Unknown Wonders Chapter 3.5

Story by DoctorFlame on SoFurry

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#4 of Unknown Wonders ( Dead )

WARNING: The fallowing contains yiff. Simple sweet and to the point. If you do not wish to read such a thing, skip this chapter. It holds no story progression or character development and skipping this will not make you miss out on anything important.

Ok, now that that is out of the way, I wish to say one thing, I've NEVER written anything along these lines before... in fact I've never written anything adult to this extent before. It's rough, dirty (no pun intended), but it kinda works. I spent forever on this, but I can't seem to refine it anymore than I have and it's holding up the story. So, I'm going to just toss it here and hope that between moving on and any comments I get that my next attempt will be better.

Anyway, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, both as to what I'm doing right and wrong.

Update as of 4/2/16: This story is dead and will not be completed. Due to the issues that have been going on from the beginning of this I have lost both memory and notes to where I was going with this story.

If I can pick up where I left off and continue, I will. But for now, consider this dead.

The door clicked behind Sasha as she stepped out of Adeline's room. The wolf sighed softly in the quiet hall. She felt a little for Adeline, knowing how the poor leopard felt, but a good night's sleep was all Adeline could offer. Not so much as a soul could be seen from one end to the other and she assumed this meant most of the staff was ether asleep or finishing up their night. Her duties were finished for the evening, but she still had plenty of energy to burn off and knew exactly where to go to do so. She grinned a little to herself as she headed to her room for a change of clothing.

Oliver was still curled up in the library with nothing more than a small reading lamp lit up next to him, illuminating the book he was now devoted to, and half of a cup of tea that had long since gone cold. It was fantasy book, one of times long forgotten with dragons that fought knights and princesses that needed saving. He wore not much more than a pair of brown trousers, feeling no need to cover his upper half. It was still warm in the evenings and thus he felt only a need to wear clothing for modesty's sake. He was so engrossed in his book that he did not notice the small click of the library doors closing. Not that it mattered, he didn't own the library and if someone wished to use it he wasn't going to complain about the company as long as they were quiet. Oliver looked up from his book for a moment, noticing the lack of sound in the room. Looking around, he found nothing, but could have sworn someone had come in the library. However, it was hard to see despite light offered by the nearly full moon offered through the windows. Satisfied that nobody was here, he turned back to his reading.

Sasha now stood in the library, grinning to herself intently as she watched Oliver idly reading the night away. She knew the two of them were alone and wouldn't be bothered for now, as long as they were quiet. Quietly as she pleased, she placed one of the only two copies of the library key on a small table next to the door. What she had planned required a bit of privacy and though nobody would be coming to the library this late at night, she wasn't stupid enough to assume that it couldn't happen. Without so much as a click of her claws, Sasha made her way in the darkness, stepping closer and closer to her pray and she grinned wildly. This was a thrill she hadn't felt in a long time for Drake had not been in need of her hunting skills in a long time and it felt good to do this once again.

Without so much as the sound of her own breathing, Sasha slowly crept up on her victim. She kept to the shadows and inched closer, little by little and it wasn't long before she was right behind him, standing over his chair. She sniffed softly, taking in his scent. He was oddly sweet, yet musky with a hint of fresh earth from working in the gardens earlier that day. She could also smell the scent of cinnamon and a hint of vanilla from the dessert he had made for the other servants not hours ago.

Oliver froze mid-sentence in his book as claws slowly took grasp around his neck. His heart raced in his chest as his body screamed to run, but his senses told him not to move so much as a muscle. "Don't make a sound," a voice whispered in his ear softly. The fox did as he was told and just sat there, unmoving. They stayed there for what seemed like an eternity till the faint smell of rose water slipped it's way past Oliver's nose. "S-Sasha?" he asked, obviously scared, but a little less so now that he knew his captor. A light giggle was the only thing he got in response as one claw released his neck just long enough to take the book from his paw and place it to the side, resting it so the page he was on would not be lost. The wolf circled around the chair, never letting go of his neck, her claws digging through his fur and lightly scraping against his skin as she did. There was not enough pressure for her claws to cut, but enough to show how dangerous they were if she dared use them.

The wolf straddled the fox's lap, wearing a silver lace bra and lace panties that were more for show than to cover anything important. Despite the situation, Oliver could not help but look down at the wolf's barely clothed body and Sasha could feel his response already between her legs. Her normal clothing did nothing to display the beauty now sitting before him. She was unimaginably soft and her curves so nice it was as if the gods themselves had carved her out to be a masterpiece. Her entire body was smooth, but muscular. This was not the workings of a servant, but of a hunter always coiled and ready to strike, and this thought sent chills down his spine. There was not a single blemish on her, aside from one perfectly black streak that wrapped around the middle of her right side, ending somewhere along her back. She grinned a bit, "Like what you see?" she asked, already knowing the answer. Oliver only sat there, frozen, but more than obviously turned on by the white wolf sitting in front of him. The fox nodded a bit as he finally looked back up, bringing his deep brown eyes to her more emerald like ones. To say he had not wished for something like this would have been a flat out lie. He had been attracted to the wolf in front of him since the very first day and now, here she was, on his lap, barely clothed. These thoughts only caused the lump in his pants to pulse slightly, causing Sasha's grin to grow that much more. She had to admit to herself that for a guy he had very soft and, though not as well built as his brother, had some muscles of his own. She let her claw twirl around his chest a bit before slowly running down his stomach. "Let's see... where should I start?" she asked, more to herself than Oliver. She leaned in close, pressing her chest against his as she nipped the base of his neck softly. "Just relax; I won't bite, too much."

Sasha could feel the tension in Oliver's muscles slowly melt away as she continued to tease him. Finally with the courage worked up, Oliver allowed his own paws to slowly creep up Sasha's sides, feeling every inch of her body. His claws slowly raked up her back till they met the clasp that held her bra in place. He hesitated for a moment, "Go ahead," encouraged Sasha as she continued to nip softly. Oliver needed no other words as he pulled in the clasp. It took him a moment to undo it, finding the clasp to be more annoying than anything, but Sasha simply waited, finding this amusing. It took only a moment for him to finally unlock the flimsy fabric, allowing Sasha to sit up just long enough to remove it. Oliver took advantage of the now exposed wolf and, wasting no time, attacked. Sasha yelped softly in surprise at his sudden change in pace, but quickly relaxed as she felt his warm tongue caress her nipple. His breath was hot and his tongue even hotter as he teased her to no end, only pausing long enough in his tongue lashings to switch sides.

"Alright," she said, "enough teasing." With a sly grin she pulled herself off his lap and tugged his pants off with ease, exposing the fully erect and now unsheathed manhood. She grinned as she inhaled, taking in his musk and enjoying his scent, but only for a moment. "Look at you, already hard as a rock and I haven't even had a chance to play with it." Though she spoke with control, her own need drove her to skip the play and get right to the main course, which she happily obliged. She stepped away just long enough to slip out of her panties before placing herself on the fox's lap once again. His penis twitched in anticipation as it felt the very heat from her vagina, so close it could almost kiss him. Sasha grinned as she lowered herself down and began grinding against him, her own lips soaking wet and she was more than happy to let him know it. Oliver strained to not thrust his hip and grind against her as he clenched his teeth in pleasure. "Relax, let me do all the work tonight," whispered Sasha as she lightly nibbled at his ear.

Finally having her fill of play, Sasha reached down and positioned Oliver properly before lowering herself, allowing him to finally penetrate her. Oliver could not think straight as he felt the warmth envelop him, her insides teasing and playfully pulling at all of his sensitive bits. Sasha slowly lowered herself down to his knot and simply sat there, allowing herself some time to adjust to his size a little. He felt so much bigger now that he was inside and she could feel the knot at his base, causing her to shiver softly at the thought of being tied to him, unable to move for almost an hour as he came.

Sasha was getting ahead of herself and focused on the task at hand, making the little fox beneath her cum. She grinned at the thought as she began to move, allowing him to slide in and out ever so slowly. Oliver growled in protest to the speed but could not bring himself to attempt taking over as Sasha took her sweet time. Over and over, Sasha slowly slid up and down his shaft, forcing him to feel everything, inch by painful inch. He could feel his balls tighten as the edge grew closer and closer, but he found himself stuck, unable to push himself just that much farther. Sasha could see his frustration as she continued to tease and grinned even more as she watched him struggle, but this did not last. Without warning, Oliver grabbed the wolf by her hips and lifted her up off him just long enough for him to stand, place her on the chair, legs spread wide open, and thrust back inside. Sasha yelped in a mixture of surprise and pleasure as the fox took over, now pounding her with surprising speed. This would not last long and they both knew it as Oliver continued to pound away at Sasha, pushing her quickly over the edge into a mind numbing orgasm. Oliver was not far behind as he continued to pound into the now orgasming wolf beneath him. He could feel her muscles milking him with every thrust and this soon brought him over the edge. Without so much as a second thought, Oliver made one last thrust, forcing his knot into the wolf beneath him with a muffled pop. It swelled, quickly locking the two together as he bit into her shoulder, muffling a howl as he came harder than he had ever before. Sasha wrapped herself around Oliver as wave after wave of pleasure engulfed them both.

Moments passed and finally the fox collapsed onto the wolf beneath him, still locked together. Their breathing finally slowed as sleep slowly took hold of both of them.