Waking into the Nightmare

Waking into the nightmare Myrilla awoke in her bed with a start. The plump little vixen had originally joined the Mansion as the lead centerfold of a plump and plush special that was to run yearly. She had shiny orange fur with the normal...

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Corsi INC 36

Chapter 36 Home Again. By the time the ship arrived to port, Sneff had become so proficient in her tongues attention that she had come close to surpassing even Lone's abilities. And with Lone having been the trainer for the...

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Corsi INC 35

Okay this is going to take a while to read. And other readers have commmented to me that they really didn't want to walk away. Get a soda, bag of chips and make sure you don't have to go anywhere any time soon. And so the End begins. ...

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Corsi INC 34

"So is this the entire plan?" Nita Razelle asked disbeleiving. Corsi, Lone, Nidaja, Alps, and Queen Razelle sat on the ship not a day away from home in the tactical meeting room. "You're kidding." She protested. "What if something...

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Corsi INC 33

With as hectic as things had gotten after the Chakats arrived, Corsi and Yoiko had looked forward to a nice vacation away from things. Lone and his three mates had joined the pair along with Cedar and Coyra out to a nice chartered yacht for a tour in...

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Corsi INC 32

Mid-summer. It had been almost a year since Thunder had made the invasion and things were just barely returning to normal. Police had charged Avena with homicide, and Lone was charged with assault with a deadly weapon but all of the charges were...

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Corsi INC 31

Shadows and secrets. The darkness of the Black Rose back alley was barely lit by a lone street lamp half a block away. In the inky black shadows waited just a large pair of glowing yellow eyes scanning anxiously around in every direction. ...

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Corsi INC 30

Furs that go thump in the night. Avena and Jess stood guard just inside the main entrance to the Mansion. A few months had passed and the heat of summer was upon them. Hardly the time of day to actually stand outside in the blazing heat so...

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Corsi INC 29

A new kind of training. Nova awoke as usual and sat up in his bed. He had quickly grown spoiled on everything that was being done for him in the mansion. He took his shower bowing to the slave that handed him his soap and held his towel for him as...

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Corsi INC 28

Chapter 28 Cedar had called out for his sister. Corsi was already on the way, being carried by Nova Lontosh. Nova knocked at the door to Cedar's office and stepped inside. Cedar and Coyra had asked for both of them to visit to discuss something...

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Corsi INC 27

Chapter 27 Corsi and her newly found brother and sister were sitting out in the front of the mansion on one of the steps. It was nearly pitch black with the only light coming from the full moon above them. Yoiko had already gone to bed on her...

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Corsi INC 26

Chapter 26 "So, think they will be anything like me Yoiko?" Corsi chittered from the bunny's shoulder. They were in her VW Rabbit heading into town. Even though she had the chance to get a brand new car, Yoiko insisted on restoring her car every...

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