
Story by TehGreenOne on SoFurry

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#2 of Cellar Door


My life could be considered complete at this point. No, not considered. My life is complete. However, it does not feel that way to me. Every night, I cease to be my public self. I run and hide in the depths of the woods. The forest wipes away with mercy all my sins of one life as I enter, and eliminates the sorrow of despair as I leave. No, the spirit has not made me unhappy, but the lack of the spirit has. It has not appeared sense that night many lunas ago.

And, in the ever changing world, the war neared its end. However, the plague of foreign illness has diminished our tribe's will to fight. We were, at last, starting to lose. The enemy held an advantage with their arrowless bows. But, they are un affected by this new wave of disease. Never before has such a thing happened, not even in the memory of the high council. We finally face our death, not the single death, as each life is complete early, but the ceasing of our decedents, and end to that which we create. We realize that the death of a nation, an idea never thought possible, could be coming from the distance. Our heritage, our lineage, could finally be at an end.

Still, I dealt with my own petty and selfish issue. And somehow, it seemed more important than the fighting itself. If this divine being were to help, I am more than certain that the war would end. Like an envoy of the end and beginning, the violence would cease and a golden age would come upon us! We would again achieve magnificence, and great honor would come upon our village. Who would wish for anything more?

But, my own thoughts adulterated this sincere motion on my part. I feel, within my being, a subtle, natural urge rise within me. I could hear my heart pound in my ears as I wait for him, becoming so loud that it drowns out the howl of the wolf and coyote. So strong, that it was as if I was in the heat of battle, my sword rising to slay the strongest of soldiers with one swift blow, removing them from this plane of existence. And, my brothers around me see my courage and join me in sending our foe to the next world. However, this was not happening. I was sitting in a meadow close to the lake. I felt as a rock against the strong winds.

And on this night, my persistence and prayer were rewarded. It was through a portal created by a magnificent flash that He returned. He stepped onto the leaves of the season, brown, yellow, and red. His eyes were dazzling as the rubies, whose color they mimic. It all reminded me of peace, a divine place, and my heart beat quickly.

Can this piece of heaven hear me? Can he save us? Can he . . . save me?

I watched him while he grabbed a rock, tossed it, and watched it bounce across the lake. It flew with the speed of the fastest beast. I felt as though I were in the clouds as I watched him. And then, the most maginificent change came over the forest. The winds picked up, and the clouds rolled with quickly.

Snow fell. White powder glided down to the earth, and the world became cold. He stood as a fire, the ice evaporating around his warmth. But no, this was an illusion. I blinked and saw he was covered in the flakes. They surrounded him, and he was amazed by the snow. He looked happy, delighted. As scrolls of the elder's dictate, his face was kind. He was fierce, strong, and gentle. His face the very idea of perfection. And, despite his magical properties, I saw him as a being of the earth. Like a beast, he was amused by the snow. Like a child, he danced. Like a bird, he sang.

His song captivated nature, and the trees swayed to the tune. The winds stilled. The beasts of the forest surrounded him, and this fur of certain royalty was beyond the mortal. His voice could pacify the strongest of evil forces. The predators would sit next to prey without intent to hunt. The lion juxtaposed left of the lamb. If only the world heard his song and their passion for them be only kind, then the world would surely be pleasant of the highest order.

And in these same cheerful notes sung sounds of bitterness. They held the secret of desire not lustful but needy. His voice tried hard to mask his loneliness, but it was dreadfully apparent that this spirit wished for another creature.

I had to move.

I rose from my hiding spot, being just barely visible. I ran at the divine one-a hedgehog-I realized. He rose his hand at me, and the portal opened. I attempted to stop, but it was too close to me. I went into it, and I was traveling in a different dimension. I tried hard to recall his incantation, praying it would release me. But, I could not. The words were foreign, and my memory could not recall.

I collapsed onto a floor that appeared before me. I grabbed the nearest thing to stand. The object felt cold, almost the same feel as the ends of the sticks that shot those foreign bullets. My eye sight was blurry, but as it cleared, I saw the object I gripped. I was in cage within a tent.


"Let me go!"


"Am I necessary to you or something?"


"Then, why keep me here?!"

". . ."


". . ."

"Are you even God!?"

". . . No . . ."


(Author's Notes:

Okay, sorry if crappy. I like it. Oh, and I know it is confusing, but I think you guys will like it once you figure it out!)

The morning sun broke through the trees, giving an orange glow to the white ground. The weather had turned cold overnight, and the wind blew peaceful. The past night was miserable, but the body next to me felt so warm. In the early light Violet can be so soothing and tasteful. If only I could lie here forever, I would be warm, rested, and happy.

Yet, I also felt a tinge of jealousy. Somehow, I wanted to be Violet. I wanted to be admired and loved beyond all reason. I felt as though I kept giving to all others what I wanted to be given, but no one paid attention to my desires and wants. No, this is an action against the great spirit.

I stopped my thoughts at that word. Spirit . . . Why did it seem so close, so familiar? So, important. I shook my head, cleared my mind. I then stood upon my four paws, stretching my tail bone into the air. The familiar sound from my back came as a crackling. I felt rested this morning, as though I were invincible.

I left my teepee and stepped into the brisk, cool autumn air. Snow would be coming after a few sun cycles, I could smell. I looked around and tried to remember what happened to me.

The sky looked unfamiliar to me, and those who awoke early looked at me with queer expressions. I found this to be an oddity, but I paid it no attention. Instead, I said a brief good morning to my comrades before vanishing into the forest for fire wood. The night would be cold.


Upon my return, I discovered my Violet had vanished from our new home. Well, not ours yet. I felt certain that she must have fled because we were not yet wed. I chuckled lightly to myself and set the wood to the side of the teepee. Then, I heard, " . . . I saw him too!"

Violet answered, "So, he woke up? If so, where did he run off to?"

I immediately came from behind my house, shifting the tight fabric on its wall as I did so. I tepidly moved toward the small gathering of my Violet and our mutual friends

"Sonic? Is it really you?" Her voice broke in her tears as she asked. For comic effect, I looked at my blue fur obviously and replied, "Yeah, did someone dye their fur last night? OW!"

Violet's hand trembled after hitting me. "What is wrong with you? Why did you run off like that after waking up?! Couldn't you even tell me that you were finally . . . " Her voice trailed off. Obviously, my confusion was apparent to everyone because Gardna walked over and stated, "Sonic, do you have any idea why she is upset?"

He knew why. That was apparent, and I quickly became angry that he would not simply tell me what I have done wrong. I calmed myself by turning my attention to the disappearing Golden Orb. I finally calmed and answered, "None at all."

"You haven't woken up from your sleep for months. Did you fail to notice it was no long warm in the air?"

I did not notice. Why did I not notice? I then realized I can't remember ever sleeping with Violet, but that did not strike me as odd either. I felt dazed and confused. Who can sleep for months?

"We would have buried you, but she would not allow us to do that Sonic. She slept with you, checking you. She forced food down your mouth, massaging your neck and listening to your chest. She heard the drum of life and held onto that hope every night. And Sonic, her parents tried to cut her from the clan for it. The elders would not do it, so the family went with the last tribe we met. And Sonic, how she cared for you, carrying you as we journeyed through the land."

I could hardly believe what I was hearing, and I excused myself. I walked over to Violet and embraced her, "Thank you, Violet. Thank you so much."

The brown, violet eyed hedgehog held me tight. I felt her warmth, and I took her by the hand. I brought her to the teepee we now shared. I laid out blankets and closed off everything. The tanned skins of our walls were brilliantly lit by the Luna beyond them. The faint pale glow lit up her face, and her purple eyes seemed almost red and passionate. I removed her hide clothes and let her breast out. I licked her nipple, then nipped at their skin.

I pulled back and nipped at her neck, sucking it gently. She moaned and lowered her hands down to my erection, pushing aside my loin clothe to reach me. The strokes felt so heavenly; I removed my mouth from her neck. I pressed my lips against my partner's lips. I pressed heavy, my hips humping lightly into the hand holding my cock. I could hear heaven.

I felt his hand hold tight. His head leaned forward and held my ear between her teeth. She is so passionate, gnawing on my skin. His tongue licked my ear lightly, taunting me to move faster.

Suddenly, I noticed his erection against my leg. Ecstacy took over and I reached for his 'hog-hood. He moaned audibly and then looked at me with knowing ruby eyes and leaned his head forward to nip at my chest.

As he did this, his hand pushed me back as he raised his knee for me to fall onto. He then asked me with a seductive voice to sit with my legs spread. She moved forward and took my erection deep into his mouth before allowing it to slip into the cool, pleasant air. Her hand moved toward my member, and she began to stroke close to my sheathe, his head moving closer toward my sheath. He then gave a long, lazy lick up my cock before diving onto it. I could feel her throat around my cock before rising until just my head remained.

He moved his maw down on my cock again, and swallowed the head into his throat. I blew my load into his ebony furred body. He pulled back, licking his mouth to gather the escaping semen. He smiled knowingly at me and stated, "Good for you?"

To this I answered, "Divine."

With that word, I woke up in a cage, and my loin cloth was coved in my seed.