My Brother

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#1 of Chase Parker

My first story. ^^; So take it easy on me people. O~ I'll most likely write more about Chase about him growing up and such. Leave comment on thoughts, ideas, what you thought. And so on. This is an m/m story between a younger fox and his older brother. If you are easily offended then GTFO YIFFSTAR!

  • * * Chase gave a small sigh as he kept flipping through the channels. The boredom was about to force him to blow his mind out, just for the entertainment. He slowly started to slouch down on the couch, acting as if something was slowly killing him. Chase was an arctic fox, around the age twelve and about to enter the seventh grade. His fur was clean and fluffy, just like his mother's. His received his white fur from his mother, definitely not his father since he was a black fox. He stood about four feet tall when his ears were standing up. Chase was quite different from his family. He was the youngest, of course, only having an older brother: Damien. Damien was also a black fox, just like his father. His fur was dark, short, and matted down with sweat most of the time. He was a regular jock; the star football player at his junior year in high school. Their dad was so proud of the eldest son. Chase truly loathed his father and brother. They both though just because they were bigger then him, they could pick on the small white fox. Not to mention the alcohol on his father's breath almost 24/7. Not his mother though, his mother always babied Chase. But for now, it was just Chase and his brother at the house. The parents were out working. Damien was up stairs, lifting weights no doubt. Chase could hardly hear the TV from his brother's loud rock music. Channel after channel the fox flipped through, yet there wasn't a single cartoon on. The cub slumped down some more until his back was on the bottom couch cushion and his butt was hanging in the air. His finger-like claws kept clicking the button on the remote, until something caught his eye. There were three large males: a tiger, doberman, and a rottweiler, all three where shirtless to show off their muscular bodies. The pre-teen's eyes seemed to be glued to the doberman's body, for he was more muscular then the other two. The add seemed to be about a new work out machine, but Chase didn't notice. The only thing he could think of was how much he wanted muscles like that. It would be great; no one would pick on him, not even his brother. And even his dad would be proud of him. Chase wondered how big he would be if he would look like that. How much his arms could lift, and then how big his package would be. Being twelve, Chase started to think about sex a lot more then usual. He always heard Damien and his dad talk about girls, and it use to gross him out. But now, it just made his penis hard. Also, being twelve, he was completely naive about it. He did like to play with his member, but nothing to extreme. He just thought it was going to be important in the future, and it was suppose to be way bigger then what he had now. His mind wondered a bit, from wanting the muscles like that, to want to be with at least one of the animal. See how big they were. To feel how big they were. He his hands went around his newly found erection, playing with it outside his blue basketball shorts as his thoughts went on. "Wow. You should buy that. Might help." A deep voice rang from behind Chase, making him jump about a mile high. It was his brother: Damien. He just opened a green monster and started to guzzle it down. Damien was shirtless, only wearing dark red basketball short. Damien always seemed to wear red or black, it seemed to match his fur best. Chase didn't say anything, but just looked up at his brother, trying to cover up his new hard-on. Damien lightly jumped over the couch and practically landed on his brother. "Get off!" Commanded Chase, although he knew it was hopeless. With out even spilling his drink, Damien tucked himself on top of Chase's chest. "Come on. You just wish you had muscles like these." He rubbed his matted down, sweaty fur on his brother's nose, making him take in his male aroma. Chase wrestled and squirmed under his brother's weight while he seemed to just chuckle, and take another drink. "Oh-ho-ho... what's this?" Chase froze. He completely forgot his half hard erection in his pants. His heart seemed to stop completely, or it just seemed that way because it was pumping too fast. "My lil' bro' popped a tent, all because of me?" "No!" Chase yelled as he started to struggle once again. "It wasn't from-" But he was caught off by his brother's sweaty fur again. Besides, what was he going to say? He couldn't tell his brother he popped a boner from the males on TV. He brother just laughed again as he wiped his sweat on his brother. "You make a good towel, bro." Damien turned his body around so his chest was facing his brother. Suddenly Chase's head was being forced into his brother's sweaty chest. "Take it in bro'. This is the smell of a sweaty real teen's body." Damien seemed to be enjoying the humiliation of his brother. Chase, on the other hand, wasn't. The younger fox thrashed about, trying to get away how ever he could. Finally, stopping and thinking for a second, Chase used all his strength to sit up. Damien was in the middle of a drink when this happened and was tossed off his brother, spilling sticky energy drink all over the carpet. Chase froze and his eyes widened and his ears fell down. Damien looked at the mess and was imminently angry. He stood up and grabbed the artic fox around the neck and shoved his face into the spilt drink. "Clean it up!" He commanded. Chase whimpered as his nose was shoved into the mess. "Fucken' fag!" His brother yelled as he ran into the kitchen to get a wet washcloth. Chase just sat there, on all floors, scared to death of the beating his brother was going to give him. Chase gave a slight yelp as his brother whipped his backside with the wet towel. "Move!" Damien yelled angrily. "I'm gonna tell dad your peeing on the carpet again." Damien hissed. "No! No! Don't do that! He'll be mad! I haven't done that for years!" Chase did have a little problem when he was younger; he would accidentally pee when his father scared him too much. The thought alone was a huge embarrassment to Chase, and the thought of what his father would say scared him. "Don't! Please don't! I'll do what ever! Just don't!" This seemed to be what Damien wanted to hear. The sly fox quickly jumped and pounced on his younger brother. "What ever I want??" Damien repeated in a dangerous tone. Chase gave out uneven breaths as he was crushed under his brother's weight once again. Damien suddenly pulled down the front of his short and boxers. Suddenly a new smell hit Chase. It made his eyes water and clouded up his head. After a few seconds of blinking, trying to see what's in front of him, the white fox saw a pare of black furred balls in front of his eyes, connected to a sheath. This was the first pare for Chase to see, other then his own, and they were a good size bigger too. "Lick 'em." Damien ordered. Chase looked up at his older brother, and he saw in his yellow eyes that he wasn't joking. "You see, little bro'" The black fox started out, "I broke up with my girlfriend a while ago, and I kinda needed it. And seeing you with a boner made me think you could be an easy hit. Despite the fact we're blood related. Just call me desperate. Now lick those large black orbs! I know you want to. You got hard just looking at those three guys." So Damien was watching Chase. Suddenly Chase's cheeks went hot. His brother planned this whole thing from the beginning; with the wrestling, the drink spilling, and the threat. The younger male was now trapped, and there was only one escape. His tongue slowly went out, and lapped at the ball sack. "That's it bro, just nice and easy." Damien said, relaxing a bit. The taste was different. Chase couldn't decide if he liked it or not. More of his tongue slid out of his mouth, and licked at the sack. He closed his eyes as the musky smell was getting to him. He slowly licked more and more, gathering more of the sweaty taste into his mouth. After a few moments of licking, Chase opened his eyes to see a big red veiny cock in front of him. His brother's paws were wrapped around it, quickly beating it up and then back down until he hit the knot. Chase forgot all about his duty, and was only watching his brother. Suddenly Damien stopped; he looked down and saw Chase staring at his seven inch erection. "What are you doing?" Chase asked, in an awe voice. "Masturbating." Damien responded quickly, as if it was nothing, "What? Never pounded your meat like this?" He asked with a sly smile. "No!" Chase spoke with fake disgust. "Well, you will have to it later then. This is my time to get off." Damien said harshly. The he stood up. Chase looked down at his pants, he was fully erected again, and this time his own knot was formed. "Ha! You are a fag. You enjoyed licking my balls!" Damien teased as he reached into the couch and found a coin. "Ready? Heads, you suck me off, tails, I fuck you like a bitch in heat." Chase always hated it when his older brother swore, but he never said anything, besides, his mind was too busy trying to figure out what he was talking about. While the small fox was thinking, the older one threw the coin up and caught it. "Well... sucks to be you. Tails." Damien gave a rather demon-like smile. Chase knew that was bad news and slowly started to crawl backwards. Unable to control himself anymore, Damien jumped on his younger brother and tore his shorts and whitey-tidies off, along with the blue t-shirt he was wearing "No! Get off! What are you doing? I don't want to play anymore! Damien! I'll tell!" Chase was screaming as his older brother pinned him to the ground. In a matter of seconds, Chase was lying on his stomach, his face was smashed to the ground. His arms were behind him, held at the wrist by Damien. "Wh-what are you doing?" his voice full of fear. "Told you, I'm going to fuck the hell out of you." Damien said, grabbing his brother's tail and lifting it up. Now Chase's tailhole was completely exposed. Damien slowly pushed his hips to Chase's. With both his hands keeping busy by bonding his brother; he had a hard time lining up his member with the hole. The fact that Chase was struggling wasn't helping either. "Just... hold... STIL!" Damien gave a huge thrust, and with luck, he pushed his whole member in the tight virgin hole. Both of them gave out a moan, one with pleasure while the other one moaned with pain. Suddenly, Damien's hip moved rapidly, slamming themselves into his little brother. Tears were running down little Chase's face as he was being raped by his older brother, although he didn't completely hate it. He still had an erection, and each time Damien pounded into the fox, the boner slid on the nice soft carpet. This would have been rather pleasing if it didn't seem like he was being split in half. After a minuet or two of intense thrusting, Chase's moans and whines almost came to a stop. All the pain his brother was causing by slamming his hard cock, was slowly become more pleasure. His brother was finally managing to hit his prostate, and the feeling of the two ball sacks slapping together was new to him. The smaller fox didn't speak through out the whole thing, only grunted and moaned as his ass was jack hammered. Soon he felt something start to build up. He felt as though he had to piss, or something was about to come out of his little erected penis. "Br-brother?" Chase said, struggling to speak, but Damien was too preoccupied. His hips were moving so fast that they seemed like a blur. Chase went to speak again, but he was suddenly cut off be an intense wave of pleasure. His member throbbed against the carpet and his stomach started to feel wet. Wave after wave of pleasure ran through Chase's body as he was experiencing his first orgasm. The fox screamed, but bit down on his lower lip to silence himself. Finally, things seemed to calm down a bit, as his body started to rub back and fourth as his body was still being penetrated by the black fox over and over again. Suddenly, what seemed to be pleasurable moments ago seemed to be very very painful. "Damien! Stop!" Chase hopelessly yelled as his member slowly became limp. "Not yet... Chase. Sooo close." Close to what? Chase still had no clue what his brother was talking about. All he knew was that he wanted his brother to stop. He clinched his hole and tried to push out. This only caused Damien to moan and hump faster then before. The black fox got up from his knees, and onto his feet, digging his member in even more then before, and using Chase's arms and tail as handles. The white fox started to moan again, finally the pain started to stop and turn back into pleasure. Chase thanked the lord as his prostate start to be rubbed again, and another erection start to form. A moan escaped from Chase's mouth as the carpet started to do its job, this time with a new wetness on it. Chase's eyes slowly started to close as his brother went to town on his stretched out ass. He started to get that strange feeling again. The white fox's balls started to tingle as his cock throbbed. As he sat there in pure pleasure before something that he did not expect happen happened. A slight 'pop' fallowed by the younger's 'yelp' was heard. Damien's knot finally made its way into Chase, and the pain was back along with more pleasure. The mixture of everything was too much for poor Chase as he started to feel his second orgasm. The older brother's thrust became quicker and shorter. Not being able to pull out, he only humped a couple of times more, then slammed his brother with everything he had. Both of them were shooting their loads, chase onto the carpet and Damien's into his brother's intestines. Both of them moaned and panted as the sat through their orgasms. Chase felt his body start to heat up, from the inside out. He was too tired to ask what Damien was squirting into him, or what he squirted onto the carpet. The only thing he could do was pant and fainted under his brother.