That Place 6: Mates for Life

Story by Digitaltf on SoFurry

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#6 of That Place

The next couple days were sort of a blur. Somehow I was back in my run before daylight, as was Max and Vicky. Max's gate was locked back up and it was as if nothing had ever happened the night before. Well... sort of. His tooth was fixed and he was cleaned up, but I figured Tom wouldn't notice that sort of thing, having locked the gate himself.

Apparently there's a couple days in the week that Jimmy doesn't work, one that the place is closed altogether and no one is there except Tom comes in at night to throw dogfood in our bowls and that's it. The first day Tom just came in and kicked the dogs outside to hose down the kennel, without any words except swearing at a couple of the dogs who didn't move fast enough. The second was the day nothing happened there. Not even hosing. No people, no cleanup, no visitors. From some of the hold dogs we learned that the only time anyone came on those days was to feed us and if any strays were causing real trouble and Tom absolutely HAD to get them and bring them in. The first day he just dropped my food bowl down, as he did in every case, working his way up the one side of the aisle and then back down the other. For Max he just dumped the food right on the ground through the fence. He filled the water buckets the same way, just spraying the hose through the fence in the general vicinity of the bucket, making quite a splashing mess all over. To the pitbull he sprayed the dog, too, laughing. "Yeah, don't like that, fucker?!? Well, come Thursday, you won't have much else to worry about, will ya?!?" He sneered at the dog and then went on to the next run.

I'd lost track of time, but if I remembered right it was only Monday, so... that was still two nights and three days. The pitt whimpered as he shook off. "Well, I guess that'll be the end of me, come Thursday evening. Probably the end of you, too, kid."

My ears drooped and I sighed. A number of people had come and looked at me. Once I was even brought to the introduction room and a nice younger couple petted me for awhile while talking with Tom. But... I was still here. Same run, somewhat different neighbors, and by now the kennel was all full up, every run had a dog in it, and with the little ones, sometimes two or three in a run.

Max was still there, too, as were Flash and Sleek, and some others were there as well, same with the pitbull next door. Some of the little ones had gone to new homes. A couple of the middle-sized with no signs on their cages had found new families as well. Some came in almost every day, but a lot of them went back home with their owners. I was glad to see that happen. It's important to be with your family and guard them.

I sighed and curled up in a corner and thought about my family. I wondered where they were, what they were doing. I wondered how Billy liked his new home and the museums, and the train station. I whined a little, wishing I could be with him on walks like that.

"Missing home, huh?" Flash padded to the end of his run, barely within sight of me.

"Yep. I miss my boy. I worry about him, but, I worry about other things too," I whimpered.

"Like dying?" Flash woofed softly.

"Oh geez... " the pitt said and padded outside.

"Yeah, like that. But not so much for me, but for you, and Vicky and Max and Sleek... and even the pitt there. He deserves to be with someone who loves him. I'm sure he's mean just to try to cover up how he really feels." I woofed quietly to the husky.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I worry more about how Sleek will manage than for myself. And you're kind of sweet too, but I haven't really thought much about you, I'm afraid to say. Though I am sort of glad you worry about me and Sleek," he woofed back.

I sighed. It seemed like the pitt was right all along. That no one would come to help, and if Vicky was right, even Jimmy couldn't even if he wanted to. Flash must have heard me.

"It'll be alright, kid, if it's like they say. Just a needle prick in your foreleg and then you drift off to sleep...."

"But what about our families, our humans. Or the ones that would want to have us in thier lives?" I whined.

"I don't know. I wish I did. I wish I could nuzzle my master one last time. I wish I could share an intimate moment with Sleek..." he looked back, and since she didn't say anything, either she was outside or sleeping, or both. "There's so many things, but... it's not like we have the choice. We're good dogs, and good dogs go where humans tell us, do what humans tell us, and it's up to us to protect them, their lands, their belongings, and to be with them as long as we can."

"Yeah... I know," I woofed quietly.

"What happened to all the "Something good can happen" stuff, pup? Reality come smack you in the face?" the pitt padded back in, woofing his snide remark.

"Something good still can happen. I just... wish I knew if it would," I woofed quietly back.

Soon all the other dogs were clamoring at their gates and barking, so I knew someone was coming. I sighed and managed to horse myself up onto all fours, but I was sure my face showed that I wasn't in the best of moods.

It was a young couple, about like the couple that thought the pittbull was theirs, only with out kids. Jimmy was leading them down the aisle as they looked into the runs one after the other, then I saw her - a blonde girl about their height towing a large Dane behind her. They stopped at the run next to mine and she led him into it, unclipped his leash, and shut the gate behind her.

"Are you sure you'll find King a home? We really hate to get rid of him, but the building just turned co-op and he certainly doesn't fall under their weight requirement." The man was in dress-casual clothes, but rather spiffy, and the woman was in a very nice dress. Their teenage daughter piped up. "But I said I'd take him."

"Jacki, you know you can't have a dog in a college dorm room, and you'd never be able to afford an apartment near campus even if one allowed dogs his size," the woman gently chided her.

"We'll try to find a place for him, Mr. Baxter. It might not be too difficult, but nothing is ever guaranteed around here." Jimmy smiled as best he could, but it was a strained smile nonetheless. He knew that just a half-hour before the lab that occupied that run finally got picked up by his owner, after a long squabble with Tom about things.

"Well, he's pedigreed, here's his papers. Do I sign them over to the county or how is it done?" The man pulled an envelope out of his back pocket and unclipped a pen from the v-neck of his polo shirt.

"No, sir... AKC won't register an animal once it's been in the shelter system. Sort of like chain of evidence and all, though... different." Jimmy smiled. "I...." he seemed to be thinking as he looked at the trio.

The man seemed to pick up on something. "Well, I'll just leave them with you, then. Please see that he gets a good home." He then put his hand on Jimmy's shoulder and whispered something in his ear that even I couldn't hear. The two women were wiggling their fingers through the wire petting King for the last time, but I caught Jimmy's smile and he nodded. "Sure thing, Mr. Baxter. I... think that could happen."

Mr. Baxter patted Jimmy on the back. "Good lad. Now ladies? Shall we? We don't want to be late." And even through the din as he brushed past Jimmy he murmured "Check the envelope."

They were down the aisle and around the corner before Jimmy came to his senses and looked. First he read the front, then flipped it over to open it. That's when I read "Baxter Security Specialists" as the return address on the envelope.

Inside were tri-folded several AKC papers, a couple other papers and two little green slips of paper that fluttered out down to the floor as he unfolded the paperwork. I moved forward and sniffed the air. I knew that smell... it was the same smell as similar green slips of paper they used to pay for things.

"Wow..." Jimmy lifted up the two crisp $100 bills before he heard the door thunk shut and the heavy footfalls. "So what'd those yuppie fuckers want? Dumped off a dog, didn't they?" bellowed Tom.

"Yes, a nice harlequin Dane... show material." Jimmy commented, refolding the papers, stuffing them and the envelope in his own back pocket.

Tom clomped up and sneered at the Dane, who barked warningly at him. "Red tag him. Vicious. We'll do him with the next batch since we need the space."

When Jimmy turned around to look at the Dane again, who had stopped barking, Tom saw the papers sticking out of Jimmy's back pocket. "Whatcha got here, pantywaste?" he said and swiftly snagged them out of Jimmy's pocket.

"Hey! Those aren't yours! Give them back!" Jimmy spun around and grabbed for the papers, which Tom held up at arm's length.

"Oh, no you don't! You're going behind my back to do something, I can tell!" Tom sneered and stepped back. Unfortunately, it was close enough to the pitt's run for him to get a good hold of the tail of Tom's shirt, which was sticking out as usual.

Tom quickly realized his shirt was caught on something, and upon seeing what that something was he lost concentration on tormenting Jimmy and got severely pissed off at the pitbull.

"You little fucker! You tore my shirt!" Tom dropped his hands and Jimmy grabbed his papers back while Tom drew back the bolt on the gate and gave the pitt a swift kick in the ribs, sending the dog flying. Bastard... one more thing like that and I'll do you right away!" Tom sneered.

"Mr. Dolphin... you know you're not authorized to do that sort of thing. Besides, what would Commissioner Arneson say. He's sending his daughter down here to help out this coming Thursday... and you certainly wouldn't want to make a bad impression on her, would you?" Jimmy asked.

Tom swung around, fire in his eyes as he sneered at Jimmy. "You think you're getting in good with the Arneys, huh? You little fucker... this whole goddamned mess would fall apart with soft-hearted saps like you dumb fuckers wanting to save everything rather than doing what needs to be done. Bah! If that old fuddy wasn't a county commissioner I'd have told him just where to stick his ideas a long time ago! Goddamned fruity soft-hearted wussy pantywaste dumbass motherfuckers....." Tom ranted as he stomped down the aisle, around the corner and banged the door shut so hard that the safety on the closer popped loudly.

Jimmy just shrugged and smiled. He got Tom pissed off enough that....

The Dane and I both perked our ears as we heard the truck engine rev to life and then roar down the driveway. Jimmy laughed. "Well, that takes care of him for awhile. I feel sorry for whoever has the misfortune of running into him before he calms down." Jimmy then knelt before the run gate of King. He opened the gate and King moved forward. Jimmy sighed. "Sorry, buddy, but Tom's right... you'll end up going with the rest of the short-timers in a couple days. But... it won't be so bad.... it'll be alright." Jimmy fuzzled the Dane's head and sighed. "I wonder...."

* * * * *

That night was to be the Dane's night with Jimmy, and though he let me out of my run, I didn't go with him. I only padded down to Vicky's run and lay up against the wire with her until Jimmy had us get back to start the day.

The next day seemed to go like all the rest. Some people coming through, some dogs coming in and going right back out. Others finding new homes and leaving, only to be replaced by more with Tom and the truck. Thankfully none were injured by his actions as Max had been, but I was dreading that night... that final night.

Soon enough feeding time came, and Jimmy dutifully did his job and petted us all as he did so. Tom clomped through for his final check, jiggled the lock on Max's gate to make sure it was closed tight and then tromped back down the aisle, the lights clicked off, and the door shut.

I didn't snooze this time. I was too awake. Too worried. Not too sad, really, but too worried about things to snooze.

Soon Jimmy made his appearance like he did nearly every night, and let me out. "I guess tonight's our final night together here, pup..." he said as he petted me. King woofed once in his run, so Jimmy let him out to join us. As we padded down the aisle, I noticed Flash and Sleek in their runs, so I stopped and whined. They raised their heads.

"Would you like to come with us?" I woofed softly.

"To do what?" Sleek asked.

"Sleep in a real room, on a couch or on carpet. Well, not much of a carpet but it's still carpet. And you'd get to be together with no wire keeping you apart..." I woofed softly.

Jimmy had noticed I'd stopped so he came back to see what was up. I looked up to him and whined. "Them too? Well... so long as you all don't cause a ruckus." He smiled and drew the bolts to their gates, letting them swing open too.

"Thank you," Flash softly woofed as they padded out. I yipped again when I reached Vicky's gate. This time Jimmy didn't ask but simply turned on his head and drew the bolt to her gate too.

Off we went, Jimmy in the lead, then King, Flash and Sleek side by side, matching steps as though they had always been that way, and Vicky and I making up the rear. Jimmy stopped by the room and got some stuff, then we went to the introduction room. While it seemed rather large with just him and I, with Jimmy, a Dane, and four other dogs it seemed a whole lot smaller, but Vicky and I jumped up onto one of the sofas to curl up together, King climbed onto the other, and Jimmy laid out some things on the desk before shutting the door.

"Well... seems we have quite a group. I've done things with Goober and King, but not you two..." he said, fuzzling the huskies.

"I think Flash wants to mate Sleek, hon." Vicky softly woofed to me in her sweet voice. I looked up to see that Flash already had his nose under Sleek's tail. I looked to Jimmy to see his reaction.

Jimmy was smiling. "Well, that tells me what you two want to do. But we can't have you making puppies if she's in heat."

"Flash, stop it. You're embarrasing us. And you know it's not time...." Sleek whimpered a little, clearly embarrassed by the whole situation.

Jimmy, for his part, reached between the two and cupped Sleek's vulva, feeling it and then sticking his fingertip inside her. She stiffened up as he did that, but then relaxed as he withdrew agian. He sniffed his fingertip.

"Well, you're not in heat, but clearly you don't mind Flash wanting to mate you... soo...." he scooted over to where he'd put some stuff on the desk and came back with a little foil packet.

Flash seemed surprised as Jimmy grasped his sheath and started moving it the same way he had with me that first night.

"It'll be good, just go with it," I woofed to him quietly.

Flash looked at me in disbelief but soon he wanted to hump, just as I had. But instead of guiding him to grip his shoulders, Jimmy let Flash mount Sleek the way dogs should do when mating. Jimmy did something between them, then grabbed the white tube. A splut was heard and then Sleek yelped as Flash pressed himself deep into her and started humping furiously.

"He's!... I'm!... We're!...." Disbelief was clearly written across her face, among the many other emotions and sensations of the mating, likely her first. Flash's face showed the concentration he had, intent on breeding his mate, to make her have puppies even though it wasn't the right time. To connect himself with her in the eternal bond of the tie.

"Do you think you'd like to....?" I asked Vicky as she lay against me.

"You mean you'd... really? I mean we're not even the same breed. And I... never...." she stammered.

"I never mated either. At least not yet." I smiled tenderly as I woofed softly to her.

She shook her head. "That's not what I was meaning. I never... had someone... want to protect me like you've said you wanted to. To care for me like you have... to... want to mate me. I.... never thought...." she whimpered, but we both stood up.

Jimmy had been occupying himself with the Dane, the same way he had the first night with me. There was something round and plastic sticking out from the Dane's tailhole as his very large member was encased in that thin whatever, his cock clearly throbbing and his tailhole wiggling as he came heavily and quickly, gripping Jimmy's shoulders.

"You two too, huh?" Jimmy chuckled as the Dane turned. "Well, hang on a few minutes until King here settles out a bit, then we'll get you set up and going."

Meanwhile Flash and Sleek had knotted, with Sleek whimpering like she was being ripped apart from the inside. Vicky looked at her with concern, and then looked to me. "Mating hurts a lot?"

"Hurts...." Sleek whined, "... but also feels..... amazing."

"Yeah... amazing..." Flash panted as he turned to face the opposite direction. It was then that I saw a bit of that thin cover on his maleness too, where it showed outside of Sleek's stretched and slightly-reddened femaleness.

Vicky looked at me, and I smiled at her. "Do you still want to try?" I asked. She swallowed hard and nodded. "For you, I would do almost anything."

My heart just melted and I nuzzled her lovingly. My beautiful Vicky... my sweet maiden, willing to give her most precious part to me, out of heat no less, and while we faced a very uncertain future...... she loved me.

Jimmy was soon at my side, rubbing my sheath. I mounted Vicky and soon felt him slide me out of my sheath and into the thin thing. A splut sound and I felt a bit of coolness at the tip of my maleness, then he guided me to Vicky's female parts.

"Are you sure, hon? It'll probably hurt some...." I asked as I wobbled just at her entrance.

She braced herself. "Mate me, my beloved. Make me yours while we still have the chance." She grunted and then yelped as I broke her barrier and thrust deep within her.

I was gripping her hips, humping rapidly when I heard her grunt out. "Tie me... make me yours forever." That was more than I needed and indeed, soon my knot swelled within her and I began to ejaculate deep in her inside. I was surprised by this pssht pssht pssht sound as I knotted her and she barked out her orgasm. The thing Jimmy had slid into my rump while I was mating was growing... knotting up inside me just as I was knotting inside Vicky. I looked to Jimmy as he knelt there holding this red squeezebulb on the end of a red tube.

"That's it, Goober... it's the inflatible knotting you, letting you feel what Vicky is feeling. I'll stop before it hurts... but it feels different, doesn't it? Interesting... enjoyable?"

I stoped thrusting but remained on Vicky's back as we were tied. He was right... it didn't hurt... it felt good... it felt like I was in myself but yet in Vicky all at the same time. I dropped down and swung my leg over... It DID feel good. I smiled as I panted there, the toy knotted in my ass as I stood knotted into Vicky.

Jimmy moved to snuggle behind King on the couch, and Flash and Sleek had laid down to rest, still tied as well.

"Think we... can do that..., honey...? Or... maybe... make it... up on the... couch... and lay... down...?" I asked Vicky between pants, nodding to where Flash and Sleek lay.

"You go first... I'm a little... taller than you... so I don't want... to hurt... you pulling you... up...," Vicky panted back.

I started moving, Vicky wobbling along stiltedly behind me, backwards, as I got my forepaws up on the sofa, then one hindpaw. It hurt when I tugged to get my other hindpaw up but didn't hurt as bad when she got one hindfoot up top. The other hindfoot and her front made it quite readily with her just sort of flumping onto the sofa as her front drew up level. I laid down too, facing Jimmy and smiled.... Here I was, tied with my new mate, new friends now allowed to be lovers lay mated just beneath me, and Jimmy having shown King the kindness he showed me my first night here.

I sighed happily as I dozed off... even if this was my last night... I would be glad for all I had experienced, even in this place.