Neroindra Saga; Chapter 2 --- The Calling

Story by Minnesota on SoFurry

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#3 of Neroinda Saga

CHAPTER TWO --- The Calling Main Character Description(s) Naneko © Her Player - Empress of Balina A beautiful empress, unique in her own way with the tail of a feline. Often considered to be a half-breed this lapine became the head of state. She was often a flash-tempered woman, speaking with actions rather than words. Many regard her as a sinful person despite the massive good she commits. Shakti © Her Player - High General of Q'ux A human woman born from Braden, she answered the call to join the army of Q'ux. Born a natural leader this oriental sword savvy temptress looks out over her allies. Though a soft spot grows for a POW, she continues to push on, mentality of a unified world. Tavarius © His Player - Soldier of Amrica A young lion boy, fresh out of his cub years he enlisted at the call of the Amrica-Balina Alliance. Seen as a heavily matured feline for his age he was quickly promoted to command his own squad. His tawny fur with bronze mane made him look ever more regal in his endeavors before entering the final Battle for Patrinus, Balanian Capital. All other characters have been created or developed by B. B. Rubin. [Note: Character's appearing in earlier segments are not property of B. B. Rubin] * * * Dusk settled in with the amber wake closing in on the horizon. Small calls of nobles could be heard as they began moving to sleep for the night, a day of negotiations had failed. The Kingdom of Balina was destined to fight with the Northern threat. As darkness loomed Naneko, Empress of Balina looked to the stars for guidance, much as her ancestorial lapine did. The view from the large opening was magnificient, one could see across the large plains with the light given from torches that seemed to die one by one as the evening crept ever closer. Tragedy is all that the world seemed to offer, just weeks ago news came that a small tribal nation was decimated by the Equinox Empire in the south. Imperialism seemed to channel quickly, and now their own neighbors seeked to expand ever-quickly. The lapine species was regal, always keeping to themselves, in the annuls of history they were the peacekeepers, or negotiators between rival nations. Aiding in avoiding such atrocities that had recently happened. Immediatly a small slam was heard on the marble door. A hallow noise that echoed within the large room, fit for nearly ten elephantine. "Lying whore!" Called the booming voice from the enshrowded doorway the lapine royalty, turning about whilst her eyes darted to a pair of large creatures, clad simply in loin clothes with swords drawn to their hands. "Who goes there? These are private chambers." She inquired to the figures looming in the shadows of the doorway. "Guards!" She called, but to no avail, none responded to her call. "Well now! Wouldn't want to go doing that!" The brute wandered forward, swinging the small sword he acquired off of one of the lapine guardsmen, attempting to slay the empress. "Pig! You should know better." She swiftly turned about, lifting a leg and driving her boot into the attacker's loins, curshing the soft organs and shattering his pelvis as she swung her fallen bodyguards blade, severing the nearest assassin's head which soon after released torrents of crimson liquids. A small twirl of the sword ensued as she stood over the disabled attacker, grasping the weapon's shaft in either hand before driving it downwards into his chest. 'Idiots, I'm surrounded by IDIOTS.' The empress sighed, dropping the bloody blade to the floor with a rather distinct 'clank'. Little did the bovine attackers know, Balanian's were trained by birth to become agile fighters, regardless of age, gender, or social class. Bred soldiers that were indeed feared, but hated by those in search of conquest. Naneko trembled at the thought of such an attempted, negotiations with the bovines only ended a few hours prior, and they already attempted to kill her. Such a cruel world they were living in. It pained the elder who had seen one hundred and seven cycles of romance, war, tyranny. Letting out a painful sigh, she wandered out of the bloody room, looking to her guards that were either dead of unconscious. A shake of the head led those lopped ears to flail from side to side. An emissary would need to be sent to Amrica, the lapine's Northern ally, a feline nation who's tradition lasted as long as the Kingdom's. It was only beginning. * * * Claudios would stir from his unpleasant slumber, eyes moving back and forth to the regular beat of rapid eye movement, he dreamt of what grew and grew to fuel his sadness, the reason he fights to atone for his sins. Once a powerful, decorated General, now a petty squabbling Captain in a mercenary army. Three weeks had passed since the insurgency against Equinox crippling the equine army, but dealing a heavy blow to Claudios' conscience as he lost nearly all of his regiment... ...In the Dream... Claudios' gaze ran over the taut dress clad frame of the princess, Junai'Sila. Day after day ran by as she taunted him with her sexual advances and innuendos that drove him to a raging erect state. His fists clenching a bit as he tried to hang on to the self control he had left, whittled down by the innocent femme. His eyes widened a bit as he just snapped, the feral part of his lust taking over, gripping her shoulders as he began pushing her back onto her bed. In an instant he was on top of her, his large paws gripping the front of her dress and tearing through the multiple layers. Causing Junai to gasp as she looked up to the general, her taut, nude frame exposed to him despite the now tattered dress handing from her upper arms as a hand came down to cover her shame. For an ursine female she was quite the small thing. An overly protective king, her father, made sure she was still pure, and as she enticed male after male to gain his frustration, though this one was different. General Claudios actually went to the length as to fight back. "No, Claud, Im pure, we shouldn't..." She stated, cooing as the sentence continued. Claudios didn't speak, too far along for words as he merely gripped her wrists, roughly pulling them above her head and pinning them there with one of his paws. His other fingers moved down to start quickly undoing his belt, letting out a feral growl as he stared down at the small ursine princess. She had enticed him and teased him for quite a while and now she would reap the fruits of that labor. Soon, he unclasped the belt to his silk leisure pant, pushing them down just far enough to free his impressive length, the flesh hardening against her inner thigh as he fumbled his arms around her thighs to pull her lower, and more accessible. This act caused Junai to blush rather deeply under that black pelt, her legs slowly spread for Claudios as she let out a small 'aaah' to the simple sight of the male's 'equipment'. It was indeed large and Junai would be all too shy to say no, or yes, but only stammer on with broken sentences, unable to say nor do anything that would bring the large male to a halt in his progress. Indeed she was being saved for a 'Royal Marriage', should any other country come to frown upon Strome, but this twenty cycle purity was about to come to a screeching stop. "Please be gentle with me, Claud..." She managed to choke out as she spied downwards at the length below, growing ever larger betwixt her thighs. However the General had no interests in being gentle. He had to sate his desires as quickly as possible. He moved the thick head of his member grasped in one large bear paw to rub against her drooling labia, hips lurching forward and driving his meat deep within the taut orifice, breaking her hymen and filling her completely with his length. Claudios' head moved down to bite at her throat, his teeth pressing against the sensitive skin below her fur as he started to take her with harsh, deep thrusts. His free paw ran his claw tips down her side, tripping her right hip as he continued to drive into her body, feral groans releasing along the way. The movement only succeeded in raising a falsetto cry from the ursine princess, legs quickly squeezing the male pushing him inwards as her arms struggled to break free so they could come to do the same. All the while small droplets of tears came to her eyes, bending that small neck to give Claudios, the one who stole her heart, more flesh to play on. Junai was indeed a tease, but never had a man gone this far, especially one she cared for so much, though she wasn't regretting the pain for pleasure trade. Claudios started to take the female roughly, his right paw still firmly griping her wrists. His eyes came shut as he pulled his head away from her neck, breathing became slightly heavier as he moved as deep into her small body as he could with each thrust, not a hard mission to accomplish. He couldn't quite hilt himself yet, the head of his cock pressing hard against her cervix with each push of his hips. Claudios moved his paw from her hip, moving it down her firm stomach before slowly and firmly grinding his thumb against her sensitive nub. Junai could only continue to groan and tighten her grip with those tough ursine haunches, pulling on the male's waist. Indeed the General was giving her some form of twisted, carnal mating, but it only made her more proud of the sin she caused. Those golden hues looked straight upwards as her tongue slithered over her lips. Stump tail wiggling back and forth quickly before her hips would rise to meet the General's thrusts. The large male only came to release her wrists as he felt her getting into it. He kissed her, deeply and passionately, showing her the love that the pair prominently possessed for one another. His thrusts became harsher, quicker, making her body quake with each movement of his hips as he felt his pleasure starting to rise. Those large ursine balls tightening with each loud pat to her rear which caused Junai to moan rather lustfully. Though, finally she reached her peak, rocketing into climax before biting down on her lower lip to stifle the moan, afraid to draw attention to the pair mingling within her chambers. Junai was indeed getting a taste for the feeling of his thick meat reaming against her ursine cervix as she let out a large gasp, sex convulsing around the length as she reached a rather euphoric climax in the feral cacophony that was their mating. The General wasn't able to hold himself any longer, growling and pushing into her with a final thrust as her muscles started to squeeze and milk the intruding phallic muscle, his girth gave a hefty spasm as did the large scrotum nestled tightly against her rear. His body tensed up above Junai's, his jaw clenching as he came to rest over her, only starting to relax once the orgasm had subsided. His breath was more frequent, almost as if he was panting, finally realizing what he had just done before looking down a bit worriedly at the princess only to see Junai looking upwards with a content look plastered over her visage. Groaning as she felt the heated liquids blast into tight pouch, satiating the fire that burned inside. 'Did he really just do that?' she thought, eyes wide as her heart began beating with all due haste, panting lightly as she looked between the pair to spy the large girth stuffed within her frame. "Oh primes... What did you...?" She seemed to cry as their words soon faded and image and recollection of the event disappeared... ...Dream End... Claudios rocked from his serene sleep, sitting up and panting under the thick cotton covers. Even in the winter these blankets caused one to sweat rather profusely. Raising a paw to wipe over his face he once more would regret destroying the very gentle fabric that was his country's peace. He did sow his seed within the princess, giving her a healthy pair of male ursine babies. How he longed to see his children, but ever since that fateful day nearly a cycle and a half past, he has been barred from the country. An exile, of sorts, forbidden from stepping foot within Stromian territory ever again. "I am a fool..." Claudios would whisper to himself, rising from his bed and coming to the first of only four windows that gave his cottage the natural light of the day. "At least Hamon hasn't forsaken me." He spoke of the Prime of light and fire. Eyes scanning the field that lay outside his door. A smith is what he had become since he was tossed from his homeland, riding the waves southwards to Estone, a state of Pathicone. It was a small carrier he had built from the ground up, always thanking the fellow outcasts that came by to help build his establishment. Here he created tools such as axes, hoes, rakes. Items that decreased the difficulty of normal peasant labor. A knock can be heard within the confines of the tranquil home as the dew drops from leaves overlying the cottage. A small forest it seems would have grown about his home in the small year that passed. Wandering to the door with his loin clothe loosely tied about his waist, Claudios opened the door, black fur glinting within the rays of the sun, only to show the more chiseled muscular structure he held. "What can I get for you, Azreal?" Claudios asked with a small smile, the tiny lion was odd, in look, pink fur seemed to plague him, and his brother who was often receptive to Azreal's prepubescent rage. He was always a curios child, poking around as Claudios worked, heating a knife or sword only to hammer it out. "Mister Mason, ma was wonderin' if you were gonna come visit us for supper tonight? She thought you were lon'ly, seein' as you live alone and all." Azreal continued on, looking down as he ground a hind paw into the dirt, working it around to cause a prominent crater. It was true Azreal's mother was interested in the ursine, the twin's father had died nearly 5 years ago in the wars that unified Pathicone, and ever since Claudios' arrived on the island, the boys' mother became all the more interested in him, despite his recluse attitude. "Perhaps I will drop by, Azreal, I have plenty of work to do for the Septum Family, they just ordered nearly thirty tools. Just run home and tell her not to be expecting me." He noted, the boys were the one thing that brought the amiable ursine back to it's surface, but only returned him to his cold, hardened state afterwards of thinking how his twin sons were fairing back home in Strome. "Alright!" The embarrassed lion cub exclaimed, ears perked atop his cranium while he looked up with an ever growing look of childhood innocence before running up the road to his own cottage within the village. Claudios looked on, watching the pink-furred lion scamper into the distance, longing to return home. A thought that all too frequently overtook his thoughts. 'What if I had control of myself?' He thought, head dropping as he wandered to his Masonry to begin a long days work, unknown as to the growing threat his presence in Estone caused for it's people. * * * One Month Later... Naneko sat at the head of the oval table, fingers tapping quickly and impatiently as she listened to reports of her provincial governors. The Q'ux Dominion have begun pillaging Balinian Northern territory, killing lapine resistance quickly with their vast size and numbers. But still with plenty casualties along the way. "The Doge, Korkan, has called his vassal countries to arms. Our alliance is threatened my Empress." Skera Tu'Ri stated, stress obviously lie sown within his voice. She was the governor of Western villages, and noting the fact that Q'ux' allies were growing by the month. "Novgorn and Korzon have both risen to the call and have invaded Amrica, their armies are crushed, we need to send a battalion to help them." A vocal male governor responded pointedly. "Well... Perhaps we should lead our own forces North and take the Q'ux Southlands. With their armies focus stretched across the border, and over to Amrica. Abandon the feline's and defeat the common foe, a simple loss for a great gain." Naneko began to suggest, a paw clenched into a fist under her chin as those orbitals traced the faces of each governor and advisor. "That's it, gather forty thousand recruits, veterans, draft if we need to, we march North in a week..." She decided, determining the time in which she planned to head to war. "I will lead the expedition myself. I want to do my part to finish this fight." She spoke solemnly, rising from her large metallic seat and storming out despite the protests of advisors. It was a drastic move for her to head to war herself. But it was something Naneko felt she would have to do. To honor and defend those young and old within her Kingdom... * * *

1 week later... The are was thick, humidity was raging over the field as the distant 'thud, thud' of a marching army grew. Conscripts from both Amrica and Balina gathered to meet Q'ux forces to repel their Southward advance. Any chance at a Northern push faded as felines and lapines alike gathered for a final defense, hoping to satiate Doge Korkan's need for more territory. Naneko looked over the ragged group she assembled, forty thousand had been what she hoped for, but she only gained thirteen thousand. Far less than expected, but nonetheless, she gathered a small band that she would charge the enemy commander with. A strapping young lion named Tavarius and his own platoon of felines. Of course, her liking for the boy would have to be shaken off as she led them to a tree laden hill that overlooked the battlefield. Watching as the towering bovines advanced to the meager makeshift fort the lapines and felines constructed. "Wait until they begin fighting, then we will charge, and take their leader's head. See the small tent being carried by the bovines?" She inquired to Tavarius, arm outstretched as her finger noted the only command tent that was carried by six of the bovine soldiers. "That is where the commander will be, we need to sweep in and kill the carriers, there we will capture the enemy leader and use her as a prisoner." She nodded, running through the plan to make sure all of the felines understood. "Of course, Empress, we understand clearly." It was sad, Tavarius was very young to be a soldier, but so gallantly prepared to put his life in the hands of this woman in hopes of a peaceful outcome. Raising his sword he let out a roar to his fellow felines, who joined him in his rallying call as the onlookers watched both sides collide in their charge. Naneko's ears twitched as she looked to the group, raising her dagger to the sky as she began running down the hill, breaking through the tree line and barreling towards her foes, felines in tow. It seemed like a run that lasted for ages, hearts pumping quickly as the entire group jumped into the midst of the confused bovines, a tactical advantage now as Naneko cut through biceps and calves, disabling the large males all around her as the lion's did the same, sometimes offering a killing blow to the neck, otherwise leaving the bovines to agonizing peril. Upon reaching the tent, Naneko jumped to the shoulders of the first bovine, running her dagger across the dumbfounded male's throat. Hopping to the next where she jabbed the said dagger into his nape. Causing the tent to fall forward due to the lack of support as Naneko grasped a trio of daggers to throw through the canopy over the tent, hoping to strike home at the unknown figure within. But little did she know as the small blades tore through the tent, the commander would stir, diving from the home and lunging at the lapine. "What the hell? A human!? Who are you!" Naneko would inquire, panting lightly from her feat as she sidestepped the attack. "General Shakti Uhma, Q'ux 15th Battalion, might I ask who my foolish attacker is before I watch her twitch on the ground and die?" Retorted the upset, human General. Eyes slit in an almond fashion as that flowing mixtures of colors came to her shoulders, making a curious pair of pony-tails. "Naneko, that is all you'll need to know, why is a human helping cows to slaughter innocence?" She shot back the pointed comment. Twirling her dagger nonchalantly as if to intimidate Shakti. "It's my calling, besides, I don't need to tell a dead rabbit!" She screamed, jumping at the lapine and swinging her swords across in attempt to slash the rabbit in two. By this time, the entire circle around the pair was in upheaval, Tavarius was doing a good job fighting with the bovines, as were the rest of the felines he took with him, causing a perfect distraction for the leaders to fight their small duel. Naneko frowned to the reaction, she was in over her head, if the humans were aiding bovines, their cause would be doomed. Braden, a human country bordered Balina from the East. She hopped over the swing and slashed at the human's throat, hoping to cut home before ducking under another accurate attack, nearly loosing an ear to the swing. The fight seemed to run back and forth before Naneko heard Tavarius yell, his short outline came into view through the dust of the battle as he swung down on Shakti from behind, where she only twirled her blade and sunk backwards, piercing the weapon into the lion's abdomen. Seeing this only caused Naneko to let out a gasp. She would be unable to defeat this human, or so she thought. Turning about, she began racing through the cacophony of war, racing back to the encampment to sound the retreat.