Eventful Beginnings 3

Story by Dehner on SoFurry

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#3 of Rakeshea

The smell of tender meat cooking awoke Pavlor before the annoying buzz of the alarm clock did. The moments between while he was still groggy from his nap, he imagined himself at home, in his own bed while someone else was cooking for him. The arm around him wasn't furry; it had thick skin and stubby fingers. He snuggled back into the warm chest of his new owner as he squeaked in the middle of a deep yawn.

But now the alarm was forcing him to come back to reality, the body behind him rolling away and smacking the box to stop it from making so much noise. The bed shifted as Sharven got up. A couple of grunts and the sound of bones cricking back into place was followed by the deep voice of the orca, "Time to get up, guests will be coming soon."

Pavlor rolled himself out of the warmth of the covers to stand up and stretch his own body. While his arms were pressed up into the air, he felt a hand gently grip his collar and click a lead onto it. Pavlor turned and looked up at the orca quizzically.

"I want you properly dressed up for my friends, can't have you completely naked now, can we?"

"We could, if you wanted."

Sharven smirked, "We could, but then all the money I spent on getting you an outfit would be wasted, wouldn't it?"

Pavlor's tail wagged despite himself, he wondered exactly what kind of clothing would suit a pet on this world. "So, what did you get," he asked, trying not to sound too excited over it.

Sharven walked to a wall and placed his hand upon it. Half the wall slid up out of the way to reveal a large closet filled with clothing Pavlor assumed was for Sharven. It had suits like the one he saw in the auction house and after, and a few more that were rubbery and, perhaps, form fitting. These were pushed to the side to reveal a smaller rod of clothing behind them. These seemed similar; some looked rubbery while others looked more leathery.

Sharven reached in and pulled out a hanger with a mess of straps and a few pouches of leather. He held it up, and Pavlor could see that it was some sort of body harness.

After taking it off the hanger, Sharven began putting the straps around Pavlor's body. Four of them connected to the collar he wore, two on each side of his neck. These went down and connected under his arms. Next came two pairs of straps, each pair had a metal ring connecting them. Sharven attached these to the front and back sides of the straps going under Pavlor's arms; the rings hung down to the middle of his back and his navel. A small leathery jock was slipped on his body, two straps attached to the band of the jock in the back and front, pulling it up tight against his groin. Inside the pouch were two smaller straps that went around Pavlor's sheath and hang respectively, holding them firm and making them bulge out, then a stretched patch of leather fastened with snaps over the front of the jock. A rubbery pair of tight boots was the last thing for Pavlor to put on, fitting his feet so perfectly; it felt like they had been made for him. The boots came up to just below his knee, and the bottoms had firm treads that he found gave him quite a bit of traction.

Sharven held up another piece that looked like a muzzle. "We won't need this unless we go out somewhere, laws and all, though I'm sure you wouldn't go around biting people."

Pavlor smiled at the muzzle, he didn't quite mind wearing it but it would be rather cumbersome if guests were coming. With all the straps on his body, he felt his rested groin begin to warm with the grips around it. He looked down to see the front pouch now straining against the snaps as his canine member was slightly swollen.

"Don't worry; your sex drive is going to go into hyper drive for a while. We'll be taking care of that after we've eaten. Come on, let's get things ready."

Sharven led his pet into the kitchen where the ovens were keeping the freshly cooked food warm. He opened the first of three ovens, pulling out a hunk of brown-grey meat with a bone running through the center which he put it on top of a padded area of the counter. The next oven which had a mound of white mush speckled with small pieces of orange seeds and this was placed upon the counter as well. The third oven opened to reveal palm-sized rolls of bread and a large pot containing something vaguely resembling green beans.

With the food now out of the ovens, he put in a small box with writing and a picture of colored cookies and closed the door. He spoke again to the oven, and the inside began to glow light red.

Just as the oven had heated up, a knock came from the front door. Sharven turned to his pet, smiling broadly, "Shall we meet our guests?"

Pavlor nodded excitedly.

Sharven gripped the lead and walked to the front door, Pavlor trailing behind and feeling the leather about his body hugging and gripping against his frame more than before. The pouch at the front of his jock was barely able to keep itself attached.

They reached the door and Sharven turned to his pet, "Kneel down next to me," he said gently.

Pavlor complied with his tail wagging behind him briskly.

Sharven smiled as he looked down, enjoying the sight of his new pet kneeling in his uniform. He put his hand on the door and pulled it open.

Immediately outside the door was a rather burly looking orca, he wore a thing blue shirt with the front buttons open and what could be considered jean-shorts and had on comfortable sneaker-type shoes. In his hand was a blue leash trailing to a rather tall looking green scaled humanoid. This creature had a mostly light-green skin and strong, well-used muscles. His mouth jutted out from his skill to almost a point with two nostril holes at the top. His eyes were a crisp light blue color, and he had small holes on the sides of his head for ears. The lizard had a muzzle on and a blue-leather harness almost exactly like Pavlor's, but had a larger jock than he did, almost twice the size and quite full-looking. Upon his feet he wore calf-high leather boots, decorated with straps and small rings up the leg.

Behind them was another orca, somewhat taller and a bit wider around than the first. His outfit consisted of a tight black latex shirt with swirling patterns of blue lines. His pants were the same, and upon his feet he wore tight rubber boots with thick soled bottoms. A thick rubbery lead went from his hand to the thick furred red fox. He was muzzled as well, but the harness he wore was quite a bit more complex than the others. Numerous straps wedged around and up his arms and legs. There were several little "D" rings around the straps. His jock didn't have a cover piece, instead his sheath and furry sack hung out for everyone to view, and it seemed the fox had little problems with this display.

All four entered the living room and stared down at Pavlor, the two pets standing just behind and to the left of their respective owners.

Sharven spoke, "Rakuva and Tryst," he held his hand out from the orca to the lizard, "Berroon and Kyle," his hand moved to the second orca and the fox, "I'm very proud to introduce you to Pavlor, my pet."

Rakuva turned and released the lizard's muzzle. A small amount of saliva was stuck to his lips from the form fitting leather, which he wiped off with his arm. The fox's muzzle, however, stayed on.

"A pleasure to meet you, Pavlor," Rakuva said as he reached out his hand and rubbed behind the canine's ears firmly. Pavlor nearly lost his balance on his knees as the sweet caress of fingers scratched his head's most sensitive spot. Then he felt another pair of finger slip under his chin and scratch there. The second hand was different than the first, it felt warmer and the nails sharper.

Pavlor opened one eye lazily and saw that Tryst had knelt down beside him and was caressing under his chin and neck. The lizard's eyes were strong, as if they had been around for an eternity and knew more than they wished they had. Te lizard's free hand came up and rubbed over the top of Pavlor's snout and back up over his eyes. Pavlor thought he was going to melt into the floor from this attention. Then it stopped. Rekuva had stepped in and Tryst followed, though the leash wasn't attached to his neck anymore.

Berroon guided Kyle down onto his knees by placing his hand on the fox's shoulder and pushing down. The fox's eyes seemed to containing some frenzied energy, almost as if he were a power generator giving off sparks. "You'll have to pardon Kyle," Berron interjected, "He's been on a strict program to help him heal up, a little too much fun, eh little guy?"

The fox nodded without taking his eyes off Pavlor. As the fox stared, Pavlor got the distinct feeling that the fox was imagining the canine in some sexual position with him, though the details were something he couldn't grasp from the stare. Then he leaned in and nuzzled at the crook of Pavlor's neck, wrapped his paws around the canine and hugged firmly. He then stood back up displaying a rather full shaft.

Sharven gave a barely noticeable tug on the leash and Pavlor stood up. They walked into the dining room, all four of the guests taking seats at the table while Sharven and Pavlor went to get the food.

"Uh, Sharven?"

"Yes," Sharven replied as he picked up the tray with some of the food on it, handing it to Pavlor.

"Are... are we all going to have sex later?"

"Well, after we eat, yes. Why, are you not feeling up for any?"

Pavlor blushed and dropped his ears down embarrassedly. "Well, I just, am not used to being so open, like this."

Sharven put his tray down and stepped over to Pavlor, putting his big arms around the canine. He held Pavlor for a few moments, "You know, in this society, we are very open to sex with each other. I'm sure you'll get used to it, but you're never required to by me. Some others force their pets to do things, but I will never do such things to you. So if you really don't want to, I'll understand, and so will our guests."

Pavlor gave the big orca a strong hug and then let go, "No, I do want to have fun with our guests, just a little, shy I guess."

"Ah, well just let Tryst take care of you, he's very affectionate. Kyle's a bit, umm, oversexed even by the conditioning standards, so he's a little gung-ho about things. He won't force you though. OK?"

Pavlor nodded and picked up the tray of food. They walked into the dining room, placed the food down and then took their seats opposite each other on the short ends of the table.

Pavlor stat still and waited, he wasn't quite sure about the proper etiquette he should take. Rakuva and Berroon started to place food upon their plates, and then in turn placed food for their own pets. Pavlor was too far from his own owner to be given food so as soon as there was a free dish he began helping himself to some of the meat. After much passing around of serving dishes, all six plates were full. A fine crystal jug was then passed around and Pavlor filled up his glass with a deep red wine, or at least what he would consider such, given its aroma.

Everyone started eating right away, and there wasn't any conversation to be had while food was chewed softly. This was a bit awkward for Pavlor, he was used to dinner conversation. He guessed that such things might be rude in this society, so he kept his muzzle busy by eating the foods before him.

Before he knew it, his plate was empty and he was looking around as the others had either just finished or were about to. With the last bites of food gone, Berroon looked at Sharven and said, "A very good meal. I must compliment your kitchen appliances."

Sharven chuckled a bit, and stood up. Pavlor did as well, and began to help clear the tables as his owner was picking up dishes and bowls and such. Pavlor and Sharven were easily capable of removing all the food, placing the left over items in the fridge directly without covering them.

The items inside the oven had just finished. Sharven opened it and pulled out a sheet of half-inch thick cookies with white chips melting around the outside. Sharven tilted the sheet and all the cookies slid off in almost neat and orderly rows. The place had a few fall off, and Sharven placed them back atop the others.

Sharven grabbed Pavlor's lead and walked him out into the living room, where the other four had already taken places before the large screen video display., the orca's were seated on furniture while their pets were resting on the floor at their owner's feet. The display was on and showing a channel that apparently had news. Some orca in a neat looking blue and grey suit was speaking about events that had happened that day that were of interest.

Sharven sat down and pulled Pavlor next to him on the floor, taking a cookie for both himself and Pavlor, then letting the others take one.

"Now, this is your first time with these, Pavlor," Sharven said, "So go easy and take small bites."

The cookie was handed to him and he looked at it. What could possibly be so important about a small cookie? He took a small bite from the corner, his teeth sinking into the soft cake-like cookie. He chewed it and tasted the most sensational mixture of vanilla, chocolate and something that felt like warm spices. He swallowed it and felt it burn his throat, as if he had just drunk a shot of whisky. He coughed a bit, getting used to it, and then felt it explode with heat as it hit his stomach.

For a moment he felt drunk, feeling the world around him spin for a second before he recovered. He looked up, seeing a broad smile on Sharven's face. "Like the it? It's a spazer cake. Good for reducing inhibitions and increasing the sex drive." Sharven took his and popped the whole thing into his mouth, leaning back and swallowing it. He leaned back and had the faintest of grins widen across his face.

Pavlor looked around to see that everyone else had eaten theirs, and were leaning back as the drunken effect washed over them and dissipated. Pavlor figured it was ok, and bit half the cookie, swallowing it. The effect was quite potent, it burned and made his senses swim, then warmed his body and gave him that unmistakable rush of need. He felt the cake being pulled from him, and then his body was pushed onto all fours. A moment passed and he regained himself only to find someone was licking and poking under his tail!

Kyle was back there, his muzzle off and he was licking and sucking on Pavlor's tailhole so strongly, all he could feel was pleasure and tickling ripping across his entire back! It was as if there were hundreds of mouths playing with his body, and he cantered on his four-paws and nearly fell over.

Hands suddenly gripped under his chest and helped steady him, Tryst had darted forward to prevent Pavlor's head from smacking into the low table. Those scaled arms were warm, and then Pavlor could smell it. The strong, musky slightly acidic tinged odor of the lizard's swollen slit and extended cock. It was odd, for Pavlor had never seen such a thing. It was bulbous at the end, like a horse's flare, only more rounded and a thick, pink-red length that was wider at the base than just under the head. Something in Pavlor's drunken state told him what to do, and he did it.

Tryst's cock was like a slimy, musky, burning hot rod of iron. The skin was soft and smooth, but underneath it felt hard as steel. He sucked on it, and the hands holdimg him suddenly dug into his fur, gripping him. Hips pushed the cock deep into Pavlor's muzzle, and he sudden discovered he had lost his gag reflex! It buried itself, the rounded bulb pushing into his throat, then pulling out as the lizard face-fucked him.

Small spurts of precum had begun to slip from the dick Pavlor was sucking when he felt a cock push against his tailhole and sink in. A loud, yerf-like sound came from behind as the fox mounted him and pushes his length up to the small knot. Not only did Pavlor not feel the need to get used to the girth now penetrating him, but the nerves felt like someone was stroking his own dick as Kyle began to quickly thrust into him.

Caught between the two pets, Pavlor's mind felt drunk on the sensations of pleasure and being used as a toy. His cock bounced under him and sprayed out quick squirts of his own pre-seed onto the floor. He could hear the sounds of his owner, Sharven, stroking himself as he watched the action on the floor.

Pavlor felt like he was stuck between the fox and lizard for an eternity. The pleasure slowed down time for him, making him feel every slight twitch and needy thrust from both ends.

Clawed hands gripped his muzzle as Tryst leaned down and hissed words into Pavlor's ear. His voice only had traces of hissing, but the heavy breathing had accentuated them. "Ssuch a pretty little puppy. You want to sswallow my jizz?"

The question was earnest, for Pavlor could feel the cock slowing down, readying to pull back if such a thing was unwanted. Pavlor would have none of that and began to suck hard, pulling at the cock and getting the bulge stuck in his throat by clamping down on it.

Tryst had only a moment to prepare himself before his muscles contracted. His cock spat out his rich and thick semen, shooting so hard it rocketed down Pavlor's throat and right into his stomach where it warmed him pleasantly. Hips twitched at his muzzle, each one followed by a creamy injection into his throat. Only a few shots hit so hard, the rest welled up in his muzzle as Tryst pulled back to seed the canine's tongue.

Kyle was still pounding away at Pavlor's backside long after Tryst had released himself and sat down to hold onto Pavlor's body. Soft words slipped into his ear while the fox grunted with pained efforts.

"He fucks long, but you can handle it. Good canine, such a handsome doggy." Pavlor blushed as these words, and many others, helped encourage him to sustain under the onslaught of the fox's need.

It was a long time, but the rhythm had picked up and the knot was shoved roughly into his anus. It locked inside as Pavlor felt the fox shudder. His cock twitched and he could literally feel the cum splattering inside him. Each jet soaked his body internally. Kyle leaned over and rested himself against the canine's back, hips pulsing as he filled up Pavlor with his fluids.

A hand reached under him, gripping his own knot. That was all it needs as he began to pulse out his watery spunk onto the carpet, each pulse making his muscle clamp and eliciting a hearty grunt from Kyle.

It lasted for a long time, but it had to end sooner or later. The pulsing died down between Kyle and Pavlor. Both having finished off their lust from the spazers. A loud, obscene slurping pop accompanied Kyle's cock as it pulled free. The fox leans up against Pavlor.

Tryst moved around and cuddled both Pavlor and Kyle, leaning against the couch and paying no attention to the discussions that the orca's were now engaging in. Their entertainment had finished, and all three had jerked off to the small orgy on the floor. But now cleaned up and relaxed, they turned to less physical socializations.

By the time it had come for the guests to leave, it was dark and Pavlor was once again tired. Kyle and Tryst had their muzzled placed on before heading out. Each of the guests gave hugs and goodbyes to Pavlor and Sharven as they left.

Sharven looked down at his companion. He looked happy, though fatigue had slipped in to take hold of his features. "Bed time, I have to work tomorrow."