Brother Love

Nice morning in the middle of November. The sun is rising from the horizon and gazing its light on the town below. I roll a pillow over my head as the light of the sun shines through the blinds of my apartment. "God damn," I said with a great yawn "why...

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True Hearts Part 4

**Smokey flies in the sky as fast as possible, trying to get the mental image of his formal friends taking him like a hostage prisoner to have bondage sex like a spineless sub. He shook the distracting thought out of his head and slowed down to a...

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True Hearts 2 Part 3

Smokey wipes off the last of his tears as he looks around the empty bar flashing back to the night that he and John met. Oh how magical that night was, even though he was drunk he still couldn't keep himself from thinking how lovely he looked, how cute...

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True Hearts 2 part 2

John walked all the way to home trying to figure out what's going on and why him and Smokey as targets for something that doesn't need something this extreme. "John sweetie" John jumped from the greeting and see that it's Sal in front of his doorway...

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True Hearts 2 Part 1

Things can happen pretty fast in this town of humans and Pokémon. They would talk to each other, hang out with each other, but love was one thing they weren't suppose to do together. Two boys managed to break that rule because their love is strong...

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True Hearts

**True Hearts** **By: Sakusaro** Nice, cold, evening, a perfect setting to head to one of my favorite bars in our little town. The Hypno-bar. Incase your wondering; our town consist of a mix of humans and Pokémon. The Pokémon here, believe it or...

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True Hearts

Well you know the story, you got the pokemon world, poke-balls in hand, pokemon as your companions, and you go on a journey. BUT, what if you replace the poke-balls with human dressing and talking pokemon that coexist wiht humans like normal people in...

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True Hearts 2 A Tore Between Hearts part 3

Smokey wipes off the last of his tears as he looks around the empty bar flashing back to the night that he and John met. Oh how magical that night was, even though he was drunk he still couldn't keep himself from thinking how lovely he looked, how cute...

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Five Nights At Furry

**1** People have different beliefs in death. Many believe in heaven, many in hell, some uncertain, most say that the spirits still roam where they died, forced to re-live their last minutes in eternity, just like our story. In the town of...

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