Chapter 8: Tell me You'll be there.

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#8 of Caught Up in the Moment/But not in the Right Way.(INCOMPLETE)

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Also... M/M Here, so... Not your bag? Then exit now. Otherwise Enjoy!


"So," An old sea shepherd sat with his first mate, a tiger with gleaming green, curious eyes,

sharing a bottle of whiskey inside his cabin. "What's your opinion on the whole situation, Trusser?"

The tiger's tail was twitching as his mind churned in thought. The sudden question brought him

back to the scene as he raised his head a little. "What do you mean, Agnus?"

"The stowaways," The shepherd growled. "I've had it with them, haven't you...? They're scent

wreaks my deck and the sight of them..."

"I have a heart for them," Trusser replied. "At least I did... For the boy, if not the girl."

"What do you mean, mate?" Agnus took a long gulp of whiskey as the tiger thought about it.

"The girl is nothing but a fake," The tiger growled. "But there's a broken air amongst the boy.

One that my cabin boy seems to be attracted to..."

A moment passed before the conversation continued.

"Friends spawn in the weirdest ways," Agnus chuckled. "You remember how we met?"

Trusser couldn't help but smile. "Don't remind me, old friend. We were young, and

experimentation was inevitable back then..."

"It happens," Agnus said. "It's just a phase, as you recall. Don't be so quick as to hold it against


"I know," Trusser growled. "But I must make sure it becomes nothing more than that..."

"But back to the question at paw, Trusser," The captain stood and paced with his paws behind

his back. His glorious blue, long coat trailing behind him. "We hit land in a couple of hours. What do

we do with them..."

"I say we set 'em free, captain," Trusser inquired with his face to the floor. "I think the cage

taught 'em a lesson they'll not soon forget. Let 'em grow here in this new world they so anxiously

threw themselves into."

The whiskey had already eased the captain's cold, tense mind as he began to think it over with is

paw to his chin.

"Okay, Trusser," He said finally. Against everything inside him that told him no. He trusted his first

mate dearly. "We'll set 'em free."


"We land in a couple minutes..." The dalmatian's voice rang through Wyler's cloud of thought as

to what to do next. In truth he was terrified at the unpreparedness of it all, but the last thing he

would betray himself with was to show it.

"What are you going to do once we're gone?" Wyler asked him on the other side of the cage. He

stretched out his paw, in which Hudson took in an instant.

"I don't know," He had a sad expression spewn about his face as he felt like the mutt's paw was

the only thing stopping him from floating up into the heavens. He might as well have too; the

ground would never hold him if his anchor was gone. "I guess we'll just have to say goodbye..."

"Come with us!" Wyler smiled in a whisper. "It'll be great! Honestly we could all find work and

find a place to stay. Abertanst Hudson! We're going to Abertanst!"

"What's that?" Hudson asked, half thinking on accepting his friend's request.

"The city of no rules, Hudson!" Wyler's tail was wagging. "They even have gas there! They have


"I dunno, Wyler..." Hudson sighed, looking at the slightly polished deck. "I just think--"

"No don't think," Wyler pleaded. "Please come with us. I'd give anything to feel what I felt laying

next to you... or kissing you... Don't take that away from me... away from US!"

The two were silent and in an instant Wyler felt a paw at his shoulder. A slight turn of his head

revealed Angela's pissed off face as she growled.

"You might want to debate on asking the leader first," She said with her paws resting on her slim


"What made you leader?" The mutt asked, standing as tall as he could. "I'm pretty sure the

leader should be..." He checked his pockets as he spoke and felt his face pulsate heat as he found

them empty.

The raccoon pulled out the paper he was looking for with a smug smile on her face. "Looking for


"You bitch..."

"Oh yeah," She smiled. "I'm not the only one who can steal while the other's asleep." She stood

there, tapping her foot-paw, waiting.

Wyler sighed and looked back to the dalmatian, who wasn't sure how he felt about anything at

this point.

"Can Hudson go with us, Angela..." He groaned, hating his very being as he asked.

"I guess he can," She smiled. "But there will be no sex in my presence. If you can't control

yourselves then do it in front of nature, not me."

"Angela!?" Wyler shouted, suddenly blushing. "There's not gonna be any sex! Are you--"

"There's not?" Hudson chuckled bashfully as he interrupted him. He dipped his muzzle, pretending

to gnaw on his paw he swayed shyly back and forth.

"Well..." Wyler's ears fell as he looked him in the eyes. "I... uh... did you want... I mean..."

Hudson blushed a little before a sudden call came from a herring that coasted on the wind above.

"Land Ho! Everybody! LAND DEAD AHEAD!" That's when a sudden spark from someplace lit the

thin, spindly bird's tail feathers on fire, spinning him about in the air with black smoke curling out of

his rear.

The three below watched in utter horror as the smoke carved out words in the sky above.

Slowly at first, but it seemed like someone was controlling him as he carved the black against blue.

"Surrender Dorothy."

~(Heh... My apologies, my friends. I couldn't really resist the sudden urge to add some sort of

comical moment to ease the tension. I had just recently purchased the "R.R.R.R.O.M. Channel"

(Really really really really Old Movie Channel) and to my surprise, the first movie I catch is the

digitally re-remastered version of the Wizard of Oz. Channel 3,978 for any of those who feel like

living in the times before we lived, eh?

I should really stop watching movies as I type, though... It seems to have a sudden effect on it all...)~

The tail feathers didn't really catch fire, and the smoke didn't resemble that of the Wicked Witch

of the West's. But the herring really did call for land and in approximately one minute, we would be

docking on this new place know as Whethersby Isle.

Wyler suddenly turned to Hudson, who turned to him in turn and smiled. "Well?"

"I don't know, Wyler..." He murmured. "I really don't know... I don't know if I could leave Trusser


"He's a big strong kitty," Angela giggled. "He can take care of himself, and his underappreciated

wee wee." The two looked at her in disbelieve at her sudden use of child words as she walked

forward, shoving the map in her back pocket. "And besides, there'll be a lot of provisions we're

going to need to buy. We need another body to help carry it, and you look quite fit for the


Hudson looked at his exposed, white fur covered belly and smiled a little. "I still dunno..."

"Hudson!" Came Trusser's call from somewhere up above. The dalmatian jumped before looking

back behind him.

"I'll be back," He said with a heavy heart. "Whether it's to come with you or say goodbye... I'll be


"Okay." Wyler smiled, even though he wished with all his soul that the first option would prevail.


The ship docked, the ropes were thrown over, and the wooden step ladders were hauled down

and connected the dock to the deck.

Whethersby Isle was a place of utter beauty in comparison to their hometown, London. Birds

draped in blue took flight with bags in their beak as the furry lot below bustled by the market that

met the marina. This was no ordinary market though, for it was made of clean. Clean stalls, clean

clerks, clean customers. Everything about the place was in good taste, making the two in the cage

throb with excitement and fear.

Captain Agnus walked up to the door with a cunning smile as he held the keys by his side. His

pace was slow as the entire crew shouted out fates for the wicked stowaways, each worse than

then last until the Shepherd had finally had enough.

"Shut up, the lot of ya!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, and just like he had ripped away

each and every member of his crew's voice in one single tug, silence ensued as he breathed


"So," He grinned. "You've clung to life on this miserable ship without help from any of the

others." He waited for the two to answer. "You've passed through a terrible storm and kept your

mouth shut about the scraps we fed you."

"What's your point" Angela growled.

"For this I applaud you," The captain smugged. "And in light of a recent conference with me first

mate, I have been persuaded to let you go, free of charge..."

The lock clicked and the door swished open, and suddenly out of the blue, the breeze felt real

again on the muzzles of the youth.

The crew had not taken kindly to this, though, as they shouted and cursed. A perfect welcome

back to freedom and hardship that faced the two. They walked carefully out, trying to perceive this

as just another act of cruelty brought on by the captain, but his face remained warm and made of


"Now," He said as soon as they were out. He slammed the metal door as the stench that flowed

from his breath suddenly revealed the only reason why he had been persuaded to let them go. "I

want you off my ship immediately. No dillydallying. Just off, before I change my mind..."

"Don't want to tempt that..." Angela replied to him as she grabbed Wyler's shirt. Pulling them

both hard, they flew off down the ladder and onto the dock. Their furry legs felt like jello, but the

sudden jump back into freedom made it all worth it.

"Yeah," Wyler sighed as they both walked towards land. "We're tanks alright..." And as soon as

he said it, he felt a pang in his chest. He hadn't said goodbye... And without no warning at all he

took a deep breath and said "I have to get back on that ship..."

Angela was nodding her head when the question entered her ear, and as soon as she processed

it she threw the mutt aside. "WHAT did you just say?"

"I have to say... goodbye, Angela." Wyler sighed. "If he can't go with us, then I need to at least

say goodbye..."

"You're frickin' crazy, Wyler," The raccoon groaned, but some deeper understanding made her

let him go. He turned tail and headed back for the ship as quietly as he could, and as soon as he

reached the ladder he heard the "Psst!" from her. "Don't forget to grab your bag... It has our

money in it, and I would appreciate not having to beg..."

Wyler looked behind him, and the sudden cold feeling of grim wallowed in his stomach. How

could he have forgotten his bag too?!

"I need to get it together..." He thought as he climbed. None of the crew had begun unloading

yet, which meant that they must have been below celebrating which was one stroke of luck, at


The mutt peered over the railing and saw nobody. He had been right, and although there was no

sign of when they would be back, there came a sudden padding sound coming to his right. A split-

second before he could turn his head, something grabbed him and began pulling him upwards. The

sudden feeling of touch caused him to panic as his heart began racing with adrenaline.

"I'm coming with you!" He heard his attacker shout, and as soon as he took in his scent he felt

like melting in his arms. "I'm coming with you..." He echoed himself, this time in a whisper.

"I'm can't believe it..." Wyler wanted to cry. "I don't think I've ever been this happy..." and as

soon as the Hudson let go, the mutt raised his ears in disbelief, for strapped over the dalmatian's

forearm was his bag. A bag he hadn't seen since... since he couldn't even remember the last time

he'd seen it. "What do you know... I'm happier."

"Quick!" Hudson said. "We've gotta hurry though, the crews below deck and--"

"Hudson!" Came that familiar deep voice from behind him. His eyes shrunk to pinheads as his

breathing stopped, and from what Wyler could see, a shadow was looming up behind him. "What

are you leaning over the deck for, there's work to be done!"

"Trusser... I..." Hudson stammered as he turned, hiding the mutt behind his torso and vest. "I just

thought I saw someone I knew..."

"You couldn't possibly," The tiger chuckled, taking his arm. "But you know what's happened to

the two in the cage?"

"Agnus let them go," Hudson smiled. "They've left already."

"It's a good thing, too..." Trusser replied. "Wouldn't want you falling into some sort of..." He eyed

the dalmatian for a second. "...phase..."

"What do you mean, Trusser?"

"I think you know... exactly what I mean..." His voice was little more than a growl now as he

moved in closer and closer.

Hudson had remained motionless as his mind raced, hoping he wasn't talking about what he

thought he was talking about, but before he could think of a response he felt the tiger tugging on

his arm.

"Now let's get to work," The tiger smiled. "You've got a lot to do before you can just sit and

looked for fur you think you know."

He pulled, but Hudson resisted. With his paws anchoring him to the railing, he held his ground as

the force that tugged him grew and grew. Finally, before he let himself slip he shouted "I just need

a minute, Trusser! Leave me be!"

The tiger let go, jumping at the sudden change in mood.

"What's the matter then?" He asked.

"Just go!" Hudson replied, still shouting. And inside his head he thought " I can..."

Trusser raised his paws in defence and took a step back, leaving the dalmatian be as he turned.

"You've got a couple minutes, kid." He said. "But soon the captain'll want you puttin' a paw in for

work. You gotta earn your way back too, ya know?"

"If only I did..." He though, but replied with "I know... I just need a minute..."

The tiger left him then, and as soon as he turned the corner heading for the galley below, he

missed the dalmatian's body flinging over the edge in a flash. If he had known that was the last

time they spoke on the deck of that ship, he would have at least said goodbye.

As soon as he reached the double wooden doors, the sign above it reading "Land partayyy. Free

Booze Tomorrow...", they opened with a smash as a fuming Captain Agnus threw steam from his

nostrils. At the sudden sight of the tiger though, he stopped and smiled.

"Ah..." He growled, the redness of his eyes only increasing as he spoke. Every step he took

seemed to make the whole ship rumble. "Just the man... or should I say TRAITOR I wanted to

speak with..."

"How do you mean?" Trusser growled in reply, his fur rising on the back of his neck.

"I had a talk with the chef only a minute ago..."


"Yes, the chef... And he seems to think that a dalmatian and a mutt came to the galley during

that horrid storm and ordered a bite..."

Trusser remembered the time they had left, and hated himself for not asking where they went...

or who they talked to...

"Now please tell me he's full of shit..." The captain went on. "Please tell me you didn't offer them

shelter... Please tell me you DIDN'T LIE!"

Trusser could only feel his ears fall as countless pairs of eyes glared at him from behind the

oncoming captain. His words betrayed him as he watched in slow motion, the fisted paw that

slammed right into his cheek.

"You know how I hate liars, Trusser!" The captain shouted as he threw another knuckle

sandwich, striking tiger right in the nose. "You know I hate traitors!" Another in the cheek. "You've

always known!" One more in the eye socket. "Why!" One to the forehead. "Would!" One to the

neck. "You!" One to the chest "Betray!" And finally one to the stomach. ""

The crew was going wild at the pure display of masculinity the captain had displayed on his first


"I'll give you 5 minutes..." He turned from his fallen comrade and sucked the glory like blood. "In

that time you better be off my ship with every stinking shred of anything that would ever remind

me of you... If you fail then I'll kill you where you stand..." He turned his head to the two closest

crew members, a hyena and a doberman, who both had beer mugs in their paws. "You two." He

pointed. "I'll give you double what you earn for the next year if you track down the mutt and the

raccoon. Bring them back to me alive and it shall be done..."

The two were off, running past the crumpled tiger before he could even pick himself up off the

deck. The captain then turned again and looked him in the eye. "4 minutes, Trusser..."


"Oh it feels good to be alive!" Angela stretched as she, Wyler, and their new companion Hudson

sat at a wiry eatery table next to a pizza stand.

"I'll bet it does," Hudson agreed. "It feels good to finally..." He looked over to Wyler, who

blushed. "... I dunno, feel like I have somewhere to be I guess..."

"I can relate to that..." Wyler smiled.

"Pizza's ready!" Shouted the beaver behind the counter of the pizza place. It was (magnificently)

in the shape of a pizza, and they were sitting just close enough for him to hand it over without

either of them getting up.

"I still can't believe they didn't have chicken..." Wyler groaned as they opened the box. A mouth-

watering display of cheese, pepperoni, bacon, and beef lay before them on a round steaming pie

that made the mutt shrug his shoulders. "But I guess I've had to suck up worse things..."

They all chuckled and ate, each filling their bellies like they had never been filed before.

It was over, all over. The only thing they had to worry about now was getting to Abertanst,

which would be a breeze seeing as they had the...

"Angela?" Wyler murmured through a molten mess of cheese.

"Can't you see I'm eating?" She growled. "What?"

"You still have the map... right?"

"Yeah yeah... it's..." He eyes went wide. "Oh my god..."

As casually as ever, Hudson, while still munching on the crust of his second slice, pulled out the

crumpled paper and slammed in on the table.

"You are just amazing..." Wyler grinned. "Simply..." And then something caught his ears. The

sound of screaming.

"Crazy lunatics!" Came a shout from a distance. "I don't know nothin' about a mutt and a


"I seen a mutt!" Came another. "Weird brown fur! Like I'd never seen before. Over there!"

Like Moses parted the sea, every fur in the place sucked to the side of the grand main hall,

revealing an out of breath doberman and hyena.

"That's Boyd and Chuck?" Said Hudson, squinting. He then breathed hard as he pulled the other

two up by the scruff. "... they aren't too nice if I remember correctly..."

"Should we run?" Asked Angela, who threw everything on the table into Wyler's sack.

"I dunno--" Wyler started to say before the two furs took off towards them. "On second

thought... Yes. Running is good."

The three shot off down the left side, pushing fur left and right out of their path. Each look back

revealed the two getting closer as Angela and Wyler felt an extensive strain on their stamina.

"Hurry up!" Hudson shouted from up front. He was a clear 10 feet ahead.

"You try sitting in a cage for god knows how long and run for your life!" Angela shouted back. "It

doesn't exactly get ya goin' any faster!"

"We need to split up!" Wyler shouted. "And meet back--"

"Where?" Angela interrupted. "Meet back where?!"

"Remember the candy shop?" Hudson slowed down a little so they could speak normally

between huffs.

"Which one?" Angela asked. "The one where Wyler wouldn't buy me the two pound jaw breaker

or the one where he wouldn't by me the giant lollypop?"

"Jaw breaker...?" Hudson answered.

"They're gaining on us!" Wyler shouted.

"I can't remember where that one was?" Angela replied, ignoring the mutt's shouts and pointing

behind them.

"Kay the lollypop one then?"

"Well I'm pretty sure I could find the jawbreaker one if I really wanted to try..."

"Alright then we'll meet back at the jawbreaker one then!"

"But that means I'd have to actually look... I know right where the lollypop one was--"

"... Still gaining on us?!"

"Or was that the jawbreaker one..."

Suddenly the running stopped as they realised they ran out of space to run in. The market had

appeared to be fenced in by giant stone walls that the three would have run into if they hadn't

stopped each other just in time.

"Well that was close..." The three laughed, but one look back showed the chase was still on.

Wyler took off to the left, while Hudson and Angela fled down the right, and as soon as Boyd and

Chuck reached the gate, they soon too split off. The Hyena doing left, and the Doberman, right.

Wyler felt the life draining out of him as he sprinted, but couldn't help but be impressed by the

sheer will of escape he had in him. I guess it starts to develop heavily once you've been trapped in

a cage.

There was no denying it, though. The hyena was catching up to him at a quickening pace, and as

before he knew it he was right behind him, claws outstretched as he chuckled that maniacal hyena


"What do you want!" Wyler groaned as his attacker raised his claws in front for a swipe at a


"The money!" The hyena answered.

"I don't have any money!" Wyler replied, lying through his muzzle. The hyena just about caught

his tail, but one swift move of it caused him to miss, nearly costing him his balance.

"We get paid double for capturing you!" The hyena went on, still trying to catch him.

"But the captain let us go!"


"He knows Trusser let you guys out of the cage during the storm!"


"So he's pissed then?!"


"Oh fuck ya! He wants to skin you alive and display your remains on the hull!"


"That's gross..."

"Tell me about it..."

The final swing had struck its mark as the two slowed to a halt. They seemed to be in the meat

district now and every single shopper had their eyes on the struggling mutt with weird brown fur,

being captured by the hyena sailor.

That's when somethin miraculous happened. Out of nowhere, a blueish-grey blur took hold of

the ruffian restraining Wyler, sending him shooting towards the stone wall with his claws buried

deep within his fur.

It all happened so fast, the hyena didn't know what to do as he suddenly became aware of the

frosty blue eyes he was staring in to.

"You'd have been smart to let him out run you..." He whispered in a cold and stringy voice. The

fur had him pinned and spoke with a whisper, and as soon as Wyler recovered from the shock, he

tried to make out the face that hid behind its cloak. "... but now my claws have your blood on

them... And now I ask you... Who's fault is it?"

The hyena yipped as he tried to struggle, but every movement he made seemed to only intensify

his pain.

"Who's fault is it!"

"Mine..." He whimpered, and at those two words, the cloaked fur released him.

"Go back to your captain empty handed..." The cloak told him as he hurried off. "Before you

have no paws to hand anything over with!"

"You'll regret this!" The hyena coward as soon as he was a safe enough distance away. "You'll

regret messing with Boyd! You will!" And as the hyena called to him with his paw raised, he ran into

an ice cream truck.

"Funny..." Wyler said to himself as he approached his saviour. "I always would have figured he

would be Chuck and the Doberman was..."

The cloak turned, revealing the long familiar face that made Wyler almost fall the ground. He

couldn't believe it. It was impossible...

"Jasey?" He asked, not believing it himself. "Jasey is that... is that really you?"

"Who else would it be?" He chuckled, punching him in the arm.

At that moment, every forgotten emotion flooded back to the boy in brown fur as his eyes

began to sparkle and overflow. He couldn't help but throw his arms around his best friend, and felt

like he was flying when he felt him do the same.

"Life's been hell without you," The wolf whispered in his ear. "It's been utterly mad."

"How did you know I was going to bed here? Today? Now?" Came Wyler's quick response. "How

did you even--"

"I flew," He smiled, releasing him. "I got here about 2 weeks ago, and have been waiting here

ever since for your arrival. The odd spot about it was my hotel kicked me out today, so it was

lucky that you came."

"I still can't believe it... Hug me again!"

And they did. They hugged for about 15 minutes, each taking in that old familiar scent that had

kept each other stable their whole lives. The familiar embrace that had been long forgotten since

the time before the bell rang, and for the first time in who knows how long, Wyler felt like

everything was okay.

Suddenly a throat cleared behind them, and a quick looked showed one perplexed raccoon,

along with one very, very confused dalmatian.

"Everybody!" Wyler cried. "This is my best friend, Jasey!"

"Hey," He waved slightly to the two, cool as ever.

"Well hello there," Angela raised an eyebrow as a smile crept along his muzzle. "I believe we

met, before. You were the one who slammed me into the wall back in London, yes?"

"My apologies for that, ma'am..." The wolf bowed as he looked over to the dalmatian. "But I

don't believe we've met?"

"I'm Hudson..." The dalmatian said, almost coldly as he scanned the wolf.

"Hiya Hudson," Jasey replied with a smile. "You know that's a very nice name, Hudson. Like the


"Awesome." Hudson snapped and walked ahead, leaving the other three to watch him.

"Uh oh..." Wyler sighed as he rubbed the back of his arm. The rustling of his fur gave him shivers.

"What's his problem?" Jasey whispered as they moved in the dalmatian's direction.

"We're sort of seeing each other..." Wyler answered with his ears down, afraid of what the

sudden news my might make the wolf think of him. "At least I think we are... It's complicated..."

"You've found somebody?" Jasey smiled, but a gleam in his eye gave away his real emotion.

"That's... that's just great!" He smiled winked at him. "I'm glad for you, boy..."

"So what about you, huh?" Angela suddenly cut in. "You seeing anybody??"

"Well..." Jasey sighed. "I was hoping to... But it looks like it sort of isn't going to work out..."

Wyler's ears rose at this and suddenly the gloom of self-doubt was upon him.

"He couldn't be talking" He thought as a shade seemed to follow him, darkening his

vision until he looked ahead. And like a ray of light, he saw the dalmatian again, walking alone like

he had nobody. "Could he?"

Wyler picked up his pace, and as soon as he reached him, he grabbed a hold of his arm.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered. "I just..."

"Don't worry about it..." Hudson's quick response made him nervous. "You were just hugging

your best friend. I can understand that." Then came a smile across his splotched muzzle as his

paw took a hold of Wyler's.

Warmth shot through him, reassuring him that what he felt was real, but as he looked back again at those frosted blue eyes... the gloom fell over him again.

"Times have changed..." He thought quietly to himself, as though even thinking loud would give

him away. "And that ship has sailed... I can't go back to the way I felt about him..."

"Hey kids!" Angela shouted, breaking the links on that thought train, sending it colliding down to

rest in the wreckage of lost thoughts that were quickly collecting in the mutt's head. "Where

exactly are we going?"

"I think we should go that way?" Said Jasey, and as he spoke, Wyler could feel the dalmatian's

muscles tense. One look back showed he was pointing left with a curious expression on his face.

"Sounds fine with me," Wyler answered quickly, and then turned to the one on his arm. "Now..."

He whispered. "Why don't you tell me how you saved Angela from the Doberman? I bet--"

"We lost him," Came another quick answer. "Simple as that."

"Oh..." Wyler replied with, feeling like he had fucked up... big time. He squeezed the dalmatian's

paw, hard enough to get him to look at his smile before he leaned up and kissed him. Right then

and there in front of ever fur, they stood, once again in their own time-stopping embrace that took

their breath away.

Once they broke, Hudson huffed as his ears fell. "What was that for...?!"

"To show you I'm yours..." Wyler answered slyly as the four lost themselves within a sea of fur.

Off they were together on an adventure they'd never forget.


(8)So tell me You'll be there ,Tell me You're the cure

And tell me You'll be waiting, When my face is on the floor.

So when it rains, And when it floods, When my face is in the mud,

Will You be there, Tell me You'll be there.(8)

"Tell me You'll be There."

-Everyday Sunday.


I really liked writing this one. Everything seemed to flow, but it seems a tad rushed, maybe... The lack of an editor may become apparent, but I like it just the way it is. I hope you enjoy it as well, and i hope you didn't think me gutsy for adding Jasey back in. I needed some tension .

Chapter 9 should be out soon. Half way done^^.

Take care everyone. Loves ya alll.
