Brother Love

Story by Sakusaro on SoFurry

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Here we have the normal college boy, with the normal college life, with the usual college idiot as a friend. Yet when you put it down to something in a different meaning, can college be a great way to find romance?

Nice morning in the middle of November. The sun is rising from the horizon and gazing its light on the town below. I roll a pillow over my head as the light of the sun shines through the blinds of my apartment. "God damn," I said with a great yawn "why can't the sun come up later when I'm not so tired and hurting?" My pain is that from a party a friend Jake, a Doberman, threw with his parents out for a couple of months. We laughed; we danced, and drank a lot. I drank so much that I passed out on the couch...I hope.

As I walked down the stairs fully dressed, I couldn't help but notice the landowner Mina, a tigress, wearing her pink blouse, rose pattern skirt, and black high heels. Her taste in clothing is odd, but to her it matches the personality she has hidden in those green eyes of hers. I just grabbed the door handle that lead outside until "Morning Maren," I turn around to see her in front of her desk with two cups of coffee in her paws with a smile. "You're up early, care for some coffee?"

I stayed silent as I walked up and took the coffee that was offered. Mina wanted to say more, but just by looking at my face she just continued sipping on her coffee. I finished the coffee and started heading out. Just before I closed the door I said "Thanks for the coffee" and walked away.

Corrington University; a college striving with smart students and the usual party animals. The university has every class imaginable. All from hunting to Zoo management. I walked up the stairs in the dorm wing and stopped in front a dorm with the name Tory on it. Tory, a part husky part wolf mix, is my best friend. We would party together and get in trouble together when we feel like it. I knocked on the door and waited for a response, nothing. I knock harder "Hey Tory," I yelled through the door "get your furry butt up and moving. We might be late for class." I waited for a reply and still nothing, instead I get a strong scent of him as he opened the door and pulled me in. Tory's room is nothing but a complete mess. Clothes on the floor, food and cans everywhere, and thanks to my keen nose, I can smell that he had some company. "I smell you had some company here."

"Huh, oh yeah she was a nice gal." he said looking around for some boxers to wear. Sometimes I wonder if Tory is mostly naked in front of me on purpose. Ever since we started college together, every time I visit him in his dorm, he's naked. "Dude have you seen my boxers?" he asked looking all over, bending over to keep showing off that furry ass of his. I looked over to the right seeing a pair on a side table next to the door and throw it at him. "Thanks"

The class Tory and I take is college level Photography. All we do is get an assignment slip from the teacher and head out to get it done. We took my car to drive around to find a good spot for our assignment. Since our assignment was that of water, we figured a waterfall would work since we know one nearby. When I parked the car and grabbed the equipment I started growling seeing a couple of freshmen taking our spot. Tory understood my frustration, but he put up a smile and elbowed me in the arm. "Hey Maren follow me." He started walking around the waterfall and with a little hesitation I followed. I followed him for about an hour until finally after five miles of walking we see a waterfall glistening in the sunlight. "Well, what do you think?" Tory asked giving off a huge smile.

I couldn't say a single word; all I could do is watch as the water splashes to the bottom like in a steady rhythm. "This is perfect for our assignment" I said with excitement in my voice. "We will get an A+ for sure." Tory has another idea in mind. As I started to get the equipment set up I noticed Tory's shirt and pants land next to the tripod. I looked up to catch Tory cannonball into the water. "Tory what are you doing?" I yelled at him when he came back up for air.

"Come on Maren, the water is nice." He said winking at me.

"Tory we don't have time for this" I yelled louder "get your fucking clothes back on now." He then swims up to the edge, grab my leg, and pull me in. I was soaking wet and really pissed that he did that. If he wasn't my friend I would of drown him right there and then. "Damn it Tory" I continued yelling "stop playing and get serious for once."

"Okay" he chuckled as he swam up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked into his brown eyes and couldn't get myself to look away. He pulls my shirt off of me and slides himself around until he's behind me holding me closer. "Let's get serious then" he whispered in my ear. He presses my back against his chest and started licking at my shoulder. I tried so hard to keep myself from making a noise...even though it feels so good.

"S...stop" I mumbled feeling his tongue go higher on my neck. I shouted "STOP!" and pushed off of him. Not saying another word I got out of the water, take a couple of shots, packed up, and headed back to the car with him slowly fowling behind. The two of us didn't say a single word while on the road again. I glanced at him seeing his ears down and the face of 'I'm sorry'. As silent as I wanted to be, I had to break the ice. "So" I started "what is it like liking males?" Tory didn't change his look or even moved his ears.

"You gay curious now?" he asked a couple of minutes after the question was asked.

"No" I lied and we stayed silent the rest of the drive.

After I dropped Tory off at his dorm wing I drove to a nearby coffee shop and sat down thinking things over. "Yo Maren what's happening bud?" I looked up seeing Jake sitting down across from me. "You okay?"

"Not really" I answered and he hunched closer like were trading secrets. "My mind is going in fucking circles dude."

"Then do what I do," he put up a chuckle as he leaned back looking cool "find a chick good enough to pound and forget those thoughts." I sighed, easier said then done. Jake then got up and pats me on the shoulder with a smile "I'm having another party tomorrow night, bring a friend" he did one final wink before leaving me with my thoughts once again.

Noon on a Saturday, I was sitting on the edge of my bed looking through photos of me and Tory when we were in high school together. I flipped through the pictures until I stop on one showing Tory having an arm over my shoulder after a fight I was in. Just looking at the photo makes me remember that day like it was yesterday. I was only fifteen years old, it was raining that day, and the seniors agreed to beat me after school for no reason. I fought with all I got, but they were stronger. I was all beaten up, blood dripping from my mouth, and no strength to continue fighting. I thought I was done until Tory stepped in and beat the snot out of each one. All I remember hearing him saying afterwards as he offered a hand up is "let's head home." I looked through more and more, remembering more and more.

I kept looking at more of my childhood photos until I heard a knock on the door. I put up the photos and opened the door seeing Mina. "Hi Maren" she said in a heisted voice. "I um noticed that your look is more serious then usual. Not, not that I mean that as a bad thing, I mean um damn it." I watched her while she tried to gather her thoughts together and try again. "I'm just wondering if you're all right."

"Yeah I'm fine" I answered "just got a lot on my mind."

"Maren" Mina lifted her paw and slowly placed it on my cheek. I can see the kindness in her eyes, but I just feel nothing from it.

I took her paw into mine and take it off my cheek. "I'm fine Mina, I'm fine."

Six o'clock, I knocked on Tory's door and he instantly opened it and let me in. "What's up?" he asked.

I looked around his room seeing it a little bit cleaned up, but still messy. "I uh just came to ask you something." I looked around more and noticed a photo I never seen before. It showed Tory with some Stallion wrapping his arms over Tory's shoulders.

"That was my first boyfriend" Tory said seeing the picture in my paw. "He was sweet, gentle, protective, and a great kisser. He got into a bad car accident and didn't make it. What's funny is that I see him every time I see you." I put down the picture and he sat down on his bed. "So what are your questions?"

I sat down in a chair and go through my mind of questions to start with. "What is it like to um..." I rub the back of my neck trying to figure out how to ask the question.

"Your curious" I look at Tory seeing him putting on a grin. "Your wondering what it's like getting it on with a guy." I gave out a sigh and nodded. He laughed a bit "it's like doing it with a girl, just with muscles and no rack." I wanted to laugh at the last part, but I couldn't bring myself to do so.

"Why did you try turning me on at the waterfall the other day?" I watched as his normal happy smile turn quickly to that of sadness with the ears and head down.

"I was in the mood and like I said every time I see you, I see him"

I got up and sat down next to him "I'm different from your last boyfriend. Plus when I had the scent of a female here I thought..."

"No, no, no" he quickly said shaking his head and chuckling. "She was just a friend, we did nothing but talk." He turned to me and asked "any more questions on the main topic here?" I thought it over, but I couldn't find anymore questions to ask so I shake my head. "There's another way to fill your curiosity," even though I had a good idea on what he meant he asked "want it?"

I nodded my head slowly and he got very close. Tory placed a paw on my chest and wrapped his other arm around me to keep me close to him. He started kissing me on the neck as I shiver from the touch of his lips. I bite my lower lip to try to keep any noise to escape from me, but he hit a sweet spot that just made me release my little noise of soft pleasure. Tory slides his paw down and up under my shirt rubbing my fur. I couldn't help but give off more and more noise to his touch. "Feels good huh?" he asked, I couldn't say a single word but my noise and blushing red fur say it all, 'yes'. He then pulled my shirt off of me like last time and quickly took his off to comfort me. Tory leans in between my legs as he slides his paw lower on my body. When he went past the waist and started nudging his way into my pants, I grabbed his wrist and pulled it up. "Sorry" he apologized, but I didn't want him to apologize since I was enjoying it.

His black and white paw was soft, yet strong in mine. I leaned in to kiss his fingertips and before I knew it I was muzzle to muzzle with him. I tell people 'I'm not gay', 'I don't make out with guys', yet here I'm just melted and enjoying it. Tory slides his tongue into my mouth, oh how good his tongue is compared to mine. Without any warning I can feel myself hard, as well as Tory. When we broke our kiss and look deep into each other's eyes and panting, I just had to say "Please, show me more." He nodded and made me lean back while he started unzipping my pants. When he pulled both my pants and boxers, he wrapped his great paw around my base like he's been waiting for this for a long time.

Tory leaned in and gave my length a long lick stroke that made me moan in a way I never had before. "You like that?" he asked kissing my tip. My face completely red and I wanted more when I nodded. Tory licked me up more, what made it better was when I felt the warm feel of him when he slide my cock into his muzzle. It felt so good to feel his warm breath and slick tongue wrapping around my flesh and up the suction. I couldn't stop moaning and groaning, feeling and watching that white muzzle bob up and down on my length made me throb even more. I placed a hand on the back of his head and shut my eyes feeling close. My cock throbbed more and more and I didn't have time to warn him when my cum shot out and down into his throat. Tory slides it out and licks his lips with satisfaction. "You're delicious and sweet." I panted harder looking down and see myself leaking out even more, Tory brushed up against me and asked "Want to try me?" I didn't say a single word, mostly because I was out of breathe, instead I groped his crotch and made him smile in a moan.

Tory laid back on the bed as I unzipped and pull off his pants, unsurprisingly he wasn't wearing any boxers underneath. I cuff his balls in my paw and started massaging them, making him chuckle a bit. I get down low and started licking at his sheath and hear the change in his breathing. I kept on licking until I see his flesh out and hard. I picked up his length and catch a better whiff of his scent. I would assumed that I would rip a guys dick off if he tried something, not once did I thought I would enjoy the taste of it now. I slide his whole length into my mouth and started sucking on it just like he did. The more I sucked on him, the more I wanted him. It didn't take long for him to howl out as he sprayed in my mouth. His cum was so wet, sticky, and delicious. Without warning Tory lifted my chin up and kiss my cum cover muzzle.

After such a good long kiss he told me he wants me inside. I didn't know what he meant until he laid back and opened his legs with a sexy grin on his face. I crawl up between his legs and lightly tap his opening with my tip that gave us both a turn on. I clamp my mouth shut and pushed in all the way. I moaned again to the warmth that now collapse around my cock as I started thrusting deeper and harder into him. The feeling was so good that I didn't want to stop, I didn't want to be out of him, I didn't want to...sigh I know I will soon. My cock started throbbing more and more in him, my knot formed very quickly and I didn't know it did until I heard him say "Awww yeah, now that's the stretcher I needed." I look down to see my knot going in him and it just made the pleasure even more satisfying.

Few more minutes in and I leaned close to say "I'm going to cum." As quick as that like on cue, I exploded into Tory's inside and started panting heavy looking at him and seeing him with a great smile.

"Not bad" Tory commented. I gave off a small, weak grin and really grunted as I pulled out of him. Tory footed my still hard and leaking flesh, making me blush more and more. "Your turn" he whispered and gently pushed me back down, mounted me with anticipation, and slowly pushed in me. Every time he pushed in me, he pushed in more and more of his length until he's fully in me. I cringed as he thrust into me with the perfect amount of force to begin with. "Wow you really are a virgin." He panted looking at my face while thrusting harder. I couldn't help but moan very load in deep, deep pleasure. It took a good, long, pleasurable hour for him to finally say "I'm going to cum." I grabbed hold to the side of the bed to hold myself as we howled with pleasurable delight. I looked deep into his eyes, panting, feeling his warm, gooey, love liquid oozing in me. When he pulled out, I pulled him close and kiss him a thank you.

When I opened my eyes I sat up in bed with both of us still naked. I looked at the clock and saw it said eleven in the evening. I quietly got up to let Tory sleep, but the first step I took made the floor creak making Tory roll in bed. "Now to get out of here" I whispered and grabbed all my clothes.

Fully dress and ready to go, I was just about to grab my car door handle "Where are you going?" I turned to see Tory behind me all dressed up. It was the first time I seen him dress and up so quickly. "Well?" he pressed on.

"I'm um heading to a party" I answered leaning back on the car door.

"Oh" his ears dropped and he put on a sad puppy face. "Well have fun I guess."

I felt so bad for him; I don't think he's been to one of Jake's parties before.

"Hey wait" I said getting his attention, I walked over and opened the passenger side door and smiled. "I'm allowed to bring a friend." The ears and face jumped up to smiles as he jumped in and we drove out to the party.

As always Jake's party is pack with so many people and a lot of drinks. It was a little difficult to move around when people kept bumping into you. Tory stayed by my side since we entered, afraid to go anywhere else that didn't have me with him. We drink together, danced, and laughed like normal friends with no secret to hide. It was all fun until Tory grabbed my hand and led me upstairs away from the party. We entered Jake's room and it was insane. Posters on the walls and ceiling, collars align on a shelf, exercising equipment in one corner, and next to his bed his pet snake Michael wrapped up and watching us. Tory pulled me in and kissed me deeply with a lot of passion and drunken want. He slides his hand all over me and I do the same, especially placing mine on his nice ass. "Come on hun" Tory said panting with me "let's do it again."

"Tory let's not, I don't want an awkward moment if someone walks in."

"Awww come on sweetie" he said taunting me with kisses to the neck "you know you want too."

I made him look into my eyes "Tory we can later, but not here okay?" even though he dropped his ears, he understood and we headed back to enjoy the rest of the party.

The next morning in class I had to tell the teacher a fake reason why Tory is skipping class since he has a heavy hangover from the party. When I got my assignment slip I headed down the hallways to get to my car. Out of nowhere someone covered my mouth with a rag soaked with ether that made me black out in a second. When I finally woke up I find my shirt is gone, as well as my wrists chained to the wall. I looked around the room seeing tiles, shower heads, and lockers? Crap, I'm in the guy's locker room. "Well, well, well you're finally awake." I looked around to find the source of the voice and it sounded a little familiar. Hard to tell with my head spinning a bit. "Sorry I went a little rough." Jake finally step out from behind a wall and stand by the lockers with arms at the hip and an evil grin on his face.

"Jake what the fuck?" I growled out "why am I here, why am I chained up, and where is my shirt?"

Jake chuckled and got close, too close. He placed a hand next to my face up against the wall and leaned in closer to me. I tried to move my face aside, but that makes him laugh even more. "What's wrong Maren," he chuckled "I thought you like guys." My eyes widen and I glanced back at him wondering how he knew. Jake pulled out a videotape and waved it in front of my face. "My room has a security camera; I caught you and Tory making out. It made me hard and wanting that action."

Since that night everyone had a drink, I thought I could try a little bluff. "We were drunk; it's not what you think." My heart pounded as a long silence filled the room. Jake grabbed the chains on my wrist and pulled me to him till were nose to nose to one another. 'i...i..' I couldn't think of anymore bluffs as I stare deeply into his deep blue eyes.

Jake lifted up my arms and licked up my bare chest. "I know you" he said smiling, "you don't get drunk easily; in fact you're the only person I know that can control it. So your little make out with Tory was the real deal." Jake continued licking, he laps that tongue up to one of my nipples, making me having to bite my lower lip to keep myself from making a sound. He then holds me closer and lick up my neck. "Why don't we shower together?" Jake turns on a warm shower and slides off his shirt, pants, and boxers, flexing his muscles like the show off he is at times. He pushed me head first up against the shower wall as he grabbed my pants and boxers and pulled them down around my ankles. He pressed his tip up on my wet, slick rump. He pushed in me hard and started thrusting in me with a big smile on his face.

Damn he's raping me and I couldn't do a thing. I felt him thrust in me harder and harder like he's going to tear me apart. "Jake please stop" I pleaded to him feeling his hands lather my wet fur and make its way lower to my cock.

"Why does Tory get all the fun?" he asked thrusting in more "I like getting some action too." He leaned in close to my ear and whisper "unless you want me to show that video, then you'll do what I say." As much as I wanted to kill him, he has me in a corner that has no way out. A couple of minutes have past and I can feel him pushing in more and then he's knot pushing in me. "Yes this is nice." He chuckled thrusting harder and faster. I was about to be completely ripped open until he finally sprayed in me and settle back before he did. Jake harshly pulled himself out, unties me, gets dress, and leave me in the shower to cry out the pain he has caused.

That night I spent the night in Tory's room and we just lay in bed naked and holding each other. I figure I could hide my pain, but Tory was good finding out something wrong. "What's wrong?" he asked in a worried tone.

"Jake..." I trailed off trying to think of a good excuse that involved Tory not knowing what happened, but that event in the shower kept creeping back into my head. I got up and looked out the window staying quiet, hoping Tory won't keep asking.

"What happened that involved Jake?" Tory asked with a tilt of his head.

"Nothing" I lied "we just talked about the party that's all."

Tory got up and walked over to my side "That's good." He placed a hand on my rump and I yelp in pain. Even though Jake did me early morning, I could still feel the pain he given me, and now Tory knows. "What did he do to you?" he asked with an angry look and paws rolled into fists.

Since the secret is now found out I had no choice but to tell him the truth. "Jake kidnapped me and tied me up in the locker room. He had a security camera in his room when we made out at his party. He fucked me in the shower and said 'unless you want the school to know, you will do what I say when I say it.'" The truth made Tory so angry that I could feel the fire that was raging out of his anger.

"I'm going to kill that bastard" Tory yelled out as he grabbed his clothes and started getting dress.

I grab hold of him as tightly as I could to calm him down. "Tory stop please, you know I don't like to see you this way" he's breathing started to lower more and more. "I know what he did was wrong and I would like to do the same plan your thinking, but there are some things that fists and violence won't solve." Tory then stopped his anger all together and hugged me tight. The rest of the night we spent on lying in bed together and going in peaceful sleep.

Finally Saturday, the day where the students are free to do whatever with no classes. I decided to search for Jake while Tory is back in his room still asleep. I found Jake in the locker room and confronted him. "Listen Jake" I said "I think you should back off and leave me and Tory alone."

He chuckled at my new little bravery stand up "Well aren't we fired up today" he teased. "You do remember that one showing of that tape can kiss your closed secret goodbye."

"Then show it" I yelled louder "I don't give a shit anymore. I love Tory and nothing will change that. If people have a problem with it, then fuck them."

I turned to walk away, but Jake pulled me back with my collar and held onto me tight "You know what?" he asked in that voice that he used last time, "your cute when your all fierce and mad, makes me want you more."

I started struggling to get out of his grip and feel something poking from behind knowing what it is "Let me go" I shouted "I told you I love Tory."

"What does Tory have that I don't?"

"He has a heart, love, and a strong bond with me"

"We can have that too" Jake growled in affection "besides don't you think muscles are better than a fragile heart?"

"Shut up" I yelled and pushed off of him. He tried another attempt to grab me, until I pulled a gun out of my back pocket and aim it straight for his head making him stop and raise his paws. "Don't come any closer."

"Maren come on man" Jake said trying to stay calm with the situation turn out. "Just put the gun down." I kept the gun up, but started shaking a bit not wanting to actually use it against him. "Just lower the gun Maren" he continued "Just lower it and let's talk." I lower the gun little by little and he got closer step by step. When I lowered the gun to my side Jake saw it as a chance to jump me, but I reacted quickly by lifting the gun back up and pulled the trigger. I meant to hit something from the side to warn him off, but when I open my eyes I saw that I hit him in the chest and watch as his lifeless body slumped over on a bench is pouring and dripping out his blood.

I looked at my paws and shirt seeing blood splattered on me. I ran out of the locker room into the rain that started pouring when I ran out. I dialed 911 on my cell "911 state your emergency" the teller on the other line said.

"I need an ambulance" I answered "A student is shot in the boy's locker room of Corrington University." Before the teller got any chance to ask any more questions I hung up the phone and ran home.

I step into the main building dripping wet and panting hard. I looked up to see Mina come out of the employee lounge and screamed at the glimpse of me. She looked at my bloody shirt, gun in paw, and when lightning strike its light reveal my face that looked liked I will kill another in a second. I ran upstairs and into my apartment to wait on my bed for the police to figure me out and take me away.

Hours past, days past, weeks past and no cop came after me. I wonder why they haven't come for me yet. I visited Tory and instead of a smile when he saw me he just said "Oh hey Maren." He allowed me inside and takes a seat. "I know what you did with Jake" My heart started pounding as fast as a speeding train, hoping that he doesn't get mad at me or anything. "Maren I'm a cop" he continued with a sigh "what you did should put you in jail, but I was able to convince the force and captain to not arrest you. You should count yourself lucky."

My ears folded down and I looked down to the ground in great shame. "Tory I'm so sorry. I tried to talk to him, but he said that my yelling and anger made him want me more. I didn't want to fire that gun, but I was afraid." I fell to my knees and grab his shirt sobbing "I'm so sorry, please don't hate me, please forgive me."

I didn't expect Tory to forgive me; I wouldn't either in his position. I kept crying until Tory got down on his knees and hole me close. "I can never hate you Maren" he said softly in my ear "I can't forgive myself to hate someone I love." We broke our hold and look deep into each other's eyes. He wiped his thumbs under my eyes to rid the tears and then leaned in and holds me in a kiss.

A month of dating went by and the two of us became so close that no one can break us. Every free chance we get we find a private place and make love for awhile. One night Tory treated me to a fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant. I find it suspicious, yet sweet at the same time. By time dessert came around I just had to ask him "What's with the special night?"

"I wanted to make this special" Tory answered making me even more curious on why. "Maren since we met we been friends, then brothers, now lovers."

"That's not a bad thing right?" I asked before eating another bit of cake.

"No its not" he chuckled "I just now want it forever." I didn't understand what he meant, he then got up from his seat, walked to my side, and got down on one knee looking into my eyes. My eyes just widen at the sight, at the moment, he really going to ask it? My heart started racing more and more. My heart was beating so fast that I thought I was going to need some sort of jolt to wake up again once I burst. "Maren" Tory said slowly looking deep into my eyes "will you marry me?"

I ran out of breathe the moment he asked the question. It took all I had to regain my ability to speak to say "Yes, yes Tory I will." Tory happily slide a ring on my finger and our tails started wagging like crazy as we kissed each other like never before.

End <3 <3 <3