Memories: Part Three

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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#3 of Memories

Warning: There is a sex scene in this part but if your still curious about the story, please read on as this actually has a little to do with the story line, but not very much.

if this is the first part you are reading from the series, please read the first and second parts to get a full understanding of the main characters predicament.

Alex accepts the fact that the strange dragon-like creature from his mirror is from his past, but he is still confused as to why he can't remember her. After an 'interesting' night with the strange girl, Alex decides to speak to the one person he trusts about his past to see if they have any idea about why he can't remember.

"Alright!" Alex cheered not as enthusiastically as he began to sprinkle spices over some raw steak he had pulled out. Soon he was satisfied with the amount he had placed on them and turned the digital screen of his stove on, throwing the tray the steaks were on into the stove. "So Cybil, why don't you tell me what the hell's going on?" He looked over his shoulder to look at the dragon as he grabbed veggies, placing them into a pot of boiling water.

"I mean, I'm not complaining unlike how most people would be when a mythical dragon suddenly shows up in your home!" he laughed, leaning down on the counter where the girl was also sitting, both gazing at each other. She looked away suddenly.

"Am I really going to have to explain everything to you once more?" She whispered sadly only to feel Alex grab her shoulder gently.

"Listen, I know that I don't remember things that you wished I remembered. Hell I'm pretty certain it's not my fault after the way you kissed me a moment ago." He sighed sadly. "But unless I remember in the next five minutes, you're going to have to explain things to me." He suddenly threw his hands in the air. "I'm just as confused as you are! Like, why did you kiss me? In fact why did I kiss you back for that matter?"

Cybil stared at the way he acted and then laughed. This caused Alex to blink several times. "H-Hey!" he complained. "What's so funny?" Cybil laughed some more then began to wipe tears from her eyes.

"You mean that you kissed me back, a draconian mind you..." She giggled. "...Without even knowing why?! Gods Alex, most women would call you a pervert if they didn't know you like I do." She suddenly lifted her hand, revealing a ring on her hand. "Here, do you recognize this ring Alex?"

Alex bent forward on the counter once more, inspecting the ring on her finger. It was made silver, on the top three jewels were embedded within it. Two of the jewels were emerald while the one in the center was a ruby. He had to admit, he had seen that ring before, but he couldn't quite place it.

"I have to say that is familiar..." he began, closing his eyes and furrowed his brow, trying to remember where he saw it. "It even looks almost like the ring..." He stopped, his eyes slowly going wide.

" the ring my mother gave me..." he whispered, slowly standing upright. He suddenly ran out of the kitchen and down the hallway. Alex threw a closet door open and pulled out a small card board box that said Childhood Memories on it and began to throw all the things out of the way until he grasped a small velvet box. Taking it back with him, he placed it on the counter in front of Cybil and reached his hand out towards her.

"May I?" he asked slowly. Cybil nodded, but pulled the ring off like she didn't want too and placed it gently in Alex's palm. He brought his hand over to the box and placed the ring on the table. Taking a deep breathe, Alex flipped the ring container open.

There, nestled in the soft white silk inside it, was a mirror copy of Cybil's ring, save for the one in the box had two rubies and one emerald instead. Next to the ring was an empty slot for a missing ring. "I always thought I lost the second one years ago..." he murmured, handing the ring back to Cybil, who slid it back on her finger.

"You never lost it Alex." She said gently to him, placing her hand over his as he stared long and hard at the one in the box. "You gave me this one... when you promised you would marry me when we were old enough."

Alex felt tears streaming down his face, but he was doing it silently and he turned back to the veggies cooking on the stove. "If I did promise you that..." he began slowly. "...then why don't I remember you?! If I loved you so much, why don't I?"

He suddenly placed his elbows on the counter and began to sob. "God, what is happening to me?" he wailed. "Am I...Am I going insane?" he suddenly felt Cybil wrap her arms around his chest.

"You're not going insane Alex." She said comforting him as she also wrapped her wings around him as well. "You love me, even if you can't remember me. That makes me happy none-the-less." She slowly turned him around and kissed him gently which Alex returned sadly, but soon after he began to feel better. Both jumped suddenly when the timer of the stove went off, causing them to break the kiss.

"Guess I'll get it ready." Said Alex as he put oven gloves on his hands. Opening the stove, the room was suddenly filled with a smell that Cybil couldn't believe a couple of steaks could make. She caught herself drooling and she turned, whipping her face of the saliva before Alex saw. But he saw anyways, and he began to chuckle at her which in turn made her blush.

He set two plates on the counter; both contained a steak, some vegetable, and potatoes that Alex had cooked earlier. The two sat down and Alex watched as Cybil looked at the food strangely. "What's wrong?" Asked Alex as he tilted his head at her, a look of wonder on his face.

She furrowed her brow. "I'll be honest, after that grilled cheese sandwich incident, I don't really trust your food anymore." Alex laughed at her suddenly as he began to cut a piece of meat.

"And I'm telling you:" he laughed, placing the meat in his mouth. "I got better since I was a kid. Honest! Try it!"

Cybil stared for a moment then finally took the knife and fork to slowly cut the meat. Reluctantly, she brought the meat up to her mouth but stopped suddenly, appearing like she was being forced. She looked up to see Alex watching her carefully, seeing what she would do and with a quick hmph, she placed it in her mouth.

And felt an explosion of flavour shoot through her taste buds and into her brain. Her eyes went wide and she slowly drew the fork out of her mouth. She didn't know how to describe it! Herbs were mixed perfectly with the spices and she saw Alex smile at her as she slowly chewed on the well-cooked meat, savouring every bite.

"Wow..." She said after swallowing the food. "T-This is amazing Alex! Did you become a chef?"

He laughed as he continued to eat. "No, I became a mechanic." He replied happily. "But I do other things on my spare time, such as drawing." He suddenly had a thoughtful look on his face. "You never explained how you got here nor where you even came from."

Cybil looked startled. "Oh! I'm sorry! Here I'll answer your first question: I come from a world known as Arukk." Alex gave her a strange look.

"So... if you're from another world..." he began, chewing slowly on some potatoe.

Cybil finished his thoughts with an answer. "The mirror in your room acts as a... doorway. I was only able to enter using some of my magical powers." Alex felt his eyes go wide. "And for something you said earlier: I am not a dragon, but a draconian. A... half dragon if you will."

"Wait, magical powers?" Alex stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth, ignoring that last part. "You mean like magic? That's...pretty cool actually." He leaned forward a little after finishing his meal.

"Care to show me?" He asked, throwing a smile her way. Cybil threw a smile of her own at him.

"What's in it for me Alex?" She asked smugly, crossing her arms across her chest. This Alex did not expect that, and he had to stop and think for a moment.

Suddenly, Alex had his own idea. "How about a backrub?" He asked. Cybil's eyes went wide and Alex suddenly regretted saying this. Of all the things he could've suggested, a backrub? Seriously?

"Are you...serious?" She asked, barely a whisper as her reptilian eyes went wide. Alex only smiled, realizing it was out there and there was nothing he could do.


Cybil suddenly had the happiest smile Alex had ever seen. "Then I accept your bargain." Cybil suddenly held her palm out to him and she smiled even more. Alex suddenly felt something wash over him and he felt himself lifted up from his seat.

"HEY! HEY! HEY!" he suddenly yelped, looking down to see the table and Cybil far below him. His entire body was suddenly flipped and he began to flail around with his arms and legs. "This is NOT cool Cybil! This is not what I meant about showing me your magic!"

Cybil giggled at the man as she began to slowly lower his still upside down body, bringing his face closer to hers and looked at him sweetly. "Come on, put me down!" he whined when she suddenly kissed him yet again, silencing the human once more.

After a moment of the kiss, she pulled back but only by an inch. "Now how about that backrub Alex?" She whispered, causing Alex to blush and make an audible gulp. The spell broke and he fell to the ground. Propping himself up with a groan, Alex looked up to see Cybil walking seductively, her hips swaying as she walked towards the door, where she threw a charming smile towards him before disappearing around the corner.

"What the fuck am I getting myself into?" Alex groaned as he stood up. He didn't know what to think as he stood up and followed the draconian upstairs. Walking into his room, he stopped when he saw her on his bed, already completely naked with her back towards the ceiling. Her silver scales shimmering even in the dim light.

"Are you trying to catch flies Alex?" She asked, smiling at him when she saw him with his jaw a gap. He closed it with a clack and began to slowly make his way to the bed. "What? No oil? She murmured as he came closer, causing him to stop.

_Shit._He kicked himself mentally and whispered a "I'll be right back." and quickly walked out the door. Once out of her sight, he practically ran to the bathroom to pull some rubbing oil out of his cupboard, smacking himself for his stupidity before walking back into his room.

Now Cybil did not complain as he slowly made his way to the bed, where he began to crawl towards her naked form, gently placing his rear on her lower back, between her tail and where her wings began. Here he opened the oil and poured a little on his hands, rubbing them together before placing the oil on the end table nearby.

Now ready, he started at the base of Cybil's back, rubbing his thumbs delicately yet added pressure to increase the feeling, causing the muscles there to relax. Meanwhile, Alex had the base of his palm slowly rubbing circles as well and he heard the girl moan underneath him. He took gulp as he continued his motions there.

"So good..." Alex heard Cybil murmur quietly. He found this all too much for him, even if she wasn't human, he still found her strangely attractive. Now he was slowly making his way down to the very top of her wings, where he gently wrapped his fingers around her wing base and slowly stroked them in a rubbing circle. This produced yet another groan and Alex suddenly felt uncomfortable in all this.

What the fuck are you doing Alex? He yelled mentally to himself. A backrub? Seriously, are you trying to sleep with her or something? Alex felt himself begin to rub downwards once more, adding pressure as he moved towards the base of her tail, where he suddenly stopped. Looking up, he saw Cybil looking at him strangely.

"You stopped..." She said sounding a little upset that he did. He gulped and then raised her tail up a little to begin rubbing it. She smiled and placed her head back down against the pillow. She wanted him to go lower. Gods she's been wanting something like this for years, since her first heat cycle years ago in fact. Her body felt like it was in bliss, the feel of his strong fingers massaging her muscles, the way he did it so carefully, the feel of his caresses against her skin. How she wanted him to go lower, to go where no man had gone before with her...

But she knew he wasn't going to do it on his own. Cybil had to be a little... creative with him. So she took her tail and slowly brought it around his waist, watching his face carefully as she did so. Slowly, ever so slowly, she lowered the tip of her tail till she felt his pants. Here she felt something that she was all too pleased to feel: A bulge.

She muttered a pray of thanks that Alex was aroused simply by looking at her naked form. She swished her tail over the bulge, causing him to blush deeply, but did not argue as he continued on with the rub down. Getting a little bold, Cybil brought her tail up to his waist band and slowly slid her tail into his pants, moving the tip back and forth as she brought it closer and closer to his manhood.

Alex meanwhile, couldn't believe what he was doing. Here he was, rubbing the base of Cybil's tail, and she was slowly making her way towards his own private area! He wanted to move, to stop this from getting out of hand, but he couldn't. The way she moved her tail across his skin, giving little flicks to better make him aroused then... he sucked in a deep breath of air. Her tail had found his cock and was now wrapping slowly around it. Looking up, he saw Cybil smiling happily, panting heavily.

This made him bold, as she worked her tail slowly up and down his shaft while he began to go lower and allowed his finger to slowly go towards where he knew her treasure was. His finger sliding down smoothly between her firm ass cheeks, past her hole then... he felt it. Her soft lips already moist and ready, yet it surprised him when he felt warmth down there, warmer than even an oven. This aroused the human further, causing his penis to twitch with desire as Cybil stroked him slowly.

Cybil felt his cock twitch and she smiled more, pulling her tail up to pull his pants down as she felt his fingers meet her pussy. Of all the things in the world, this was the moment she had been waiting for, the moment where she, Cybil, would lose her virginity to the man she had come to love. With that on her mind, she pulled down suddenly, allowing Alex's tool to stand proudly in the air, fully erect.

Alex felt her pull his pants down, revealing his manhood to the cold air. He heard the draconian gasp under him, but he did not look up, instead, he had his fingers go to either side of her slit and began to rub in slow circles down, lower towards where he knew her clit was. With his other hand, he began to rub the draconians ass, holding the firm meat in his large hand as he rubbed her slowly. Soon, he felt her sex dripping wet with arousal and he heard her groan.

She was in bliss, but Cybil didn't want to be alone in this feeling of his treatment toward her, so she once again wrapped her tail around him, giving his cock a squeeze. She heard him gasp by the pressure and she grinned, beginning to move her tail up and down, moving her tail in a rubbing motion as she did so. Suddenly, she gasped when he had placed a finger directly on her clit, rubbing and slowly adding pressure to it.

Soon the two moaned in unison, Alex rubbing and massaging Cybils slit while she in turn jacked him off with his tail. Both enjoyed the moment, not only because of the sexual enjoyment, but also because they were showing their affection towards each other.

Alex was amazed at what he was doing. Sure he had watched porn before, nut it had never occurred to him that he would be using the techniques he's seen on someone that wasn't even from this world. Yet when he looked down to see Cybil's grasp at the bedding, he forgot of what she was and felt... happy. If he so pleased, Alex knew he could be sitting here all night with her without losing a shred of happiness. He began to rub the clit that had finally revealed itself, causing her to gasp loudly.

"Urgh." He grunted when suddenly he felt Cybil squeeze the tail around him. He gave out a deep breath and rubbed her some more and she went back to the usual dick massage. He moaned yet when she squeezed him yet again several more times, and he added more pressure to the small nub of flesh he was rubbing oh so affectionately.

Yet he was surprised when she suddenly started to get up, causing Alex to get off of her back. Scooting over a little, he watched as Cybil sat up, giving him the hungriest look he had ever seen. Her chest raising and falling, his eyes watched unwavering as her ample breasts followed the motion. He suddenly looked back up at her face when she giggled.

"I think it's time for me to give you a rub." She said seductively, slowly bringing her hand up to his tip and slowly traced her claws down his shaft, feeling the shape of him as she did so. This caused Alex to shudder from the ticklish feeling of her claws barely touching his sensitive organ. Then she grasped him completely at the base and slowly began to jerk him off, her eyes watching him unwavering.

Alex leaned his head back as Cybil continued to jack him off, pleasure shooting through his veins with each pump. He opened his eyes and looked back down to see Cybil bringing her face closer towards his manhood inch by inch, still not believing what was happening. Was he actually going to have sex with this woman that he had just met? He suddenly gave a sharp intake of air when he felt her long tongue lick his penis slowly, starting from the base all the way to the tip. This answered his question: Yes, Yes he was.

Cybil was amazed at the taste of him. He tasted... earthy, yet delicious at the same time. Bringing her tongue up to the tip, she licked some pre cum that had formed from him and savoured the taste of the sweet nectar before slowly wrapping her long tongue around his tool, squeezing all the while. She loved watching him squirm when she did so, and she began to slowly rub her tongue around him, watching his various reactions as she did so.

Now she began to kiss the base, watching him squirm as she rubbed her mouth up and down the side. She licked yet again from the base to the top, only to go right back down. She continued to lick and kiss him for another minute, then changed tactics.

Bringing her mouth up to the top, she suddenly kissed him gently, rubbing her tongue in circles around his head before kissing him once more. This time, she slides him in a little till the head was in and then pulled back out, circling him with her smooth tongue once more. Once again, Cybil did this maneuver, but slid more of him in and Alex was forced to watch in utter amazement as she slid more and more of him into her gullet.

EH was surrounded in warmth, her mouth so warm eh thought he had placed his dick over coals from a fire. He loved the feeling of it, the way she twirled her tongue around him, the way she would occasionally stop her bobbing and would just suckle on his meat. He groaned yet again when he felt her mouth constrict in a swallow, sending him deep into a fit.

"Holy fuck." He moaned, throwing his head back. Cybil smiled at this as well as the sudden spurt of pre-cum that had splattered along her tongue. She swallowed, only to hear a stronger groan come from deep in his throat. It seemed he liked that feeling and she repeated it several more times, watching his reactions carefully as she made the swallowing motions. "Cybil...I...My god." He whispered as she did so, his hand slowly coming up to rub her head affectionately.

He was in absolute bliss, of that he was certain. Soon, Cybil stopped the swallowing and returned to the head bobbing she was doing earlier, sucking him as she drew back and breathed when she went right back down. Occasionally, Cybil would tickle his sex with her teeth, causing him to grit his teeth from the feeling. He was slightly scared yet slightly turned on as well by the danger of the idea of Cybil biting him by mistake. He yelped suddenly, when she bit him carefuly near the top. It wasn' hard, in fact, it only manage to add more of the adrenaline of love-making through his veins from the sudden little nip at his head.

Looking down, Alex saw Cybil's eyes looking up at him with a naughty grin as she sucked on him quietly, her blue and yellow eyes watching him feeled with love. He felt the same way, ignoring the idea of him being in the middle of a fantastic blow job, he started to believe that he truly did love her in the past. Soon, he felt a feeling of his lower body beginning to tense and her movements were bringing him close to the edge.

"C-Cybil..." Whispered the aroused man. "I-I think I'm about" he gasped when Cybil suddenly picked up pace, pressing the bottom of his shaft upwards so that it rubbed along the ripples of the top of her mouth to increase stimulation. Alex couldn't believe it, the woman wanted him to finish in her mouth!

Alex moaned as she picked up pace even more, his mind reeling from the stimulation of it all. The fact that she wanted him to actually cum in her mouth was enough to push him over the edge and he grabbed her head, pushing her down on him while he thrust upwards into her mouth. He felt his cock cock tense up, then explode in pure ecstasy and soon he felt her mouth covered from his spunk, humping her face with small wet splats of movement.

Cybil felt the organ begin to twitch rapidly, and she heard Alex say something to her but her arousal kept her from hearing what he said. She took it as a sigh that he was about to climax and she instead pressed his penis up to the roof of her mouth as Cybil quickened the speed of her bobbing. She wanted him to finish, wanted to taste him as he claimed her as his own. Suddenly, the tool tensed up and Alex's hand suddenly grabbed the back of her head, pushing her down on him and she began to suck while he humped her face.

A explosion of creamy goop shot into her mouth and over her tongue, drenching her senses from both the pheromones he produced and the sheer naughtiness of it all. Cybil did not swallow, but suckled and allowed the spunk to pool in her mouth, anting to taste as much of his wonderful seed as she could. After what seemed like moments, Alex had finally calmed down from the orgasm and watched as Cybil pulled off of him unwillingly, hoping he would release more

Alex was breathing fast and hard from the intense orgasm. He had never came that hard in his life. He suspected that it was because he had never actually had the pleasure of a woman sucking him dry before and that he had been pent up for the last while. Yet he couldn't bring his eyes away from Cybil, who had now pulled herself off of his sensitive organ. She had a mixture of his seed and her saliva dripping down from the corners of her mouth and down her throat when she suddenly made a loud audible gulp, causing him to shudder, wondering how she could possibly do that. She saw him watching her and smiled at her, her mouth completely empty of all his seed.

"You tasted wonderful Alex." She giggled. Alex smiled at her before he suddenly grabbed her and flipped her on her back, causing her to yelp in surprise. She opened her eyes to see Alex moving closer towards her lips with grin.

"Now its my turn to taste you Cybil." He whispered, suddenly giving a flick of his tongue against her slit. Cybil shuddered at the feel of his tongue against her most sacred treasure. She did not complain, only lovingly caressed his head as she felt him begin to lick her slowly, doing everything he could to send pleasure through her veins and succeeding. She moaned loudly when Alex kissed her clit, sucking on it slowly before slowly licking it in circles.

Alex was amazed at how aroused she was, if he hadn't know any better, he would've believed that she was wanting this for a long time. Then it hit him: She _had_been waiting for this, To be with him. Now spurred on to give her the best time of her life, he began to flick his tongue over her with all his might, when he suddenly changed tactics. He pressed his tongue against her slit and slowly wiggled into her.

"Ah! Alex!" She moaned loudly, grabbing the back of his head and tried to push him deeper into her, wanting more of his wonderful tongue in her. Though he lacked the length of a male draconian, he certainly made up for it with skill as he began t lick her in places that practically made her want to scream. She felt the human push deeper, trying his best to get in as far as his tongue would allow and she moaned when his tongue was licking her inner walls.

Alex only smiled as he began to feel her sex fluids dripping down his face as he licked everywhere inside her, spending a good amount of time in areas where he had a good reaction from her only to move to a different spot. What amazed him the most, however, was that she gave off a strange perfume-like scent, but he dismissed this quickly to push deeper into her sex. He was once again in awe from simply how she felt. It was like he licking soft silk when he knew that it was her sex he was licking.

A sudden spurt of liquid gushed over Alex's tongue and he swallowed it, surprised at how her fluids were actually delicious. He questioned if all women tasted this good, but he dismissed this, knowing that he would only do this for Cybil. He went back to his tonguing and occasionally, he stop to suck from her lips for more of her nectar causing her to groan from the feeling. Now he had a new tactic to try: reaching up and over, he grasped her around the thighs and pressed his middle finger against her clit while his mouth worked her insides. Soon she bean to thrust upwards into his face from the pleasure.

He suddenly felt her vaginal walls twitch around his tongue and he began to flick fast and hard, rubbing her clit quickly at the same time. She suddenly seized up, her sex beginning to milk his tongue for non-existent cum as she gave a deathly roar of pleasure. And by roar, he meant a very loud ROAR that was certain to be heard all the way from the city. Now he began to drink from her, as her pussy began to shoot liquids, wanting to taste her sweet nectar. However, he could not get all of it and he gasped for breath, feeling her liquids spray along his chin and down his shirt he still wore.

After a full minute Cybil began to relax in his grip and he slowly sat up, letting her recuperate as he gazed at his bed. Almost half his bed was covered either in drool from Cybil or her sexual release. He dismissed the mess however, when Cybil sat herself up panting and looked at him. She suddenly smiled at him once more in which he returned with one of his own.

"Looks like someone ready for the next round." She muttered staring at his once again erect penis. Alex looked down at himself, noticing as well that he was indeed ready. But before he did anything else, he removed his shirt to reveal his strong chest. Now completely naked, he crawled towards Cybil who had spread her legs wide open invitingly. Now looking into her eyes, Alex placed his hand against her face, rubbing it slowly.

"Strange how I'm about to go all the way with you." He whispered. "When I barely even know you." Cybil now reached up and caressed his face as well.

"No you know me..." She whispered back. "...why else would you be doing this?"

Alex only chuckled. "Maybe 'cause I'm some perv, I dunno. What about you?" he asked, slowly moving his hand and grasped himself with it, carefully moving himself into position. Soon he felt her lips and he teased her for a moment, pressing himself lightly against her before pulling back.

"I love you." She replied, grasping Alex around the neck. "I have always loved you Alex."

He looked into her eyes. "And I love you too." And he pushed himself in, causing the two to gasp, one in pleasure from the penetration and the other from slight pain. He was amazed at how easy it was to slide into her. She was tight and warm, to say it was like an oven within her twitching sex would be an understatement! Alex suddenly felt her grip tighten and he looked down to see blood dripping from around his embedded cock from her.

"A virgin!" He exclaimed, slowly pulling himself out until only the tip remained inside her clenching pussy and slid back in. Alex knew what happens during this phase and he had to move slowly at first, knowing that him stopping will only cause her more pain then she was in already.

"I-I was saving myself for you..." She whispered in between groans that were a mixture between pain and pleasure. Soon Alex was at a steady rhythm, pounding into his love at a slow pace. Cybil's pain soon disappeared and she began to moan completely in ecstasy. She had never felt being spread down there by a man's tool could feel so damn good, going so deep into her.

Meanwhile Alex was feeling just as much pleasure as Cybil was. The way her inner walls clenched around him, trying desperately to pull him in as he pulled out, only to grunt when he slammed back into her. It felt like her pussy was already trying to milk him, yet he only assumed that it was because of how tight she was. Cybil suddenly twitched her tail, causing the muscles in her to flex and Alex grunted from the feeling. She did it yet again, this time not from reflex, and he returned her movements by leaning down and pressed his lips against Cybil's and two played with their tongues intimately. He picked up pace, causing Cybil to practically scream.

Soon she began to thrust upwards, trying with all her might to bring as much of his wonderful cock into her, to feel him spread her even farther. She felt her impending orgasm coming and she tried with all her might to keep it still. She only managed a few more measly seconds before she screamed long and loud, her wall beginning to suck at the intruder inside of her.

Alex suddenly heard her scream just as her already tight pussy became tighter as it sucked at him. He didn't slow down his thrusts though, since he wasn't done yet. He wanted her to enjoy this orgasm of hers while he kept up the work, her sex dripping all over the two as she gushed with liquids around his cock.

After what felt like forever, Cybil calmed down and panted as Alex gently caressed the side of her face. "You didn't... (pant)... finish..." She stated in between gasps. Alex only laughed as he pressed his lips against hers.

"Not yet love" He chuckled. She suddenly clenched her sex with her muscles, causing him to grunt from the feeling of his tool being constricted.

"Then hurry up and finish." She moaned to him. Alex merely grunted as she clenched herself once more. Soon he went back to his paced humps. He was close, he was certain of that

"It-It won't be long now..." He moaned against her, feeling the pressure build up. Cybil also began to moan louder and louder with him. "A-Are you seriously...Oh god.... Going to come again?!"

Cybil replied by grabbing his shoulders and giving them a squeeze. Alex nodded, picking up his pace even more. Soon he was thrusting into her sex at an alarming rate, when he suddenly felt himself give one final thrust that hilted him deep inside her. With a howl of that was mixed with Cybil's scream as the two climaxed together. Her sex began to milk his cock of all its seed and he gave it willingly, coating her passageway with his spunk and filling her womb with it. Alex felt himself go cross eye from the feeling and gasped when he finished, yet still Cybil's pussy milked him, draining him of almost all he had.

After moments, Cybil finally calmed herself and opned her eyes to see Alex with a weird cross eyed expression on his face. "How... was that?" She panted, exhausted from the moment. Alex shook his head to clear his mind and smiled down at his lover.

"That was..." he began, feeling rather embarrassed with what he was about to say. "Absolutely the best feeling I've ever had." He slowly pulled himself out of her sex, only to see a mixture of their fluids drip from her sex.

Cybil only chuckled at his expression and slowly crawled her way to the pillows where she placed herself gently on them. Alex followed soon behind and placed himself next to her. She snuggled her way over to her and placed her hands upon his chest, watching it as well as feeling it rise and fall. Her tail wrapped around his leg in a possessive manner and she closed her colorful eyes.

"I love you Alex." She whispered gently, falling quickly asleep

"I think I love you too." He said quietly, wrapping his arms around her sleeping form, careful of her wings. Soon after watching her carefully, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He was sitting on the shore of the lake naked, his parents had left earlier that same day leaving him all alone. A sudden splash made him look up to see the draconian he had come to befriend running towards him, she too was naked. She stopped and sat down next to him, dripping wet from the water. The two were thankful for the warm sun, it meant that the two of them will be able to dry off quicker than if it was a cloudy day.

"Hey Alex?" Cybil began to ask turning towards the human. "What are we going to do when we're older? Will we still be friends?" Alex shuddered at the question she had asked. The embarrassing moment he had dread was upon them.

"Give me a moment." He said, standing up and quickly ran to a nearby pile of clothes where he produced a small container with two rings. Here he pulled them out and placed the one with two rubies and an emerald on his hand. With the one ring in his other hand, he spun about and ran back to Cybil.

"Here." Alex said holding out his hand to her. "I...want you to have this."

Cybil stared at him for a long moment before reaching her hand out to him. Alex placed the ring gently into her palm and pulled back, allowing her to see the silver ring, her eyes going wide as he did so.

"Is this... what I think it is?" Cybil asked barely in a whisper as she looked up at Alex's face. Alex blushed, looking away as he scratched his head.

"I want..." He sighed suddenly. "I want us to be together, later on when we're older." He looked back at Cybil to see tears streaming around her muzzle. Ever so slowly, she took the ring and placed it on her ring finger, holding it back to see how it was on her silver hand. She stared at it for a long time, than held it close to her chest.

"I accept your proposal Alex." She tearfully replied. "I will wait until then." Alex looked at her for a long moment, his face unreadable. He bent down and suddenly held her close to him as she cried. They were only fourteen years old, but the two had fallen deeply in love since they had met over eight years ago.

"Until then, Cybil, my love."

Alex awoke slowly, his mind still trying to make sense of the dream. No, not a dream but a memory. Looking over, he saw Cybil sleeping with her back to him. He reached over and gently caressed her shoulder in a way that would not wake her. After a moment, he threw his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. Here Alex threw some underpants and bottoms on so that he could be at least half decent.

Now partially clothed, Alex made his way downstairs and into the living room where he grabbed a phone from a charger. Looking long and hard at it reading that it was in the middle of the morning. Alex took a deep breath and began to enter a phone number. After that, he placed the phone gently against his ear. Ringing could be heard for a few moments until it was stopped when a click was heard.

"Hey mom? We need to talk."