The Wolves In Me -Part 7-

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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#7 of The Wolves In Me

With the Wolves In Me 7, there's only 2-3 more chapters/pieces until the end. I've gotta say, I've been waiting to write the next part since part 2. I almost can't wait ^_^

Thanks for reading~

"I don't know how else to feel..."

Sometime between Amira apologizing and me thinking of whether I had done something wrong, we had swapped positioned. She laid on top of me, resting her head on my chest and looking to the distance as she stroked my chest with one hand and panted hard, giving my limp member a cover of lush fur every time her flat belly filled up with air.

"H-huh? What do you mean?"

For a moment, I'd considered that I'd done something wrong, that after the first time, she wasn't sure if she felt the same way about me that I felt about her. A train of possible thoughts ran through my mind, each thought was more negative and hopeless than the last.

Suddenly, quietly, Amira took a slow, deep breath. I hadn't fully realized it until now, but Amira was the only thing I had left. Of an entire pack of werewolves that didn't even know who I was, Amira actually cared about me, and I cared back. Whatever she would say, her words would have the potential to make or break the world around me.

"I'm so sorry, Eric." She closed her eyes, her fur tickled my chest every time I took a breath. "It's my fault that you suffered so much...and when day becomes night, you won't have anything to show for it...not now, not ever..."

I hid away a sigh of relief and let my head fall backward to the grass below me. Words couldn't begin to describe just how relieved I had become with Amira's statement, but my body seemed to react on its own. My arm picked itself up from my side and rested on Amira's back. Just as I gained the breath to speak, Amira slowly picked her head up from my chest and looked up to me.

"That's not completely true..." I'd almost expected for my voice to be scratchy, but it was as loud as ever. I wasn't nervous or fearful, for once, I was confident. "I've got you."

Amira looked up to me with a somewhat puzzled expression before climbing up on my body. She sat up and straddled my waist as she looked down to me and what I'd imagined to be a cheesy smile on my face. Her tail laid limp between my legs and her ears had fallen to the side as she sighed quietly.

"Listen..." I wasn't sure exactly what was about to come out of my mouth, but I wasn't about to stop myself now. "I lost some friends and my home a while ago and maybe I wasn't given the most warm welcome by your clan...but it's not your fault and I don't blame any of you."

Amira looked just as stunned as I was. Maybe she was a little right; I did suffer, and at the end of the day, I really wouldn't have anything to show for my friends' lives, my friendship with Evan, or anything from the past. Even so, I still had_my_ life, Evan was still alive, but most importantly, I met Amira.


The powerful werewolf that stood over me and scared an entire pack of horny werewolves was gone, as was the silver-furred werewolf that offered me a chunk of meat, demanding that I eat it or die. The wolf who led me through the darkness to show me bits and pieces of my past and friendship was asleep, replaced by a werewolf I knew everything about just from the look in her eyes.

Amira's soft furry hands made their way to my chest, her claws sinking into my skin, but the warmth of blood flow was nonexistent. Afterward, she leaned forward, arching her back and hovering above me, nearly face-to-face.

"Be my Alpha..." Amira's soft words slowly shifted the weight of the world to my chest. "Werewolf or not...I don't want to lead this pack without you..."

I wasn't sure what to say or what to think. There simply wasn't anything I wanted more than to be with Amira for the rest of my life, to wake up every day to her toothy smile and soft fur. Truthfully, I wasn't very sure how I'd be the alpha of a clan that had spent most of their time raping me, where each and every member was bigger and stronger than I was. Even so, I was willing to try and do whatever it would take to be at Amira's side.

I spent only a moment to organize my thoughts, but just as I took a breath Amira leaned forward and kissed me deeply. A quiet moan escaped her mouth and entered mine as she stole away my breath away. Confusion quickly became passion in the heat of the moment. Amira gripped my face. I gripped her hips. Our tongues gracefully danced side by side as our bodies swayed amidst the sea of pleasure. If there was anything that could have confirmed how I felt about her and vice versa, it was the way we kissed.

A moment passed and I found myself atop Amira once more. In the blink of an eye, we were back where we started, panting hard as we gazed deep into each other's lustful eyes.

"A-Amira..." I lightly gasped for breath, a single phrase separated a hopefully desperate pant from the smile of a lifetime, one I hoped to carry for the rest of my life. "I'm not strong or fast and I can't jump high or hunt well...but I want to be your mate. I want to be your mate more than I've ever wanted anything else before..."

It sounded like something from a cheesy Christmas special on T.V., but I was more serious that I'd ever been in my life. All I wanted was to be near her, I'd find a way to live without anything else.

"That's good..." Amira placed the perfect kiss upon my lips. "I don't want you to run fast, jump high, hunt well. I don't want you to pant when you're happy or growl when you're angry--"

She knew exactly what I was getting at.

"Eric, you single-handedly bear the weight of the sin of my entire clan on your shoulders, yet you smile brighter than the sun. There's no coldness or hate...only warmth and forgiveness. No werewolf could _ever_be more than you are." Amira placed her head atop my chest, pressing her ear to my heart, "I want what I see here and now. I want this Eric."

Amira scooted forward and pressed her muzzle against the side of my face, looking to my eyes as she pressed her gentle fur between my legs. "I want him to be mine now and forever."

I smiled and embraced Amira, closing my eyes as I did. "Then he's all and forever.


So there I was, taking Amira from behind as I pressed the side of her head into the grass. The entirety of my strength went to keeping Amira down while the strength I shouldn't have been able to muster up was used to keep her moaning and screaming my name, caught between ecstasy and wanting so much more.

"A-Ah! Eric!" Amira screamed to the wolven gods as she gripped the emerald grass tight in her claws, tearing the greenery with each of my thrusts. "H-Harder! Faster!"

I gripped the base of Amira's tail tight and pulled as hard as I could as I slammed into her, filling the air with echoes of my body slapping hard against hers. When she'd first explained what I needed to do in front of her clan to show that I was deserving of her as a mate, I was a little skeptical of how I'd do it, pulling her tail was the furthest thing from my mind. Suddenly, I wasn't sure what else I could try.

"N-Ngh...!" My grunts filled the air, warning Amira of an incoming release just as I did time after time. I wanted to hold back, I tried my hardest, but she was just making it harder and harder.

"N-Not yet!" Amira's eyes widened and she gasped in a way she always did before gracing the air with a scream and the grass with a warm shower. All at once we were nearing our releases, but I would outlast her, I was determined to.

In a sudden fit of strength and speed, I pulled my hand from the side of Amira's head and gripped her hip with it, throwing her body back and forth with each of my thrusts. Her moans and ecstatic cries only grew louder, pleading bits and pieces of my two syllable name time after time.

I huffed, it wasn't just her body, her perfect figure, her tight sex, sizable, soft breasts or her alluring smile, but her voice too. Everything about her just made controlling myself so difficult...but for now, that was a good thing.

I loosed a feral roar to Amira's back as I forced her forward, pressing her body into the ground and slamming her into it, holding onto her rear to keep myself up. Amira, seemingly caught off guard, fell into the ground with a loud gasp, clawing at the ground and clenching her jaws shut. She held back what sounded to be a pained whimper, but I'd heard the sound enough times to know better of stopping.

"A-Augh!" Amira released a howl to the skies as she clenched up around me, panting, whimpering under me as she came, splashing the ground with her sweet scent as she gasped for breath. "N-Nuh...h-haaah..."

Amira's panting continued for a while until she completely relaxed under me, turning her head to the side to look up to me with a slight smirk. "N-not bad..." She slowly moved as she closed her eyes, resting her head on her arms with a content smile. "Let's just see how long you can keep that up."

Filled with a profound sense of pride, I gave Amira's tail a rough tug as I slammed into her, gently grinding and pressing her into the ground afterward. "H-heh!"

"Mmm..." Amira's tongue lolled out for a moment before she opened her eyes, gently picking herself up to her hands and knees to give me a shove backward. "So you wanna play rough now, huh?"

I gripped Amira's hips tight and forced her onto her side, letting my throbbing member fling up into the air. Her eyes widened and she gasped from surprise alone as I rolled her onto her back and took a firm hold of my cock, spreading her legs to ease my way into her body, looking down to her glowing eyes.

"What if I do?"

Amira reached forward and gripped my shoulders tight, forcing me into a deep, passionate kiss. She moaned, growled, whimpered into my mouth as her tongue filled the places where my own couldn't and I filled her body. She spread her legs wider for me and crossed her ankles behind my body as I continued to thrust inside her, nearing my own release with a quiet grunt.

It only felt like minutes into our new position where I found myself at the peak of excitement, reaching down for my member before ripping it right out of Amira's body. She gasped at the new change, but didn't argue as I desperately tugged at myself, looking for my biggest release yet.

My wishes seemed to be granted after a few hard thrusts into my hand. I could feel myself cumming, my chest constricting and my wide-eyed expression slowly shifting to closed-eyes and clenched teeth. As I continued my rampant stroking, Amira slowly released me, but stayed in place, looking under my chest to my cock spewing more white than ever thanks to a new diet of special berries that grew solely around the area, or so I'd been told.

It almost seemed to take an eternity, but when I was finished, I slowly dropped my hand to the ground, barely able to hold myself up, my face painted with a drunken smile. After only a short while, I willed my body to move, falling to Amira's side and looking to her with a chuckle. We'd spent the past week spontaneously mating at the slightest notion of arousal and it was just getting better. With a soft pant I slowly picked myself up, followed by Amira, who looked down to the softest path of fur between her legs now completely drowned in my slippery white.

"Well that's certainly new..." Amira looked over to me with a somewhat confused expression before reaching between her legs and scooping up my seed with two fingers. She licked them clean before turning over and looking down to my glistening member; she went down moments later.

"A-Ah...!" Amira's tongue was divine, so soft and wet and warm. I'd never given myself a taste before or even considered the thought, but the way she slurped, desperately tugging and sucking made me sound like the most delicious thing in the world. "W-well you said that I'd have to claim you as my own in front of your clan, right?"

"Mhmm..." Amira took my entire member into her mouth and fondled it with her tongue giving it the occasional gentle nibble. Afterward, she sat up and looked to me with a lick of her lips. "And that's what you've got planned, is it?"

I shrugged with a smile. "I don't know, maybe..."

It had been roughly a week since our first time and ever since then we spent most of our days laughing, playing, and mating when we weren't eating or sleeping. With Amira being a werewolf, she was easily excited and foreplay alone either made me cum or left me rather sore, but I never once complained; I was happy and so was she.

Amira smirked, "so I take it that you're ready to go back then?"

I froze up. The entire reason we stayed for so long even after mating was mostly so I wouldn't embarrass myself when I'd have to mate with Amira in front of the rest of her clan as her parents, the current clan's leaders did before us. Now that I was finally ready with a bit of help of a solid week of spontaneous mating, I wasn't sure what to think or feel.


Amira's voice melted my body and I looked back over to her with a smile. Sure, I had plenty of reasons to be scared of returning, or hateful of Amira's clan, but I wasn't scared or angry in the slightest.

"Heheh," I smiled. "As I'll ever be."

I was just ready to go home.