The History Of Zato

Story by Zato on SoFurry

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#4 of The History Of Zato

((All characters in my stories are Copywritten me, please do not use them without my permission. 18+ for most of my stories due to the fact I normally put something yiffy or violent, extremly, in it >.=.> Also, Demon and Mercy Dragons are copywritten me as well, since I created this version.))

Everyone in front of Zato began to chatter amongst themselves before the king clapped and told Veon and the others to move away, smiling as he looked back to Zato and patted him on the shoulder before moving away as well.

"Zato, please change into your True Feral."

He blinked and stared at the king.


"Do it."

He sighed heavily now before doing as he was told. He shut his eye as the neon blue aura drew around him and the others looked in awe as his body shifted and stretched til what stood before them scared them, causing mostly all of them to draw back. He had become huge, he was now nearly the height of the castle walls, his wings blocked out the sun from all around him if he was to open his wings. He was nearly touching both walls of the castle gates. Hell, from looking at him now no one understood how he didn't just smash his way out of here.

"The kingdom that has declared war on us is a poor one, their army is wielding iron and suits of armor made from the same material, some even made of bone. They don't have a single unit in their army that knows how to fight a dragon, and their arrows won't be able to pierce his scales. Zato is the reason this first battle will be won quickly, no one else will have to fight. If everything goes as planned."

Said the king as he walked around and under the dragon, checking him.

"Zato, you are not permitted to shift back to your anthro til you win the battle and return here, got it?"

He sighed and gave a slow nod, he was not able to talk in his True Feral form, but he could talk in all his others, other then speaking Draconic. But here, that failed to help him.

The king grinned a grin he had not since Zato had first been brought here, before climbing onto his horse causing everyone else too before they made their way out.

"Troops, move out! We go to meet the Kingdoms army in town before moving to the battle!"

As the king and others made their way out, Zato lowered his tail to the ground and signaled for Veon, the raptor sisters, and Samon to get onto his back. But he soon found out they all wanted to sit on his head and smiled a bit.

"Hope you don't mind, Brother."

He smiled a bit more and gave a gentle shake of his head before following after the king and troops while Veon and the others began to talk about the fight.

"I don't like that Zato will be doing all the fighting, what happens if they do find a way to immobilize him? Let alone kill him."

Veon felt a chill run up her spine as she said that, hating the thought he could die. Ruby smiled to that and giggled.

"Then me and Pink will save him. We listen to brother, not your king. We wouldn't let your god even kill him."

Zato gave a feral laugh, causing the others to laugh as well as they drew closer and closer to town. The conversation dieing after Ruby said that, as they all looked to the town and giggled amongst themselves.

"How do you think the townspeople will take to Zato?"

Samon smiled to that and waved her arms, acting like a person running.

"Help! A dragon has come to destroy our town, and he is right next to our king! And he has others a top his head!"

Samon giggled as the others laughed as well, she then sat back down and smiled.

"Come now, I don't mean to sound rude to Zato. But he isn't very intimidating."

With that, Zato huffed and moved his tail up to coil around her a bit as she began to struggle while he moved her in front of his maw and she got a puff of smoke as greeting from his maw before a long, drool covered lick before placing her back with the others. Each of the nearly dieing from laughter at a drool covered eagle in armor.

"Dragon drool, really mature Zato."

He laughed once again before the king yelling stop got his, as well as everyone else attention. And just as he said that, everyone noticed everyone in town running to them cheering and smiling, no one seeming to be scared that a dragon was standing stories above them. And they soon found out why they were all happy and cheerful, as the towns people drew closer and closer and what they were cheering was clearly heard.

"Send him in first, let him die!"

"Yeah, let the dragon die! We won't have to suffer over the lose of our children anymore!"

"Let that dragon deal with the enemy, I don't want my son to die!"

"Fuck the dragon, king, send him in and let him die! His kind is just a plague on us!"

Zato just shook his head before he felt those on his head gently begin to pet him, before he felt rocks and other garbage from the street start to hit him, causing him to move his wing to mainly shield Veon and the others as he made his way through town.

"Don't show any love to that beast! He is nothing more then a tool for war!"

He shook his head once again as he and the army left the town, the words from the people still running through his mind as he did. The king just laughed a bit as he continued to lead his army.

"Come now Zato, surely what they said couldn't have hurt your feelings."

Zato just shot a glare to the king as one of his old grins crept onto his face. He kept glaring to the king as he slowly folded his wing back down and sighed heavily, while the others began to talk. And he tried not to listen, til he heard Pink say something he had not thought about in a long, long time.

"You know...I wonder what brothers parents are up to..."

He wondered now exactly what they were talking about, but his mind began to wonder more on what his parents were actually up to...and if they even remembered him.

Back in the same cave he was born in, his mother was laying yet another clutch of eggs and having a lot easier time then he first one. Each egg slid out effortlessly with his father gently putting them in the middle, and in the end sat six eggs. Each one a seeming brighter shade of white, with both of them just staring at them. They knew this meant something, but they could not remember what.


Said his mother as she panted and weakly curled around her eggs, cooing weakly. His name being said caused him to move closer and gently nuzzle along her maw.

"Yes love?"

"Do you think he is still alive...?"

"Yes love, we did teach him well. However, I just hope he hasn't fallen to..."

Before he could finish, he and his mate heard the loud footfall of a marching army and slowly Ryu made his way out of the cave and climbed up the mountain a bit, before looking out over the forest. And to his amazment, he saw him. A large black dragon walking alongside an army of men, with few shapes on his head. He knew it was his was son, there was no mistaking it. And he was no further then a mile away. This finding caused him to nearly fall off the mountain before running into the cave and sliding to a stop near his mate.

"Love! You wont believe it!"

"Ryu, its another's not hard to believe."

"No! Its Zato!"

She opened her eyes wide and lifted off the nest before both of them made there way slowly out of the cave and climbing onto the mountain, Kizna getting help from her mate as she was still weak, before they looked out and both now saw him.

"It is him...but how....did he age so fast."

"Love, you know they take cubs from other species and age them with magic. They had to do it too him too."

"We have to go save him love."

"I know, I'll go. You go back to the nest and watch over the eggs Kizna."

She nodded and smiled to her mate.

"Bring him back safely."

"Of course love."

With that, he flared his wings open and took off right to the army, not afraid of anyone of them, only wanted his son back.

"...Can you please stop talking so loud, you are right next to my ears you know?"

Zato said as they began to talk louder for a few, before Veon and Ruby moved to each of his ears and covered them with both of their hands, causing him to shake his head.

"Stop before I put you all on the ground!"

They all giggled before the sound of one of the scouts got the their attention, he was riding quickly straight to the king and everyone knew why soon after. Right behind was a large, red dragon who seemed to ignore the fact the scout was right in front of him. And after a minute or so, the dragon landed probably two hundred feet from the army as they all readied their weapons, only to have the king tell them to put them away.

"Zato will take care of the beast."

Zato glared at the king for a minute before setting all the ones on his head down and walking forward til he and the other dragon were fifty feet apart, both just staring at each other, neither blinking.

"It would seem what we taught you is still there, and you still control yourself."

Zato blinked before going wide-eyed, this dragon spoke perfect English and everyone behind him was shocked, while the king cursed. He knew exactly who the dragon was, but it seemed Zato did not.

The two dragons kept their stare locked, Zato looking down a bit to the red one. Their stare continued until the red on opened his maw to speak, before the first word could even start, Zato had charged forward and tackled into the other before quickly locking his jaw around the red dragons neck and pinning him down, but not killing him. His sole left eye looking into the others while the army and his friends cheered for him, while the other dragon squirmed hard and roared out.

"Zato, stop! Release me!"

The lord glared and yelled out.

"Kill that dragon, he wants to kill us!"

Zato kept still for a little bit before looking back into the red dragons eyes, before something in the back of his mind told him to let go. So, he did. He opened his maw slowly and backed away while the other dragon rose up and glared at the lord.

"What have you done to my son!"

Veons, the raptor sisters, Samon, and Zatos eyes went wide-eyed at that.

"Zato, he lies! Don't listen to this beast!"

Zato gave a hard shake of his head while the other dragon drew near and raised his head, while fire escaped from inside of his maw, before throwing his head forward and blowing flame. And at the last second, Zato jumped forward and put his wing out, shielding everyone from the flame while his wing burned and melted off, leaving just a stub. This caused Zato to roar out in pain before giving his tail a thwack on the ground and quickly spinning around, slamming his tail into the others head and causing him to tumble over, shocked that he just burned his own sons wing off. Zato walked over and stood over the dragon, pinning him down as he signaled for everyone else to move on. As the army did, he looked down to the dragon and glared before slamming his head into the others, instantly knocking out the red dragon before continuing on after the others.

He quickly caught up and put Samon, Veon, and the sisters back on his head before they all moved to where his wing once was and looked over the wound, then to his other wing. Pink then quickly ran up his brothers neck and looked down in front of his eye.

"Brother, doesn't that hurt?"

"It does love,'s not like the king is going to let us stop. That other army is probably attacking his kingdom right now, because of that pause. And it was just some dragon that wanted to kill the king., Couldn't have been my father. I don't have one."

They all fell silent now and just watched as the king went a bit faster, most guessing they were close to their destination.

Ryu let out a sigh as he slowly rose back onto his legs, shaking and stumbling as he made his way back to the cave. And upon entering and getting as close to the nest as he could, he tumbled onto his side with his forked tongue hanging out of his maw. This causing Kizna to bolt to him and drag him over and into the nest, nuzzling him.

"The humans actually made you retreat?"

"No love, it was Zato. He didn't remember me."

She blinked and let out a laugh.

"He didn't remember you, come now love. He wasn't gone for a long."

"No, but he was young and he was taken."

Both just went quite now as she gently nuzzled along his neck.

"We'll bring him back some how."

Zato and the others had arrived to the battle earlier then anyone would have thought, and everyone was currently fighting the enemies, who had seemed to have gotten far more money and training then the king had said. If Zato could take them time the count, the odds were highly stacked against them. It was ten thousand strong against two thousand, who were serverly shocked by the sudden battle. And their two thousand was quickly dropping.

"Zato! Cover our retreat! We need to get out of here, I did not expect this! I should have brought the entire army and not this!"

The king said as he and his guards were the first ones to retreat, while the rest soon followed til it was just Zato, Veon, Samon, and the raptor sisters.

"All of you, leave now!"

"But Bro..."


Everyone on the field froze as his voice changed from its normal tone to a scary, somehow echoed and dark voice.


Veon and the others quickly snapped too as they hastily retreated, only Veon and the sisters looking back to see Zatos neon blue aura appear before shifting to black. As they continued to run, the ran into their army, who was on a nearby ridge over looking the battle. This caused Veon to nearly lunge at her king, before she forced herself to stay calm.

"Why are you all standing here!? Let Zato retreat!"

The king smiled to her and looked back to the battle.

"Remember when I said the battle plans rested fully on Zato, this is the plan."

Veon and the others fell silent as they all looked to the field. What they saw amazed them in every way imaginable. Back down in the battle, Zato was using his last wing to fling the soldiers into the air, sending them crashing into the earth. While using his tail to smash countless enemies at once, his flame to burn countless people, and his claws to shred through their ranks and horses.

Of course, his attacks weren't going ignored as arrow after arrow stuck into him, swords and spears impaled him, axes and hammers smashed against him. His scales were quickly turning red from his own blood, but he seemed perfectly unaffected by the pain that had to be coursing through him.

He kept this up until his now black aura shifted back to its neon blue and he stood there, all the weapons that had once impaled him on the ground. His clothes gone and in the middle of hundreds, no, thousands of angry troops who were slowly drawing closer and closer, weapons at the ready.

He slowly stood up as straight as his weakened body would allow, stretched out his arms and opened his wing as wide as he could, giving up now since he had no more strength to fight. And just as the troops closed in to kill the dragon who had murdered thousands of their comrades, he heard the faint sound of soldiers charging and arrows flying. And before he knew it, the troops closest to him began to fall from arrows and the furthest ones rushed to stop kings army.

"Forget the dragon, go after them! The dragon is too weak to even more, we will win with just four thousand troops left!"

He heard their commander say before every troop around him left to fight the kings army, while he just dropped onto his back and let out a long sigh, second time he had let out the demon in him. As he thought about this, he slowly drifted off into sleep while the faint battles cries of Veon and the others rang in his ears.

"We have to save brother! But there are still too many!"

Said Ruby as she sank one of her blades deep into an enemies throat, before bolting off to help Pink who was being quickly surrounded, but still managing to kill enemy after enemy. Ruby quickly helped her sister kill the enemies before both of them looked to the king and Veon, both fighting their way to Zato who was behind the entire enemy line.

"King, why did you send him in alone! We could have fought beside him!"

"No, we couldn't have! When he lets out his demon he will kill anyone, ANYONE, around him!"

She fell silent now in the heat of battle, while still trying to get to her friend. Everyone was seeming to concentrate more on rescuing him other then winning the fight.

Zato laid there, breathing heavily while he slowly opened his eye and looked around, only seeing the bright blue sky above him. He slowly stood up on shaking legs and walked forward, walking right to the battle and on the way picking up one of the fallen swords. And with what strength he had left, he swung that sword at any enemy he seen, but keeping a straight line. He was being guided by the sounds of Ruby, Pink, and Veon arguing how to get to him. And before long, he seen them all, he didn't know how many he had killed to get here, nor did he care.

"Pink! Ruby, come here!"

All three of them froze before each looked to the sound of the voice, all shocked to see Zato standing there, covered in who knows how much blood and a weak smile plastered onto his maw as the looked to them.

"Am I going to get some help here, having a hard time standing up."

Ruby and Pink instantly ran over to him and put his arms behind their back before moving away from the battle, far behind their own lines and sitting down next to him, both hugging them with all their strength while Veon just watched from the battlefield.

"You two need to go fight."

"But brother, look how hurt you are! You might die on us!"

"Please Pink, does it really look like I am going to die?"

Both looked him over and quickly nodded, before he chuckled softly and looked to the field. His eye catching Veons as he moved his head back and to the side a bit, signaling her to come here as she quickly did.

"You think Im going to die as well?"

She too looked him over and nodded.

"Fine, all three of you can watch me and make sure I don't die, ok?"

"But Zato, what about the king...he wants us to fight."

Zato looked to where the king was and smiled, most of the enemy had begun to retreat and their army was quickly winning.

"Oh...just tell him, that I as your commander, told you to watch over me."

Each of the three giggled as Zato fell onto the grass, sighing a bit before a poke to his slit caused him to shoot back up and blush under his blood.

"Who did that?"

Each just looked to each other before Ruby and Veon pointed to Pink, who blushed deeply.

"Forgive me brother, I just remember doing it as a kid. You always laughed when I used to do it and just gave me that claw shake thing and said not too."

He gave a soft chuckle and smiled to her.

"Admit it Pink, you've always been curious about whats in there."

She blushed and shook her head.

"No Im not brother!"

He laughed now and slowly laid back, crossing his legs to cover his slit.

"Maybe one day Ill show you."

She blushed even more and put her claws on her cheeks to hide it, while the others laughed as well.

After a few, each of them laid down next to him, Ruby and Pink snuggled up against him with Veon balled up a foot away from his head, looking down to him and making sure he doesn't die on them. And as she watched him, she failed to notice the battle end and the king slowly make his way over to them. But he soon made his presence known.

"Zato, what the hell are you thinking! Laying here after nearly surrendering to the enemy."

He sighed as he slowly stood up with the sisters looking up to him before he did something none of them expected. Zato clenched his fist, pulled it back and punched the king straight in his face. Sending him onto the ground with a loud thud before Zato sat back down next to the others.

"I did that for your little battle, after you lied to us. Those weren't from a poor kingdom, hell a cub could tell you that. You lie to me again and I will kill you, you yell at me and I will force you to fight your own battles."

Zato slowly stood up, with the help of Ruby and Pink this time and started to make his way back to the kingdom. And after he a few steps, he fainted, and the last thing he heard as he did was the sound of Pink screaming, since it seemed he fell limp against her.

He awoke, what felt like a few few minutes, later and to his amazement he was laying in his bed with Veon, Pink, and Ruby all in it with him, but each seem deeply saddened. So, slowly, he raised a claw and gently ran his claw over Pinks head, who instantly woke up, but before she could mutter a sound he held her maw shut and signed to her to be silent as he slowly wiggled out of his bed and signaled for her to follow, and she did. They both walked silently out of the castle and straight to the lake before he sat down near the water and pulled Pink next to him, who instantly latched onto him, crying and sobbing as loud as she could.

"Pink, how long was I out?"

"It would have been three months tomorrow..."

He sighed as she continued.

"Every healer and doctor hear said that you were dead in every since of the word, but me, Ruby and Veon fought for you to be put into your room and that one day you would awake. And you did!"

He felt her claws sinking into him and chuckled softly, he knew she only did this when she was scarred to no limit. So slowly, he lifted her up and cradled her. She just sat her head against his chest and let out soft murrs, while he gave soft licks to her maw.

"I'm here Pink, Im fine. Your brother is fine."

She began to cry even louder now, which caused him to tilt his head and look to her.

"'ve always been brother or and Ruby talked about it while you were out and we both agree we've always wanted you to be more then just brother or father."

He gave a tilt of his head and looked to her as she looked back up to him.

"We even talked to Veon...she agreed as well that well..."

"Come now Pink, no going silent now...finish what you were saying.."

"We all want to be your mates! We all love you with all our heart and soul, you've always been there for us, you've done everything in your power to protect us. What do we have to show to it, just sitting back and letting you do it without us helping. We want to be mated with you Zato, and then the king can't punish any of us and we could just be loved ones and always be by your side."

"Pink what kind of ma..."

He was cut off as Pink locked him in a deep, loving kiss, which took him completely by surprise and after a moment, he slowly relaxed and let her continue. She had to be serious to be the one to begin the kiss, given her normal personality. He slowly shut his eye now as did Pink and both just held the kiss for what felt like ever before Pink slowly drew her head back, a brige of saliva connecting them as they both looked into each others eyes lovingly.

"Pink...are you sure you three want me to be my know it would take a lot of talking to get the king to accept this kind of mateship."

She nodded and gently pushed Zato onto his back, straddling his stomach and giggling a bit.

"Would I be acting like this if I wasn't?"

"Well we are in a sec.."

He was cut off once again as she locked him in another loving kiss before moving her head back and putting her claw to his lips.

"Shush, I want to show you just how much I love you brother..."

She slowly took off the top she was wearing and tied it around his maw, before wiggling out of her pants and tieing his arms in front of himself.

"This is so you don't try to stop me brother...Ruby taught me how to do it..."

He looked to her and blushed deeply, he use to take the brother and sister thing seriously and never really looked at her or Ruby, but Pink was far more beautiful then he had ever noticed before. Her pink scales with red markings that seemed to fuse together on her belly, leaving dark pink scales covering her belly. Her lovely c-cup breasts, her figure that most of the dancers in the castle envied over.

He didn't realize he was staring until Pink let out a soft giggle and blushed deeply.

"I take it brother likes what he sees...but I guess instead of the usual brother we have been calling you...we should call you love.."

She smiled still as she slowly slide down his form, him watching her, before she stopped onto of his legs and ran her claws above his slit, before slowly rubbing over it and pushing a claw gently into it. Causing Zato to arc his back a bit and murr out heavily through the shirt tied around his maw. She continued this until his member slowly slid out of his slit, causing her to blush as it reached it full length, throbbing gently in the air now at its full thirteen inches.

"Guess I get to see it now..."

She smiled softly now, a bit worried now at the size of it and this being her first time. She shook it off though, she loved him, she could take the pain for him. She lowered her head and took a bit closer look at it, as he looked down to her, blushing deeply and squirming. His length had small spines running along the bottom of it, with ridges on the sides and more spines along the top. And the head of it came to a dull point.

She slowly began to nose against it and breath in his scent, before she lifted her head up and took the head of it into her maw and lightly began to suckle while running her tongue around the head. She began to let her drool flow down his length, not even trying to take more of it, before she pulled her head back and looked to him. He was panting through the shirt now, with an even deeper blush, as his length throbbed.

"Did I do good brother?"

He slowly nodded to that, still highly embarrassed about all that was going on, as she slowly moved up and positioned herself over his length, before putting her cunny to his lengths head and holding her place. She froze in place for a minute before moving her claws up and undoing the ties from Zato, allowing him to move.

"Do you want me to stop brother?"

She was met with him gently gripping her sides and putting her on her back on the grass, and moving on top of her, locking her in a deep, passionate, and loving kiss. He held this kiss for a few minutes before slowly moving his head back and smiling to her.

"I love you too Pink, Truly I do. And if you want to, we will."

She smiled happily and nodded slowly to him.

"Just please brother...go slow. It is my first time after all.."

He smiled to her and gently nuzzled her while putting the tip of his length against her dripping wet and eager cunny.

"Are you ready...?"

She blushed and gave a nod.

"Tell me to stop if it hurts too much."

She gave another nod as he slowly began to push into her, causing both of them to let out low, soft moans. He continued to push into her before he felt a barrier, he then stopped once again and looked up to her with utter care in his eye.

"Last chance...are you sure about this Pink...?"

She gave yet another nod and wrapped her arms around Zatos back, hugging him close before he gave a swift push past her hymen and effortlessly broke her. Pain shot through her as clawed into his back, he had accidently pushed too hard and drove his entire length into her, save for two or so inches, since his head was against her cervix. She did not shriek, but her eyes were clenched shut and tears ran down her cheeks as he nuzzled her, apologizing over and over again.

"Im fine brother, I am. Im crying from how happy I am...not from the pain."

He looked to her as she slowly opened her eyes and smiled lovingly up to him, before locking him in yet another kiss, to show she wasn't lying. And as they kissed, he drew his hips back til just the head of his member remained in her and slowly pushed back in, setting a slow, deep, and loving rhythm. Still waiting for her to adjust.

This rhythm continued til she broke the kiss and smiled up to him, sweat slowly beginning to form on her and Zato.

", please. Make me yours..."

He smiled softly to her and fulfilled her wish, his thrusting slowly began to pick up speed and strength til the sound of his scales colliding with hers and the lewd sound their juices made was the only thing that could be heard, over their moans and screeches. Both of them forgetting about everything now, other then each other. Both failing to hear the approaching footsteps and slithering of two figures while the sun also began to rise.

Zato's rhythm began to pick up even more as his length began to heat up and pre began to leak into her. As his climax drew closer and closer, he could also tell that Pinks was drawing close as well. So, slowly, he opened his maw and bite down gently around her neck. This caused her to let out a loud, feral shriek while his claw moved down and began to rub over her clit.

"Love, please, together...I want us to come together."

He smiled around her neck now as he slowed down. Drawing out his movements now until he felt her walls begin to tighten more and more, so he picked up speed once again before he hilted himself into her. The head of his member piercing into her womb before he released her neck and let out a loud, roar. The feeling of this also throwing Pink over the edge as she let out another feral shriek and her cunny walls clamped shut around Zato, while he emptied himself into her.

His climax continued for near a minute, as did hers, before both were left panting heavily. Zatos head resting next to Pinks before he slowly rolled around, letting Pink rest on top of him as she let out a soft giggle and swayed her long tail slowly.

"Too bad Ruby and Veon weren't here to.."

She was cut off as Ruby and Veon moved next to them, causing Pink to turn apple red and hide behind Zatos wing.

"Come now Pink, we seen most of your twos little act."

"We did, Zato is more gentle then I would have imagined."

Ruby and Veon both giggled now as Zato just laid there, panting still. Ruby smiled to this and moved down, peeking under their tails and smiling to the blood and sexual juice mixture. She giggled now as she stuck out her tongue and began to lick it up, causing Pink to eep once again and Zato to let out soft murrs. Ruby continued to clean up the slight mess before she moved her head back up and smiled up to the two, before looking to Veon and then to Pink.

"Mind if..."

She was cut off as an loud boom shoot through the valley and a violent gust of wind washed over the cherry blossom trees around them, which caused Zato to quickly, but carefully, move from under Pink and pull himself free before looking up to the firey orange sky and slowly seen smoke begin to rise, causing him to let out a loud sigh.

"Castle under attack, you three..."

Before he could finish the others all ran off, with Pink waiting for him.

"Its not official, but we are your mates. We stand by your side now, no matter what you say."

He sighed again and charged after them, all of them now heading to the castle which was under attack.

Loud roars and the sound of hundreds of people screaming as they ran filled the early morning sky as two dragons attack the once hidden castle. One light blue dragon and one red dragon, both breathing flame over the castle walls and killing all they could, searching for just one person out of all these.

They killed everyone. Man, woman, child, pet. They didn't care, after all those years they finally found where his son has been held captive. They didn't know what the king had done to their son, but they knew one thing that was set in there minds like flame to a fire. They wanted him back.

And soon, they found him.

"I don't care what you three say, STAY HERE!"

His voice changed as he quickly shifted to his true feral and charged to the two dragons, roaring out for them to stop.

"Finally, Zato, my son!"

Pink, Ruby, And Veon all blinked to that as the blue dragon talked.

"After three long months after you and your father fought each other, we tracked you down. In this drab little castle unfit for a whelp. Why did you not flee, look it what they have done to you. You are covered in scars now!"

He had not looked at himself since, hell he couldn't remember, but if he could see himself he would notice she was right. There were scars everywhere on him. His back, tail, neck, maw, head, arms, legs, everywhere. Hundreds if not thousands of scars now littered his body.

"Come, we must go home!"

He looked down at the ground for a moment before he heard the king yell at his troops to attack, and before they even moved, Zato stamped his left front leg down in front of them and looked to his mother.

"Mother, Father, forget me. I will not return home. I have betrayed everything you taught me when I was young, the demon inside of me has already been released because of that man down there. Twice, as a matter of fact. I am not your son anymore, Im..."

He was cut off as his mother slapped him with her tail before unhooking snake like fangs in her maw and biting down into his neck, causing him to let out a pain filled roar as she pumped something into his veins which quickly caused his body to relax and soon he was out cold. As that happened, Pink, Ruby and Veon rushed forward only to be meet with his father moving in front of them and looking down at them, his maw no more then four feet away from Pink when he suddenly sniffed and looked back to his mate.

"Love, these three all have his scent on him. Should we bring them?"

She nodded as she pulled off her sons neck and pulled him onto her back before bolting off, while Ryu wrapped his tail around the three and quickly followed after.

Seeing this, the king slammed his fist into the ground and cursed. His plan to take over the other kingdoms was just ruined, and his castle utterly destroyed.

To be continued...

((This is probably makes less sense then the others, but I wrote most of it while I was sick with a fever so sorry. I will do better in my next one, I hope.))