Never Ending Skies -Part 3-

-Chapter 3- Janeal stood there with a mixture of horror and regret. She had done this, brought this upon some innocent creature, turning it into a monster. The egg had been shattered, leaving shards of white shell strewn all across the floor. A...

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Unknown Wonders Chapter 4

Adeline awoke to the soft chirping of birds outside her window. The sun had long since come up and was now trickling in onto her bed. Halfheartedly hissing at the light, she covered her head in a vain attempt at going back to sleep, but found it...

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Unknown Wonders Chapter 3.5

The door clicked behind Sasha as she stepped out of Adeline's room. The wolf sighed softly in the quiet hall. She felt a little for Adeline, knowing how the poor leopard felt, but a good night's sleep was all Adeline could offer. Not so much as a soul...

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A Knight's Pride

A knight adorned in bright silver armor rode triumphantly in the forbidden woods of his home lands. Today he would fight the dragon that plagued these lands and rid the farmers and hunters of the fear of becoming it's next meal. The woods were quiet,...

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Unknown Wonders Chapter 3

Adeline was standing in front of one of the larger windows in the library, looking out upon the lake that was behind the estate. The land seemed to stretch for miles and not so much as a manmade structure could be seen, aside from the white fence that...

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Unknown Wonders Chapter 2

The carriage bumped slowly into the night, its passengers sitting idly by, awaiting their destination. Inside sat Sasha, lightly humming a tune of her own making as she wrote something in an old brown journal. Across from her were the three new slaves,...

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Unknown Wonders Chapter 1

A young black leopard, whom did not even know her own name, lay curled in a small metal cage that rattled with every bump made by the truck that now carried her. It was too dark to see, the truck being boarded up with wood and blocking out all but the...

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Shadow Dragon Bio

Shadow-dragons are not truly dragons as one would think. They are related to a race known as shadow beasts, creatures of darkness born from the evil of one's heart. Though created from one who must be outright evil, they retain nothing from those who...

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Shadow Beast Rewritten

**Basic Info** A shadow beast is as it's name describes, a creature made of shadows. This is not to be confused with other shadow like races that often lurk in the darkness. As for what a shadow beast looks like... well there isn't one set look. As...

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