Matheau and Beijore:: Anniversary

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Matheau and Beijore: Anniversary

This story was written at a very special time. It was completed shortly after the anniversary of my mate and I, and on the exact day that I first started writing about Matheau and Beijore fifteen long years ago when I was but a hatchling of nine years old. This story does contain sexual activity, so no readers under the age of 18-21, depending on your state. The dragons in this story are copywritten to me, so please do not use them without my consent. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it.

The early rays of dawn's first light fell across Beijore's eyes, and she yawned herself into wakefulness, lifting her wing to check upon her slumbering babies. Aurthur, Beijara, and Matthew were still sound asleep, curled around one another. She smiled lovingly down at her precious treasures, but the smile slowly faded away as she looked about the lair for Matheau, but he wasn't anywhere in sight.

She slowly got to her feet, moving as little as possible so as to not wake the children, heading towards the cave's mouth. Once outside, Beijore fount that it was a beautiful spring day. The sky was a bright, clear blue, and the temperature was perfect. There was a slight breeze blowing, but not strong enough to blow the new leaves from the trees, yet enough to bring the scent of blooming flowers to her nostrils. Birds chirped and flitted about, and the hibernating animals of winter began to wake from their slumbers and emerge from their dens.

But what caught her eye and captivated her the most was the figure sitting at the cliffs edge, looking down over the mountain valley. His scales shown brightly, making him look as though he were ablaze with the light of the rising sun. His elegant neck stretched forward to its full length as he examined the valley below him. He stretched his wings out wide, catching the light breeze beneath them. His crimson eyes slid closed at the delicate caress, and he undoubtedly was thrumming in appreciation.

She took the opportunity to approach him now. But she wasn't trying to sneak up on him, for she had often tried it, but all of her attempts proved fruitless. No, she didn't want to sneak up on him, she only wanted to spend the quiet of the morning with her mate. She sat down next to him and laid her head gently on his shoulder. He smiled warmly and turned his head, opening those gorgeous crimson eyes.

"Good morning honey." he said in his soft, yet powerful voice. "I trust that you slept well?" She nodded her head in assent, but did not feel the need to speak just yet. Apparently, he didn't either, for he spoke no more, but he folded his silken wing around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. Her heart began to beat faster, just as it always did when he held her like this. She knew that it was her love for him that drover her heart to beat so, and when she laid one of her paws on his powerful breast,, she could feel his heart beating in time with her own. "Do you know what today is, my love?" Again, she nodded, but this time, she spoke.

"Yes dear, I know what today is, as if I could ever forget." One of her paws found his and their fingers twined together. "Twenty-five short years ago, we became one. Only you were not a dragon then, you were a human. But even then, it didn't matter to me what you were, only who you were. You changed my life that day, my loving mate, and for that I cannot thank you enough."

"Having you as my wife is more than thanks enough, my dearest heart." He gave her paw a soft squeeze and leaned his head forward to take her lips in a soft, loving kiss. She let go of his paw and wrapped her forearms around his neck, a soft moan escaping her lips. Never in her life had anyone caused such a fire to burn so brightly within her. With a single touch or kiss, he set her aflame from the inside out with passion. Fueled by heat, passion, and desire, their kiss lingered for several long moments, until he broke the kiss suddenly and looked away from her.

"Matheau, what is it? What's wrong?" He remained silent for so long, gazing up at the sky so that she was becoming frightened that something had happened or was going to happen that would cause something of a rift between them.

"My dearest Beijore, something has been bothering me for some time now. When I was still a human, before I met you, I learned much about dragons by reading my father's journals. And through those writings in my memories, I have felt shame." He lowered his head and looked deeply into her eyes, twin pools of the deepest emerald. "Dragons are bonded through a mating flight......I never gave you one, even when I achieved my true form." Had he not been so serious, she would have laughed, but looking into his eyes, she could see pain there and how much it troubled him.

"Matheau, a mating flight is only a formality, not a necessity. Just because we haven't had one, doesn't change a thing." She was surprised at how empty the words sounded, but she also remembered the thoughts that she had had as a child. Of growing up and falling in love, finding her mate and flying together, circling higher than she had ever flown before, being held tightly in his loving arms.....She shook the thoughts away, and found Matheau gazing intently at her, and she knew right then that despite her words, he knew how she really felt.

"Tonight, my love." he said simply. "After the children have been bedded down , with the world to watch, we shall renew our vows of love against the night sky." With such certainty and emotion in his voice, she could only nod and lay her head back against his chest. It wasn't long, however, before Beijara's cries reached their ears, and they both got up to ten to their babies needs.


Matheau played with the children for the majority of the day, but Beijore had made herself eerily absent. Matheau thought nothing of it, for he knew that she was in their bedchambers. Still, he would throw a glance towards the doorway every so often, but never once did it open. "Daddy, is mommy sick?" Beijara asked through mind speech, still unable to form actual words. Matheau shook his head and nuzzled his daughter softly to reassure her.

"No honey, she's not sick." He used his softest tone with his children, for he had learned though his experiance with Aurokhan, Jocely, and Sasha that using his normal voice often scared them. "Tonight is a very special night for your mother and I. I'm sure that she just wants everything to be perfect." Matheau saw the question forming in all of their mindes before it was even asked, and he shook his head, holding up a claw to keep them silent. "I promise all of you that in due time, you will learn all that you need to know. But for now, it's time to get you all ready for bed.


When Matheau was at last able to get the children quieted enough to get them settled down, Beijore still had not made her prescence knwon, so Matheau went outside to wait, making sure to ward the lair's entrance with spells to block sight and sound, as well as to keep the children inside, were they to awaken. It was a beautiful night, and a perfect one to fly. The air was calm and still, and if one listened closely enough, they could hear the sounds of the creatures of the night. An owl hooting in the distance, searching for the mice in the fields, as well as the flitting of wings as the bats chased the insects through the air.

He more felt that heard the approach of Beijore, and when he turned to look at her, he knew exactly why she had been absent all day, and took in a hissing breath. Each and every sapphire scale had been cleaned to a luminous shine that made her gleam brighter than any of the stars in the sky. Even her talons gleamed in the light of the moon. She was more beautiful than anything Matheau could describe, like something from a dream. Matheau, however, felt incredibly dirty and under-dressed in comparison, as though he had shown up naked to a party.

"You look gorgeous, my heart." Matheau said in a breathless whisper as he approached her and kissed her softly. "Unfortunately, I dont look nearly as handsome for you as I would like......" She pressed a finger to his lips to silence him.

"You are as handsome now as you have ever been, my darling Matheau. Besides, you did not have all day to get ready. You were busy with the children." She rubbed her body against his teasingly as she made her way to the cliffs edge and looked over her shoulder at him, her emerald eyes sparkling with excitement and eagerness, her wings raised and poised for flight. Matheau nodded wordlessly as she threw herself into the air and beat her wings to gain height. Matheau waited until she was clear and then ran to the edge and leapt straight into a straight glide, outdistancing Beijore before he too begain to gain some height.

Matheau had never seen nor took part in a mating flight, but his instincts told him exactly what to do. His heart began to beat rapidly in anticipation of what the were to do. They circled around each other in a slow, elegant circle, catching one another's eyes. At the height of their long climb, higher than either of them had ever dared to fly before, Beijore turned quickly and accepted Matheau into her arms. She tucked her wings tightly to her back and grasped Matheau's fore and rear claws in her own and closered her eyes as she felt his wings wrap around them both, and their perilous fall began.


"Aurokhan, come here, quick!" Jocelyn shouted in excitement. She had been restless because of the eggs inside her and had come outside to get some air when she had spotted the two dragons dancing as silhouetts against the full moon. At her call, Aurokhan appeared immediately. "Look honey." She said, pointing. "Do you think that it's.....?"

"Mom and dad, withoug a doubt." Aurokhan finished for her, a hint of awe in his voice. "It is their anniversary, you know. Twenty-five years ago, they became one, and tonight, they are celebrating in a way that only we dragons can." Jocelyn did not ask how he knew that it was their anniversary, only watched her parents. Her and Aurokhan's anniversary was coming up, and watching her parent, she thought she knew just what she would ask him for.


Another pair of eyes had been watching the ritual since it had begun, and these eyes glowed the same crimson red as her father. Sasha sat on a low cliff and watched her parents climbing into the air. She delicately laid her paw over her swollen belly where he son lay, the son of her father. Part of her wished that it was her up there with him, but she knew in her heart that her mother and father deserved one another, and besides, her father had already given her the best gift she could have ever asked for. Turning from the scene before her, she went back into her lair to sleep.


The air whistled and howled past them as they fell, and Beijore opened her eyes to look deeply into Matheau's. There was no fear there, only love for her. She kissed him fiercely and squeezed his claws, rubbing her heated body against his. She felt his cock pulsing against her thigh, and when he shifted and drove himself within her, she arched her back and cried out in exstacy. It was like nothing she had ever experianced before. He filled her so fully and completely, she panted hungrily as she worked her body back and forth upon his rigid member as best as she could. Their simple fall began to take on more of a spiral as they mated, but neither of them paid it any heed. They were completely wrapped up in one another. Her pussy gripped his cock tightly as she came, soaking his cock with her juices, and still her worked himself in her body.

Their mating flight was already half over, and they would have to part soon, but beijore was in such a state of euphoric bliss that she didn't care. Suddenly, his body tightened, and with a final deep thrust, Matheau roared mightily, filling the sky with an arc of white hot flame as he orgasmed, and she moaned as the flood of hot cum filled her body in thick waves. With the mating completed, she released his claws, and his wing opened and he fell away in a glide. She opened her wings and folled after him. He landed down in the grassy lains below their lair, and when she landed nearby, she knocked him over, instantly finding his softening dick and taking it into her mouth, sucking him back to full arousal.

She squealed in delight around his pulsing cock when she felt Matheau's hot tongue pierce her dripping cunt, glad to find that he was still as eager as she was. Tonight was their anniversary after all, and she intended to tak full advantage of it. She sucked his cock deep into her throat and massaged his heavy balls with her claw, moaning in pleasure as Matheau's skillful tongue worked her pussy over. She jumped in surprise when his tail-tip pushed into her tight ass, but she quickly began humping back into it as she sucked him off. Matheau growled softly below her, and that was the only warning she got as he came hard, shooting his thick, creamy load down her throat. She swollowed quick and rode his tongue and tail fiercely until she growled around his dick when she came.

When at last they seperated, Beijore turned her back and lifted her tail high in the air in invitation. Matheau was eager to oblidge her, but as he mounted her and tried to slide into her pussy, she shook her hand and lowered her tail to stop him. "Fuck my asshole, Matheau." Beijore panted hungrily. "I want you to fill all of me tonight." They had never tried this before with him as a dragon before, so Matheau was very gentle. As he began to fill her, Beijore's grip on the earth got tighter and tighter. "Oh my GODS!!!!! Matheau....That feels INCREDIBLE!!! Dont you DARE STOP!!!" He started with a slow rythm while Beijore panted and groaned with each thrust, forcing her hips back to try and get him deeper inside of her. Once he found what she could take, Matheau began to fuck her ass harder and faster, their scaled hips met loudly and his balls slapped her pussy. He could feel how wet she was from that alone, and her scent told him how much she loved it. His claws tightened beneath her belly, and her body was quivering, on the edge of release. Throwing his head back, he roared as he thrust completely within her hot depths and held himself there as he came, filling her tight ass with hot cum. Her roar joined his as she joined him in orgasmic bliss, and it was only when their roars faded in the distance that he withdrew from her and dismounted from her back.

"Happy anniversary, honey." Matheau panted breathlessly. "Let's rest here for a few, then we'll go home and soundproof our room." Beijore smiled slyly and lay against him to catch her breath. That was one promise she was certainly going to hold him to!