Solipsism IX

Story by SeraphXIII on SoFurry

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#9 of Solipsism (Old, see Certainty for update)

A story that follows the rough storyline of the Tamers series of the Digimon franchise, with a couple OCs mixed in.

Tagline of sorts: Break ups happen, life goes on. You get teleported to a fictional universe, life goes on. Life seems to be getting pretty interesting, or maybe I'm just losing my mind again.

Rated to adult for consistency due to language in later chapters. Explicit Chapters will be flagged in the title.

Will be updated on Wednesdays and Saturdays

My eyes drifted open and I embraced a form next to me; my vision slowly coming into focus, giving a steadily clearer picture. I smiled, seeing the familiar curves and fluff, but I didn't think of Raia immediately. I smiled wider, hoping this is what she would've wanted, for me to be happy.

"Well, good morning." Renamon said teasingly, as I'd appeared to have woken her.

"Did I actually wake you up or was that just a line?" I asked rhetorically as she rolled over, a smile gracing her lips.

"Hmm." She leaned in for a kiss, lightly pressing her lips to mine. "Quite the smile you have. Are you that happy to see me?"

"Like you wouldn't believe." I pulled her close to me, pulling the sheets up over our shoulders. "I used to dream of rolling over to a pretty girl, but damn, you over shot that by a pretty good measure."

I felt her giggle a bit. "I bet you say that to all the girls." I smiled softly and wondered where the hell she picked up that old line.

"Only sometimes." I said. We lay there for a bit and I felt myself falling back asleep. "So, how long are we gonna lie here?"

She said nothing and quickly climbed out of the bed, pulling me with her. I took a moment to get my feet under me and lead her out into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"Hungry?" I asked, approaching the fridge. I noticed Raia's digivice on the counter and noticed it still somewhat functioned. Good thing in case Renamon didn't catch the emergences. I stared at it for a moment, and I could have sworn the cracks had been bigger before, but I put it out of my mind.

"A bit." She said, leaning over the fridge door, peering into it alongside me. I made note of her statement and pulled out the eggs, a full dozen.

"How do eggs sound?"

"Fine." I nodded and pulled out the largest pan I could find. I opened the egg carton and pulled out three eggs and set them aside. I started up the stove, greased the pan, and cracked the remaining nine eggs into it, one-by-one. Renamon walked over and looked at the pan.

"Think this will be enough?" I asked.

"Do you have a toaster?"

"Yeah, how many slices do you want?"

"Three, please, and butter."

I complied and pulled the toaster out, and began to toast four slices, two at a time. Soon the eggs were finished and I'd put salt and pepper on them. I started the remaining three, cooking them the same, aside from copious amounts of hot sauce.

I took the plates over to the table with a container of butter. We took our time eating, and I watched Renamon methodically eat. She somehow combined grace and speed, wolfing down her nine eggs as quick as I did my three.

"So, how were they?" I asked a moment after we'd both finished eating.

"Good, but I could smell the spice on yours across the table." I smiled.

"I like hot stuff, sorry." I said, stretching a bit. "Well, we need to be ready for the emergence today. That's your chance to get back with Rika." Her expression dropped a bit and I got worried.

I stood and led her to the couch and turned on the TV; we sat down and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong? You don't look happy." I said, concern strong in my voice despite my attempts to downplay it.

"I just... don't know." She said, her voice straining slightly.

I sighed. "This is about me isn't it?" She nodded. "You're torn between me and Rika?"

"I miss her, but she doesn't want me, I can feel it. Being with you, I don't know that I want to even _try_to go back to her."

I heavily sighed again. "Goddamn it." I stroked her head and she clung to me a bit. "I know it sucks, but she is your tamer. We can't break you two up just because of how you feel about me." I wondered though, deep in my heart, about how it would be to keep her with me, to be her tamer, but I quickly banished the thoughts deep into me, knowing there was no way it could happen.

Her ears perked and I saw a light from the broken digivice hit the ceiling in the other room. I rose, bringing her with me.

"This isn't it, but maybe a fight could take your mind off of it." Secretly, I knew Rika would be here and the plot would get messed up if we didn't show up.


We arrived at the digital field and I hung back, outside the field and told Renamon to go ahead. She started to fight and was succeeding when Henry arrived.

"Hey Henry." I said. "Hi Terriermon."

Terriermon waved an ear at me and Henry watched the fight.

"Why are you here?" Henry asked. "Not that you can't be, it's just I can't imagine why you'd want to."

"Ah, Renamon was looking after me the past couple days and I just came with her to this fight because I was hoping Rika would take her back." A lie, but only partially. It made me wonder though, wasn't Rika supposed to show up before Henry?

"I haven't seen Rika since the fight with IceDevimon. Where is she?" Henry wondered out loud as Takato arrived.

"I don't know." I said, somewhat worried myself as I watched Renamon work on the last Flybeemon. "She should be here. A tamer can't just abandon their partner." Henry nodded and Renamon finished the last Flybeemon, sniping it with a small diamond, causing the digital field to break up.

"Well, wherever she is, I hope she comes to her senses." Henry said, walking away with Takato.

Renamon walked to me and wrapped her arms around me. "So, you think you need Rika?" I asked, wondering if her independence had been retained at least.

"No. I don't need her." She said proudly. "I need you." Goddamn it! I thought intensely as we began to head home. I had to go and fuck up the plot line. God knows what'll happen now.


It was later in the evening when the second emergence began. Renamon and I left the house and I was hopeful that Rika would show up and mend the plot. The forest was quiet and the field rose as we were arriving. Renamon readied herself and I backed away to where the others would show up. Just as I heard the others coming from behind me, the digimon came through. I was shocked to see it wasn't a Harpymon, though, and I started to worry about what would happen.

"Renamon's in a fight!" I heard Takato call as he got close and scanned the digimon. "It's a Moosemon! It's got razor sharp horns and can summon a tornado with its Hanging Twister, that's gonna give Renamon some problems!"

"Rika!" Henry called.

"I don't see her anywhere." Takato replied. Guilmon and Terriermon started running toward the Moosemon, but it swung its horns at them, knocking them back.

"Crap! I don't know if she can handle him on her own." I said, watching Renamon run in to attack.

She sprung into the air and planted a kick on Moosemon, who swung at her with his horns again. She leapt back, barely avoiding the same strike that had sent both Guilmon and Terriermon flying. She did some acrobatics as she attempted to get some range, but the Moosemon refused to let her get far enough away to get a clear shot. Finally, out of frustration, she shot a large diamond at him at close range and glanced him with it, but he barely felt it and took the chance to launch a Hanging Twister, tossing Renamon into a tumultuous wind. After a moment in the air, Renamon was taken down by a tackle Moosemon, who pinned her to the ground. He reared his horns and began to swing them at her, striking her hard. I looked around frantically, but Rika was nowhere to be found. I turned and saw Guilmon and Terriermon had collided with a tree, breaking it in half.

I knew they'd be out for the fight. Goddamn it, I'm not losing another one! I thought as I ran into the fray, hurling myself at Moosemon. It knocked him a step away, allowing Renamon to recover. I backed up to her, my eyes never leaving the Moosemon as he drug his hoof along the ground, like a bull about to charge.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Renamon asked, half-jokingly.

"Well, shit." I said, getting low and ready to run if needed, "If Rika isn't gonna get here to help, I'm damn sure not gonna sit and watch you get an ass kicking from Canada's own over there." As I said this, my stare down with Moosemon was broken by a swirling of lights leading into my right hand. I felt a familiar form in my hand and I looked to Renamon, holding my other hand out to her. She took it and I smiled. "Seems I'm back in the game. I need you to try to digivolve. Focus on how you feel for me and just let it happen." Shitty advice, but hell, do I look like I've digivolved before? She must've done something right, because her skin was stripped and she quickly reformed into Kyubimon. I looked back to see Moosemon charging, obviously not courteous enough to wait for us to finish talking. Kyubimon rushed at him, electricity following her as she performed a Kodengeki. She ducked low as she got close, hitting him and avoiding his horns, knocking him back.

"Fox Tail Inferno!" She announced, shooting several large fireballs at Moosemon, knocking him to the ground. He was weak, it was obvious. Kyubimon charged again, using a Kodengeki, and shattered him into data on contact. She pause for a moment, considering whether or not to load his data, before walking to me, reverting to Renamon as she did.

"Too good for his data?" I asked, smiling.

"I don't need it. I told you once," She leaned in and kissed me on the mouth, deeper and with more passion than any other we'd shared. "I only need you."

I smiled and began walking, taking her hand in mine. We could've phased home, but it was a beautiful, cool Shinjuku night, and I felt like sharing it with her.


We approached the door to the house after a long, peaceful walk, and Renamon leaned into me, pulling me tight to her.

"Is this how you treat your tamers?" I asked. "Because if it is, I should've gotten one of these a lot earlier." I waved the digivice in my hand.

"Mmm, no. You're just special."

"Oh really? I am so honored."

"Hmm, where have I heard that before?" She asked rhetorically.

I leaned up to her ear. "I think the neighbors are starting to stare." I whispered. She laughed and released me, passing through the doorway.

I walked through the kitchen, checking the fridge, as if the contents would have changed since we'd been gone. I closed it and saw Raia's digivice still on the counter, but the screen was spotless, no cracks whatsoever.

"So damn weird." I muttered to myself, picking it up and looking it over before pocketing it. Not sure why, I just did.

I walked to the bedroom and saw Renamon already in bed and wearing a lovely pair of bedroom eyes. I grinned, tossing my hoodie and shoes off into a corner and changing into a pair of shorts before climbing into the bed with her.

We snuggled up close to each other and I thought about how quickly things had progressed since I'd gotten here.

"So, since you've had some time to get to know me," I said, looking into her icy blue eyes. "Do you still think I'm a monster?"

Her mouth opened to answer, but the next words spoken weren't hers.

From somewhere behind me, I heard a familiar voice, cracked with such pain and anguish that it made my blood run cold, say "Yes."