That First Step, How Everything Began

Story by Jeremiah_Nightwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Jaden's Big Journey

No one knows me very well. Well those who've read my Pokemon story do but I digress. I hope my first work in... well a long time is adequate. It turned out to be a hell of a long chapter for me but I'm sure some have seen longer. The yiff scene is much longer then anything I've written before. I do hope those of you who get their jollies from stories like it.

Warning: The following is an obligatory warning meant for persons under the legal age of their respective areas, if you know you're old enough or don't give a damn please avoid reading this none sense... All persons under legal age should avoid reading this story so that their minds aren't corrupted. I, and our illustrious leaders: the creators and guardians of Yiffstar, will not be held responsible for any mental damages done to the world's youth. This work contains acts of sex involving animal like beings. If you're balls haven't dropped yet... go the fuck away!

Have a nice day! ^_^

All characters and ideas seen are (c)Jeremiah_Nightwolf



As the sun rose, its rays began to creep across the floors of the upper levels of the buildings on old Oak Road. Our attention falls onto one specific house: number 274, owned by a Mr. Jaden Stone. He always slept in unless he had an important appointment, so there he was, looking like a lump, under two blankets. Jaden wasn't much of a guy; he was just on the line between over weight and average, his muscles were hidden beneath a layer of fat and the last relationship he had was back in high school. Mind you he wasn't picky he just didn't have the courage to ask someone out. He worked at the post office sorting out mail at night, it wasn't a big bread winning position but it kept scraps on the table.

Jaden moaned in his sleep as the sun that had made its way across the room shone brilliantly on his face. Try as he did he just couldn't get back to sleep so he sat up and stretched. After arriving home at 5 AM he couldn't bring himself to shower before passing out in his comfortable bed. He still wore most of his uniform, minus his shoes of course. He looked down at himself and rubbed his head with his hand as he wondered how he even made it to bed. All he remembered was clambering into his apartment in the dark and stumbling around for a few minutes. Suddenly he heard a faint buzzing noise and his attention slowly turned to his bed stand where his cell phone laid.

He reached over and flipped open the small device to check what he had received. He'd missed two calls and had five text messages from the same person: his best friend Dane.

"Damn Dane, you wanted my attention bad... All the texts are asking where I am... dumb ass. I'll see him tonight at work, no need to rush contact with his crazy behind. Besides, he's probably just getting to bed now." Jaden spoke to himself.

He set the phone back down on the stand and turned so his legs hung off the edge of the bed. He pulled off his uniform shirt and tossed it aside into one of the many piles followed by his undershirt and uniform pants. There he sat in nothing but his boxers and a pair of old crew socks. After a few moments of yawning and stretching he noticed a strange feeling in his groin. As he looked down he saw that his boxers were tented with the shape of his penis, fully erect and begging for attention.

"Well, well... what do we have here? Seems I may have had a better dream than I can remember. I've got to do something about this or I'll never be able to get on with the day." Jaden said as he reached to the waist of his boxers and removed them.

As the cool air of the morning encompassed his fleshy tower, Jaden shuddered with delight. He grasped the very base of his shaft and slid his fingers and palm slowly up along the skin until his index finger met the underside of its head. After gently rubbing at the sensitive peak he moved his hand back down until it hit the base and began pumping in a slow rhythmic fashion. He then took his other hand and cupped his balls; he gently began rubbing them with his thumb and fingers. He moaned softly as his shaft pulsed and rocked in his grip. Every so often he'd run his thumb over the tip eliciting another moan of ecstasy from him.

After about five minutes of pumping and caressing, the tip of his shaft began leaking out clear lubricating fluids that greatly improved his hand's ability to glide across his skin. Moans began floating about the room regularly as the tension in his balls became stronger. His member was twitching by then and pre had begun to flow regularly rather than in small bubbles. Jaden quickened his pace and began to pump harder as the pleasure was building up to the finale. All at once everything exploded as he came, his seed shot out across the room with force landing on the floor. Jaden groaned as he pumped the last few drops of cum from his pipe and sighed in relief.

"Man... I'm going to have to clean that up later... but it was worth it."

Meanwhile somewhere unknown...

"So how's our candidate doing this morning?" Someone said, their voice resonating from darkness.

"He's fine. He just finished 'relieving' himself and is in the shower now." Another voice responded, its owner sitting in front of a console looking at a computer screen. Though light is coming from the screen the face of this man isn't visible in the slightest.

"Good, keep a close eye on him. Today is the day his life changes forever..."

Back at Jaden's...

After getting out of the shower and getting dressed in his usual pair of jeans and white t-shirt, Jaden went to his kitchen. He looked through his refrigerator and realizing he had no food he sighed to himself and sat down at his table.

"Now what do I do, I'm about as broke as can be and I have no food..." He said to himself.

Finally he decided to just skip his weekly visit to the bar on Friday and spend some money on food. He fetched his wallet with fifty dollars in it, his keys and left his house to go to the diner down the street from his apartment building. After a few minutes of walking he saw the large sign on the roof of the diner, "Jenna's." Jenna was the daughter of the original owner of the diner. Jaden knew her well because when they were kids they lived next door to one another. Now, she owned the diner and Jaden could usually get a discount on breakfast for being a "valued customer."

As he walked in the door a small bell rang which drew the attention of most of the customers at the counter. Since everyone knew him well he was barraged with a volley of "hellos" and "sups." He walked up to the counter and grabbed a menu to quickly hide his face.

"Jaden it's no use, I already know you're there." A young woman who walked up from behind the counter said. She was a real beauty. She stood at about 5'4 and her dark brown hair ran down her back to just above her buttocks. Her eyes were an amazing jade green. She was very well kept in every aspect, looking almost like a goddess.

"Aw man, how you always know it's me, Jenna?!" Jaden demanded.

"Well thanks to your welcoming committee..." Jenna said as she glanced at the men at the counter, "... it's pretty easy to know you're coming."

Jaden pouted playfully as they both laughed, "Ahh... so what's up, how've things been lately?

"Things have been pretty good, I'm still in business right?" Jenna replied as she pulled out a pad and pen, "So what's your desire this time?

"Just give me the usual... add a couple pieces of toast." He replied.

"Sure... So where you been? I've missed my Wolfie!" Jenna cooed. Jaden was once nicknamed Wolf when it was found out that he was a member of a furry fan club. Someone from the club called out to him and asked about his Fursona, a few of his friends heard the conversation and decided to call him Wolf.

"You know, sorting out people's junk mail." He said as he wiped a few crumbs off the counter in front of him.

"Ah... Oh excuse me..." Jenna said as she walked over to another customer and filled up his coffee mug with fresh brew. Jaden watched her walk away, her hips always swayed just right to seduce his mind. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her bend down to pick up a spoon off the floor.

"My god she is so..." Jaden began but stopped when she walked towards him.

"What am I?" She asked.


"You said 'my god she is so' then stopped. What am I?" She asked again, a slight smirk formed on her face.

"Oh uhh... you're so... nice! Yeah that's what I was saying. You're so nice..." He said as he laughed nervously.

She merely shook her head and laughed, "You're going to get poked with a fork one of these days if you don't learn to lie better."

Jaden laughed at her before she went back into the kitchen to check on the cooks. He watched her leave and sighed to himself. If he could ask any woman out it would be Jenna. When they were kids he used to race her home from school, she always won too. Every day they would do home work together and then go to the park for an hour talking near the swings. When they reached high school they had a sort of falling out. Jenna became beautiful and joined the swim and soft ball teams. Jaden got into video games and joined the list of absents every other day. When it came time for prom Jaden asked her to go but she was already taken by the schools best foot ball player and biggest jerk. Turns out that the jock was only dating her to get into her pants and when he made the mistake of trying he was left in the woods somewhere. Soon after graduation they both went to the local community college. Jenna majored in business management and Jaden majored in failing classes. It was during college that Jaden realized how he felt about Jenna but he knew she was destined for big things and decided not to get in her way.

"Order up, hot stuff!" Jenna yelled as she came out of the kitchen with his plate of food and set it down.

"Thanks a lot Jenna." He replied as he took a napkin and stuffed it inside his shirt.

"Hey Jaden..." Jenna said as she leaned on the counter.

"Mmmhmm?" Jaden hummed through a mouthful of eggs which he gulped down.

"I've been wondering if maybe... you'd like to go out sometime for a cup of coffee... somewhere other than my diner." She asked him with a small pink tint forming on her cheeks.

"Why? Tired of seeing me come here and stinking up the place?" He replied with a laugh.

An elderly man walking by stops and smacks the back of his head hard, "Moron! She's asking you out on a date!" He said before turning and walking out of the diner.

"Damn... old bastard... wait, really?" He says as he looks up at Jenna who is holding back laughter.

"Yes Jaden, I was asking you out." She replies with a smile.

Jaden could barely believe his ears. Jenna was the most beautiful woman in town and she wanted to go out with him?! His dreams since college were coming true at long last and he had a face dripping with eggs. Of all the times for this to happen! But he wasn't about to complain to fate about something as trivial as timing. No, he had to act now and that's exactly what he did.

"...Sure. When and where?" He asked doing what he could to stay cool.

"Really? You want to go out with me? Oh ok then um... how about tomorrow morning we meet up at the new café downtown?" She asks as she looks at him with eager eyes.

"Sure thing!" Jaden said as he smiled. Finally things were looking up for him...

Later after Jaden finished his breakfast he decided to just go home and plan out his clothes for the date the next day. His mind was totally absorbed in what had just happened. The love of his life just asked him out! Sure it was just coffee, but every big journey starts with a small step, right?

Just as he turned a corner he ran into two rather tall men in long black coats and hoods. He was just about to say excuse me when they both grabbed one of his arms. Jaden quickly punched both men in the stomach and jumped back. The two men fall back a few steps then looked at each other as if they were stunned. Jaden took this opportunity to make a run for it past them and down the street. His pursuers ran after him a few seconds after but couldn't keep up, or they weren't trying to. Jaden had turned a corner and quickly ducked into an alley, he hid beside an old dumpster next to a cat. When the two men finally caught up they stopped near the entrance of the alley he was hiding in. He held his breath trying not to make a sound. Unfortunately for him his foot moved a few inches and kicked a can out of the alley attracting the attention of the two hooded strangers. His heart sank as he heard foot steps enter the alley. What was he going to do now? Why were these guys even after him? He didn't owe anyone money. He even pays his taxes! As the two men got closer, the cat beside him got up and ran out of the alley growling and hissing at them making them jump. One of the men sounded as if he growled back at the cat and they ran out of the alley after the animal.

Jaden jumped up and watched them chase the cat down the street. Once they were out of sight he ran home. People he passed watch him run by, some of them waving to say hello but he just kept running without a thought about his surroundings. Who were those strange hooded men? And why the hell did they chase after that cat?! Jaden shook his head of these useless thoughts and focused on getting home. When he reached his apartment building he ran upstairs to his room and quickly unlocked the door after dropping his keys three times. When the door swung open he looked in his apartment and the keys dropped out of his hand down to the floor once again. There, standing in a semi circle around his apartment were a dozen more men dressed in black coats and hoods.

"Hello Jaden, we've been waiting for you..."

Jaden then fell to the floor and blacked out...

Hours later Jaden woke up and opened his eyes. He could barely see because of a blinding light hovering over him. As he looked to the side he saw what he thought was a security desk. There was a chair and a table and a large number of computer monitors embedded into the wall displaying lists of numbers and illegible sentences. He moaned as he tried sitting up but his body wouldn't budge. Actually, his hands and feet could move but he just couldn't sit up. He was strapped down, a fact that suddenly struck Jaden in the head like a ton of bricks causing him to panic. Who wouldn't, except those freaks on the internet of course? Just then a very familiar voice met his ears.

"Please try to calm yourself Jaden; those belts won't hurt unless you keep trying to get out of them." The voice said. It was a female voice, very light and beautiful. Strangely the tone of the voice calmed Jaden right down and he relaxed a bit.

"W-where am I?" He asked.

"You are safe. That is all you need to know for now. I am going to give you a shot in your arm, it will only sting. After you will sleep and when you wake you will learn who you are..." She said.

Jaden was about to protest when suddenly a sharp pain shot through his arm making him writhe in discomfort before blacking out once again.

"That's right, sleep. Soon you will become what you were destined to be..." The woman said as she left the room and turned off the lights.

Days later, Jaden finally woke up from his comatose state and moaned out. As he opened his eyes they were met with darkness at first. Soon he began seeing light and then color as he stared up at the ceiling. His body then began to revive as his muscles slowly tensed up and relaxed one after another. First his neck, then his shoulders, his back, his chest, his stomach, his lower back, his thighs, his calves, his feet and then his tail... his tail?! Jaden shot up out of the bed he was in and glanced around looking for something with a reflection. Then he spotted a button on a wall and he pushed it, a portion of the wall slid into the floor almost making him forget all about his problem. Then after he felt it again he ran into the new room and saw that it was a rather fancy looking bathroom.

He ran in and looked around. He finally saw a mirror on the wall above a weird looking sink and ran to it. When he got there he looked at himself and went strangely silent. Suddenly, and without any fore warning, he screamed at the top of his lungs until he ran out of breath. In his reflection there stood a 6 foot tall monster. His once human head was replaced by what looked like a dog's. Two silvery-gray furred ears stood on either side of his head and his nose and mouth were much longer than before and also covered in fur. His chest and stomach were a little less furry but showed off nicely toned muscles that Jaden never knew existed. He turned and looked at his back, sure enough there was a long furry tail attached to his backside just above his buttocks. As he admired his new appendage he then grimaced and turned around to face the mirror again. Hesitatingly, he looked down and saw that his once average manhood was replaced by an 8 inch sheath and a set of large balls covered in the same silvery fur as the rest of his body. His jaw dropped as he looked at himself.

"I'm a dog...? I'm a dog! Damn it I'm a dog! A rather well kept dog... but a dog none the less! How am I supposed to explain this to my folks? To the world?! I am in such deep shit..." He said to himself.

"You're not a dog, Jaden. You are a wolf." A voice from behind him said.

Jaden turned and looked at his guest. There in the doorway stood a woman in a dark blue, skin tight one piece outfit. At least it looked like a woman at first. As he focused on her face he saw that it was brown and smooth like scales. On the top of her head were circle designs that reminded him of something. Her face was rounded and she had no distinct lips. He looked at her neck and noticed a very light portion of skin that had lines going horizontally. She was a snake!

"You're a..." He stuttered.

"I'm what you would refer to as a snake. I know it may be difficult to grasp at first but after a while you will become used to it." She said.

Jaden blinks as he looks at her, he then looks back at himself in the mirror, "I'm so confused... I don't even know where to begin asking questions..."

"Do not fear Jaden, all you may need to know will soon be taught to you. I have been ordered to supervise your teaching. Please get dressed and follow me." She replied as she pressed a button on the wall making a drawer emerge from the counter next to Jaden. He looked down and saw a one piece suit of the same color as the woman's.

Jaden quickly dressed into the suit, a slight blush formed under his cheek fur after realizing he was naked. It fit him a bit more loosely than it did the snake woman. After admiring himself in the mirror he left the bathroom with the woman and followed her out of the room he woke up in. As they walked into the hall Jaden gasped. The window across from his room showed nothing but darkness sprinkled with little white specks. He was in space?!

"Hey... whoever you are. Are we...?" He began.

"My name is Azul. And yes we are in space. Now come, to my chambers." Azul said as she walked off down the hall with Jaden on her tail... in a matter of speaking.

As they walked they passed by many people, or animals he guessed. Two more serpent-like beings similar to Azul, one that resembled a cat and a rather attractive vixen each passed by them and glanced at Jaden. He had no idea how to feel about their looks. On the inside he was still human and it felt weird having all these animals looking at him. Would he really be able to adjust to what has befallen him? Of course not! At least that's what he thought anyway. Finally Azul stopped next to a door similar to the one of his own room. She placed her hand on a portion of wall and a voice called out welcoming Azul to her quarters.

"Azul... what on earth is going on here? I'm not ready for this, I..." He said before she placed her smooth fingers over his lips.

"The time for answers is now upon us. Have a seat with me and I will do my best to sooth your aching soul." She replied as she sat in a rather comfy looking chair in what Jaden could only assume was her living room.

Jaden sat down and took a deep breath, "Alright... Where am I?"

"You are now aboard the Azealus. It is an S-Rank naval vessel of the planetary defense force." She replied as she folded her hand in her lap.

"Planetary defense... What planet?" He inquired.

"Why, the planet Furicia. It is my home world as well as the home of every person on this ship... apart from you Jaden Stone." She said.

"Furicia... How do you know my name? And how did you know where I live?"

"Our scientists have been keeping watch over you for some time. Every moment of your life has been captured on spheres for the past year. They needed to study you to see if their hypothesis was right." She explained.

"What hypothesis?" He asked.

"They have been developing a serum that will change any sentient being into one of us depending on his habits and life style. They needed to find the perfect being possible on your planet. They found you."

"Why me, I'm just a failure and an under achiever. I don't think I'm very perfect." He said as he looked down into his lap.

"Oh really...? Then explain why you have done what the others we brought could not. You have successfully transformed into one of our kind. That can only mean that within you beats the heart of a true wolf. We'd hoped for someone to at least change successfully so we knew our research had not been in vein. Little did we know we'd found exactly what we needed." She finished as she smiled.

"What's that exactly?" He asked as he looked back up at her.

"We found our new leader..."

Jaden stood up and laughed nervously. He then started pacing around the room mumbling to him self. They want him to be a leader? Oh hell no! Why him? Why not someone like the president, or Samuel L. Jackson? Were they out of the furry little minds?! He wasn't the type to lead anyone anywhere. For crying out loud he had a hard enough time with strategy based video games! First they turn him into a mutant astronaut dog, sorry... wolf, and then they tell him he's going to be their leader? Talk about a rude awakening! No, he couldn't do it. No way in hell!

"So... will you accept the responsibility, Jaden Stone?" Azul asked as she stood up and faced him.

"I will think on it... please give me some time." He replied.

"Fair enough, for now though I would like to run you though a series of physical and mental examinations. Come!" She said as she strode out of the room, Jaden soon followed.

From then on Jaden suffered through a series of mental assessment tests. Math, reading, writing, memory, listening skills and logic exams were held during the first half of his assessment. As he finished each exam the scientists, most of them resembling owls and others looking distinctly like dolphins, would look at each other in amazement. According to his scores he was exceptionally gifted. Jaden could barely believe it himself. In school he was the one who got called on by the teacher when he wasn't paying attention. Sure everyone always said that if he tried he'd probably find out he was a genius, but don't they say that kind of stuff to everybody? The part that surprised him the most though was how quickly each answer appeared in his mind. It was like he knew everything! Maybe it had something to do with the weird serum that changed his body...

After one final calculus exam, which he also amazingly aced, it was then time for his physical exams. First was the worst type of physical activity: endurance running. When he heard the words come out of the beak of one of the scientists he almost died. He ran like a chicken! Well he did as he was told and started running on a sort of in floor treadmill. About a half hour passed and he felt nothing. He wasn't tired at all; it was almost like he had just started. Another two hours pass and the scientists decide to stop the test for the sake of time. In all honesty most of them wanted to keep poor Jaden running but alas, time was indeed of the essence. Next was a strength exam. Jaden was instructed to lift as much as he thought he could. At first he only applied an even one hundred twenty pounds. With a heave the bar was lifted above his head as if it were nothing. Again both the egg headed owls, and Jaden himself, were excited and amazed at the capabilities of the silver wolf.

Jaden quickly placed the bar down and added another fifty pounds to the one twenty. This weight too was like lifting a small child. It wasn't until he added enough for a total of four hundred eighty five that the weight was difficult to lift. The scientists were extremely satisfied with his results. Not only did he meet their expectations, he surpassed them greatly. As they all went back to their stations to study the results of their observations, Azul joined him in the testing area and clapped her hands.

"My, my Jaden... you have definitely changed well." Azul said to him with a smile.

"I know it's amazing. I feel as if I could do anything..." He replied as he looked down at himself and clenched his fists.

"You can do anything Jaden; you just have to believe you can." She added as she walked up to him.

"Believe... I've always been told that but... I never took it seriously."

Azul merely smiled at his naïveté, "Now that we have tested almost every aspect of your transformation I would like to perform one final examination."

Jaden stood up straight and looked her in the eyes, "I'm ready for anything."

Azul laughed lightly and beckoned him to follow as she exited the exam chambers. They walked slowly back down the same halls as before until they reached Azul's personal quarters. Once inside, Azul had Jaden take a seat in one of her lounge chairs as before while she walked into a room to the side. Jaden took this time to get a better look at her room. The walls were white like the rest of the ship. Jaden himself was sitting in one of three chairs all surrounding a short... coffee table? Off to the side stood what appeared to be a bar but he felt that somehow the drinks he was familiar with weren't available. Near the back of what you could call Azul's apartment was a bed, probably queen sized but god only knows what these aliens would call it. The blankets were light blue and the pillows were white to match. If Jaden didn't know he was in space he'd have thought he was in a fancy hotel or new-aged dormitory. Just then Azul returned through the door and cleared her throat.

When Jaden turned to see his jaw dropped wide open. Azul had abandoned her navy blue suit for something a bit more comfortable. She stood by the door in a lacy, white, see through gown that flowed down to just above her knees. He could see every inch of her body apart from the most intimate areas. Her chest was clad in a white bra that looked as if it were ordered from a Victoria's Secret catalog. As he looked down her body his eyes stopped on her panties that matched her bra. His breath had left him by now and his heart was racing. Wait... was he getting turned on?

"Don't mind me, I've been restricted to that ghastly suit for days and I wanted a little air. I hope you are comfortable." Azul said as she walked over behind the "bar."

"Oh yes very comfortable. I really like the layout of your... apartment?" He said unsure of what to call her quarters.

She laughed as she poured two cups of a blue liquid for them, "Yes we call this an apartment. Do you like ice with your drinks?"

Jaden nodded to her as he continued to eye up her body, "I thought you knew everything about me, Azul."

"Yes but only from this past earth year. During that time you spent no time at public drinking houses. You instead spent most of your time working and masturbating to pictures you viewed on your computer." She said as she brought the two glasses over and sat opposite to Jaden after handing him one of them.

"I... wow. Now I wish I had just gone out..." He replied as he looked at the blue liquid that sort of glowed when he sloshed it around.

Azul giggled which made Jaden double take. From her usual appearance she didn't seem the type to laugh much, let alone giggle. Was there more to this scaly beauty than met the eye? Jaden could only speculate...

"Worry not about the past, Jaden. We do not judge a man by his private habits but by his willingness to take up his own responsibilities. We've seen you do this many a time; you've even done so when the responsibility was not yours. By our standards you are a great man, one with enormous potential... and great stamina." She concluded as she glanced at him, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Jaden blushed greatly under his cheek fur. Not only did she know of his past sessions... she knew how long he lasted. Now we've seen how long he can last when he just wants to release his morning load. But how long could he really last? Well according to the look on Azul's face that was probably pretty long. Jaden never really thought about it much...

"Heh... I suppose if anyone knows about that you would. But perhaps we should discuss something else now; I'm a bit shy when it comes to that sort of thing..." Jaden said.

Azul set her glass down on the small table and stood up, "Jaden you are far too modest and shy around women. But it makes you all the more attractive..."

She advanced toward him and sat on his lap. Jaden didn't know what to think; everything was happening way too fast for him. Azul set her hands on his shoulders and ran them down to his chest as she smiled at him, her eyes full of passion that made Jaden shiver slightly. Suddenly she leaned closer to him and pressed her lips to his muzzle kissing him with everything she had. It felt magical to Jaden, almost electric and he merely melted as his eyes shut. Just when Jaden thought it couldn't get any better he felt something slither its way into his mouth. It moved skillfully past his lips and wrapped itself around his own tongue and wrestled with it. Jaden was in heaven by now and his tense muscles relaxed tremendously. Now let's get this out of the way; Jaden is not new to the French kiss. He is merely new to the amazing skill and ability of a snake's tongue.

Jaden's breaths weren't very steady anymore, he was actually panting a bit. That's when Azul finally broke the kiss and pulled away, her long forked tongue slithering out of his maw as it unraveled from his. She gazed at him with the same mischievous look in her eyes as before and he quickly caught his breath. It was like she had complete control over him. As Jaden's eyes were transfixed on her she stood up and backed off a bit. Jaden felt a bit disappointed at first but he soon became quite pleased again as Azul slowly removed her see through gown. Once it was over her head and on the floor she advanced again and started swaying her hips. She looked utterly sexy for a reptile and Jaden could feel himself growing rather hot under his neck fur. As she got closer she bent over a bit and placed her hands on his knees. She then dipped down low and rubbed her body along his crotch as she stood up. That was the last bit of teasing Jaden really needed to get him excited.

He looked down and saw the shape of his penis through his suit. It was a nice even 10 inches by now and very hard. He shivered as he moved a bit and his shaft rubbed against the material of the suit. Azul also took notice of his package and her eyes opened wide. From the look on her face, she'd never met anyone as endowed as Jaden was now. As her body grew more aware of his excitement she too became aroused and her lacy panties became wet with desire. Jaden was far too excited with himself to notice any of this however, and it was even more of a shock when he noticed Azul was right in front of him with her hands on his shoulders. He didn't jump; he merely looked up at her and smiled. Suddenly, his suit was ripped off of him like tissue paper and there he was, naked as a jay bird, with his ten inch long dick poking out of his sheath.

Azul kneeled down onto her knees in front of him and looked him in the eyes. Jaden couldn't look away; it was as if she had him under a spell. It was now that he noticed her eyes for the first time. They were large, beautiful icy blue eyes. As he was entranced by her wondrous eyes, she took the initiative and ran her hands through his fur. She smiled at how amazingly soft it was. Her hands moved along his legs to his crotch and when they finally reached their destination Jaden stirred and came back into focus. He looked down to see her brown, smooth hands rubbing along the length of his sheath. He gasped when they grazed across his tip of exposed flesh. As she worked his length she would occasionally let her tongue loose to taste the air. The scents of their desire made her shiver and become more aroused.

Just as Jaden had become used to her hands on his sheath he felt her fingers wrap around his shaft and start pulling his holster down. Slowly his penis became exposed until no more could be salvaged from the depths of his sheath. He groaned as the cool air of the apartment whipped at his erect pole. Azul smirked at his sounds.

"Aww, is the wolf getting a little cold?" She spoke, her voice sounding seductive and mischievous.

Jaden looked at her and blushed under his cheek fur. Azul smirked as she wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft and squeezed a little making Jaden whimper. She then started pumping slowly along his length. Jaden leaned his head back and sighed as she pleased him. He hadn't been touched by another for so long he'd forgotten how amazing it felt. Azul's hand started to pump a little slower as she worked him and then stopped as her thumb rubbed at the tip of his shaft making him moan out at the sudden sensation. She simply smiled and continued to work him.

Jaden was in heaven by now. His loins were being gently masturbated by a beautiful snake and all he had to do was relax. Suddenly his relaxation was broken by yet another surprise. As he looked down he saw Azul bobbing her head up and down as she sucked lightly on his prick. She was enjoying this as well as she moved her tongue around his length and tasted him. She moaned on his shaft as she tasted his salty flesh and moved faster, eager to please. Jaden was breathing heavier by now and was moaning more. As he watched Azul he couldn't help but wonder how long she'd been without attention. She was certainly eager and willing to please and she seemed to be enjoying it a lot. Just then the tip of her tongue slithered its way up his shaft and lapped at the very tip of his penis. That was the straw that broke his back. He tensed up and groaned loudly as he came into her welcoming maw. Azul felt the first burst and withdrew from his shaft, the second burst firing onto her face. She then recovered and moved back to his dick to nurse him for more of his love cream. It tasted bitter and salty to her but she rather enjoyed it as she eagerly suckled on his tip until his tap was dry.

Azul stood up slowly and looked down at the panting canine. Jaden was blissfully unaware of this however, because he was still coming down from his high. He was then taken by the hand and helped to his feet, once on his feet he was lead over to the bed and pushed backward onto it gently. As he looked up, he saw Azul standing before him with her hand behind her back. Suddenly her bra clicked and fell loose; she then pulled the garment off of her arms, exposing her voluptuous breasts. They had to be at least c-sized and perfectly formed. Her nipples were medium sized and brown like her back, arms and head. Her hands then slowly glided across her skin down her stomach until they met her silky panties. She bent low and she slid them down her legs to her feet, when she stood Jaden had a perfect view of her most intimate of areas. Her vagina was the only part of her not brown or light yellow. It was pink and very moist from the look of it. Her small clit was barely visible, almost like it was teasing him.

It didn't take Jaden long to become extremely aroused by her naked form. Azul moved in and pushed him back so he was lying down. She then crawled on top of him until her face was in line with his and her muscular legs were straddling his stomach. Jaden could see the lust and desire in her eyes and was in no mood to protest. Azul leaned down and placed her mouth to the end of his muzzle once again and kissed him deeply as she moved her hips lower along his body. Finally she felt the tip of his wolf hood touch her lower lips and she quivered with excitement. Jaden felt this as well and murred into her maw. Azul could wait no longer and quickly pushed herself down onto his penis, a loud moan escaping her throat as she broke the kiss and threw her head back. Jaden groaned and instinctively placed his hands on her hips. As they both lost themselves in the moment their bodies began grinding together.

At first the movements were at a minimum so that each could get used to the feeling but once their engines were heated the fun began. Azul hissed and moaned as they sped up the grinding. Jaden had his eyes shut tight as he held fast to her hips and orchestrated their motions. Azul soon became over powered by passion and started moaning out demands like "faster" and "harder" and Jaden was all to happy to oblige. It didn't take long for Azul to reach her boiling point and orgasm onto Jaden's shaft. Obviously she hadn't been taken care of in a while as Jaden expected. But he was way too heated to be thinking about anything but how to please his cold blooded beauty. He started shoving himself deeper into her, searching eagerly for her most sensitive spot. Suddenly he thrust in and Azul let out a powerful moan and dug her nails into his shoulders. Jaden winced at the pain but smirked as he focused every thrust on that one spot. Azul was going mad with pleasure. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her making her moan louder the engine on an old iron train. Soon Jaden could feel his own groin start to get warmer so he worked extra hard to make her reach climax once more. After about two more thrusts Azul felt her self get close once more.

"Ugh... I'm going to... cum..." She moaned.

Jaden groaned in response as he stopped holding back and with one last thrust both of them came together. Azul went limp and fell onto him, she was panting hard and her heart was fluttering. Jaden was breathing heavy as well as he wrapped his arms around her and held her to him with his eyes shut. After ten minutes of rest Azul lifted her self up and slid off of his shaft which slowly retreated back into his sheath. She crawled to the head of the bed and sat with her back leaning on the wall. Jaden watched her and then sat up and faced her.

"That was amazing Azul..." He confessed as he smiled at her.

"You give me too much credit Jaden. As they say on earth, 'it takes two to tango.'" Azul replied as she beckoned him to join her.

Jaden crawled up beside her and then both of them moved beneath the sheets and blankets. Azul lied on her side facing away from Jaden, and Jaden moved near her and wrapped one of his arms around her waist. She smiled and enjoyed the feeling of his body spooned with hers. Both of them relaxed and soon fell asleep.

Elsewhere on the ship...

"Sir, testing of the subjects reproductive capabilities is complete. His organs are functioning perfectly."