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Contains: Cub, daddy/son, TF, castration, teeth removal, and finally snuff.

Careful what you wish for, you never know who might hear~

Tommy was jealous of his father's pigs. The farmer always poured so much time and attention into them, never giving any to his son. With the state fair coming up this attention only grew more doting, leaving his son in even more neglect. And that's what brings the little wolf pup to where we find him now, down by the riverside mumbling to himself, onc sentence catching the ears of something passing by. "I wish I was a pig, so my daddy would love me like he does them."

As soon as the last word left his muzzle, a paw came to rest on the lad's shoulder. "I could grant that wish for you..."

Tommy spun around, tripping, and falling backwards into the river. His eyes widened as he looked at the creature before him, it had the upper torso of a badger, but its legs were brown and fuzzy, resting on a set of cloven hooves. His head had thick horns that curved back behind his head, and between his legs swung a set of massive balls that would have put the breeding boars to shame. "Wh...what are you?!" He whined, trying to back away, but the slippery rocks making it impossible.

The badger smiled, "Just your average everyday Satyr. And lucky for you, this one can grant wishes for good little boys like you."

The wolf gulped, he'd never even heard of a Satyr before, and suddenly one was here trying to grant his wish. He squirmed a little on the rocks, the cold water starting to send a chill through his spine. "Let's say I believe you, what do I have to do in return? And just how do I turn into a pig?" The wolf boy asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just like seeing little boys squeal." The badger chuckled at this, but the comment went right over the top of little Tommy's head. "All you need to do is take one of your daddy's pigs down to the river tonight, under the full moon, and walk into the water with it. When you walk out you'll be the pig you desire."

"Really? That's it?" The wolf boy asked.

"Yep, that's all. But it has to be done tonight, or not at all. Got it?" The baddger replied.

"Yeah." The wolf sheepishly said back.

"Then I'll see you again sometime, piggy." The badger said with a grin before snapping his fingers above his head and disappearing with a flash of smoke.


Tommy slung the heavy rope around his shoulder, wiggling his way out of his window, and dashing down to where the pigs were kept. He grabbed the keys from a nearby hook, heading down the rows of stalls, each containing a pig shackled to a wall, each of various different ages. He walked down until he found the pen holding a male piglet that was around his age, somewhere around 7 or 8. The wolf wagged as he unlocked its cage walking in, and slipped a rope around the pig's neck. The piglet made some squeaks and squeals in protest, but he didn't dare go against his owner's child.

Tommy lead the pig down to the river, however the pig did protest as the wolf tried to lead him into the water, but eventually he caved and the two of them walked into the swift moving river. The cold water lapped at Tommy's knees as he waited, and soon enough he began to feel something begin to happen.  The moon light shown down on him, making the water sparkle around them, and then the water began to churn as a bright beam of moon light focused in on them. So bright that it blinded the little wolf. He felt himself lifted into the air, and his whole body began to tingle in the light, like a thousand feather's tickling at his skin. The light vanished just as quickly as it disappeared, dropping Tommy into the water below.

He lifted his head above the water, gasping for air, and he froze as he looked at himself... well, it wasn't himself. It was someone else that looked just like him! And that's when he realized what happened. He reached out his arm, and where a paw should be, a 3 fingered hoof remained. He looked down at his bright pink belly, and the curly tail behind him. He felt joy starting to bubble up inside of him, he tried to bark but all that came out was a little squeal.

The pig was equally as surprised. He looked down at himself, softly touching his wet clothed form, looking behind himself at his wagging wolfy tail. Just standing there dumb founded in his change. Tommy happy with himself went to take off the collar around his neck, when he felt something yank him backwards. "Oh no you don't!" The new wolf said with a growl.

"What do you mean? Let go of me pig!"

The wolf grinned. "Oh? Are you trying to talk to me? Like I used to try and talk to you? Well guess what?" The former pig said darkly. "All I hear are the squeals of a dumb animal! I don't know what you did, but I'm going to take full advantage of whatever you did. It seems our rolls in life have reversed. I'm the farmer and you're the pig now. Now come on pig! You need to get back to your cell and I have a warm comfy bed to get into."

Tommy growled... as the best a pig could do. And he tried to fight off his former self, he ran forward, trying to throw a punch. The wolf, with his faster reflexes caught it, twisted Tommy, and slammed him into the ground, hitting the pigs head on a rock.

Tommy passed out...

Tommy's head was pounding. He didn't know what was happening, he just saw dim rays of candle light casting over him, making him see stars through his blurry vision. Then he started to make out voices. "Yeah Pa... I caught him trying to run away, he ran right passed my window. I hopped out, ran him down, and knocked him out to get him back."

"Good job son!" The older fat wolf replied.

"Dad?" Tommy said, but the only thing the wolves heard was a soft oink.

"Hmmm, this one's already starting to become a trouble maker... Normally, I wait a few years to do this, but since you were such a good boy tonight, and this hog was so naughty, I should do it tonight. Son, I'm going to show you how to take care of a trouble making pig, and why your Papa spends so much time in this old barn..."

Tommy blinked a few times, and his vision began to clear. He realized he was in the stocks, the same one where his dad took pigs for cleaning or checkups. His knees were planted firmly on the ground, and his head and hands were locked into the wooden board. He squirmed a little bit, trying to get free, but he knew it was no use. Full grown hogs couldn't escape these, how could he?

He watched his dad come in, and set down a heavy tool box in front of him. The old wolf stood up, and grinned. "Okay... first things first. We need to get out of our clothes, so we don't get them dirty." The old wolf stripped off his overalls, standing there in his tight white underwear, his fat body stretching them out and letting the former wolf see every inch and curve of his dad, before he peeled those off too. He could hear the rustling of clothes behind him, before his son joined him.

Tommy looked at his body, it looked so strange at this angle. He could see the underneath of his pudgy white belly and his boy bits that hung underneath. His dad reached down and pulled out a pair of pliers. "Okay, now pay close attention, because one day you'll have to do this by yourself."

"Okay papa." The fake wolf said, wagging. The wolf reached out and took Tommy's head in his large paw, and then he forced his muzzle open, before he descended on Tommy with the pliers. Tommy could feel the metal grab ahold of one of his teeth, and his eyes shot wide open as he felt the pliers start to pull back, taking his tooth with it. He cried, squealed and thrashed, but it was no use in the wolf's skilled grasp. He yanked out the tooth, with a cry of pain from Tommy, dropping it on the floor before continuing.

Tommy's sobs fell on deaf ears. He tried calling for his Papa to stop but he couldn't understand his piggy voice. Meanwhile his doppelganger watched with glee, his face taking to a wolfish grin like a horse to water. Soon his mouth was as smooth as his skin, and a pile of teeth, drool, and blood laid across the floor. He felt light headed... but the worst was yet to come.

"Next we need to castrate him." The wolf said standing up, and grabbing a knife from his tool kit.

The pig in wolf's clothing cocked his head to the side, "What's that daddy?" He asked instantly. But knowing all too well what it was, and hoping the former wolf was in for the surprise of his life.

"Well, it's how we turn naughty pigs like him into good little barrow. See," the older wolf reached down and fondled his big grey balls. "Your balls are what make you a man, a creature to fuck, and reproduce. Without them you become a limp dick sissy, that's only good for one thing, taking a dick up the ass from real men. Without them you even start to grow flabby teats just like a sow." The old wolf stopped, "Though, I guess you don't know what fucking is, do you boy?"

"No daddy." The new wolf lied.

The new pig on the other hand looked up at him curiously. "Well, does that pecker between your legs ever get hard?"

"Sometimes when I touch it." The little wolf replied.

"Good... Let Pops show you just what it can do." The older wolf guided the new wolf behind Tommy, to where he couldn't see.

The older wolf reached down, and took ahold of the smaller wolf's sheath. He gave it a few good long strokes, getting it hard and sticky between his fingers, before bringing his paw to his muzzle and licking off that sweet puppy pre. He walked around to the front of the pig and leaned over the stokes, his large balls tapping on the new pigs short muzzle, making him inhale his father's scent. The piglet squirmed as he was forced to inhale that sweet musky man scent. He couldn't get away from them, those musky balls were trapped right against his nose, and they were making the spot between his legs start to tingle.

The wolf grabbed ahold of those tender pink cheeks, and spread them apart, he let his son look on at the sweet pink pucker that lay between them and above those small porcine balls. "Now, just take that hard pecker of yours, and put it in that tight little hole, don't worry about hurting him, your daddy has stretched out that hole plenty over this past year."

The wolf had a deep growl rumble in his chest, a fire flickering behind his eyes as his muzzle scrunched up into a lustful snarl.  "I'm sure you have, Pa..." The wolf reached out and grabbed ahold of that pink virgin ass, growling as he thought about all the times he'd been in these stocks, and now he was going to get the revenge he deserved. He took the head of his pointed shaft, letting it find that sweet untaken former wolf hole, and with a howl he thrust forward, pulling the pig's ass back as he did.

Tommy tried to squeal, but his voice and mouth were still so sore from the teeth removal that all that came out was a raspy gasp. The wolf pup pulled out just enough to spit on his shaft, just like the old wolf would do to him, before slamming it back in, and buggering that hole hard enough to make up for every time it was ever done to him.

"Wow! You're a natural at this boy!" The old wolf said proudly. "Maybe I should have brought you out here a while ago..." The wolf licked his lips. "Well... I might as well get ready."

The wolf picked up his knife, and got down on his knees beside the pig. He reached out and began to slowly stroke the piglet's pink prick. "I hope this piggy shoots, it'll be his last." The wolf said with a grin as he forcefully began to stroke the pig.

Tommy began to cry... his ass hurt too much, and his daddy was touching him in his no-no place. He squealed with what little breath he had, begging the satyr to undo what he did, but like always, his pleas fell on deaf ears. Tommy felt something start to build up inside of him; it was a strange tingle that made his little pink balls start to pull up towards his body. He felt his toes start to curl, and his face crunched up, and for the first time that night he felt something good wash over him. He let out another raspy gasp, and his first and only seed spilled across the dirt floor.  

"There we go... now be ready son, this is going to feel intense when I do this." The wolf said with a grin as he reached under the pig, fondling his little pink orbs, working them down to the bottom of their sac, before his skilled wrist severed them from his body in one quick swipe.

Tommy worked out one last squeal as he felt a powerful pain rise from his crotch, and spread throughout his groin. He wanted to cry, but after tonight all that came out were silent sobs. Meanwhile, the wolf behind him howled out in joy as he felt that tight ass clench down on his dick like a vice, making his own balls pull up, and a hot sticky wolf load dump it's self into that tight pink piggy ass.

Tommy blacked out again...

It took Tommy some time to get used to his new life. He tried to break out a few times, or get a message to his father, but the former pig always thwarted his planes. Always getting him back to the barn, and fucking his pink porky hole raw, before chaining him up, and leaving him alone in the barn with the other swine. After a while, Tommy just gave up. Learning his place quickly, presenting his ass whenever his father or replacement came to see him, and learning to suck his father's dick as that young wolf fucked him. He even started to like it after a while they assaulted his prostate, he even got hard a few times, but as he got older that faded. And now his tiny dick just hangs limply between his fat pink thighs as his father and that young wolf take him like the animal he is.

The new Tommy took great joy in fucking him, and telling him about every adventure and sexual exploration he got to have, things the old Tommy would never feel again. He told him how great the sows feel wrapped around his dick, and when he got into his teens about how good the preacher's daughter felt. And after he had one of those great fucks, he'd make sure the pig got to suck off those sexual juices, making him taste those girls he'd never get to have.  He loved making Tommy think about what he'd given up, he wanted him to suffer to make up for every day he spent trapped as a pig in this barn, making sure that daddy wolf was extra hard on this pig. The former pig taking pleasure in knowing the wolf was abusing his own son without knowing.

Tommy looked down at his body, and the rolls of fat he'd gained over the years. Looking like a proper fat pig, with rolls under his chin, a belly so big he couldn't see his dick, and legs that could barely support his weight. He tried to not eat at first, wanting to starve himself, but the evil wolf would force that slop down his throat if he didn't. Eventually he gave in; gorging himself on the one thing he could take comfort in, food. It was so gross at first, but over the years he'd grown to tolerate the slop.

The new Tommy had also put on weight, all that pork having given him a belly to match his dad's. But, he still managed to get all the girls in town, all wanting a piece of the rich hog farmer. Tommy always wondered if that could have been him, if all those girls would have thrown themselves at him. But worst of all... his dad was so proud of his "new" son. Tommy did get some attention from his dad like he wanted, sadly it was only when he had a load he needed to pump into his pink smooth ass.

Tommy watched as the new wolf walked in with a length of rope towards his cage, the pig sighed and stood to his feet, letting the teen wolf tie the lead around his collar and lead him out of the barn. He took him to a large concrete slab, and tied him to a post as he shoved his cock into Tommy's face, the pig gobbling it up, and starting to suck. Tommy looked up at that teen wolf, he had satisfied grin on his muzzle as he pumped one last load into the pig's maw, before he took the knife and slid across the pigs throat...


"Tommy! Someone's here to see you." The grizzled old wolf yelled, as Tommy came out of the freezer, rubbing his blood stained paws on his apron. He walked out to where his dad was talking to a strange old badger. The wolf gave him a nod, and walked away, leaving the wolf and the badger alone. "Can I help you sir?" The teenager asked.

"Yes, I'm here to see Tommy." The badger replied.

The wolf coked his eye brow, "Umm, I'm Tommy, sir."

The badger chuckled, "No... the REAL Tommy. The boy who used to be you."

If you could have seen the wolf's skin under his fur, you would have seen it turn starch white. He gulped, and started to shake. He didn't know what to say... he'd never told anyone... how did this badger know? His ears folded back, and he shakily began to lead the wolf back to the freezer. Inside scattered across the room was what was left of Tommy. Sausages and ham hung from the sealing, there was a pile of bacon, pork chops, tender loin, and other parts neatly wrapped. And on the center of the table was a large hogs head, eyes dull, cum still frozen on its muzzle, and its tongue sticking out.  

The badger walked over to the head, and lifted it up. He leaned forward and kissed Tommy on the nose. "I hope you enjoyed being a pig... I know I enjoyed watching you grow into a nice fat hog." The badger laid the head down and looked back at the wolf, "Be a dear and grab a ham and some bacon... your "dad" invited me for dinner."