Devia Luna

Story by Sunkra on SoFurry

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This work is copyrighted to the author Sunkra © 2010. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. Do not redistribute this storyin any way without the author's explicit writtenpermission. All rights reserved.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story was written as adult fiction. Any similarities with any real life events and/or persons are completely coincidental. Described characters and/or events are fictional. Enjoy the story!--------------------------------------------------------

This story is about Sunkra the otter boy meeting a lovely female aquatic fur whom he offers shelter after she hurts herself.This story contains: no sex, drugs

Devia Luna.

The night has set in and the waves of the ocean are calmly rolling onto the beach, the silence only broken every now and then by a loud inhale of breath. Sunkra the otter sits on a towel on one of the huge rocks lying on this secluded part of the beach and enjoys a nice and thick rolled joint of weed together with some of his friends. Beers and cocktails are passed around as the bunch quiets down and sinks into that mellow phase where everything feels just wonderful, the togetherness is nice after the hardcore partying early on. Sunkra had gone wild and let his inner beast out, dancing intimately with a lot of guys and girls whom eagerly danced back with the handsome boy. He even scored a few sexual encounters as well, disappearing briefly with the current boy or girl to the back of the club or to the bathrooms to make out and have quick casual sex.

Milo sits behind Sunkra, idly stroking the otter as he tries to take a deep inhale of the joint he shares with the love of his life, coughing since he's not very used to the stuff yet. The zebra boy adores and worships Sunkra and tries very hard to fit into the otter's social circle by partying and doing drugs as well, all in a futile effort to get Sunkra to be his boyfriend. It's not that the otter doesn't love the sweet zebra, but he doesn't feel comfortable to committing himself to one person, a relationship just feels like a prison to Sunkra. After taking another deep inhale and feeling the marihuana take its effect, Milo passes the joint to the otter whom eagerly takes a deep smoke from it, exhaling the clouds through his nose and feeling so wonderful about the situation he's in. One of their friends curses softly as he drops a bong which then rolls over the edge of the rock and down to the beach, the other guys and girls laughing, "No worries dude, just pick up a new one at the shop, they're not that expensive anyway."

"Sunkra, you're okay, right?" asks the concerned zebra boy, stroking the handsome otter's dreadlocks and looking down at him with loving care, feeling himself getting higher as they speak. Sunkra just nods and takes another deep inhale from the joint before passing it on to one of their friends, looking out over the sea as he lies in the equine's lap:"Aye, I's be gud. Jus' chillin'..."As the night progresses, the others start packing up their stuff and taking their leave, needing to get up early tomorrow for their jobs. Sunkra has to smile, he never has troubles with sleeping out since he works in the late evening and at night whilst his complete social circle is present, he parties and makes money in the process which is like a dream. Eventually the last couple of people pack their things and Milo has to go as well, stroking the otter's face:"Are you coming with, Sunk? I rather not leave you high and alone here at the beach at night."The otter gestures it'll be alright and lights up his half smoked up joint again, leaning in to give the zebra a sweet kiss on the cheek:"I's be fine, Milo. See you's tomo''ow."

The zebra boy still looks worried but figures Sunkra knows best what he wants, standing up and leaving along with the others as they all hug and kiss the otter goodbye. Looking up at the night's sky, Sunkra tries to count the many stars but has to restart every time again around the number twenty. The breeze is comfortable and cools off the remnants of the day time heat, the otter feeling so at peace with his life and his surroundings. He's got the perfect job, the perfect place, the perfect social circle... he's got a great life the way it is now. Just when he starts rolling another joint, the otter's ears twitch as they hear movement a little lower down at the beach, at the foot of the rock he's sitting on. Ignoring it at first and blaming the weed for sharpening his hearing for that brief moment, Sunkra finishes rolling the joint and lights it up, inhaling the goodness of the soft drugs into his longs and gently blowing out the smoke. It's almost orgasmic.

Hearing the same floppy, almost wet sound, Sunkra's interest is piqued and he leans over the rocky surface to spot the cause of it. Narrowing his eyes and trying his best to concentrate, he spots a person sitting half in the water on a big flat stone sticking out from the beach's sand. It looks like it's a female, whatever species she might be, but Sunkra can't see her very well through his high and because it's so dark. He hears humming, soothing and very calmly the tones are carried on the wind as they reach the otter's ears and are intensified by the weed. Determined to meet the girl with a voice so beautiful, Sunkra packs his stuff and climbs down to the beach, the sand only four or three meters underneath the top surface of the rock. Sinking his foot paws into the wet sand, the otter calmly listens again, the voice is now really singing in a strange language and the tones are intensifying.

The fur with the beautiful singing voice seems to be holding something, Sunkra can faintly make out the bong his friends dropped earlier. It seems as if the girl is studying it, apparently not ever having seen a bong before. Hesitantly, Sunkra scrapes his throat and steps into the moonlight:"Hai dere, you's have ah ve'y beautiful voice."Startled, the girl drops the bong and lunges for the sea, falling down and hurting herself as she curses in the same odd language. Sunkra quickly hurries to the girl to prevent her from drowning:"Noes, dun't be sca'ed, I's dun't mean to hurt you's. Are you's al'ight?"The otter kneels in the shallow water and supports the girl's back and head as she looks up at him, a pair of the most beautiful eyes look back at him and Sunkra feels his body warming up. Blushing, he smiles down at her:"Hais, I's Sunk'a. Who you's b..."

Not able to finish his sentence, Sunkra is hit to the side of his face with something big, wet and slippery. Grunting out, he holds his jaw and whimpers in pain:"Ouch, God damnit..."He drags the girl onto the dry sand and tries to calm her down by continuing to smile, even though his cheek is now pulsing with his heartbeat and very sore:"I's so''y I's su'prised you's, but I's jus' be meanin' tah help. You's al'ight?"The otter is now for the first time able to get a good look at the girl, his breath and speech taken away by her beauty. Her skin is the fairest blue and green, smooth and slippery in the water like that of a frog or newt, her face wearing an expression of fright but otherwise beautiful and smooth. She has extensions to the side of her face which are traits to the Axolotl species, a large fin sprouting from her forehead all the way down her spine to her hips, a large bush of coral and anemone decorating her head as well as if it's hair.

But what really takes Sunkra's breath away is the fact that her lower body doesn't consist of legs but a tail, a long and slender aquatic tail with elegant fins at its end which are all beautifully decorated with bright colourful patterns. The otter heard of aquatic furs but since there were so few around they were considered to be mythological, the underwater world a great mystery still as the aquatic furries are considered to have build a society of their own underneath the sea. Feeling slightly humbled, Sunkra blushes again and smiles friendly, the girl seemingly accepting the fact he's not a threat and faintly smiles back, "As I's said, I's Sunk'a. What be you's name?"Looking up at him as if not completely understanding him, wether it's his accent or just her lack of knowledge of English, she extends her hand like a lady of the higher circles and offers for him to kiss her hand. The otter brushes his blonde dreadlocks from his eyes and summons up his best manners as he takes the hand and pecks a humble kiss on it:"Glad tah make you's acquaintance, miss."

Put at ease because this strange land creature could summon up good manners, the girl places her hand on her chest and says:"Devia Luna."Blinking his eyes, Sunkra kneels down into a more comfortable position and smiles whilst keeping hold of her hand:"Hai thar, Dev... Dev... uhm, can I's call you's sumthin' moar sho't?"The girl seems to chuckle and then utters a simple:"Maya," before looking pained as she rubs her side. Apparently she made a nasty fall just now when she was startled with Sunkra and hurt herself. The otter tries his best to concentrate through his high and then smiles:"Maya, I's take you's home an' get you's well, is dat al'ight?"Calculating the otter once more, Maya seems to hesitantly agree and embraces Sunkra's neck as he lifts her up in his arms and tries to carry her off the beach. He's not the most muscled guy around and huffs and pants as soon as he sets food on the street, sweat pearling on his forehead:"I's dun't want tah offend you's, but you's dun't be da skinniest gal around!"Maya however seems way too occupied with looking around in wonder, this is probably the first time she went on land in ages and is getting an eye full of everything she can see.

Trying to avoid bumping into people, Sunkra has covered Maya's tail fin with his backpack so that it wouldn't be too obvious she doesn't have any legs, eventually reaching his building which is not too far from the beach. Carrying the aquatic female fur into the elevator, she seems a bit scared of the experience but he reassures her whilst they are lifted up towards Sunkra's floor. The otter opens his apartment and plops Maya down on his couch, her skin no longer in the water but remaining to be slightly damp. "Uhm, I's get tah bath 'eady for you's," an exhausted Sunkra murmurs and he steps into the bathroom to turn on the crane on his big bathtub. It's shaped in a triangle and befitting for three people, so Maya's tail should fit in nicely when curled up. After he helps her fit in the bathtub, a small awkward silence falls over the two and they just smile back at each other uncomfortably. Swirling his hand around in the water, Sunkra decides he better leave her for the night and tries to make it clear to her that he's going to sleep in the other room and that she can sleep here or on the couch if she likes. Maya seems to understand and the otter flips the light off when exiting the bathroom, the moonlight streaming in through the window which the aquatic female fur seems to appreciate very much.

Quietly stepping out of his swimming trunks, Sunkra plops down naked into his bed and figures he can take a shower the next morning when Maya won't be in the bathroom, his high running out and his body exhausted from carrying the sweet girl all the way up to his apartment. Very soon the regulated breathing of the otter fills up his room, peacefully floating to dreamland.