Forest Keep 52

Story by Shimrod on SoFurry

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#51 of Forest Keep

Well heres 52, its a little darker than usual and i'll probably cop flak over it..not all is sweetness and light when dealing with dragons however and while the rewards are are the risks..

Ive been time,energy and motivation poor lately - plus Im working more than fulltime now and trying to buy a house into the bargain..its very frustrating for me ..I even bought myself a new kb (mechanical with backlit chars) to motivate me

Tommy was having a strange evening, following on from the fun he had talking with Nakkour and Nokala things had definitely taken a turn for the worse. Shalla had rather huffily shut him out for some reason and he felt the loss of their mental link keenly.

She had then dumped him unceremoniously on the road to the keep and gone home alone.

Tommy sighed and sat himself on one of the marker stones beside the road to try and make sense of the situation.

He hadn't said anything to upset her, he thought but small hints of her displeasure had kept trickling through as the evening progressed.

Perhaps he had thought something that had upset her and had somehow gotten through the link?

It was hard being a dragon's mate and he had a horrible feeling it was going to get harder.

He looked up at the rising half-moon and dug in his bag, finding a bread roll he had saved earlier he munched on it slowly, not noticing the sudden dimming of the moonlight above him.

He stiffened in shock as there was a solid thump behind him and with his heart pounding heavily in his chest he forced himself to turn slowly.

A draconic shape grinned toothily at him in the night and he blinked rapidly until it resolved into Tomako's smirking form.

*So how did it go?* he asked eagerly, settling himself beside the human.

Tommy opened his mouth and shut it again, unsure of where to start.

Tomako poked him with a claw *Are you alright?* he added with concern *they didn't hurt you ?* as his gaze roamed over his friends body.

Tommy sighed and got his thoughts in line "It was great, I think I did well with your mother but Shalla got called away and when she came back it was as if she was suddenly cold all over" he rubbed his forearms as he recalled her return from seeing Eriga and the chill in her mind.

*That doesn't sound good* murmured Tomako, *why was she called away?*

Tommy slowly stood up and walked back and forth nervously "Someone she knew was hurt by your father, I think her name was Eriga?"

He suddenly felt all the hairs on the back of his neck rise in terror at the noise Tomako made.

A low rumbling menacing growl that rose up through the body, promising rage and death to small, terrified crunchy mammals everywhere.

Tomako's claws dug into the sod and his eyes flamed in the moonlight as Tommy hastily backpedaled "S-she is alright though" he stammered urgently She said your father had been cast out of the clan too"

His eyes had adjusted to the dim light by this time and he could see Tomako's muscles straining. The veins standing out on his neck, the rage barely contained as he struggled to master it.

*Keep talking...* Tomako managed to say.

Tommy swallowed hard "He will be killed on sight if he enters the clan halls and Nokala is being tipped at taking his place on the council, I don't think your mother was too happy about that"

Tomako breathed heavily, his chest heaving as his body prepared for battle.

Trying to focus on his friend's voice rather than the deep instinctual call to hunt was the toughest battle he had faced so far.

"Apparently your Clanmaster saved her and another dragoness called Gergid too, but now he knows about me and Shalla and probably you and Caroline too..."

The last sentence achieved what the previous had failed to do.

Tomako's rage collapsed into a mess of conflicting emotions and mingled embarrassment at the implications.

He groaned loudly and slowly lay on the ground, his head on his forepaws.

*Wait...* he murmured muzzily *what was that last bit?*

Tommy nervously ventured closer "Well, it's pretty obvious you fancy her and she likes you too"

Tomako shuddered as the last vestiges of his rage drained away, leaving him feeling drained and limp.

*But she hates me and wants to see me hanged! She has stated so many times!*

Tommy gave a non-committal shrug "Women say and do strange things, lady dragons too I guess. I wish I knew what I said that upset Shalla"

*She does not know I am a dragon either. She would scream and run away if she knew, I am sure of it*

Tomako felt a sudden chill at the thought of Caroline being terrified of him,screaming and running away forever.

Tommy nervously wiped a hand over his forehead, feeling it come away chilly with sweat. He couldn't escape the feeling that he'd been closer to death tonight than during any battle he'd ever been in.

"Does she have to know?" he asked slowly, "I know James didn't realize Cill was a dragon until they'd fallen in love"

Tomako glared defiantly at him *I don't like being human all the time* he growled. *Cill at least had a choice whereas I am human whether I like it or not* He looked away, his ruffs flushing a little * would be deceitful and I do not wish to deceive her*

Tommy felt a grin start and he hurriedly suppressed it "so you do care for her then, else you wouldn't worry about deceiving her"

Tomako started to say something then broke off for a moment *I suppose I feel obligated to her* he pondered, aware he was thinking aloud *I do not think she likes me though. I am merely necessary to her purpose and her father may simply order me punished no matter what she says*

Tommy shook his head "She practically hunts you down every day and you try and hide from her, why don't you simply tell her to go away until she is ready to go home?"

Tomako's rump shifted uneasily upon the grass *That would be rude* he murmured, suddenly picturing his mother's appalled reaction to him hiding from a puny human female.

Tommy tried to keep a straight face and tried a different tack "Well then, perhaps you could tell me what Shalla is upset with then?"

Tomako blinked, it occurred to him that he hadn't called his sister for some time now and he essayed a tentative link to her. Tommy watched as the dragon winced and shuddered.

"That bad huh?" he asked as Tomako looked at him again.

*She is very angry, embarrassed too. She practically kicked me out*

Tommy sucked at his teeth in worry "What did I do? I was polite and funny and even Nokala was laughing when I was telling them about how we met"

Tomako felt a little warning tingle in his mind at this point. Years of experience of dealing with his sister had provided him with an almost encyclopedic knowledge of her bad points, the worst being taking everything that happened as a personal attack.

*She wasn't there when you told that story was she?* he asked worriedly, tapping his foretalons together nervously.

Tommy stopped and thought a moment "No I'd just finished telling them about how we escaped, that got a few laughs I can tell you. She came back just after that"

Tomako groaned and put his muzzle into his paws. *I bet she heard you telling them all about the scent-marking too. No wonder she's furious.*

Tommy went pale, the washed out moonlight turning him even paler.

"But, that was...I even smell like her now." he admitted "I had to tell her mother the truth..."

Tomako shook his huge head slowly *You mustn't let her brood over it, you need to explain yourself as soon as you can. Take a present too*

"Now? I don't think she'd like me barging in, she was very angry and besides I don't have anything for her!"

Tomako frowned and flexed his talons, *Wait here* he said, unfurling his wings,*I won't be long* with a powerful leap and deceptively slow flap he launched himself into the air and vanished.

Jasmina and Ploom shifted nervously under the king's gaze, watching the tips of his mustache twitch as he stared at them, being summoned this late and to a private conference meant something serious was afoot.

"So, I take it you have experienced unicorn magic for yourselves by now?" Dougal asked without a hint of embarrassment.

Both fairies let out a squeak and turned varying shades of red.

Dougal sighed and nodded "Good, then you have some idea of what can happen when a male and a female come into contact with it?"

Still flushing both fairies nodded hesitantly.

"Even males and females of differing species?" he continued.

Both fairies started to nod but then changed to a shake.

"Well let me educate you then" Dougal said, settling into a chair and making himself comfortable before explaining.

"Eons ago, the unicorns needed some way to protect themselves against those that wished to eat them, and having little in the way of teeth or claws they chose magic, even before the faer or dragons"

Jasmina and Ploom leaned forward eagerly as the king continued his tale.

"It is a very powerful magic, distilled over the ages and while it was effective in turning pursuing hunters into love-crazed pairs it also caused havoc due to the offspring it caused"

Dougal reached down and produced a scroll, carefully unrolling it upon the table, revealing the myriads of fanciful cross-breeds that had been recorded over the years. The watching fairies eyes grew wider at each image.

"This was so effective the number of animals that preyed on unicorns plummeted while their nests and dens filled with the results of the couplings they had made in the heat of the moment as it were"

Dougal's fingers lingered on a peculiar cross of fox and eagle that looked highly confused.

"Some of these creatures survived and formed new species; the gryphon's are one as were the noble but extinct centaurs. Most however gave up chasing unicorns and avoided them completely. Oddly enough this has caused a sizable drop in the unicorn population as they now have no need to breed as often and are almost immortal. As a result the pools no longer possess the strength to compel love but merely encourage it instead"

He coughed and unrolled the scroll a little further, displaying a picture of a large pool.

"However, as you now know, we have several new couples thank to Flora's pool, we have warded it now so no further uh...interactions can occur but as a result we now have a dragon and human offspring on the way"

There was a muffled gasp from Jasmina but Ploom merely nodded, obviously the king had understood when he had hidden the scroll in the throne.

"This has serious implications for us as well as the dragons and humans" continued Dougal as he paced up and down, hands behind his back.

"As she is our protector we must also see that no harm comes to her family and to this end we have decided to do something we have not done in centuries"

He stopped and whirled, slapping his palms down on the table as he faced them " in the council have decided to train you up as mages, full combat training and defense spells"

He took a breath as the pair seemed too stunned to say anything.

"You will use these gifts only to protect the family and those we deem important as I am sure you have heard what happens to faer who use these powers for evil"

Both fairies swallowed nervously and nodded.

"The curse can strike even if the spells are cast with good intention, so you shall need to think very carefully before using them"

Dougal sighed and walked back to his chair, planting himself upon it and regarding the pair owlishly.

"We trust your good natures, brave hearts and ties to the pool will keep us all safe. That will be all. Lord Pepper shall be in touch, now off with you"

He dismissed the pair with a flap of his hands and watched their retreating backs before rubbing a trembling hand over his furrowed brow and sinking into the soft embrace of the chair.

Shalla growled and paced back and forth in her lair, the tentative probing of her brother had only served as a lens upon which to focus her anger. That ...Human had pranced back and forth in front of her mother and friends like a fool. No doubt Nokala had guffawed himself senseless and passed on the tale to others by now. Soon she would be not only an outcast but a laughing stock as well. Claws lashed out and added to the collection on the inner walls of the lair.

Shalla's gaze narrowed as she looked at the older scars, no doubt placed there in anger by Cill, probably over her human as well.

Part of her knew she was being silly and that she should talk to Tommy but it was a very small and minor part that was being drowned out by the screams of outrage so she paced up and down pondering on how to make him suffer.

Tommy waited nervously at the marker, he could feel some of Shalla's emotions coming through now and he was concerned. How was a man supposed to placate an angry dragoness several times his size?

He didn't remember too much about his parents, but he recalled watching his mother grimly waiting by the door for his father to return from the tavern, missing sleep and hefting a rolling pin - all in anticipation of watching him cringe when he finally did try to sneak back in the early morning.

Sitting carefully back on the marker he sighed and hoped Shalla wasn't doing the same thing as he was certain she wouldn't be using a rolling pin.

Divitchka growled as news of his exile reached his spiky ears, He had expected nothing less but it was still a blow. The rumour that Nokala was being tapped for his position merely fed the slow burn eating at his vitals.

He did not care if he died now, his seed had been corrupted and deserved to be wiped out to prevent further young dragons from falling into the same trap. He vowed the corruption that had claimed his family would not claim another.

Many of his co-conspirators were having second thoughts as they only saw the perceived benefits from this so-called alliance. It would take something major to convince them of their folly.

It was time to call in favours, marshal his resources and prepare to strike.

Tommy nervously chewed his lower lip as he waited for Tomako to return. The hints he could sense told him Shalla was working herself into a fury and he tried to reach her through the barrier she had erected but with little success.

There was an abrupt sodden thump beside him and he jumped to his feet in terror before realising a dead sheep had appeared from nowhere. Tomako landed beside him and chuckled.

*Take that along and give it to her before you say anything...and I mean anything. Shalla will hold a grudge forever if you let her so you need to be bold and face up to her*

Tommy swallowed nervously and nodded, picking up the sheep and slinging it across his shoulders fireman-style. "Thanks Tomako, I'll try not to get eaten" he muttered as he straightened up.

*Don't thank me, you owe some farmer a sheep* Tomako said with a toothy grin *I didn't have time to hunt down a wild one so I had to make do*

Tommy gave a wince as he started towards the lair, "Thanks Tomako, I'll see you tomorrow...hopefully"

Tomako watched as Tommy walked off and sighed, females were pesky things as far as he could make out but he couldn't help feeling a strange tug within as he thought of Caroline.

He shook himself hurriedly, looking down at his filthy claws with a sigh, spreading his wings he took off towards the lake to clean them.

Shalla muttered to herself on her bed, growling as she wrestled with unfamiliar emotions and ideas. She did not have her brother here to complain to or bully nor her mother to ask for advice.

She had to work this out herself and that was taking a toll on her already stretched patience. Flying to the clan cavern was being considered when there was a pounding at the 'door' of the lair.

Someone using a rock by the sound of it.

She growled and slunk from her bed, who would dare interrupt her while she was sulking? It couldn't be her brother as he would have just wandered in.

Her gaze narrowed as she felt her mate outside, prompting an internal wrestling match as a heretofore unknown series of emotions bounced back and forth between relief and anger.

Taking a deep breath she flung open the portal *Well! What is it?* she growled, looming over him, letting a trickle of smoke leak from her nostrils as a sign of displeasure.

Tommy swallowed hard and hefted the sheep off his shoulders, smiling up at her and hoping Tomako was right in his advice.

Shalla felt her mouth flood with saliva at the smell and her resolve wavered, tempered by the sudden rumble of her stomach.

Snatching the sheep from him she turned and stomped back to her bed, curling up on it once more before biting heavily into the raw meat - forgoing the usual cooking, her gaze never leaving him as the lair filled with the heavy scent of blood.

Tommy nervously walked further into the lair and sat down carefully, his mind working overtime as Shalla glared balefully at him, chunks of meat slithering down her throat.

Shalla growled as she watched, waiting for him to do something she could yell at him for, her full stomach no help as the warm flesh cooled her rage slowly.

Tommy perched nervously on the edge of the bed however and said nothing.

He ached to apologise and beg her forgiveness but held his tongue, after all it was his tongue that had gotten him into trouble in the first place.

The lair seemed somewhat darker than before and he watched her closely in the flickering light of the fireglobes, admiring her sleek lines, the proud curve of her neck and the polished shine of her scales as she devoured the last of the sheep, bones and all.

*Well- are you going to sit there and stare at me all night?* she growled, her long tongue flicking over her muzzle, the pleasant heaviness in her belly making it hard for her to focus her anger.

Tommy smiled as their link was re-established and he nodded slowly, not saying a word, knowing she could feel everything.

Shalla sensed this was an argument that she would lose and before she realised it her paw was pressing Tommy against the floor of the lair and her voice rang in his head.

*Why did you tell them about that?! <shame/sorrow>*

The wind rushed out of Tommy and he gasped in pain, feeling a dull crack in his side, his own emotions suddenly screaming in Shalla's head as he writhed under the increasing pressure of her paw.


Shalla fell back aghast, her paw immediately lifting from her mate as he struggled to breathe, scrabbling towards the portal, his mind instinctively shrieking its desire to flee, to escape the terrifying beast trying to kill him.

Tomako flapped over the lake and settled down on the grass beside it. He hoped he'd done the right thing but still sensed Shalla was distressed, sighing he shook his massive head and bent down to wash his claws.

"Don't you dare!" came a loud, outraged voice behind him.

Tomako reared back, looking left and right to find the source of the voice.

"I've spent ages purifying this pool from the last time you used it to clean your filthy body!"

Tomako's claws twitched fitfully against his chest as he looked round uncertainly.

He could not see anyone, but recalled how muddy he'd been the last time he swam here.

"Do you have any idea of the damage you would cause if you got blood in there now?" there was an aggrieved snort "Of course you don't"

Tomako stepped back from the pool *sorry* he muttered, wiping his messy claws on his chest.

"It's bad enough with humans and gryphons mucking the place up..." grumped the voice from the bushes.

*What?* blurted Tomako *I didn't know Duncan and Katreen came here*

"Oh yes" replied the hidden watcher "In fact they mated right where you are sitting"

Tomako's ruffs flushed brightly and he fought down the urge to jump clear of the area.

"They seemed a lot more relaxed though" came a further amused comment.

Tomako huffed to himself and spread his wings in preparation to leave, tired of being teased by various species.

"Before you fly off in a huff..."

Tomako glowered at the bushes *What?*

"If you'd care to listen to some can fly off in a minute and a huff"

*Advice? Advice? That's all everyone wants to give me these days* replied Tomako with a growl. *How about telling me something useful for a change?*

There was a reproachful silence from the bushes.

Tomako rolled his eyes like a scornful teenager *Well?* he addressed the bushes in general.

"Don't worry about your female. She knows what she wants" came the cryptic reply.

*What female?* Tomako replied acerbically, folding his forearms on his chest *I don't have a female*

"Of course you do, though with an attitude like yours it's a miracle" replied Flora, "So stop running away from everything"

She could feel her hindquarters twitch with the urge to kick some sense into the stubborn youngster.

Tomako shook his head in irritation *I certainly do not. Female dragons are few and far between in these parts. I think I would know a new one had she turned up*

Flora sighed, even though his sister was shacked up with a human now he couldn't see the possibilities.

Perhaps he was just in denial, Oh well, at least she had tried.

"I see, well, running away and ignoring her won't help, it will only make her more determined to get what she wants and you will need her as much as she will need you"

*And what would she want?* Tomako sighed, tiring of the games.

"A loving mate, a provider and sire of her offspring of course", Flora ground her rear molars together in exasperation.

*Well I'm afraid I'm too busy being punished to have time for all that, so unless you have any better suggestions I shall take my leave and find somewhere else to clean myself, good eve to you*

Flora shook her head sadly as she watched him fly over towards the woods. He'd just have to find out for himself.

To be continued...