Pride Lands: Chapter one

Story by Falkory on SoFurry

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#1 of Pride Lands

Chapter 1

Cats of the wild

"Over here Slowpoke, Better hurry up or you'll never catch me!" the young, light brown lioness laughed as she ran the tall grass. Behind her a slender black furred panther gave chase huffing as he ran. "Come on Ulina, You know I can't run as fast as you." he called out half out of breath. Ulina looked over her shoulder and laughed "awe kitty getting tired." she called then skid to a stop her forepaws digging into ground and turned face him and waited for him to catch up. The panther soon slowed as he caught up panting. Ulina giggled and the panther looked at her "Come on it's not funny, I can't help it if I'm slow." he commented then shook his fur leaning down on his fore legs and raising his rear end as went into a stretch. Ulina smirked and lifted her right foreleg placing her paw on his head pushing it down on the ground.

The panther looked up "hey, what are you doing?" he asked "Coda you look so cute in that position, you almost look like a female submitting." she said ruffling the longer white patch of fur on top of his head. He shook her paw of his head and stood up "that's not funny either." Ulina smiled and turned around walking off "come on we need to head back." she said. Coda sighed "yeah, yeah." he rolled his eyes. Both felines walked on through the savanna grass making their way to a large tree. As they arrived a lynx jumped down from a branch "Hey about time you two got back." she said. Ulina walked with a strut in a small circle around the lynx. "What's the matter Mewa? Did you miss me?" she snickered.

Mewa had light brown fur dotted with orange circles. "As if." Mewa snapped. "Hey, hey now don't get touchy Mewa." A young mane less lion spoke to her from a branch in the tree, the majority of his fur was brown while his underbelly was white he had a tuff of fur on his head that was slightly longer than the rest of it. "So you two, how did the watering hole look?" he asked them with a warm smile. Coda and Ulina looked up two him "as you would expect with the meeting of the prides coming up. A lot of cats from all over are gathering there." She said walking up to the tree swaying her head side to side a little smiling at him. "Huh so about the same as last year." he said folding his right paw over his left foreleg and laying his head on them. A yawn sounded from behind the tree where another lion lay. He had light fur with a tan underbelly; he also had a small tuff of long black fur growing on his head which was the start of his main growing in. "well I guess it's going to be a fun week then right, Atak?" he called to the other lion. "Fun isn't the word I'd use to describe the meeting of the Prides Rosse." Atak said from his branch.

"Hectic is the word I'd use" Coda said walking over then laying at the base of the tree "by the way where is Omanu?" coda asked. Mewa looked to him "That horny cat is probably back at the Pride breeding some of the females." she said "or having fun with one of the males." Atak snickered.

Back at the Pride den a panther with black fur and a gray underbelly purred as he rubbed up against a lioness "Oh baby you know just how to pet me." he said as she leaned her head under his belly and licked the tip of his exposed spiny member. She smirked hearing him "I'm just getting started." she murred. He closed his eyes as a large Lion with a full mane walked around the corner "Omanu!" he roared and the Panther jumped opening his eyes and backing away from the lioness who lifted her head and looked to her pride lead. The large male walked to her "Mierna go take a couple lionesses and hunt." he spoke calmly then turned his attention to Omanu as she walked off. "H-hey Tacha." Omanu stuttered. "Omanu, I don't remember giving you my Permission to breed with any females of this pride yet, or rather I don't remember you earning that freedom from me." Tacha Growled.

Omanu gulped "Oh um, well I wasn't uh." he looked around trying to come up with something. Tacha roared and pounced on him pinning Omanu on his back. Omanus' ears pinned back as he waited for Tachas' strike but it never came. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at Tacha "Do not disobey me Omanu, remember you were traded to me, that makes you my property just like every other female of this pride, do not cross me again panther or you may just find my claws are much sharper then they look." Tacha spoke harshly then backed off him and turned away heading of out of the den. Omanu breathed a sigh of relief and then got up. "Don't worry, next time you won't catch me." he said under his breath.

Omanu walked out of the den and dashed off to meet up with the others. Ulina looked up and sneezed "oh man, I think dads pissed off again." she said. Rosse looked over "I bet he is and I bet Omanu is the cause of it as usual." he chuckled. "Wait Tacha's your father?" Mewa blinked looking to Rosse and Ulina. "Right you were traded to us recently weren't you?" Atak said. "Yeah he's Rosses' and my father." Ulina said as she lay down and rolled in the grass. Rosse smiled and moved over to her. "What are you doing?" he asked she looked up to him "trying to find thing to keep me entertained." She responded "By rolling in the grass, you're not a cub anymore." he chuckled "so?" she rolled under him onto her belly and he smiled down at her. "Still as cubbish as ever, will you ever grow up?" he asked.

"Never." she mewed looking up at him. Coda stood up and walked over to the two "anyone else hungry?" he asked they looked to him "I am a bit." Rosse said "So how about we go find something to eat." Coda asked his ear going back slightly waiting for an answer. Ulina rolled her eyes "By we you really mean me." she said. Rosse chuckled and looked down at her "well you are a lioness and it is the lionesses duty to hunt for the pride" he grinned. Ulina crawled out from under her brother and stood up shaking her fur with a huff "I guess all go and get some food." she sighed. Then trotted off "We love you Ulina." Rosse called out "kiss my tail." she called back.

Soon she would reach the western edge of the savanna. She crept low to the ground moving slowly and staying a quiet as possible. A hundred yards in front of her was a small herd of antelope grazing in the grass. She drew closer using the grass to conceal her. Slowly but surely she closed the distance between her and the smallest antelope of the herd. Her ears pinned back and she took her position after another second she rushed forward and pounced quickly. The herd of Antelope was alerted to her presence the moment she rushed and they started to run. The small one turned and ran as well making her miss her first attempt.

She ran after the small Antelope and jumped once more gripping the backside with her claws and using her weight to make it stumble and fall on its side. She got up and quickly and bit into its throat shaking her head a bit to kill the Antelope. Once it was dead she kept its neck in her jaws and started to drag its body back to the others. Once she arrived Atak Jumped down from the tree and walked over "nice job Ulina." he smiled. Ulina let go of her kill and huffed "yeah, yeah here's you damn food." she said holding her head high with her eyes closed and turned and began to walk away slowly. Rosse smirked seeing then dropped low and pounced on her playfully the two tumbled a bit but in the end he pinned her and grinned down at her.

She blinked up at him and smiled drawing her chin in towards her neck "okay you got me, now what are you going to do huh?" she asked her ears twitched slightly. He chuckled "hmm I'm not sure you do look so cute under me." she raised her eyebrow and stared up at him. Atak smiled watching them then moved to the dead antelope and began to eat with Coda. Mewa rolled her eyes at the scene "oh brother." she turned and laid down facing the opposite direction. About this time Omanu arrived "hey, hey what's going on everybody." he said trotting up "oh hey lunch." he added seeing the antelope and headed over to join Atak and Coda. Rosse and Ulina both looked at him and shook their head.

Rosse back up off of his sister and then moved to Omanu. "so Omanu, where have you been today, not trying to breed with any of the females have you?" he said Omanu swallowed some meat and licked his lips "no, no how crazy do you think I am I don't have a death wish quite yet." he said "now why is it I don't believe you?" Rosse smiled raising an eyebrow "because I wouldn't be me if you did." Omanu chucked. Rosse grinned and walked up next to him lifting his right foreleg and draping it around Omanus' neck "Why can't you just follow the law Omanu, it's probably in best interest for your health." he said "yeah but what about my sexual health?" Omanu questioned "I told you follow my dad's rules and impress him in some sort of fashion and he will give you sexual freedom." Rosse took his for leg off Omanu then turned around as Ulina walked over.

"Yeah well that route takes too long, and I wouldn't know how to impress him anyway." Omanu turned around to face him "Patience, and obedience." Rosse said "Easy for you to say he's already given you permission to fuck the lionesses." he said "yeah select few, he still has claim on Ulina here and everyone knows how much I'd love to mount her." he said Ulina looked to him "Hey don't talk about me like I'm just some way to get your rocks off." she said. He looked to her "You say that but whenever daddy wants to let loose a little you're first in line." he chuckled and she huffed "am not."

Mewa looked at them "Hey! Enough with the breeding talk." she called out. The others laughed. "Alright guys lets' head back to the den. We've spent enough time out here for now." Rosse said. "Well I ain't going back yet. I don't think I need another run in with Tacha right now." Omanu said "Then stay out here for now." Rosse commented then headed off with the others.

After a while they would reach the Pride den. The lionesses were all lying about some looked over greeting them as the returned. Ulina walked up to one named Selana "Hey Selly my father around?" She asked. Selana Looked to her "Yeah he's in his usual spot." she said "Thanks Selly." Ulina said then her and the group began to walk off. Selana bit Rosses' ear as he walked by and pulled him aside. "Yes Selana?" he chuckled as she let go and smirked and walked a circle around him. "Oh Rosse I haven't seen you mount one of us lately you must be pent up right about now." she spoke seductively.

Selana got behind him on the second pass she moved her muzzle to his rear and sniffed at his large balls before she licked over them a couple times. He murred feeling this looking back over his shoulder at him. " I supposed I'm a little pent up yes." she looked up and grinned and then moved around in front of him "Mmm that's not good, why don't you let me take care of you." she looked at him. He chuckled "I would have nothing less." another lioness would walk up to him "Well maybe you would have a little more." she said smirking at him.

"Oh yes please, how could I turn you down Natia." he chuckled. The tip of his member was already poking out of his sheath before she leaned her head under him and licked across his package. Selana moved around behind him to lick his balls and under his tail. Rosse murred at this, lifting his tail higher. Natia licked over his cock as it slowly slides free of his swollen sheath. "Mmm so who do I get the pleasure of mounting first?" he looked back towards them.

Selana moved around in front of him her tail held high he sniffed her pussy as she moved. Once she was in front she dropped her chest down keeping her rear up high and her tail higher as she looked back at him giving him a little wink. He then grinned and nudged Natia who moved out from under him but not before getting a last lick in. Rosse moved up and mounted Selana driving his spiny member in to the wet depths of her pussy with a nice shlick sound. Selana let out a soft roar feeling the spines of his shaft stick into the inner walls of her cunt.

Natia smiled seeing this and moved behind Rosse and licked his balls a little. Rosse, enjoying having his balls licked, started his thrusts off slow so Natia could continue to lick them. The barbs of his shaft scraped the inside of her pussy sending a pleasurable shiver down the spine of Selena who more than happily pushed back against him matching the slow speed of each and every stroke purring as she did.

By this time Ulina had found her father resting on his favorite rock inside the den "Afternoon Father" she spoke and he opened one eye and looked at her before lifting his head "Where have you been, you were supposed to lead the hunt today instead I had to send your mother to do what should have been your duty." he spoke "Oh uh sorry, I went down to the watering hole with Coda." she explained "Your apology is worthless." he stood and jumped down in front of her with a growl.

Ulinas' ears pinned back and as she dropped low to the floor of the den. "I gave you one job for today and you deliberately neglected them just to slack off with one of those panthers. Let me remind you that you are a mature lioness now and your duty is to hunt for the pack and to bear cubs." he spoke harshly

"Dad I'm sorry." she said softly "I'm sorry isn't good enough, it's bad enough when the other lionesses slack off but with you it's a different story, you are my daughter, the princess in this pride and that looks bad on me when you don't show obedience." he said then turned away from her "Get out of my sight for the rest of the day." he added as he jumped back onto the rock. Ulina closed her eyes and lowered her head as she turned away walking out of the den.

Rosse had mounted Natia by now as was thrusting away at her slippery cunt while Selana lay there purring with cum leaking out from under her tail. Rosses' balls swayed back and forth as he bred Natia, he roared from the pleasure. She was soon rewarded with Rosses' second load of virile seed as he came inside her coating her inner flesh white with his cum. He remained for a moment before dismounting her and viewing his work as she lowered her tail.

He smiled "Thanks girls, I'll see you around" he chuckled and turned away to see his sister come out of the den head hung low. He made his way to her "Ulina? What's wrong?" He asked she looked up "It's nothing." she said. "Come on you can tell me, what happened in there with dad?" he asked. "It's my fault really I didn't lead the hunt like he told me too" she explained and his sighed "Hey I'm sure he's just having a bad day. I bet tomorrow he will apologize for however he acted towards you." Rosse smile and nuzzled against her.

Ulina lifted her head "yeah, maybe" she said "I'm Going to go rest a bit" she said then headed off. Rosse sighed and sat down as he watched her leave. Coda walked up next to him "Is she okay? Anything I can do?" he asked "No, right now it's best to leave her be. She'll be alright with some time." Rosse answered. He stood up and walked away heading off to his own spot.