Renewing the Species

Story by KaleShadowWalker on SoFurry

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#1 of Trades

A young male is kidnapped by a large wolf and held captive. What plans does this huge male have for the human?

Story © 2013 by Kale ShadowWalker Faolan Dietmar © Foulfrost Torolf © Kale ShadowWalker Faolan

Authors Notes: well, it took forever but I finally finished my part of a trade I did with Foulfrost. (Link to what I got from him - SoFurry: - FA: ) I do hope he likes it.

Disclaimer: This contains adult themes, including but not limited to: Gay relationships, M/M sex, transformation, non-con sex, imprisonment, stalking, mind/thought shifting, oral sex, anal sex and probably a lot more or a bit less. Depends on the story as this is my standard disclaimer now. If you are not of an age (18+/21+) where it's legal for you to read this or you don't like the themes of this story, then please turn around now and go back to the kiddy pool. Otherwise, enjoy this story and please comment if you liked it.


Torolf studied the cell like room that he had created in his basement, the Kenai Peninsula wolf tugging the chains that hung from the wall, making sure they couldn't break free. Course if the prey he sought could break those thick and heavy chains then he didn't deserve the one he would capture.

Besides the chains, there wasn't too much else in the little room - just a single bed, a small dresser with a mirror and small door that led to a bathroom that has a sink, toilet and a shower. The walls were painted an off white color, one that exactly matched his spunk. Naturally that wasn't by accident, but it wasn't to hide anything, it simply was a color he liked. The ceiling had a two way mirror above the bed with a couple HD webcams hidden behind it and angled to get different angles.

He left the cell door open behind him as he exited, the anthro planning to bring his prize home that night. He strolled back to the desk that served as a makeshift surveillance station and took a seat to check that the cameras in the cell worked before switching to the hacked network of cameras he used to spy on the object of his desire.

It only took a couple minutes to find the human he lusted after and it looked like the human male was taking a walk in the park and would be all alone due to the late hour. This might actually be the perfect chance for him to capture and claim the young male. Through the months he had watched him, he know that the male wouldn't be missed for the week that it would take for him to carry his plan out in full. After that, he was sure that he'd have the male permanently and they would be both very happy.

He picked up a small backpack from beside the table and rummaged through it, peeking to the monitor to keep track of where the human was. He didn't want to lose sight of Dietmar or where he was headed. He needed the perfect place and time and it looked liked tonight everything was falling right in place. He found that all in his bag was ready and with one last look at the monitor, he got up and padded out of his basement.


Dietmar huffed and puffed lightly as he jogged through the park, his only light the few sparse lamps that barely gave more light than the full moon, so it was almost like he was running in darkness. It was even worse under the trees on the backside of the park, their thick limbs and leaves made it almost completely dark and hard to see even for someone with good night vision like his. He neared the edge of the canopy for the fifth time that night, but this time he had the uneasy feeling that he was being watched.

He kept jogging though - last time he let himself get distracted and stop a run, he didn't go back out for a week and not for any real reason either. He took a deep breath and forged ahead, his running shoes smacking on the concrete with each step his took, bringing him closer to the woods. A chill ran down his spine once he crossed into the darker shadows of tree line, another joining it once he got a few feet deeper into the woods. He tried to will his eyes to see in the darkest of the shadows, his feet taking him from one side of the path to the other in a zigzag pattern. Unfortunately for him, that pattern took him right by a dense shrub and the second his back was to it, something jumped out and wrapped a pair of muscled, and very hairy feeling arms around him, trapping his own arms to his sides.

He struggled the best he can, but his feet were lifted off the ground, which meant that he had no traction at all. That didn't keep him from trying though, the human squirmed hard and shook his head as a soft handkerchief was pressed over his nose and mouth. He inadvertently took a deep breath and right away he knew that it was the biggest mistake that he had ever taken in his life. Darkness clouded his vision as his mind fogged over, his last thought a desperate prayer since he thought that he was about to be killed....


Dietmar woke up slowly the next morning, his entire body aching like he'd been ran over by a train, several of them in fact. Even before he could open his eyes, he knew right away that something was very off and that he wasn't at home. He could smell something musky in the air, and it wasn't just coming from his unwashed form. He could smell many distinct scents, including his own, but he couldn't place the rest of them except to say that non smelled like home and one smelled very male. He wrinkled his nose in confusion, wondering how he was able to pick up so many scents, eyes opening slowly, the room around him a blurry, confusing mess as he tried to blink the sleep out of his eyes and get used to the dim light from the single source of light from the other corner. Slowly things started to come into focus, the most predominate of them being a pointed, red, fleshy looking object that was heading right for his lips.

The human tried to struggle, but whatever he'd been made to breath in last night still had a bit of a hold for him, so he was easily forced to allow that odd object into his mouth. He sputtered around it as he got a taste of it, the salty flavor almost familiar to him. He eyes started to focus a bit more, catching sight of something hanging below the pole like object slowly forcing its way deeper into his throat. His eyes focused more and they opened wide as he realized that he was being force fed a canine cock, the human having had bred enough dogs during his life that he could identify one from a mile away. Alright, not really a mile, but he did know one when it was right in front of him. His struggles renewed and he tried to take his hands to push the dog away, but something kept them from moving.

Fingers traced over his wrists as he gagged around the cock that was now being pushed down his throat, finding the coils of leather that was used to bind them together. He couldn't believe that someone had actually kidnapped him for the purpose of making him suck off a dog....but that couldn't be right. The cock slipping into his mouth was too long, in fact it was pushing down into his throat and he could sense that he only had half or so in it. Plus, there was more control behind the hips that were force feeding him a massive canine prick. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he was in the paws...of one of the many male anthros in his town. This didn't make the human feel any better, in fact it filled his mind with dread. He had heard of humans disappearing to the paws of anthros all over the country and never returning as well as rumors of their population growing faster than humans, while human numbers were on a slow decline.

Hard thrusts brought his mind back to his situation though, the cock pulling back just a few inches to push back in hard, stretching his throat out around it each time. He was sucking on it before he even realized it, his body acting while his mind still struggled with what was happening. Slowly though his brain registered and started to truly take everything in, starting with the taste and sensation of something dripping onto his tongue and down his throat, the liquid pooling slowly until he had no choice to swallow it down. Pre-cum. He didn't know exactly how he knew what it was, but he was drinking the canine's pre-cum down and actually liking the taste, something in him changing his tastes and needs, the pre soon tasting like the sweetest of liquids ever. He slurps softly around the cock as he works to suck the fluid from the throbbing and thrusting length, getting a growl of approval and a thick spurt of fresh pre, making him relax further and crave it even more.

What he didn't, or couldn't see, was that each thrust really was causing something to change in his body, more specifically his smooth body. Soft, fine fur started to spout out where most human males would have hair typically, chest, arms, legs, and other such areas, but this was much softer as it grew in. It had a dusty brown color over his chest, the growing treasure trial taking on a lighter color with flecks of black tips as it led down to a patch work of gray, black and white fur around the human's balls and throbbing cock. Down his legs and arms the dusty brown fur was mixed with shades of gray before turning black and brown around his ankles and wrists, even a slightly scruffy beard of the same color growing in on his face.

The more of the pre that Dietmar drank down, the more relaxed his mind became, letting him focus on the simple task of sucking the fat cock sliding back and forth over his lips. Nothing to worry about, nothing he had to run off and do, no girls to reject him for not being perfect in their eyes...all he had to was keep sucking and licking on the cock in his mouth, yes mouth...all he had to do was to keep worshiping it and all would be fine. The whispers into his ear promised him that and such sweet sounding voice couldn't be wrong. Yes, he was a very good boy and did love the taste of his Master's precious pre-cum. He would be very good boy and work for his treat, only cumming himself once he drank down the last of the seed he would be fed soon.

And work he did, sucking and slurping over the fat length like it was the only piece of meat that could satisfy his desire. He drinks down the offered pre as the cock thrusts harder and faster, the paw on his head rubbing and pulling him to meet them so his throat tugs on the cock each time he swallows the warm pre. He barely noticed that his cock was throbbing very hard between his legs, so hard in fact that it was actually turning slightly red and swelling thicker and longer, his foreskin pulling back to reveal the mushroom head as the rest of the skin around his shaft becoming loose like a canine sheath, a small bit of skin forming between it and his groin to attach it in place. His cock pushes out of it further and continues to throb in need, growing thicker as it pushes past his original length, soon growing to a full ten inches and leaking pre continuously. His balls doubling in size and filling with more seed, pulling his sac down off its resting place of on his inner thigh to rest against his leg.

Soon a bulge was felt pressing against his lips, the thrusts more erratic and the grip on his head nice and strong. He knew his master was getting close now, his own cock throbbing in time with the quicker jets of the pre, his tongue picking up a slight change in taste as the knot grew larger against his lips. He wanted the knot in his maw, but he couldn't get his jaw to stretch enough to so, so he resigned himself to pressing his lips tightly against what he could and sucking even harder as it swelled fully and came to a rest against against them. A howl filled the small room and a flood of seed filled his throat, forcing him to swallow as quickly as possible to not let a single drop of it escape, like a good puppy should. Jet after jet shot down his throat, warming him up from inside and locking in the changes that had already happened to his body and accelerating some others. His senses sharpened suddenly, bringing into his mind a much better taste of the canine cum filling his maw as he breathed in the wolf's scent, picking up the lust that mixed in with pure masculine dominance that made a soft whimper escape from his throat.

The flow slowed after a few minutes, the last bit dripping out onto his tongue along with the command to not swallow until he left the room. With that, the cock withdrew from his lips and pulled back far enough for him to get his first look at his master. The canine was a good seven and a half feet tall and looked as if he had at least 400 pounds of muscle packed on that frame. There was not a single place on the wolf that looked like it hid any fat. His coat was a dark gray with a sport of slightly yellow fur around his belly button and a dusting of black fur across his chest. He had a powerful, strong muzzle and bright golden yellow eyes that stood out and glowed in the dim light of the room. The canine turned and walked out the door, his large tail wagging behind him before the door closed behind him.

Dietmar cock gave a jump and started to ooze his load as he swallowed the mouthful of cum he had been holding. He didn't notice though, something prevented his mind from registering the fact that his balls weren't just unloading his sperm with out the body rocking pleasure that usually accompanied an orgasm, they were actually unloading the last load of human jizz that his body would every produce. Even as it leaked out of him his balls went to work to produce a small load of canine seed that quickly got pushed out of his cock and dribbled onto his leg and the bed. His eyes closed and he fell fast asleep with the last drop leaving his cock, his dreams invaded by the conflict between the new feelings he had and the slow return of his normal thoughts of females and his old life. Though not all of his memories returned, some had been replaced with those of having been with the occasional male, these dreams and thoughts causing his cock to throb in his sleep.


Over the next two days Torolf visited his capture ever few hours to feed him another load of hot wolf cum, by the end he was able to untie his hands and feet, letting Dietmar free to wander around his room now. He had no fears about the male leaving, the constant strong musk that was filtered into the room and the feedings of fresh spunk kept his mind pretty much blank now, though there were still moments where the male would fight, kick and scream at the wolf or the walls. Though he didn't mind it at all, a strong will now meant a stronger will and connection later. Surprisingly the constant feeding of his corrupting cum didn't do much in the way of physical changes when ingested in this way. All the changes amounted to was a couple extra inches in height and about fifty extra pounds of muscle on his body.

On the day he untied his puppy's arms and feet he changed stratagem. Instead of feeding his load to the male, he knelt down on the bed and pulled his feet up and against his hard cock. Surprisingly, the human seemed to get the idea after a couple thrusts and willingly rubbed his feet on the fat cock, pre leaking out of the tip and over the toes as they shifted and grew together, leaving each foot with only three thick toes with soft pads on the bottom of each. He watched as the nails darkened and sharpened before growing out and curling into claws. Pre leaked faster and ran down over the feet, making them crack loudly as they twitched and grew slowly. The heels and ankles popped and pushed up as the feet lengthened, forcing him to walk digitigrade, soft pawpads forming on the bottom of the feet, making his thrusts much more pleasurable. The fur grew in fully on them as his hips kept going, the fur traveling up midway over the calves as well.

The still mostly human before him flexed his new feet and then surprised him further by wrapping his toes around the throbbing cock, stroking along it in counter to each thrust of his hips. The wolf's tongue lolled out of his muzzle as he panted and growled in pleasure, his pre jetting across the footpaws, soaking them in the slick fluid. He rubbed over them with his paws, massaging and gripping them tightly as they pressed against his dick. Each push of his hips came faster and rougher, the footpaws pressing harder against the throbbing and pre jetting length. He closed his eyes as he dragged his claws over the footpaws slowly, smirking as he felt them squirm as soft giggles came from the other male from the tickling his claws caused.

Hips pistoned and toes rubbed in time like a well oiled machine, causing the bulge of flesh that was the wolf's knot to swell and throb larger with each passing minute, balls drawing up against his body in preparation of unloading the hot jizz churning in them. His own toes curled to press his claws against the floor as his peak hit, a loud howl reverberating off the walls as he coated the new footpaws with hot and sticky seed, a rope of it landing onto Dietmar's chest and abs, darkening the skin to black and making a streak of fur to grow in thick like the fur on the footpaws.

As his orgasm waned, he let the footpaws drop and rubbed the last few spurts of his creamy seed over his partner's lower legs, grinning and panting as he watched and felt them shift and grow. Calves became more defined and muscled, the once light dusting of fur filling in and covering the blackening skin. Quickly the muscles grew slightly disproportional to the rest of his body, looking thick, powerful and full of potential energy for running and pouncing.. He drew his claws through the thick and soft pelt, very proud of the progress so far. He leaned in and gave his changing mate a kiss on the lips before getting up and leaving the room to let the other male enjoy the raging hard on between his legs and shifted feet.

The musk from his lover hung in the air as Dietmar sat up and ran his hands over his lower legs, letting out a soft moan as his fingers slid through the soft fur. His still human cock throbbed between his legs as he danced his fingers down and over his changed feet, pre dripping from his cock as he massaged and rubbed over every inch, soft gasps filling the room as he rubbed between his toes. He used some of his natural flexibility to pull his footpaws in to his crotch, his cock resting against them for a moment before he pushed it down between them. He rocked his body slowly so that his pre dripping cock slide between the soles of his footpaws, eyes going wide as the pleasure filled his brain. No wonder his captor...mate...person...wolf...whatever... had enjoyed it so much, the sensations were unlike anything he'd experienced before.

He held his toes tightly against his cock as it grew before his eyes, gaining a couple more inches and another inch in thickness, clear pre leaking onto his toes and leaking down between them, getting him slick and slightly sticky all over again. It didn't take him but a few minutes of grinding and rocking for him to shoot his large load, his balls producing almost enough jizz to completely coat both of the large feet. He fell back onto his bed in post climax exhaustion, falling asleep and not waking, well at least the next time he remember waking up, the next day.

When he did wake, it was with a soft groan and a stretch as he sat up on his bed, eyes blinking as he rubbed over his head with his hands. It took a moment to register that something was a little off with his hands, but when he finally noticed he saw that a few more changes had occurred to his body, his hands being the very first thing. They were no longer just hands, they had shifted like his feet and became paws as well, retaining the thumb and three of his fingers. They were much larger than before, matching the proportions of his footpaws and felt like they had immense power behind them and the potential for great pleasure as well. He ran his pad tipped fingers across his chest, letting out a gasp at the softness of the pads slipped against his bare flesh. His claws lightly brushed over his nipples, sending a wave of pleasure through his entire body, a combined growl and moan left his parted lips as he gave his nipples more attention with his claws.

They hardened as he rolled them between his claws, his moans growing deeper as he tugged on the hardened nubs. With each tug his sheath swelled more until the mushroomed head of his read cock pushed out of it and into his line of sight. He let his right paw drop down to lightly stroke and trace over the swollen sheath, watching in awe as his cock pushed further and further out. Pre was dripping from the tip right away, only a few drops at first, but as it hardened more drops leaked from it and down onto his paw, his strokes going easier and longer as he included the now half hard member in his strokes. A jolt of pleasure shot through his body when the pads on his fingers ran across the head of his cock, causing him to moan and squeeze a little harder around it.

He felt his shaft throbbing in time with his heartbeat once it hardened fully, pre dripping quickly - almost to the point of drooling - from the head and down onto his paws, making it easy for him o pick up the pace with his stroking. He leaned over to watch the pre leak from the opening of his urethra, slightly perplexed as to why it seemed to open a little wider before his eyes. Mesmerized and intrigued by what he was seeing as he masturbated, he took his other paw from his chest and pressed the tip of one of his claws right against the opening, sending a shiver of pleasure up his spine. It caused his paw to twitch and the very tip of his claw to push right into the urethra, stretching it slightly more and plugging it so no more pre could seep from it. His entire body went stiff in shocked pleasure, cock throbbing hard enough to cause the veins along it to bulge out a little. His balls slowly grew before his eyes from the pre backing up into them, tugging his sac down a little more from the added weight. He slipped his claw in a little further while his other paw went back to stroking and squeezing his fat cock.

His strokes steadily grew faster as he groaned loudly, growls mixing in with them as he slowly slid his claw in and out of his urethra, pushing it a little deeper each time until he's using about half of it. His balls slightly swell a little more and pull up towards his body as pressure builds deep in him, paw stroking as fast as he can to bring him to his peak. Pre kept backing up though, the base of his cock bulging and swelling out right as he watched and pawed, cock thickening slightly and slowly, soon becoming too thick to wrap his paw fully around it. He pulled his claw from his cock, a jet of pre shooting him right on the face in the process, and wrapped the paw around behind his almost baseball sized knot to tug and squeeze on it. His orgasm hit immediately, rope after rope of hot, thick, sticky seed rocketed straight up from his cockhead, splashing onto his face and falling onto his chest and abs. It took a good three minutes for his flow of seed to finally slow to a stop, the last bit dripping from his tip as he released his cock and fell back on the bed in post orgasm afterglow. He promised himself that he was only closing his eyes for a moment and would get up to for a shower soon as he caught his breath.


Dietmar woke two hours later and sighed, shaking his head as he wondered why his body wanted him to do so much sleeping. He slowly shuffled to the bathroom, quite unsteady on his new feet and looking like he was drunk from all the swaying back and forth he was doing. He finally made it to the shower, leaning against the wall beside it until the water was just right. He let out a sigh of relief as soon as it hit his chest and started to run down his body, feeling it soak into his fur and starting to relax muscles that he didn't realize were tense. He reached up and angled it so he could lean against the back of the shower wall and relax, sighing softly as knot after knot of tension released. His paws roamed over his body as the steam built up around him, relaxing further as he breathed in deeply and rubbed some of the dried semen off himself. After a few moments he reached out and grabbed the shampoo, looking over it for a moment to wonder if it would work with the fur that had sprouted out on his form. He sighed and shrugged, dumping out a glob of it into his paw before working it into the hair on his head.

A good half hour later, he walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, feeling quite refreshed and a little clear headed for once. He sat down on the edge of his bed and looked around, leaning back some and putting his paws behind to steady himself. He realized that he didn't even know what day it was any more or if it was even day or night for that matter. There had been a cell phone in his pocket when he'd been taken, but there was no sight of his cloths anywhere in the room so he guessed that the cell was gone too. He could guess that it at least had been long enough that someone should have been looking for him - well that is if he had anybody that cared enough to look for him. He sighed and flopped back on the bed, a multitude of thoughts starting to run through his head, making him realize that for once he could think. He wasn't all fogged over like usual, getting angry after a few minutes as he put two and two together after he noticed that he couldn't smell the scent of the male that had been raping him.

Growls rose deep in his chest as he silently cursed the other male for using a drug to control him, the growls growing lighter as another thought ran through his mind. Maybe it actually wasn't a drug; maybe it was the wolf's natural scent. After all, even with as clean as he was, he could still pick up a subtle earthy, manly scent coming from the fur on his arms. Well, he couldn't really fault him for that, the other male might not even realize how powerful it was. Anger stayed level as he thought about being taken from his entire world by this stranger, though it wasn't much of a world really. He didn't do much besides working and jogging, not even having a pet of any kind to take care of. Sure, he had those he could consider friends, but they weren't close at all. He bet it was the same way for his captor, specially since he was the only anthro that Dietmar had actually ever seen in town. True, there may have been others that he hadn't seen, but either way he figured it was a pretty lonely life.

Anger cooled down and gave way to compassion and understanding as to why he had been taken and now found himself where his was and changed like he did. He supposed that he would have really done the same had he been in the same situation. The more he thought about the other male, the more confused he felt as his heart beat harder in his chest. Could he actually be falling in love with his captor? No, no. He was straight and soon as he got out of this place he would not only prove it, but he would find a way to return to normal. Well, maybe not return to normal fully...he did like how big and thick his cock was the muscles that hand grown all over his body were nice. Maybe he could go a week being an anthro canine for a week or two, see how other men like it. women..well...maybe both, he could go both ways really when it came to it...but he'd never be the one being bent over unless there was an orgy and alcohol involved...maybe just an orgy would be the very least needed.

For hours he went between sitting and laying on the bed in contemplation, thoughts racing though his mind in a chaotic pace with little order to them. He only moved on occasion to get into a new, slightly more comfortable position, finally ending up on his back with his head propped on his arms and his legs dangling off the bed as he tried to figure out what to do the next time his captor returned. Would he scream, kick and beg to be let go or would he actually fight back and make escape that much more possible? So lost in thought he was, that he didn't even notice when the door to his small room opened to allow his captor on. It was only when a pair of strong paws came to rest on his hips did his focus come back from deep his his mind to the room around him. He blushed as little when he saw the large naked male, eyes taking the male's form for the first time.

The anthro was actually not that bad looking, for a giant walking, talking wolf that looked a good 7 feet tall. His fur was pretty much solid black from head to toe, with a sprinkling of white fur on his chest, abs and around that fat sheath of his. Under all that fur he did have a nicely muscled and well defined form, almost like a bodybuilders, and besides the bit of lust in his eyes, there was also kindness and true concern behind showing as well. How had he not noticed this before? Oh's rather hard to notice such things when being humped against and even harder with a fat, tasty cock, that had to be over a foot long from what he could see now, stuffed down one's mouth, but now he had the chance to ask all the questions that he had.

"W...who are you? And w..why me?" Was all Dietmar was able to mutter out as the other male leaned over him and gave a lick to his left ear, sending a shiver of pleasure though him and shove all other thoughts out of his mind.

"My name's Torolf." The wolf whispered into his captive's ear, giving it more slow, long licks. "As for why you...well I've been watching you for quite a while now and know a lot about you. You're a loner like myself, have no one around who really cares, to lean on or that you feel like truly gets you. We're kindred spirits and I brought you here to make you like me so we can be together and happy because I think you are quite the handsome male and could be even more so as a Kenai Peninsula wolf like myself. Don't you want to be happy? Just submit to me tonight and I'll claim you fully.."

"I..I...b..I don't...T..." Dietmar stuttered as he tried to get his brain, heart and mouth to all sync together, but it wasn't going well at all. His tongue felt all tied up in knots. He was concentrating so much on trying to form an actual full sentence that it took a minute for him to realize he had given his answer in another way. His legs were wrapped tightly around the wolf's waist, the other male's cock sliding against his sheath slowly as his own body slowly rocks. He blinks a few times before letting out a soft, almost needy moan as he nodded slowly. "Please...turn me...I..I'm yours, love."

Torolf licked over his mate's ear as he pulled his hips back and lined up with the waiting tailhole, nibbling on the ear as it shifted into a point and began to migrate up the other's head. He could smell Deitmar's scent slowly shifting from scared, confused human to strong, loyal, submissive, needy wolf and it drove him wild. He pushed his hips forwards and slid the pre slick tip right into his lover's hot and tight virgin tailhole, moaning from the grip and heat around his length as inch after thick inch disappears. He watched as the final changes to the human started to take place, his face pushing out into a muzzle as his eyes became a deep yellow and ears became fully canine and came to a rest atop his head. A long tongue hung from the muzzle as each tooth sharpened into points for the carnivore that he was becoming, moans going deeper as vocal cords shifted, barks accompanying them as the alpha gave his beta a deep and passionate kiss. Their tongues danced and lapped over one another as the changes to the smaller male's face completed, eyes looking deep into the others before eyelids closed and both got lost in the passionate kiss.

As he kissed his dominating mate, Dietmar could feel his torso finally shifting to match his limbs. Pecs and abs swelled with new muscle, giving him that bodybuilder's look that he always wanted, as his arms and legs gained a bit more muscle as well. Everything pushed out longer until he was just a few inches shorter than his alpha, though his muscles bulged slightly bigger. He flexed as their bodies ground together with each hard thrust, fur filling out fully to give him a slightly lighter coloring over his chest and abs than he had on his extremities. His tail pushed out from the base of his spine, wagging against the balls that were slapping against his firm rump as his cock throbbed and drooled pre from the tip as his lover ground hard against his prostate.

The wolf's rear was practically spanked with each deep thrust into his body by the alpha's large balls, the fat cock not letting any of the pre it was spurting into the stretched hole to leak out. As Torolf thrust into his mate, he could feel his balls tingle a little and grow heavier, making him gasp in surprise into the kiss as each grew to the size of a grapefruit. He slipped a paw between them to rub over his mate's sac, feeling his balls swell bigger as well until they were like twin oranges. He grinned around the kiss and rolled the twins around in his paw, eliciting a deep growl of lust from the smaller male. Each of his hard thrusts pushed his already huge cock even deeper as it grew next, eyes glazing over in lust and tongue hanging from his muzzle as the fat cock grew out to almost a full two feet long and swelled to slightly bigger around than a soda can. His abs ground against the other canine's cock as it swelled as thick as a soda can and pushed out to a full foot and a half. He pulled his body up slowly as he hilted into his mate and held his hips there, admiring the other wolf's form for a moment before grabbing his hips and roughly twisting, forcing the male to have to spin on the cock in him until he was on all fours.

Dietmar growled and groaned as he was twisted on that huge cock of his mate's, claws digging into the bed some once he was on all fours. It stung but the pain didn't last too long, for soon as he was settled down, the thrusts came once more, this time a lot faster and harder as the wolf pulled his hips back to meet each thrust. He arched his back up some as he let his head hang, feeling their balls smacking together with each deep hilting into his new body. He could feel the pleasure radiate out from his prostate into every other nerve in him, his shaft responding by drooling pre onto the bed under him. His claws dug into the bed more for leverage as he pushed back to meet those hard thrusts. The symphony of their moans and the slapping of their hips and balls filled the room and bounced off the walls, contained to the tiny room and unheard by any who happened to walk by the house at that moment.

Over and over the hips met in an ancient mating ritual, one that was deeply bred into every canine's genes and was pure instinct to them. As his lover's knot swelled and pressed against his pucker, he could feel his own swelling as well and a strong muzzle give a mating bite to his shoulder. He pressed into the bite a little and gave a yelp of pain and pleasure as he was slammed into hard, the knot forced past his entrance and into his tailhole, stretching him a bit more. Thrusts went from regular to erratic and very feral as the knot was pushed right against his prostate, where it swelled and tied him with his lover. He couldn't keep his growing peak at bay any longer and let out a deep howl as he climaxed, his inner muscles clamping down tightly on the knot in him as thick ropes of his jizz jetted out onto the bed.

The sudden tightness around his knot sent a shock of pleasure through Tolorf's body, his hips giving one final hard drive into the other wolf's depths as he was sent over the edge as well. He howled in symphony with his mate around the mating bite, holding his mate in place with his jaws and paws while he filled him with his very thick, sticky and hot seed. His balls pulled up against his body as they worked to empty, their howls ending quickly, leaving the pair panting hard. He releases the shoulder and licks over the bite mark he left, nuzzling lightly as well as he lets his hips stop moving. He guided his wolf onto the bed a little bit more so they could both roll over onto their side, the big alpha spooning his beta from behind. Both of them murred softly as the flow of their seed slowed to the occasional jet as the basked in the warm afterglow of the hard mating session.

The pair fell asleep and work a couple hours later, untied and their cocks back in their respective homes. Together they cleaned up the room and took down everything they could, planning on returning the basement to normal at some point later. For now they retreated upstairs to dress Dietmar in some of Tolorf's old clothes until they could get out and shop for some for him. The beta could see now that it was early morning and took in all the sights of the world with his sharper senses as he leaned back into his mate's arms and thought about the day ahead.