Squall Chapter 10 as written by Mathanwy92

Story by videogame30 on SoFurry

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#11 of The Squall

Hello all. With his permission, I'm posting his chapters of The Squall to continue the story that I failed to continue. I'm sorry again for those that I let down but to be honest, I'm kinda glad that I failed with this because Mathanwy has leaps and bounds improved this story and I couldn't be happier that he has decided to continue it. Please, I urge you, go to his page and show him some much need love! He deserves every bit of it!

All Characters belong to Me

Sam belongs Mathanwy92

Chapter 10

"What is it that you want from me?" Shaun asked nervously, unable to do much else as he was at Charles mercy in his current predicament. The lion grinned, tilting his head forward and licking the human across his cheek very slowly, the large sand paper tongue dragging across his chin caused Shaun to shiver as the lion then drew back asing, " lets start with this my dear human, do you know how popular the smooth fandom is in our world?" When Shaun shook his head Charles stood up quietly, moving to stand in front of him while his tail whipped back and forth excitedly, "Well lets just say a good majority of the world inclines to it, due to our incredibly accepting nature whether its social or - he turned his head, giving Shaun a lustful look- sexual, but for me that wasn't enough, I wanted more then just drawnings, cartoons, or sexual advertisments..." "You see, an idea came to me, " Charles moved, placing his hands on Shauns hips and clenching tightly, causing the human to squirm uncomfortably, "what would happen if someone could have a 'real' human to exhaust their deepest and most dark of desires, being a medical and science company I strived for that goal...however, "He blinked, looking into Shauns fearful eyes with his own, filled with lust and need, "the first few attempts were catastrophic." "I first tried to 'create' my own human using stripped DNA from anthro's such as apes, then use correct experimentation to mold it into a beautiful creation, but what came out was a disgusting mess, "Charles stood up once more, still looking at Shaun as he bent down slightly so he was sitting on the palms of the back of his feet in a casual demeanor, "I tried several times at that but I could never get it, and each day I wondered, 'why is this not working, why can't my ambition be realized? maybe humanity was never destined to be in this world?" The large equine named Jason entered at this point along with his two lackeys, watching the conversation and sometimes eyeing Shaun with lustful looks matched by his cohorts. Shawn recognized him as the one who knocked him out, but in the end his attention was still drawn to the lion in front of him, asking shakily, "what does this have to do with me?" "Alot actually, "Charles replied, moving to place a hand to caress his claws through Shauns hair, "your exactly what anyone out there would dream to have in their pants, but there is mostly a finacial value to where I'm going with this, you see after giving up on the cloning project I decided to try and go back a little on my research, try and find how the 'smoothie' fandom began in the first place." "So I went back on a travel through history, finding that the fandom originated from the creative mind of a black jackal fur name 'Alan Dufan'. "He was a famous writer and artist who made incredible works of art during his younger year, but one day he suddenly went missing, no one was sure where he went all that was known was that him and all of his belongings disappeared one night, sound familiar?" Shaun blinked at this, then it finally hit him, "you mean..." The maned cat smirked, "Alan Dufan reappeared about 2 years laters after his disappearence, speaking of a tale where he saw a flash of white then suddenly appeared in an open land, where he encountered strange but incredibly beautiful creatures without any fur but smooth skin and loincloths, living in deserts and building pyramids in the name of their gods and rulers, which he called 'humes'. "Upon this discovery he detailed in one of his books the entire event, how they cherished him like a god, speaking in a language he barely understood but everytime one of them refered to him they called him 'Anubis', and from that point he orchestrad a plethora of artwork and books about these 'humes' which was later bled out into 'human.' "Some people thought he was mad, but I knew the contrary, me and a team of researchers investigated the scene of his old home and discovered a sort of 'trick' a ripple in dimensions that had happened as randomly as it had came, whisking the poor fellow off to another world that we could only dream of, so I lead the team in creating a machine that could 'force the ripple', took many years of my youth but hehe....here you are now." Shaun, in spite of his situation, was astounded by his story. The Ancient Egyptians, the Black Jackal Alan Dufant who was named Anubis, it fit somehow regardless of how crazy it sounded. It also explained how he got here, and how all of his belongings got here, causing him to shiver at what would have happened in the storm if he hadn't fallen through the ripple. But his question stayed the same, "that...that is incredible but what does this have to do with me?" Jason finally spoke up, pointing at Shaun, "people love smoothie art and books, cartoons and porn, so lets say we put you on the market, how much do you think you would sell for?" It dawned on him now, his eyes widening, "you..your planning on kidnapping humans and selling them to furs?" "Exactly, not only would the earnings set this company for many lifetimes, but I will succeed in my dream of bringing actual humans to the community, "Charles nodded, his smile widening and showing his fangs, "all we need is a sample of your DNA to keep the machine resolute on the human dimension only, as to keep from getting something from some other dimension." "That..thats crazy!" Shaun piped up, his brow furrowing angrily, "can't just think that the humans from my world won't noticed millions of humans disappearing, its completely ludicrous and wrong!" "Ooooh I love that look you get when your angry, "Charles winked, purring while getting a few chuckles from his companions, "but never you worry, we only need so many humans to sell to the world, overtime nature will take its course." "Thats right, once we sold enough humans we'll just breed more, "Jason smirked. Shaun opened his mouth to speak but found nothing came out. These people were mad, planning on taking other people by force and selling them to overzealous anthros (at no offense to his friends.) The lion moved over to him again, timidly taking his chin and nosing affectionetly while commenting, "oh but don't worry, we'll get to that soon enough, for now you said you weren't comfortable with... covorting with another male right? allow me to educate you..." "What? no no mmmph-" Shaun found his mouth forcibly opened, the lion kissing him hotly and delving his tongue against him, his strong paws stroking and squeezing in spots that made Shaun wince. After awhile of the uncomfortable setting, the lion broke it, moving to slide a finger into the clasp of his belt, "time for lesson one my beautiful human," he turned his head to Jason, asking, "would you like to join me?" "I'd love to," Jason hurred, moving forward. Shaun was panicking, close to tears at the aspect of being raped by both of the lust hungry anthros... until a rather large explosion caused the building to shake. The two donkey equines who had accompanied Jason in the kidnapping ended up stumbling while the other two males grabbed onto the wall for support as another series of explosions caused the building to shake, "damn, seems I underestimated how much time we had." When the explosions stopped, Jason pulled out a communicator that resembled a walky talky, "what the hell was that?" A voice yelled back, "sir its the presidents private military force, they're assaulting the building, using projectile explosion rounds!" "Should have figured that bitch would get in the way, "Charles hissed angrily, his eyes slits, "Jason your coming with me, we need to prepare a way to transport our prize out of here, have Morah turtle the guard within the building and make sure our two 'tanks' are ready to go." Jason nodded, moving out with Charles as he turned on the two donkey brothers who were still recovering ,"stand gaurd here, this might just be a counter offensive to keep us distracted so if anyone comes along to try and take the human...kill them." They both nodded, moving to stand guard against the door as he left, leaving Shaun to consider if this was a possible rescue mission on his part. If that was the case he needed to get free somehow...


"Are you sure shooting the building won't get Shaun hurt?," Jess asked nervously, scratching her combat suit that was provided for her and her friends. "Positive,"Julie anwsered, scratching a claw through her hair, "if I know Charles, hes placed the human in one of the basments or ground floors, thats why we are shooting out the roof to keep them from using air transport to escape." "Whats the plan?" Tina shouted over the sound of more rockets being fired. "Simple, our ground forces will draw of their two macro bodyguards and while they are distracted a strike team will attack the front, which is most likely where they are defending, "The tigress peered over to the large building of Mane Medical, "while we sneak around to the garage entrance, Charles will probably try and bring the human for transport there but we will stop him, if things go wrong we have two macros and your bovine friend on standbye." "Thank you for helping us!" Beth called out, taking up an entire truck for herself much to the troops chagrin, though some didn't mind since they had a good view of her breasts from their position. Tony remained silent, having a feeling of foreboding as he finally ased, "will he be ok?" "He will be fine, Charles has probably tried to have his way with him though," Julie warned. Jess growled, "he better hope not, what I would do..." But she calmed down as Tina held her shoulder in reassurence. Julie nodded before asking, "so, this human, whats he like?" They all looked at each other, nodding before deciding to fill Julie in on their experiences with Shaun the passed few days.


Shaun struggled with his bonds again but it was no use, he was clasped in tight. "Whats wrong human, are your poor wrists aching, "one of the donkey bro's asked in a taunting tone, holding up what look like a set of tags highlight for specific tasks. He found himself shuddering when he noticed the one the opposer was holding up said, 'bondage chair.' "He really is cute, huh Dirk?" the second one approached, smirking a goofy grin as he placed a hand on Shauns chest, causing him to cringe. The one named Dirk nodded, smiling as well before looking at the door, then back at his brother, saying, "I'm sure with whats going on Jason won't mind if we have a little fun Dack." Shaun felt his fears coming back, though the one named Dack said fearfully, "are you sure, what if the boss comes back while we...we are having fun? he'll have both our dicks." Dirk shrugged and moved over to Shaun, grabbing his head roughly, "we'll just have to be quick, or we might never have a chance considering he will be in the bosses bedchambers twenty four seven." "Oh no..." Shaun croaked, closing his eyes and trying to tilt his head away but was held firm. All he heard next was the sound of unzipping, and Dirk saying quietly, "now then lets start by opening the perk mouth up..." Shaun wanted to struggle, he wanted to scream but if he did that... He kept his mouth shut, trying harder to tilt his head away, keeping his eyes shut. "Hey, I said...urk..." "ugh..." The pressure on the back of his head was relieved, along with the sound of two bodys flopping on the floor. When he opened his eyes he was greeted with a rather curious sight, for what appeared to be a male with a dirty brown coat and urban pants and shoes that matched. He was also wearing a mask as well, but upon noticing the man's stature, short brown hair and round ears sticking out of the sides of the masks, he almost felt like his eyes were close on exiting from his head, "your human!" The opposed second human didn't answer, he seemed to be looking around quietly before bending down and picking up the key tab, then moving to highlight it over Shaun's restraint that with a beep and click they came off. Afterwords he picked up one of the donkey's weapons and pocketed it, moving to the other and doing the same. Shaun immediatly stood up, rubbing his wrists before asking, "who are you?" "Sam," came a gruff anwser, causing the other human to flinch. He sounded as young as Shaun was but his voice spoke of years of hardship. He wasn't sure were this man came from, but instead of asking he let out a shaky, "thank you..." "Hold this, use it to defend yourself," the one named Sam exclaimed bluntly, moving to give Shaun what appeared to be a taser with a bowie knife tied to it. Upon closer inspection it was in fact a taser but it seemed to have a larger batter pack as well with higher shock setting. Examining the weapon Shaun fearfully looked down at the two fallen anthros, "did you..." "No, they will be fine, just knocked out," Sam anwsered, using the key tab to open the door before nodding at him, "follow me." Sam moved out the door quickly, Shaun blinked a few times before running to catch up, stumbling a little as the building shook, "ack! damn it whats going on." "Your rescue team, "the masked human anwsered, "we need to hurry." "Ok..." Shaun replied, moving to catch up as the mysterious new human took point. A few gaurds rounded the corner, apparently having moved to help out the front but catching sight of the two humans on the escape, "Hey!" As they moved forward, pulling batons in an attempt to detain the human and his 'savior' without killing them, Sam apparently had other ideas...


Julie looked over, then brandished her weapon as she caught sight of the two large anthros moving shakily around to avoid hitting the building, "alright go with the plan, everyone get ready to rock!"

A loud, "Hoo-rah!" was heard as several of the trucks split from the main group, opening fire on the Maned Medical macro gaurds, drawing their attention. the rest drove up to the front, coming to a stop as the gaurds within opened fire on the vehicles. The tigress, gestured for them to follow, " I leave this to you lieutenant!" earning another nod from one of her fellows as the president's militant engaged the hostiles, giving time for Julie, Jess, Tina, Tony, and even Beth to move around the side of the vast building. Thankfully they werent met with any resistance, reaching two steel sliding doorways. They came in on that, Beth having to squeeze through, and were greeted with a view of several congressional trucks and an armorered limo. "Good, they haven't left with him yet," Julie turned to the group, "this might be a bit hard to ask, but considering your inexperience I'm going to have to ask you temporarily to stay here while I-" She nearly stumbled however as an onslaught of complaints came here way, the friends not wanting to just sit here and stand idle. The tigress roared to quiet them down, shaking her hands drastically, "fine fine, I'll take only one of you, the rest of you needs to wait out here just in case Charles takes the human throug an alternate route, alright?" "Let me go, "Tina stepped forward, but was stopped by Jess who shook her head, "no Tina I'm going, Shaun, well I..." The husky got nervous for a second as her friend lifted a questionable brow, but was suprised when the shark smiled, "no your right, go get him girl, I'll be sure to give that Charles guy one for you." Jess nodded, hugging her dear friend, "thank you, be careful guys." before moving to follow Julie, who was smiling and crossing her arms passively before taking off.


Shaun's jaw dropped. The other human, the one named Sam, had taken out a firing squad of five anthros who were bigger and most likely stronger then he was, using moves and equipment he had never seen before. Sam patted his hands together, moving over to tap Shauns chin to close his mouth before ushering him to continue following. Shaun agreed readily, thinking, 'who is this guy? the way he fights just seems like...just wow hes incredible."

The duo came to a much larger hallway, coming to a stop as Sam held out his hand. Shaun blinked, looking over to see a female dolphin with a lithe but voluptous figure standing in their way, along with several more gaurds. She was dressed in the same standard issue, and had the look of someone who merely had use their 'looks' to win their battles. She laughed openly upon spotting the two humans, "hee hee, what have we here, one human, and another? oh Charles will reward me greatly once I capture the both of you." "Not likely, "Sam spoke firmly, crouching a tad. Shaun shook his head, moving to the other humans side as he piped up, "no more of this crap, I'm going to fight to!" "Are you sure?" Sam asked, his suprised voice by his body actions. "Yes!" Shaun growled, "these people kidnapped me in my sleep, but just because I'm human and smaller then them doesn't mean I can't defend myself, lets kick some ass." Sam didn't answer, but he was clearly smiling from behind his mask. "Take them!" the dolphin ordered, the guards rushing forward as both Sam and Shaun prepared to defend themselves.