, then it seemed to slide back and attatch to my spine while my belly grew larger as she grew inside me, making me quickly look like I was into my second trimester. My cock and balls shrank, dissappeared, and melded into my clitoris, but I didn't care. The new sensations from my new pussy were so much better than anything. The lips and passage relaxed now that they had nothing to keep them spread, and I felt so empty, I wanted more inside me, more filling and stretching me. I couldn't wait to give birth. My consciousness drifted, and slid into myself, into my big belly which grew, and it was like I was both people at once. The pregnant very expentant mother, and the child waiting to be born. I could feel my breasts growing to a nice small but handfull shape, I reached up and rubbed them, and groand loudly. I lifted my hips off the ground and sprayed my own scent into the air, my tail growing as long then longer than my torso, thick and sprouting its own long soft furry hairs, a bushy white tip at the end of an otherwise black length. My belly started hurting, feeling overstretched, and looked bigger than a third trimester pregnancy, unless it was one with twins or more. I felt like I had a full litter inside me, and it was wonderful. I didn't want the growing to stop. My body felt constantly as if it was in the afterglow of an orgasm, or perhaps it was just constant orgasm after orgasm as my muscles started spasming, my belly tensing, my legs spread and I bore down on myself. The sensations seemed to start coming more and more strongly as if I was in my womb, feeling the contractions, feeling myself turn, preparing for birth. I felt the head press against my cervix, spreading it hugely. It hurt a lot, but the stretching that soon followed down to my cunny was incredible. Twice as much as before in size at least. It hurt but it felt so wonderful as well, the endorphines of being in pure ecstacy as well as those generated by the pregnancy and birthing did their job to keep every sensation wonderful. I bore down, I slid further out. I orgasmed again from the senation, then as soon as it started, with a couple pushes more it was over. I felt cold, covered in juices, I shuddered, and felt alone.. I cried. We exited hyperspace.