The Half-Moon Tribe 2

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#2 of The Half-Moon Tribe

Sorry about leaving you hanging. I had to do something away from my book, and besides, a good cliff hanger makes you come back, right? Lets see, looking back on my past notes, I was covering how I got the attention of Arch, my Alpha Male and leader. I had done a task no other Half-Moon wolf had ever done; traveled so fast and so long with little rest, food, and water. Like I stated before that my memories of those days and nights of running through brush are sketchy. I like to think I was doing it for the duty and honor of my pack, but what I wanted was admiration of Arch.

I had passed out in his arms, just having made it home. When I woke it was a different time of day, much earlier with the sun coming up. I had been out at least one day. What I first realized when conciousness hit me was that I was not in my tent, and certainly not in my bed.

The sun was shining through the window right next to the mystery bed I was laying in, and I could have cared less. The bed was so amazingly comfortable and soft! The blanket I had over me felt of suede and silk at the same time, but thick enough to keep the chill out of a night air, but also able to keep the user warm. The sheet under my body was soft and the pillow was thick and full. I sniffed the air to try and get a scent of the owner, and what hit me was a big surprise. I was laying in Arch's bed, in his room. His scent was everywhere!

I sat up with a wince. My legs and back were sore, my feet especially. I almost pulled the blanket aside to take a look at the damage I had done to myself, but I resisted. Instead, I made sure to wiggle each and every toe, flex every claw. While I could move every toe I realized a few of my claws were missing on my feet. If I managed to keep all my digits I was happy, but for now, the damage done was going to remain a mystery to me. It also hit me that I was naked. My body was bare and my fur was soft and clean. Someone had bathed me from head to toe before I woke up in this amazing bed, a bed I would have done anything to be in. Now, i wondered why I had been brought inside this amazing room and put in a bed I had no real reason to be. I should have been in my tent, or at least in the mages quarters being attended to by medics, but instead I was in the most famous bedroom of the whole pack.

The room in question wasn't that big, Arch never liked living like a king, but he did appear to be one out in public. The room was a single room with a private bathing room in the corner, and the bed took up a good corner of the room with a window going along the side of the stonework. The view was amazing from laying there, someone could see down and out, watching lush trees and the people below. There was a window, but Arch never closed it. Instead, Arch seemed to take the more old fashioned action and tie the window closed with leather hides. The floor was covered in plush warm rugs, and on the far wall was a fireplace that was two sides, one side in the bedroom and the other in the bathing room that kept both rooms warm. There was a circular wooden table for eating, a wooden desk with books and papers on it, and a book shelf. The bookshelf had various baubles and books, and things that meant something to Arch. He had a closet, but for the moment it was closed.

"Hello?" I said as I looked around, moving to prop himself up more and look around. There was no one in the room, and didn't seem to be for hours. The room was warm but also still, as if the air hadn't been disturbed. No one called back to answer my attempt for attention.

I figured at the time that if I didn't go out looking for someone I would be left to rot in the room, not that it wouldn't be a good place to die in! But, I wanted to figure out what was going on. I pushed the blankets off my body and then stood up then, feeling my feet hit the stone made me wince and cry out in pain. My back arched then and just fell over onto my knees, naked and exposed. I was able to see my feet were wrapped in white linen and there was what felt like pads on the bottom of my feet. I managed to reach up and grab the side of the bed and haul myself up, trying to regain my composure. First step hurt the most, and I had to get back up and find something to wear. I managed to haul myself up onto my feet, holding onto the bed and then staggering forward until I managed to grab the back of a wooden chair, holding myself tightly as I stood there. God this was hard, and I wanted to lay back down in that amazing bed. I managed to push myself forward toward the door when it swung open, sending me grappling for the back of a chair, but quickly falling down onto my rear and making me yelp in shock and surprise. Falling hurt after all.

My eyes focused on Arch, who was there at the front of the door that was opened, carrying something in his hands. Like usual, our alpha male was a simple loincloth--dark blue with the half-moon symbol on the panel. It looked amazing against his black fur, but for once I didn't imagine what was behind it and looked to the face of the man and what was in his arms. It looked like a large plank of wood.

"Ah, Slayn," Arch began, putting the piece of wood down on the table. It was obvious what it was, a platter of food! The smell was unmistakable and made my stomach growl. Arch kept talking though, distracting me. "You shouldn't be walking around. The healers trusted me to keep you off your feet. You really did a number on yourself."

"I'm sorry, Alpha." I managed a squeaking voice of tiredness. My throat was dry and I wanted water. I didn't move, since Arch didn't really say I could move. I may have been a bit of an arrogant curr in those days, but Arch would always make even the most defiant young male act well.

"Don't apologize," Arch said and bent over. The next thing I felt was being picked up. I found myself in a cradled position, laying against Arch's chest with his arm under my shoulders and my knees, holding me close. I found myself blinking and blushing. It would have been so much better if I had been wearing clothes.

I wasn't in the air long. The alpha moved with me as if I weighed nothing, and I soon found myself deposited right back into that warm bed, surprised again at how wonderful it felt. It was so much better than my simple bed, and made me jealous. I wanted one for myself! Arch didn't do much, he simply moved over and pulled the soft blankets over me, which ended up resting right over my hips and restoring my sense of decency.

Arch came over to me and laid the tray across my lap, which had various foods on it. What caught my eye was the platter of meat cut into seasoned cubes on little tooth-pick like ends. Something like that took time; usually when I had a meal it was a flank of some meat and a salad, but this meal looked well made, one of the better chefs had put it together. The salad was of rich greens with nice seasoning, as well as a small bowl of what looked to be fruits from the land of the Hyena, a rare delicacy only brought out to show off the opulance of the pack. Why was Arch treating me so special?

"Eat," The alpha said. His voice was always rich and commanding and not on purpose; Arch was one of those men who was born a true leader and developed physical and mental characteristics to become someone others looked up to. I knew the command was not an order, but he made it feel like one. I moved my hand to one of the cubes of seasoned meat and slipped it into my muzzle, chewing on it softly as I stared up at Arch and wondered what he wanted.

Arch watched me eat my meal. It was odd having to eat with no conversation, but he seemed to be watching how my jaw lifted and chewed the pieces of meat. I cleared my plate and already felt full, but I couldn't let Arch see that. This was not something I got to do often, even as head of the Striders. I picked up my salad, and with a crude implementation that modern people would call a fork, I began to eat.

Arch relaxed when he saw the meat finished and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at me still. He spoke up then: "You did something no other strider in our known history has done, Slayn. The week run and back standard was set up long ago before you and I were alive and was a challenging run to begin with. You broke that limit, no--you smashed it to pieces."

"I was just following your orders, sir." I managed to squeak out. It wasn't often I got praise, especially from someone I really liked. It was hard to pay attention and not just fall head-over-heels into the flattery. It was nice, and made me feel like what I had done to my body was worth it in some small measure.

"Modesty is a good trait, Slayn, but you shouldn't always hide behind it. What you did was amazing and has some of your subordinates worried." Arch grinned, leaning to the side with his hand on the bed. "They think I will make a mandate to do the run in the time you can do it."

I knew Arch wouldn't. I barely did it, and I knew a lot of my striders, while really well trained would not be able to. They were fast. "The run ruins the body."

"Indeed." Arch said as he sat up more, motioning to my hidden feet. "I won't go into the gorey details, but you lost some claws and most of the flesh on your feet was raw and bleeding. You were also dehydrated and starving. It is not something I want you to do often, but you've given me something new I can use, especially if war breaks out with the northern packs."

The thought of doing something like that made me twitch, and I guess Arch saw it. He leaned over and put his hand on my shoulder, shaking his head. "I won't make you do it anytime soon, Slayn. You're too injured to even walk ten paces. Think of it as a strider trump card. I made you Alpha-Strider because I knew you could do the impossible and I wanted to see it. You were being tested... partially. I had a messange sent to Apollo a month ago informing him I would do it, and its why you recieved aid when you reached them."

I nodded my head, picking up a glass with the crimson liquid in it and sipped while expecting wine to hit my tastebuds. What hit my tongue was sweet Wolfleaf juice. A delicious fruit we ate as kids, and squeezed into juice for special occasions. It wasnt' a rare drink but it usually brought a smile to the person's face. It did mine.

Arch grinned a bit then and ruffled the top of my headfur, making me look shaggy and ruffled. When he saw the tray was emptied of food and flicked his tail. "Okay, Slayn. I want you to rest. You look tired as all hell, and you'll be here for another couple of days. I'll be bringing you some of your paperwork and you can be conducting your brief meetings in here, but I want you to rest. I'm personally checking in on you."

That surprised me, and then when I spoke up my eyes opened up "Why...Alpha?"

Arch moved toward the side of the door then, opening it up with my wooden tray in his hands. He stopped to look back at me with that charming smile that could melt ice and made my spine shiver. "Because, you've caught my eye, little strider. I don't let things that catch my eye get away from me." And with that Arch left me alone, and feeling very, very good.

The next few days were spent with me conducting Strider business from the Alpha's personal room. The idea that running my portion of the caern in a room where many people were invited to and not meant for official business brought a blush to many people's cheeks, but no one ever voiced it. People, for the most part, admired the fact Arch was looking after his own so closely, and while Arch himself was not doing all the tending to my medical needs, he did poke his head in at least twice a day, sometimes more depending on his schedule. I wasn't allowed to stand up or move about except for a bathroom break, or when I was told I needed to stretch my legs a bit and have the mages see how my legs were healing.

For the most part I was doing much better; the skin on the bottoms of my feet were still raw; padding and bandages had to be removed and applied daily, especailly as I was being slightly mobile. There was pain, walking any length of distance was painful, but not as bad as it had been the first day. I could support my own weight and my muscles were becoming less tense and sore. I was actually able to stand and give some of my orders to Raz, my second in command who was serving as fastest strider in my proxy. I liked how my little group of people, still new to my leadership, were shaping up.

Talking to my striders--the couriers of information--was linking me to the gossip of the caern. Mostly, people were curious about me and Arch. Had I been taken as a bed fellow? Had I become his mate? Had we slept together? People had jumped to conclusions and some had even assumed that we were already romantically involved. Besides a few choice touches and a kiss on the forehead, Arch hadn't shown any desire to "plow my fields" as one of female eloquently put it.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the attention; I was getting looks from the other divisions of the pack, and direct attention from Arch. It didn't matter that he was my alpha and I instinctually wanted his attention, it was that I had a bad crush on him. The only thing keeping me from snooping around in his belongings was that my mobility was seriously lacking and that I couldn't really do much. Besides; had I been caught Arch would have throttled me.

It was the evening of my third day in the Alpha's room. I was feeling much better with medicine and fine food to eat, even a book to read that one of the mages brought by (while asking for a courier no less, bribery still existed even back then). I was sitting in bed, still naked since Arch kept my clothing away, thinking that would inhibit my desire to go back to my own tent. Truthfully I wouldn't have minded much if I marched home naked; male wolves sometimes went without their clothing, especially on hot days. This did provoke more negative comments from the conservative wolves of our caern but nothing was ever done about it.

I was reading some reports one of my striders had brought me when I saw the door to the room open out of the corner of my eye, blinking in surprise. It was Arch. This was not dinner time and he didn't have anything in his arms. He was dressed in a black loincloth edged in gold, making the fabric stand out against his pelt. The big male moved inside more, closing the door behind him and then securing it. He turned back to me and smiled as he approached. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I managed to squeak out softly, putting my reports aside as I looked up at Arch. I smiled a bit and continued. "I can move around the room without falling, but its still painful."

"The mages say you can go on short walks starting tomorrow, work the skin to toughness again or something, I didn't really understand." Arch waved a hand dismissively, and then sat on the edge of the bed. I didn't move.

"I think I can manage that. I wouldn't mind going outside again." I smiled, knowing Arch would understand; a strider spent most of their lives in the woods. We were more at home in our tents and trees than stonework and soft beds.

"I can only imagine, but your part of the caern gets enough traffic as it is; I don't want to ruin the roads running through your tent as more people come to see you than they already do." Arch leaned over me then, giving me one of those warm kisses to my forehead that he did sometimes. The only difference between this time and last was that his muzzle moved upwards, licking that enormous tongue along my ears. It made my body relax even more than I already was.

Arch shifted his weight slightly as he groomed the top of my head, moving so he was on his knees infront of me, leaning his massive frame over my smaller one. I had my eyes closed, but they shot open when I felt large hands on my waist, holding me gently as he licked not only the top of my head and ears, but my face now. My chin lifted, tilting backwards as I felt the hot tongue brush across my muzzle and lips, under my chin and down my neck. I blushed at the attention and remained as passive as possible, not sure what I should do. The sensation of Arch licking me made me remember being a kid and my parents making sure I was clean and safe. Arch had that effect on people, when he was around you knew problems would be solved quickly.

The licking continued and I lost track of time. It felt like twenty minutes had past but it must have been more like five. The tongue on my face felt wonderful, and the mix of sensations made me almost miss it when Arch pulled the blankets down my thighs, revealing my naked waist and groin, and legs all the way down to my knees. Those hands moved back to my waist, sliding up along my bare torso to my ribs and flat stomach. I could feel Arch's hand glide along my narrow torso, feeling the compact ribcage and muscles that was my body. The touch made my breathing more ragged; I could feel my sheath instantly thicken with blood.

Before I realized it, I was laying fully on my back with my head on the pillow, and the alpha male was towering over me. Just as the crimson tip of my erection began to crest out of my sheath, modesty hit. "Arch..Alpha, what are you doing...?" I managed to say as I laid there, breathing deep and long , my body arching up to meet his hands. As much as all this surprised me, it felt so good. I hadn't slept with anyone in almost a month; my life was too hectic and tiresome, I usually only took myself to bed and didn't even pleasure myself. I worked myself to the bone like a good strider would.

"I am," the Alpha began, licking mostly at my neck and my chin, though his hands never stopped roaming. They slid down along my shoulders and behind me to my shoulderblades, down my back and over the curve of my spine. Finally his fingers moved past my tail to my rear end. I felt Arch's very large hands close around those orbs of flesh, kneading them with want and desire but never hurting me. The squeezing sensation made me moan out in surprise. Arch had seized my body in his embrace and was slowly building the fire deep inside me that was passion and lust, awakening the need to mate and be with someone. Inches of my erection slid out of my sheath. "I am going to give you a just reward for doing something no wolf has done in our caern. I am taking you to my bed."

The shock hit me. Arch was going to take me to bed, a polite term meaning he was going to mate with me. This was something I wanted very badly, and usually only had the pleasure of imagining when I was alone in the dark or in the woods, but now it was happening. Arch made sure to drive the point home by reaching down to the waistband of his loincloth and undid it. My eyes fell to the groin of that alpha male; a large sheath, larger than I had ever seen on another male, warrior group included. There were testicles, large and low hanging, perfectly proportioned to his body. Arch was a handsome male, and even his genitals looked that way. It added to a grace and elegance that was Arch. The sight took my breath away.

"Here," Arch said, noticing the way I was blatantly staring at his groin. He took one of my hands and brought it to his sheath. It was warm, almost hot to the touch. The Alpha smiled then as he brought his hands back, continuging to grope along my body, especially my rear end. "Play with that for me, little strider."

Arch gave me a command, and I obeyed. My hand danced down along that soft tube of flesh that pointed upwards along Arch's firm belly. I rolled the fur and flesh up and down, massaging the base where I knew Arch's dormant penis waited. I moved my other hand to touch his strong chest, gliding my fingertips over his firm pectoral muscles as he leaned over my tired body. It felt so wonderful to finally touch someone I had imagined for so long, and the experience was everything I fantasized about. My hands never stopped moving, gliding along those muscles and rubbing that sheath. It did not take me long to see what I wanted to see; Arch's erection was gradually sliding out of his sheath. What shocked me was Arch was not red or pink like most wolves, he was black.

Arch's penis was long and slick, in its fully aroused state it stood many inches away from his body, and generously thick without looking like it could kill. The skin was glossy and shiny, buldging here and there in prominent veins that displayed a level of masculinity very few males achieved. The smell was amazing, and the desire to taste even more so. As inches slid out of Arch's plumped sheath it grew in thickness, making my mouth salivate in want and desire. It grew so long that my other hand had moved down from the alpha's chest to curl along that blackened length, groping it and caressing it with both my hands, trying to cover as much surface area as I could.

Arch arched his back with a soft growl, and grinned down at me, showing me his teeth. He seemed perfectly comfortable with letting a smaller male stroke him. "Most people are intimidated by me in bed, small one. You seem eager to get on with it." His growled deepened, obviously happy with my reaction. "Shall we?" Arch smirked and gripped my hips gently, making me pry my hands away from my new toy. He rolled me onto my front, and with his strong hands and arms, moved me like a toy. I ended up high on my knees with my rear in the air and my tail up and away from my body, revealing a pink ring that screamed vulnerability. He wanted my chest and head down along the bedding and held my shoulders down. "Stay in this position" He had commanded, rubbing my rear end a bit with those large hands. I couldn't help clenching at the feel of air against my entrance, and my legs quivered at the knowledge that my alpha male was behind me with a full erection. Arch seemed to notice this, and he gave one of my cheeks a hard slap that made me yelp in surprise and Arch laugh.

I couldn't see what Arch was doing behind me, but I heard him spit, so I assumed he was lubricating himself with that perfect, all-purpose lubrication that every person produced. I also felt, for the briefest of moments, a wet muscle against my ring. It made me gasp loudly and my hands grip the soft material of the bed. But as suddenly as it came, it was gone. Arch had withdrawn his tongue, having done something a polite lover did and gave me some lubrication. But he made it clear it was simply not his thing. If I bled, the mages would have been all over him. Arch could be goaded about some things, injuring people during sex was one of them.

I felt the bed shift and what I assumed as Arch moving forward. I felt a hand on my back again, holding me steady as something pressed against my now slickened opening. I blinked my eyes and gulped, and with a grunt from Arch, I felt that erection begin to spear my body and slide deeper into my core. I gasped loudly, my walls flexing around that length as it slid into my body. I was not a virgin but Arch was not a regular man, either. I had slept with my fair share of women and for the briefest of moments wondered how Arch handled some of the smaller girls. Surely they would be split in two as I was! I moaned out loud then as I felt the length press deeper into my body, and I held my mouth closed with a hand over it. It was painful, but also pleasurable. Arch knew what he was doing and showed it; he slid in at the right speed that spread the muscles but not tore them apart, and it felt good as the length slid deeper into me, making me flex my stomach and moan. When the head of Arch's penis hit my prostate, I moaned outloud and cried out.

Arch did not stop, he had inches to go, and I didn't care. This was wonderful. He was so big, so wide, and yes as it hurt it also pleasured. I rolled my head back in pleasure, crying out as I thought Arch could not possibly be THAT BIG, until I felt a knot bump against my ring. He remained still then, breathing hard and chuckling. He was pleased with my reaction, and showed by petting along my back and above my tail base.

Arch was letting me adjust, but he could only hold himself back so long. Just as I was about to give him the all clear sign, Arch shifted and gripped the base of his own length behind his knot. He rolled his hips in a gyrating motion, making the head of that huge wolf penis glide along my walls and stretching my inner core to new extremes. I saw white spots, crying out in surprise as the sensation was another mixture of pain but an untold pleasure. Arch pressed against my prostate, making my muscles spasm and cry out, my tail as high as it could go and caused myself to buck backwards onto the length in me.

Arch laughed and gave my rear end another firm slap. "I can see my new puppy likes this. I won't tease much more." I felt Arch slide back then, slipping generous inches of his wolven penis out of my body, my muscles relaxing and crying out in pleasure, but then when about two thirds of his length was free, he plowed right back in. My hips bucked and my head pressed more firmly into the soft mattress of the bed as he pushed those two-thirds back into me, and then repeated the process; it was hard to ignore how good it felt, the sensation of pain was still there, just in mild moderation.

Arch on his knees behind me only lasted a few minutes. He leaned over me, moving so he was on all fours now, towering over my body. I felt his arms curl around my waist and hold me close, pulling my hips more against his body as he took a more traditional, more primal position to mate me. He was pressing his body even more fluidly against mine, which made me yelp in pleasure. I was not used to being so hands off during sex; I could be very active with my hands, but this was different. Arch wanted all the control and I gave it to him, he wanted to show me something different, and I was not going to wrestle the control away from someone who could just as easily taken it.

Arch began the quicker, shorter thrusts into my body. My eyes closed and my head rolled backwards in pleasure, my hips bucked against the thick length burried deep within me, and I loved it. The wonderful pleasure was building deep within me. Arch held me by my pelvis, holding my body as flush against his as much as possible, not letting me go. I recognized, through brief windows of pleasure and blind passion, that Arch was done fooling around and wanted his release. I, personally, had lost count of my own orgasm, Arch had made me errupt twice, the bed below me a splattering of my creamy seed. The whole sensation of mating with Arch was overly pleasurable, and I was not able to distinguish when I had an orgasm; I had simply loved the whole thing.

Finally, with a howl of pleasure and victory, I felt my Alpha Male cum. He had not tied me, so the spray of seed flowed deep within me, but my tiny body could not contain all of Arch's volume. I felt his seed pour down out of my hole, trickling along my rear and down along my testicles, only to fall to the bed which I'm sure had absorbed a generous portion of Arch's seed in the past. Arch shot, at my total count, nine times before he stopped, flopping onto his side with me still impaled on his length. I had one of his arms around my waist that held me close to Arch, feeling his strong chest against my back and muzzle against my neck. One of his strong legs curled and tangled with my own. Arch, growling deeply for me, licked the back of my neck, and kissed my ear.

"Tonight, we share the bed."

To be continued...