Corsi INC 02

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#2 of Corsi INC

Training Session

Corsi woke up and stretched her tiny black furred body. She blinked in surprise as she looked around the couch she and Red had fallen asleep on the night before. Red was already gone. He had left her there alone. For a moment, she looked around for a moment at the place, not having done so the night before. Just a fairly average but well kept place. One chair did stand out being worn down but other than that, just the average apartment with a kitchenette.

She slid down to the seat and called out. "Red? ... Red are you here?"

A short white rabbit walked in from a door across from the couch, very young in appearance and a more than beautiful to boot. Long silky black hair flowed down the woman's well-proportioned features. She looked over Corsi a small sheepish grin across her short white muzzle and took off her wire-rimmed glasses. "Corsi right?" Her voice was gentle and soft; "Red spoke to me about you on several occasions, prior to me actually seeing you. Pleased to finally meet you, I am his roommate Yoiko. Red should be back in a little while. He said something about going to the store for a few supplies."

Corsi blinked again and found herself just staring blankly at the rabbit

Yoiko looked to the puzzled mouse. "Miss Corsi, Are you alright?"

"Oh, Yes Sorry ... I just didn't expect anyone else to be here. I had assumed that Red was single and not in any sort of relationship." Then a light goes on in her head ... "Yokeyoh ... When did you get home last night?"

"Yoiko" The rabbit corrected her "And I was here when Red came home with you."

Corsi went wide-eyed and she just stared blankly to the rabbit. She was here the entire time she performed for her new master. "So did you ah ... see I mean hear what we were talking about?"

Yoiko nodded smiling "Yes miss Corsi, I was watching the two of you from the other room. Quite interesting actually, I never thought about a microfur doing that sort of thing. I mean the way you wrapped yourself..." Yoiko paused looking to the terrified mouse "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

Corsi's ears flattened. She was too stunned to even respond. The two stared blankly at one another for a moment when the silence was broken by the front door opening and Red stepping through. He was dressed in jeans and a black button down shirt. "Corsi! You're awake!" He glanced over to Yoiko and noticed the two were disturbingly quiet. "I see you met my roomie." He commented in an attempt to get things moving. "Well Yoiko what do you think? Isn't she all I said she was?"

Red walked over to the couch setting the bag on the table.

"Yes she is a very pretty lady Red." Yoiko replied with a little giggle.

Corsi stifled a laugh and allowed a smile over her muzzle.

"Well what were you two talking about before I got back?" Red asked.

....... Silence ......

Red's turn to blush. Yoiko's normally bright white fur was already pink on her cheeks.

Red broke the silence. "Sorry Corsi, we had gotten so into things I didn't get the chance to tell you about Yoiko. She's a voyeur. She usually likes to watch other furs get intimate with each other." Red laughed "You have how many telescopes in your room Yoiko?"

"Three. All of them are set up with a list of coordinates so I can just change them to view any fur I wish on any given night around the neighborhood and even to some of the furs across the river. I even got that new fetish place down near the police station Red." She realized exactly how much information she was giving and in her attempt to cover herself, stammered, "But I don't do it too often. Mainly I have them for stargazing."

Corsi started to feel a little more at ease "Yeah ... Suuuuuuuuuuuure you do."

Yoiko's blush went even deeper shade of pink.

Corsi smiled wide "So Yoiko, did you like what you saw?"

Red looked to the mouse surprised. "Pet."

"Yes, Master Red?"

"Quit it. Will you?"

"Yes Master Red."

Yoiko piped up "No it's all right really I don't mind... It actually intrigues me to learn your abilities miss Corsi." She turned to the black mouse and walked to her sitting on the couch as well "Obviously you are open about yourself and your talents. I was wondering Miss Corsi if you could tell me a little more about that fur you spoke of last night ... Greyson was it?"

Corsi smiled sheepishly with a nod and replied, "Master Greyson, yes."

Red smiled and settled himself down on the couch, looking up to the mouse. "Yes, anyone that can teach you to do what you did to me last night I want to hear everything there is to hear about him. So Corsi ... I mean, My Pet, Tell us a little about him."

Corsi blushed again. "Master Red what I showed you last night was a warm-up ... I have a lot more tricks up my tail. But how about I tell you both about one of Master Greyson and my sessions?"

Red and Yoiko said in unison "Sure!"

"Well Master Greyson had left me tied up to a chair with a ball gag in my muzzle. He made up a special chastity belt that probed into my pussy and my tail hole with two vibrators. They were set on the lowest setting so she was stimulated just enough to drive her crazy with lust but never fulfill her needs to the peak. She was there for hours at least panting in her desperation.

Greyson finally walked back into his home to the whimpering mouse. She had fallen over in the chair and lay on the table panting hard and sweating profusely. The Bengal tiger casually sat the chair back upright and left again into the adjoining room.

Corsi looked to him pleading as her beloved Master casually walked away. She was just about ready to burst in her hungering need to be finished. Greyson walked back a moment later and took a seat in front of her.

"Well Corsi my pet how was your day? Enjoying tonight's lesson are we." The tiger commented, leaning back in the chair to watch his little toy.

Corsi cried out her frustrations, her plea muffled from behind the gag. She tried to squirm in her seat against the vibrators but only succeeded in knocking the chair back over onto the floor.

"Oh here let me help you" Greyson said with a shake of his head. He righted the chair for the tiny mouse and removed the gag from her muzzle and set it to the table.

Corsi let out a long slow desperate moan of her frustrations. Sweat dripped from her brow and the chair soaked with her juices. "Water ... Please My Master!" was her first request.

Greyson was already expecting it and had a glass from the other room setting it in front of the bound mouse with a tiny straw. Corsi greedily drank almost the entire glass through her hard panting. Already her excitement building high as her body was rejuvenated and those vibrators did their work perfectly.

"I suppose now you are expecting me to turn the vibrators up." He said half heartedly as he leaned back in the chair.

Corsi nodded quickly "Yes Please My Master ... quickly." Her sweat was almost immediate as soon as the water started through her system.

Greyson just smiled and untied the mouse from the chair. She couldn't move herself even if she wanted to and just slumped over to the tabletop ... again.

Greyson smiled softly, "Well this time it won't be that easy my pet. You knocked over your chair twice this time and I have to punish you for that."

Corsi knew what that meant. She was in for one hell of a night "Yes Master Greyson. What is my punishment to be?" Her voice was pleading but not to be released. She knew that the longer her ordeal the sweeter the pleasure after.

The tiger picked her up carefully and kissed her on the top of her head. He brought the trembling mouse across the room to another specially designed table for her. Two posts stood up straight with mouse sized shackles at the top and bottom.

Corsi smiled as wide as she was still able, realizing her masters' plans for her. Though even if she wanted to protest it, it wouldn't make any difference.

Greyson shackled her up to the standing rack and the mouse just hung limp unable to support herself. Her body twisting and grinding against the twin vibrators purring within the soaked walls of her quivering pussy in an unconscious effort to get that much more pleasure out of them. Soft whimpers of ecstasy escaping her as her master took a toothpick and flicked it hard against the mouse's exposed rump.

To Corsi a simply toothpick was a cane striking against her ass and with every strike, it left the intense sting of it's aftermath to ripple over her tiny form. She cried out in pleasure filled pain, her body quivering on the verge of her release.

The tiger struck her again and again driving the mouse to heights she had never reached before. Her audible desperate panting could be heard through the entire home and was so loud that if they had neighbors ... even they would have wondered what was happening.

Greyson just smiled scratching a claw tip slowly down her back. The feelings of that sharp digit making her entire body shiver and tremble through every part of that ravaged body.

Her Master leaned in and reached between Corsi's spread eagle legs turning the vibrators up two notches to further intensify the experience. He then reached for a small cat 'o' nine tails.

"My pet is doing very well ... you deserve a reward."

Corsi whimpered out as best she could through ragged breath; "Thank you My Master"

Greyson whipped the flogger across her back and rump, her tail flicking wildly with each crack across her. Higher and higher she felt until she exploded over, seemingly popping from every pore of that tiny body until she had passed out in her complete and utter exhaustion. I just hung there limp and exhausted. I swear to god I never came so hard in my life up until that point!"

Red and Yoiko just stared in awe at her erotic tale without a word.

"Master Red?"

"OH! Sorry Corsi..."

Yoiko's once white gone pink muzzle was now a full pretty shade of red "That was quite a tale Miss Corsi. I have been told and seen some furs enjoy pain as a form of erotic stimulation but I never imagined the pleasure could reach such a high intensity through such an ordeal."

Corsi just smiles softly and spoke casually "Why don't you have Master Red show you exactly what it feels like sometime?"

Yoiko looked wide eyed to Corsi and then to Red shaking her head "I ... I don't think I'm ready for that. I mean I've lived with Red for so long."

Red smiled softly shaking his head "I couldn't my pet. I have always been in love with you and I couldn't do that to you. Besides, we are roommates."

"But I offered. As long as I get to play with her..."

Yoiko cut her off "Wait-a-minute! How did you know I'm Bisexual? And besides Corsi you are 5 inches tall. I can see how you can bring pleasure to a male but ... How would you plan on doing it anyway?"

Corsi grinned softly and looked to Red watching her master looking back with the same expression. Her grin turned just evil as she looked s-l-o-w-l-y to Yoiko.

"Is that on order Mistress Yoiko?"

Copyright 2000 Joey Porter