In bed with the coach

Story by KazuBlaze on SoFurry

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another story I got from Aekrilos

character belong to me

The polar bear bit his lip as he knelt on his bed, arms holding his elbows behind his back and tied that way, and ankles tied to his thighs to keep him kneeling or laying down. The only thing he wore now was a jock strap, but the underwear was showing signs of trying to break, his lengthy pole hard as a rock from the show in front of him.

His student was taking his sweet time, gyrating his hips and slipping his jeans off his hips like a professional. The bear idly wondered if the other moonlighted as a stripper to make some funds on the side, but his train of thought came to a complete stop when thumbs hooked into the waistband of too tight briefs, pulling them down and showing off an erection that would put even his own fat one to shame.

Stammered whimpers were silenced with a deep, growl and tooth filled kiss, long fingers gently grabbing the damp jockstrap and stroking it up and down. The polar bear heard himself moan, and then beg the minute the kiss was broken. Tossing himself on his side, he tried to shift onto his belly, gasping as his student draped himself across his back and pressed heat against his delighted tailbone.

But the smaller male didn't push in. No, he slid his tool back and forth, back and forth, gripping a the bubble butt and squishing the cheeks together over his rod, drenching the white fur with pre. "Please... Please!"

"I think we need to work on your begging... Try again."