Chapter 2: Love and Desire

Story by Lunarmon on SoFurry

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#2 of Making a family with a fox

Making a family with a fox

Chapter 2: Love and Desire

"Mmmm..." Lisa moaned still halfway asleep, she feels something warm and soft against her body. ‘What's this beside me?' She thinks to herself feeling a little panic going through her, she then turns her head to look at what lies beside her, her body goes rigged with fear as she sees a fox lying beside her sleeping peacefully. ‘Why is that fox lying beside me?' She asks herself, before she remembers the events of last night, how she had met the fox, how she took him with her home and how she gave herself to the fox and that the fox accept her.

She then smiled and carefully placed her right hand at the neck of the fox and turned to face the sleeping fox. "I love you." She whispers into his ear as she lays her head right beside his and her right arm over the upper body of the fox. "I love you my dear fox." She whispered to the sleeping fox just lying still with his body so close to hers.

She just laid there looking at her lover as he sleeps smiling to herself, thinking about what happened yesterday, how she accidentally fell and dropped one of her experiment mixtures, that she keeps in her office, over herself.

She smiles as she thinks about the wired dream she had, how she met her foxy lover in the forest on her way home and how she submitted to him and let him take her out there among the trees.

Her smile grew brighter as she thought about how the fox had taken her as his. She then carefully planted a passionate kiss on the muzzle of the fox. "Sleep well my love." She said as she closed her eyes again to sleep with her fox lover smiling brightly.

Some hours later the fox begins to awake, still half asleep the fox tries to stand up but feels something holding on to him and holding him down, at first panic runs through the fox, as he fears that something had happen to him in his sleep, and he begins to move around trying to get free from what's holding him.

He then hears a soft murmur beside him and he instantly lays still, now more awake his mind begins to listen to what his senses is telling him: he hears soft breathing beside him, he feels he's laying on something soft, not leafs and moss, and that something warm and soft is pressed against him, he can smell a scent that he recognize but can't place but it make him feel safe and gets him to relaxes and then there's what his eye's telling him that he is not in his cave, that he isn't even outside, but someplace he doesn't remember but where he feels save and the human female beside him who has her arms around him holding him close to her, snuggling into his body murmuring softly in her sleep.

As his panic begins to disappear he remember the last evening, how he had walked through the forest looking for something to eat, being the only fox around he sometimes got a little lonely when he was alone hunting his prey, now and then he wished that he could get a female that he could love and protect and maybe breed with someday but as there was no other fox for many miles and he wasn't up for travelling away from the forest. He didn't think that he'll ever find a female so he was surprised when he suddenly came across a smell of a female in heat, it didn't smell like a fox more like a human but there was something about the smell that made him just have to follow the scent and see what he finds.

In a small clearing leaning up at a tree was a human female at first he was about to run away, but then the wind blow some of her scent too him and he stopped in his tracks just looking at the female as she pushed her fingers into her cunt over and over filling the air with the scent of her heat until she let out a scream and her scent got even stronger than before.

As she stood there trying to get her breath back, he walk forth from the trees and towards the female, she tried to run but fall down on her hand and knees after a few steps. He stopped at the tree to smell the liquid on the ground. 'I was right after all, it was the scent of a female in heat.' He said to himself, he then looked at the female who lay helpless on the ground and his sheath begun to swell as his cock emerges ready to mate with her.

He remembered how he walked to her and after sniffing her how she moved into the right mating position and how he mated with her and how he afterwards followed her home to her Den and how she submitted herself to him and accepted him as her mate and she as his mate, he then carefully gives a lick to her mouth before he lays his head down again to sleep with his mate rumbling softly to her.

"Mmmm." Lisa moans to herself as she sits up in her bed and looks at her fox smiling. "Just sleep my love." She whispers to him, she then looks at her clock. "11:37 I sure has slept long to day" she then smiles again "but it's no wonder after last night, my fox sure knows how to please a lady."

She then giggles to herself. "Wonder if he has a little vixen friend in the woods" She stops her giggle and bits her lips "I sure don't hope so, I don't know what I'll do if he leaves me" she then bits her lips harder "why is I'm feeling this way, his just a fox not a human why should it matter if he left or not." She said as she bit her lips looking at the fox sleeping in her bed, she then give a sigh and relaxed her body. "I know why, I don't want him to leave me, I love him" she gave another sigh ‘and it's not just because I'm a Zoophilia, I love him far more then I have ever felt for any other animal or human.'

She then got out of bed, kissed the fox on the muzzle and reached out with her left hand to get her cloths. ‘Wait, why should I take my cloth on, there's no one here, other than me and my lover and HE doesn't wear any cloths and I got no reason to be ashamed of my body with him, he has already been very close to it more than ones and after all my body also belongs to him now just as his belongs to me," she then clenched her fist "I'm not going to lose him to the forest.' She thought to herself as she return her hand to her side and stood up, grabbed a robe and walk out of the bedroom to go and take a bad.

When the fox awoke again, he could not feel the body heat of his mate and looked around but didn't see her anywhere, he was getting a little nervous but then his ears pick up some noise downstairs and his nose pick up a scent of something that smelled really good.

He then jumped out of the comfy bed and walked out of the door following the sounds and smells coming from downstairs, as he entered the kitchen he saw his mate standing in an long robe cooking, as he walked towards her she turned around showing the she didn't have anything on under the robe, she smiles to him. "Morning my love, slept well?" She then got on her knees and gave him a hug pushing her body against his. "I hope you're hungry because I've made us some breakfast," she gives him a kiss on his muzzle "and I think you'll need it after last night..." she stands up again and smiles at him "and you need to regain your strength, you're going to need it my love." She then lovingly cares his head and turns back to her cooking.

The fox had gotten more than a little aroused by her warm body pressed against his and what she said had aroused him even more and his cock was beginning to poke out of his sheath but he just sat there watching her with loving eyes as she cooked their breakfast. When she was done she put the food on two plates and walked over to the table with her fox lover right behind her, when she had put the plates down on the table she turned to the fox and smiled as she saw that some of his cock was poking out of his sheath. "Well it looks like there's someone who's up for some fun before breakfast." She then got down on her knees and gave him another hug, while hugging him, her left hand went down to his cock and begun to cares it, trying to get it to become hard. She then crawled underneath the fox and took his cock into her mouth and begun to suck on it. "Mmmm" she moaned through the cock in her mouth while the fox gave a surprised yip but trusting her he just stood still, just groaning now and then, as she sucked on his cock till it was hard as steel.

She then took her head away from his cock, turned around and wriggled with her wet pussy. "Come and take me, my love." She said while giving him a look full of love. The fox instantly mounted her and begun to thrust into her cunt. "Oh yeah, that's it... fill my pussy mmm... give it to me fast and hard" as if he understood the fox licked her cheek, with his warm and wet tongue, barked and begun to thrust into her harder and faster thrusting his growing knot into her as well "that's it... give it to me... give me your knot... take me, show me how much you love me and make us ONE, OHH... YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM." She cried out as her orgasm went through her body.

When the fox felt her cum around him he gave a hard thrust into her cunt and pushed his cock deep into her and his knot into her pussy where it swelled to tie them together, he then turn around gave a loud bark and released his seed into her again.

As he thrust his knot into her and released his cum into her she cried out again in orgasm as pleasure coursed through her body. "Fill me... fill me with your seed." She cried to the fox as he pumped her womb full of his warm seed.

As her orgasm subsided she turned her head to look at her lover. "That's it fill me good and well with your seed my love" the fox looked back at her and gave her a little bark and wriggled his tail fluffy tail, while filling her womb. As the flow of his cum subsided they just stood there tied together looking at each other.

"Mmmm... you fell so good inside me like this, filling me with your warm and viral seed mmm... I just love it... I hope you'll stay with me, I don't know what I'll do without you." She said as she felt his big knot in her pussy but the fox looked at her.

‘She's afraid that I'll leave her' the fox thought to himself as he looked into her eye's filled with love and caring ‘I could never leave her willingly, she's my mate and I'll protect her and the pups we'll get.' When his knot had gone down enough he pulled out of her and cleaned her cunt with his tongue he then went to her face and lick her lovingly on her lips pressing his muzzle against her mouth in her kiss, putting all his love and passion into it, at first she was surprised when he kiss her after the lick but then she put her right hand on the back of his head and kissed him as deep as he was kissing her.

When they parted she looked at him. "I guess that mean that you'll stay here with me my lovely fox" she then smiled at him and gave him a big hug "thank you, that makes me so happy." She then looks down at his still unsheathed cock. "I better clean you up before we eat" she then lower her head and took his cock into her mouth and begun to lick and suck it getting all of their mixed cum off it, when it was clean she raised her head to look at him she saw a look of pleasure on his face and she gave him a hug "Come and lad's eat my love, then we can have more fun later if you want." She stood up and walked over to the table with the fox right behind her, the table was a low table so low that they could sit on the floor and eat from it.

As they eat their breakfast they kept looking at each other, when they were done she took the plates and put them in the dishwasher, she then looked at her lover. "You want to go out for a little walk my love?" She asked while smiling at him, the fox ran to her side and pushed his muzzle into her hand and rubbed his head against her leg "he he, I'll that as a yes, then come with me lover." She walked to the door and put on a pair of shoes and a jacked she then opened the door and walked outside with the fox by her side, after locking the door they walk into the forest enjoying the peace and sounds of forest animals among the trees, as they walked the fox didn't leave her side for a moment.

After walking around in the forest for some time she saw a meadow full of flowers as she was looking at this she felt a burning between her legs, she recognised it as the same as yesterday and look at the fox, she was caressing his head with her left hand. "Ummm... love I feel hot between my legs, something you think you help me with?" she said as she kneeled beside him, the fox looked at her and sniffed at her uncovered wet pussy, smelling the scent of her heat again he looked at her as his cock emerged from his sheath as she saw this she smiled took of her jacked and got on all four and raised her ass and pussy into the air. "Come and take me lover, make us one again" he then mounted her putting his paws on her thighs and licks her cheeks as he thrust against her pussy trying to get his swelling cock into her cunt, when he found it he thrust into her with a hard thrust slitting his cock deep into her "OHH" she moaned at the felling of his cock in her pussy "fuck me lover, fuck me good and make me yours again." He then thrust roughly into her as fast and hard as he could, slamming his growing knot in and out of her, while she just kept moaning at the feeling of his cock going in and out of her pussy hitting her cervix "that's it, give it to me ohhh... go as deep as you can Mmmm... I want you deep inside me, I want your cock deep in my pussy OHhhh" she moaned as she orgasm and her vaginal walls squeezed the fox's cock, feeling this the fox thrust his knot into her penetrating her cervix embedding his cock in her womb, after pulling a few times and his knot still in her he dismounted her, turned around and gave a bark of pleasure as he released his seed into her again, filling her womb with more of his fox seed to make sure that she conceive a litter of pups for them.

As her orgasms subsided she looked back at her lover smiling. "Mmmm... you sure put a lot into me this time, are you trying to get me with children my love Mmmm, not that I don't like that idea but I don't think it's passable, although I'll really like to have some children with you" she sighed as she feels the last of her mates seed been pumped into her womb "I really wish that you could impregnate me, so we could get some children... Mmmm" she moans as she feels him pull his cock out of her pussy and his tongue on her cunt, lick all of her juice and his cum of it she then turns around and takes his cock into her mouth and sucks on it till she got all the juice and cum off it, she then hug him "but I'm more than willing to try if you are." The fox barks happily and licks her face and kisses her with his muzzle, when they broke the kiss to get some air, she pants. "You're getting good at that, I never been kissed so good by anyone," she smiles at him "time to go home lover." She then got up, took her jacked on and begun to walk home, the fox was by her side before she had walk three steps.

When they got home she took of her jacked and shoes and walk into the living room and half-lay half-sat down on the couch, she patted the space behind her legs. "Come here my love" the fox jump up to the couch and l down on top her with his body over her legs and his head at her breasts. For awhile they just lay like that enjoying the closeness of each other and one others body heat, then the fox carefully gave a lick to her left breast this made her moan. "Do that again" the fox gave another lick to her left breast and she moan again "it feels good Mmmm, please keep licking my breast." The fox licked her breast again and continued to lick it for awhile listening to her moans of pleasure. "Mmmm... that's so good my beloved fox" after a few more minutes of lick she stopped him "stop my love there's something, I've thought about, we need to find a name for you" the fox looked her into her eye's he then gave her lips a like and looked at her again "I think you agree huh, then I just need to find you a good name Hmmm..." she put her right hand to her chin, while she was thinking the fox just laid there looking at her, waiting for her choice, after a few minutes she look at the fox again "Say what do you think of 'Feaon´ do you like it?" she said while looking him in the eye's after a while he barked and gave her a lick on her lips and a deep kiss, when the kiss broke she just smiled at him "I take it that you like it then" the fox gave her another lick on the lips which just made her smile even bigger "then how about we celebrate your new name." Feaon just looked at her questioning she just kept on smiling as her right hand went to his sheath and cares it carefully and lovingly, which made him yip as his cock begun to poke out of his sheath, when it was fully out and hard she just stoke it for awhile then she let go of it and got out from under him and down on the floor the fox follow, she then laid him on his side and put her pussy at his muzzle and took his cock into her mouth and suck and lick it, at the same time Feaon put his tongue into her warm and wet pussy and lick it from the inside which made Lisa moan into his cock, sending vibrations through his body making him yip into her pussy.

‘I can't take much more of this, he is way too good with that tongue of his as well as with his muzzle, it's trickling my cunt sending pleasure through me, OHhhh... I can't take it anymore' she removes her head from his cock "I'm cumming" she cries out then she gives out a loud moaning as her cum flowed out of her and into the muzzle of her lover who lapped it all up liking the taste of her pussy juice.

"Ohhh... that was good Feaon but you still need you release" she then once more lower her head onto his cock and begun to suck it even harder while licking it all over, after a few minutes his cock burst and his cum splashed into her mouth and she swallowed as more kept flowing into her mouth and down her throat, when he stopped cumming, she cleaned his shaft she, then turned around so she was face to muzzle with him "did you like that Feaon my love" Feaon just lick her on the lips and snuggled closer to her "I'll take that as a yes Mmmm... and I think we should do it again sometime" at this she fell his softening shaft jump a little at the thought of that "I think you like that idea, huh?" she said and kiss him deeply.

For some time they just lay there enjoying one another until they fall asleep, When Lisa awoke again she look at the clock on her wall and saw that the clock was 19:25 all most all of the day had passed by. "Hmmm I guess it's time I wake up and make some dinner for us." Just then her stomach growled which made her smile, she then kissed her sleeping lover and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for her and her mate.

"So what should I make Hmmm..." she thinks for awhile then she gets an idea "I got some leftover meat from a few days ago in the freezer it shouldn't take long to heat up and I'm sure I can get something good out of it, she then walk over to her freezer got the meat and proceed with her cooking.

Sometime later Feaon was awakened by a smell of meat and it smelled delicious, he got up and followed the scent of food into the kitchen where he saw his mate cooking again, stopped in his trek just looking at his mate as she cook. ‘She is so beautiful and loving.'

He just stood there watching her cook, she then turn around and saw him standing there.

"Good evening love slept well? Dinner's almost ready, we'll eat in a few minutes" she said as she turn around again, the fox just sat down looking at her as she walked around making their dinner. After a few minutes she had placed the food on the table (not the little one) and walked over to Feaon. "Dinner's ready my love, hope you'll like" she then took him over to the table and helped him get on a chair she had found, that he could sit on without trouble, she filled both of their plats with the food and they begun to eat looking at each other smiling.

When they were done she took off the table and cleaned it and the kitchen, when she was done she walked into the living room with Feaon, who hasn't left the kitchen when she cleaned it, they both sat down on the couch beside one another as she turn on the TV Feaon leaned towards her laying his head on her thighs watching the TV together with her.

When the clock showed 22:47 she turned off the TV and turn to her lover. "Time to go to bed my love" she said while caressing his head and neck Feaon looked up at her and got down on the floor and follow her upstairs to their bedroom. When she was under the covers he crawled under it and laid beside her, giving her lips a lick and a kiss.

"Do you think you have enough energy to mate me again before we go to sleep, love?" She asked him in a whisper while holding him, he gave her another kiss and stood up she took of the cover turn around and got on her hands and knees lifting her cunt into the air, she then felt him mount her and felt him lick her lovingly on her cheek before she felt his cock at the entrance to her pussy she felt how he slowly and gently pushed his cock into her, so unlike the other times, when he just thrust it into her over and over, and she like it. He continued his slow and gentle thrusting in and out of her and he was rewarded with the sound of her moaning. "Yes, Mmm... it's good Ohhh, it's so good" she turned her head so she could see his face that was beside her cheek "thank you love for loving me like this, it's good to feel a gentle loving now and then Mmmm..." she moaned as his speed increased a little, he continued his slow and gentle thrusts in 20 minutes more before she cried out "fuck me, fuck me now Feaon, I'm so close" at hearing this he begun to thrust into her harder and faster as he too was close "Yeah, Mmmm... that's it, fuck me my love and fill me with you seed again...Ohhh." She moans out as she feels him push his knot into her again, tying them together ones more as he fills her again, but this time he didn't turn around but stayed atop her while he filled her womb with his seed, after awhile lisa collapsed from the weight on top of her and the pleasure coursing through her body making her weak in her knees and arms "Mmmm it feels good to have you in me filling me like this while you're on my back, thank you my love" she gives a moan as she feels another squirt inside her she then yawns "Goodnight my love." And she falls asleep while her mate keeps filling her with his seed, he turns a little around so he can get the blanked and pulls it over himself and his mate before he too falls asleep still squirting more seed into her.

Too be continued

Hey sorry it took so long time hope it was worth it so please tell me what you thing and if you find something you think is wrong then please send it to me in an e-mail and tell me what you think is wrong, see ya later


(YEAH I don't know how but suddenly the story that I lost right as I had finished it has return and trust me I have no idea how it wasn't there yesterday and I pretty sure it wasn't there this morning but here's the story that I thought lost forever hoped you like it ^^.)