What Was Broken [9]

Story by Destroyed on SoFurry

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#21 of Sean & Taws

Sean awakens in confusion, wonder why he had shot not only the Demon, but the wolf in his dreams as well.

Having finally learning that, with the wolf's generous, compassionate help the cat no longer had any power to keep him from enjoying an upraised tail Sean becomes a little more - bold. Dangerously bold.

And after a nice snooze the wolf is just as bold when it comes to turnabout.

Section length: 8200 words

What Was Broken -

Chapter 9

Sean awakened with a start, his body twitching and jerking with an explosion of breath. The room was a depthless black void, silent but for the rattling glee of the unabated air conditioner plunging the safe house to a sub-arctic chill and Oda's whuffling snort of briefly disturbed slumber. He was lying on fresh sheets, stretched out on his back like a cat lazing in the sun, one arm across his chest and the other shoved under the pillow upon which Sean's head rested.


How had he shot the cat, but shot Oda at the same time?

Sean's eyes cast over the sleeping wolf, looking for the devastating wound that he had seen in his dream, the crater of burbling blood creating a crimson lake as the wolf's life leaked away.

"Shit." Sean mumbled and scrubbed his face, trying to quash the unsettling image of his friend falling, killed by Sean's own hand. The yellow eyes projecting shock and betrayal at the injury. He rolled over onto his side, trying to find a comfortable position, one arm stretched out across the wolf while he clutched his pillow with the other. He stared at the side of Oda's head, his fingers slowly curling and relaxing in the warm, freshly cleaned fur of the wolf's belly. Sleep, however, refused to return to Sean's troubled thoughts.

Why had he dreamt that he shot the wolf? Were there truly meanings in dreams? Had he killed the cat, too?

His fingers wandered while he pondered, tracing the line of the wolf's powerful ribs under the soft pile of his fur. How would Taws take the discovery that they had shared what they had? Would she be angry? Would she be pleased?

So many unanswered questions, and there the wolf lay, as still in slumber as he had in death, the only distinction the slow rise and fall of his chest under Sean's palm. Casting about in the chaotic jumble of his thoughts, dashing from dream to consequences and back again, Sean found no answers. The warm fur offered some surcease of comfort and Sean tried to force his thoughts away. Whenever he was troubled over some conflict at work or impending deadline he feared he could not meet, the feel of Taws' warm fur comforted him. Her gentle compassion calmed his nerves and helped him focus his thoughts.

But what, then, of the wolf? Sean's fingertips idly traced through fur; thick over stomach and hip, thin over the ridge upon its center, short and cool and velvet further down. Propping himself up on his elbow Sean looked down at the wolf who slumbered on, catatonic from their earlier exertions. Pleasant exertions, for which Sean was unspeakably thankful.

The wolf had helped him kill the cat; even if the dream was conflicted and confusing, Sean knew that the cat had lost his power, and lost his place. In his dreams Sean would forever turn and find not that fearsome cat torturing him but the calm regard of the wolf who lay at his side. But what of him, Sean found his thoughts turning. For three days he had carefully prized apart the knot of insecurity that had wound itself so tightly around Sean that not even Taws could penetrate it. And what had he gotten out of it?

A slight ache under his tail?

Small reward for such a profound act of gentle compassion.

Sean jerked his hand away and up, its heel having hit the edge of the wolf's sheath. He'd been so distracted he hadn't noticed how far down his fingers had wandered. Yet why did that matter, he chided himself. Because it was the touch of another male? Then what good had the last three days really been? What good was tonight, if this was how he still reacted?

Determinedly, he lowered his hand once more, fingers alighting on the short fur of Oda's sheath. Slowly, as comfortably as he might have stroked one of Taws' nipples or the warm soft diamond of her sex, he began to explore its elongated contours. Staring at the subtle rise resting almost flat against Oda's stomach Sean slowly ran his fingers down its length, tracing bulge and curve, sliding off to stomach and hips. No longer feeling the pang of unease that he had upon first contact Sean let his fingers return to the sheath, tracing the proud line of the wolf's hidden shaft. He felt the subtle bulge at its base; the wolf's resting knot. Further down warm fur became cool, velvet furred flesh as his fingers stroked the wolf's balls and then drew slowly upward again.

"Like what you feel?" Sean twitched in surprise at the quiet growl, his eyes darting up to find the wakened wolf gazing at him, though his breathing had not changed in the slightest.

"Yeah, I guess." Sean admitted, giving a slightly more firm stroke along the sheath with his palm and fingers. "Yes, actually. It's... so strange, but so... hell, I don't know. Yeah, it feels proud, strong."

"As you are." Oda did not move, eyes black hollows at the apex of his shadowed white muzzle.

Sean looked back down to watch his fingers toy at the wolf's sheath again, "I'm not proud."

"But you are strong."

"I am weak." Sean did not look up, his attention rapt as his thumb brushed light circles around the tuft of fur tipping the wolf's sheath. Letting his thumb down against Oda's stomach he pressed lightly to be rewarded with a darker glisten in the center of that tuft.

"Are you?" Oda rumbled, his voice unchanging. Yet at the same time he writhed about on the bed, spreading his legs a little to let Sean explore. "Ask Ashley if you are weak. You saved her life. Ask DA Sammuels if you are weak, you faced a crime boss without flinching. Ask the girl in the elevator, you fought a man with a gun for her and did not even know her." Sean listened quietly as he watched that damp gleam above his thumb, noting the paleness of the flesh that was beginning to protrude, darker against the white fur. "Ask Taws when you looked at her and never, once, even before you knew her, dismissed her because she wasn't human."

Sean finally lifted his gaze, his fingers curling about the wolf's sheath and squeezing gently, "That last one's not strength." He rolled up onto his knees and looked down at the wolf as he shifted to straddle his waist. "I just saw her for who she is, not what she is." Settling a bit, Sean reached back to lightly trace the wolf's sheath with his fingers, shifting back slightly on his knees before reaching down with his other hand and beneath himself.

"That's a different kind of strength. A strength not to give into the way everyone else looks at non-humans, as animals rather than people." Oda's breath hitched slightly as Sean's questing fingers reached back between the legs straddling the wolf's hips and gripped his sheath. Smoothly Sean pressed his fingers down and back, slipping the wolf's slender length from the warm secrecy of his sheath.

"You are people." Sean affirmed as he looked down at the powerful, predatory visage gazing up at him, curiosity in those night dark eyes. "People with fur, people with teeth and claws, but no less a person than I." His fingers gently coaxed the wolf free of his sheath and, somewhat awkwardly, angled his slender shaft upward. He couldn't help notice how warm it felt, with an unexpected slickness to it, too. The pointed tip brushed against Sean's hairless balls before sliding against the cleft of his ass, up and then downward, before settling.

Oda's hips shifted a little as his hands dropped down to rest on the front of Sean's knees. "Nor moreso. Sean, what are you doing?"

Half closing his eyes, focusing inward and downward, Sean tightened the muscles of his stomach and flexed the muscles against which the slim tip of the wolf's cock rested. "Something I want to do." He whispered in a hiss as he let his hips shift back, and then downward. Oda huffed a soft grunt as Sean's ass resisted briefly and then yielded to the pressure against it. His hands splayed and grasped at Sean's knees as he strove to keep his hips still while Sean dropped his head. Trying to keep his muscles obedient, to keep them relaxed, Sean settled his weight back slowly, feeling intimately every smooth inch that slid into the sacrosanct vestibule behind his balls. "For you."

"You already have," Oda protested, though softly, biting his lower lip and sliding his hands along the front of Sean's thighs. "With wondrous skill."

"Then... for myself." Lifting upward Sean held the wolf's length steady with his fingers, holding at the apex of his upward motion as he felt the slender length twitch and a brief rush of liquidity trickle into the confines of his ass. Watching the wolf below him, how the cords in his neck jumped and his chest hitched with each halting breath, how the teeth gleamed so much like Taws' when she was in the throes of passion, Sean smiled and eased himself downward, letting his fingers slide down the wolf's slender length as he took more and more of it. "Then this is my choice. This is something I want to share with you."

He tried to keep his muscles relaxed so that the expected thickening would be less of a strain, lifting again and settling a little further down as the panting wolf's cock twitched and throbbed, sending warm spurts of fluidity into Sean's body. His fingers slipped over Oda's exposed knot, teasing it as he lifted slowly and watched the effect his warm, accepting embrace had upon the wolf. Once more he slowly drifted downward, briefly clenching and then forcefully relaxing the tight grasp of his anal ring. At the nadir of that motion he let his fingers dip, and then hooked them behind the slim knot and held firm as he let his body fall completely.

The wolf's knot slipped into him without a single pang of discomfort and he let loose the studied control of his muscles. Immediately his anal sphincter tightened behind the wolf's knot and Oda's eyes sprang open in surprise. His hands lifted to Sean's hips and grasped tightly.

"Sean! What the hell?" he snapped in surprised anger as he sat up and tried to lift the man from his loins. Sean dropped a hand to his chest and pushed back, keeping his hips down as the wolf strove to lift him off of his knot. "Sean, ease up! You can't do this!"

Sean again pushed down against Oda's chest and shifted his weight back, pushing his hips down as he cinched himself tight about the swiftly swelling bulge within him. He could feel the powerful rushing pulse of warmth racing through the slender root clenched by his entry with each beat of Oda's heart. Already the wolf's cock was buried deeper than he had ever felt it buried before. It was not an uncomfortable feeling in the least; it was strangely thrilling as he felt the wolf thickening deep, deep within him with powerful, throbbing pulses. Through the tight clenched grasp of his asshole he could feel the swift rush of hot blood pouring into the knot rapidly growing large within him. "I want to, Oda."

"Sean, I could hurt you!" Oda protested as he tried in vain to pull Sean free before his knot became too large. "I could injure you!"

Sean leaned forward as the swelling bulge captured within the embrace of his ass began to swiftly fill out, a tantalizing rush of sensation racing through him with each thickening pulse. "You won't... I trust you."

"God damnit, Sean, I'm a wolf! My knot is larger than you think!"

It was already plenty large enough for Sean to feel, and then some. Deep within him, somewhere deep within his groin, the wolf's cock throbbed like a trapped beast, each powerful pulse sending a swift rush deeper into the center of Sean's being. Sean, however, was more acutely aware of the fullness pressing against the inner walls far lower, and far more immediate. The wolf's knot was a respectable thing in its quiescent state, perhaps a little over an inch thick, but within a few swift heartbeats it was rather thicker than that.

Considerably thicker, and still growing. Sean settled back onto the wolf's now up-raised knees once Oda stopped hauling at him. Oda instead just gave him a glare and a roll of his eyes as the human's aroused desire slowly morphed into a somewhat startled realization that he may have bitten off more than his ass could chew, metaphorically speaking. The strain that pressed against the inside of Sean's ass became a warmth, then a strained fire as it seemed like the wolf's cock was poking him below the lungs and sending hot pre trickling into his stomach. "Ahhhmmm_fuck_." Sean groaned as his ass was stretched, and stretched, and stretched even further by the swift thickening of that massive knot and deeply buried cock.

"Damnit Sean, I warned you." Oda growled, unable to shut down the biologic imperatives that claimed his loins for their own ends; to breed. All he could do was restrain the desire to grab Sean by the hips and thrust with lustful abandon. Sean leaned forward, grasping at the fur of Oda's chest with both hands, and tried to keep his weight pressed back as deep as he could into the wolf's crotch.

"F- fuck." Sean hissed as the heat became a searing discomfort that bordered on the edge of outright pain. His muscles protested with only that much more tightening at the gate while, deep within, strove diligently to shove the invading spear back out. The sensation was overwhelming for Oda, and no little distressing for Sean. "I think... that as probably a bad... idea."

Oda huffed, his body so tense with restrained need it shivered. "You think?!"

Shifting back a little, Sean let out a gasp when something, somewhere deep inside of him, sent a concussion of unexpected power racing through him. He quickly lifted up, halted by a flash of heat from overstretched flesh, "Oh!" and dropped back down only to be rewarded with another unexpected explosion of... sensation. He could not say if it was a pleasure, but it was by far and most certainly not painful. As he rested heavily down upon the wolf the throbbing pulse sent short, intense jolts through the depths of Sean's body, somewhere between back and front, in a way he had never felt before. "Oh! Oh... ?"


"Shh," Sean grunted with a hiss, not moving, his fingers tensed into the fur of the wolf's chest. He felt something solid thump against his stomach and, a moment later, the warm caress of fur against his erect cock as it dropped down against Oda's fur. With the next throbbing pulse of the massive, uncomfortably large presence in his ass Sean's cock jumped again with that swift jolt.

Pushing up, Sean shifted and moved in slow, small increments. The momentary fire of being filled all too full was passing swiftly and, in the wake of that brief searing came a different sort of sensation; of being incredibly full but without any biologic drive to purge that sensation. And that fullness was alive and throbbing in counterpoint to his own body; alien and yet all too natural, very present and immediate. The wolf's cock shifted as Sean did, pressing a little deeper when his weight pushed back, and then pulling against him when he drew up.

"You okay?" Oda's voice was a rough edged rasp.

"I - don't know." Sean admitted as the pulsing deep within his body sent a jolt like an unshielded household outlet through his loins. "Doesn't hurt, tho..."

Oda dropped his head back and heaved a deep sigh, "Oh, good to know."

Sean twitched and his cock jumped as a shift of his backside and a pulse of the massive knot straining is innards sent a fresh cascade of strange sensations blossoming outward from somewhere just above the base of his very solidly erect shaft. "You?"

"Somewhere between bliss and fury."

Taking stock of himself, Sean paused to smile as he forced his muscles to relax with a slow outward push. Settling down he slid his hands upward through the wolf's chest, shivering at a subdued zing that rushed through his loins as the knot pressed in behind the deeper nudge of the shaft above it. "Let's aim more for bliss, then." With that he tightened up the muscles of his asshole, pulling against the back of the wolf's knot and sending him into a sudden spasm of tension. Oda let out a short, sharp whine that rose an octave before tumbling back down into a deep, rumbling growl. Sean felt the presence filling him from below throb considerably larger with a momentary rush of renewed heat but the explosive sensation that blew through his loins washed his mind of any but the feeling that was... somewhere within him. The wolf's cock, yes, his knot, yes, but both of them created another sensation altogether, one Sean could not describe, and it was sending his brain into meltdown.

Oda's hands grasped his hips and, with a chuffing snarl, the wolf jerked upward with a powerful thrust. Sean let out a grunt and stars exploded in his vision as that sensation redoubled itself. His cock jerked up against his stomach with a dry slap and then fell when Oda's hips dropped back down. It sprang up once more when the wolf thrust again; short, unrestrained, and bestial. Powerful claws dimpled the flesh of Sean's hips and the thick cock deep within him pulsed and jerked with a throb of that massive knot sliding, a mere inch or two at a time, against whatever it was grinding upon that sent explosions of strange euphoria racing through Sean's body.

Absorbing the impact of Oda's lust driven thrusts with his ass and knees, Sean was along for the ride and, with the abeyance of the pain he had unwisely brought upon his inexperienced ass, he was enjoying it far more than he expected that he would. He grasped at Oda's chest fur and bowed his head, his body listing forward with each driving thrust and dropping back with a reflexive clenching of his muscles, his cock slapping his stomach as if demanding attention.

Demanding, but not receiving, not that any was needed.

Whatever that sensation was blowing through Sean's loins with each thrust, it went straight to Sean's cock like the fuse on a stick of dynamite. A very, very short fuse.

With a startled cry of unexpectedly powerful sensation Sean threw his head back and drove his hips forward, his ass clenching down and dragging against the wolf's knot as his cock sent forth a long streamer of glistening semen. It disappeared instantly in the shadows of the wolf's night darkened pelt, only to be followed by a second as the wolf let out a choked, lingering howl when the clenching tightness of Sean's orgasm slammed around his buried cock and, more profoundly, around his sensitive knot. Each spasm of Sean's cock sent a shudder racing through the wolf which was, in turn, accompanied by a pulsing throb of his knot that sent a fresh explosion of lightening intensity through Sean's loins causing him to spasm with another climactic release.

Together the two writhed anew in a repeat of their earlier gyrations, the wolf striving to bury himself impossibly deep in the tight heat of the human perched over him and the human, in turn, trying to claim what was being given even as his body gave up another rush of what was gifted deep within the wolf not so very many hours past. For several long moments they clutched at each other and cried out in shared pleasure before, abruptly, dropping down upon the bed, once again spent.

"Oh my god what was that." Sean rasped into the warm fur upon which his face now rested. Beneath him the wolf's chest rose and fell with rapid pants and, within him, the massive presence continued to pulse and throb. A liquid fullness had joined that solid, very living presence but Sean was not averse to it. After the three previous days it was not so alien anymore. "I've never... what did I do?"

"You came all over me." Oda grunted, "And I came all sorts of inside you." He gave a shift of his hips and tensed the muscles of his groin to make his length pulse with a stronger rush within the embrace of Sean's taut ring. "I still am."

"I've never felt something like that before, holy shit." He lifted slightly to look down; his cock was still standing eagerly erect despite having just emptied what little he had recovered since being beneath the wolf's tail. "Came without... something bringing me off."

Oda chuckled and dropped his head back onto the pillow. "Never had someone knotted inside you before, either."

"Well, no." Sean dropped back down atop the wolf, exhausted. "How long does this last, usually?"

"Ehh, fifteen to forty-five minutes, give or take." Oda's hands slipped down to grasp Sean's rump, hugging him close as the wolf sprawled. He added a light slap, a modest rebuke. "With you... hell, an hour, easy."



"Yeah, looks like... I'm in for a wait." Sean yawned and pushed himself up to smile down at the wolf. With one hand he reached down to stroke along one side of his muzzle and then leaned down to offer a brush of his lips. Oda's hands flexed against his ass and the wolf's tongue brushed across his offered lips, meeting Sean's briefly in return as their lips met, meshed, sealed. They shared that kiss slowly; neither intensely deep nor feather light, a perfect balance in their state of release. "Thanks, but... I think I'll wait right here." With a slow stretch Sean buried his face in the soft fur of the wolf's chest and, with that massive presence still throbbing in his ass, tumbled into untroubled dreams.

When Sean again awakened it was still dark, but a pale hint of light against the wall told him that dawn was soon to come upon the desert. And with it, that broiling heat that would overwhelm the paltry air conditioning all too swiftly. There was a soft, solid warmth against his back from shoulders to calves; a welcome sensation that, after nearly a year enjoying, he knew he would miss terribly if it ever went away. Oda's powerful frame and shorter, denser fur was very different than Taws' lithe frame and longer, softer fur but all in all it was not so different as to matter.

Nor was the hand draped over chest, the strong arm holding him possessively close. At his back the warm, firm ridge of the wolf's sheath was settled in the cleft of his ass comfortably. Okay, yes, that was very different indeed, but a pleasant sensation all the same. Sean had to chuckle at the wolf's slumbering embrace and, for a moment, considered sidling back against that sheath.

But the profound ache behind his balls forewarned him that it'd not be the most pleasant experience to re-visit quite so soon. Nevertheless he smiled at the memory, surprised at his own boldness in the night. Sean slowly eased out from under the wolf's arm and slipped out of bed. The house was cold; not frigid, but several degrees below what he would consider comfortable and, after bringing Taws into his home, with her thick fur, he had gotten used to keeping the air conditioning dialed down low indeed.

Padding to the bathroom he dealt with the profound demands of nature and scrubbed off a bit of noisome, long dried semen and clinging fur from his stomach. The explosive climax that resulted from the wolf's large knot striking something within him had been a mind-numbing experience and, he pondered with a smile, something he would remember for years to come. The pain of that locked union was naught but a passing, if profound, ache in his ass. He was pleased to note that he did not pass any blood as he was worried he might after being so monumentally stretched.

Completing that morning ritual, complete with the adjustments necessitated by the recent late night explorations, Sean wandered out of the bathroom to continue with more traditional rituals. As he passed the thermostat he shut the air conditioning off entirely since, obviously, the thermocouple was shot. The house still had enough of a chill for him to grab his trusty pale red (pink!) robe hanging from the bedroom door. Whistling quietly to himself he got the coffee going and then turned his attention to the freshly stocked larder.

The stove used natural gas, which was a bonus he preferred, and he got it lit while he laid out the ingredients for the meal he intended to provide the wolf for their last day in Vegas. He had thick cut maple flavored bacon, fresh tomatoes, potatoes, and a pair of flat iron steaks that would cook nicely in relatively little time. While Sean was cooking the bacon and cutting vegetables Oda wandered out of the bedroom with a muzzle-splitting yawn. The wolf swayed to the counter and leaned on with one hand, rubbing his sleepy eyes with the other.

"Well, good morning, sunshine." Sean quipped warmly at the humorous sight. The wolf looked positively hung over.

Oda, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers, peered past them at Sean. "Sunshine... phuagh. What, not snowballs, this time?"

Sean shrugged with a soft laugh, "That, too. Coffee's up." He pointed at the full carafe in the coffee maker with his knife.

Oda glanced at it and then stretched, giving his back a crick, while Sean went back to slicing tomatoes and flipping bacon. The large but thin steaks were marinating nearby and he gave those a flip as well before returning to the tomatoes. "Meh, yeah, but nature calls, first." With that the wolf shambled lazily back toward the bathroom, kicking the door shut with a practiced flick of his foot.

When he came out some fifteen minutes later Sean had moved on to the steaks, letting them sizzle on a flat cast iron skillet in the bacon grease while said bacon was drying on the counter beside the plate of cut vegetables and arrayed condiments. The wolf looked far more alert and awake when he emerged, tail lazily waving behind him. "Feel better?"

"Loads!" Oda rumbled, snatching up a length of bacon and nibbling on it to savor the flavors rather than wolfing it down. "How're you feeling?"

Sean shrugged and flipped the steaks onto plates beside the piles of bacon and lining the skillet with thick-cut tomatoes. "Sore." He commented with a smile as he glanced aside at the wolf, his eyes roving down by some new reflex, flitting past the broad chest, handsomely toned stomach, and the unconcealed sheath at his groin. With a self-conscious blink Sean brought his eyes back to his cooking. "A hell of a lot more sore than I was the first night, but... just that." He shrugged and flipped the tomatoes to sear the other side. "It'll pass."

Oda grunted and turned toward the coffee maker, rattling the carafe free as he grabbed for a mug. "Sean, what you did last night... as much as I enjoyed it, and I did, don't get me wrong... was foolish." He said as he poured the coffee, not turning as he spoke. His tail brushed Sean's hip as it wagged slowly, relaxed. "I could've hurt you."

Sean poked the tomatoes, sliding them around the pan before pulling them off the heat. "It was something I... wanted." Sean replied with a shrug, "I mean, if Taws could take a knot, why couldn't I, you know?" He turned to look toward the wolf who was adding ingredients to his morning caffeine resupply. "And I wanted to do it for you."

Oda turned as he took a sip to test his mixture, "She's biologically designed for it, Sean." He lowered the mug to add more cream, "You're not."

"Under her tail?" Sean asked with an upraised brow and a challenging smile.

Oda chuckled and tested his coffee again, his eyes roving Sean just as the human's gaze had raked him before, but without snapping away. The golden gaze lifted to look through his brows as the wolf took a longer sip, finding the mix satisfactory. "Well, perhaps not, but still. It was risky."

With one last check to make sure everything was plated, Sean laughed and set aside the skillet before killing the blue flames of the stove, "After all I've done you think I'd be risk averse?" He challenged, adding flatware to the plates piled high with steaks, bacon, and vegetables before stabbing a steak knife through each thick sandwich to hold it together. "Grab the fixins, let's eat out back before God turns the oven back to broil."

The door shrieked angrily at being opened so early in the morning as Sean pushed through and ambled out onto the back porch. It was still in shadow as the steep wall and slight curve of the canyon would shield it for another few hours yet, but the dawning sky was already paling with the oncoming day without a cloud in sight. Sean set the plates on the table as Oda pushed through the door, forcing another angry shriek from it that ended with a rattling slap, his arms full of condiments and a loaf of chibata bread that Sean had selected specifically for this particular meal.

Oda returned to the house for his coffee while Sean went about assembling the sandwiches just right to his particular tastes. When he returned he brought two mugs, setting one down for Sean while he stood to one side and sipped his, watching the human assemble what looked more like art than food.

"I'm supposed to eat that?" the wolf commented at the towering assembly on his plate with the steak knife shoved through it to keep the heaping thing together. "Or take a photograph of it?"

Sean picked up his plate and stepped back to one of the deck chairs, eschewing the use of the table, to sit. He set the plate down beside him and relaxed back to sip his coffee. Despite being outdoors, fully exposed, Oda showed no signs of embarrassment or modesty. Even when he was home with Taws, Sean frequently had some kind of light clothing to cover him, even as she went around in only her fur. Sean did glance at the top of the ridge that rose at the end of the canyon behind the house but, with the morning sun just hitting the crest, anyone up there would be blind to anyone in the shadows below. "You know how long they spend making a food item 'just right' for a photo spread?" Sean joked with a smile as he savored the coffee, trying to get away from that particular train of thought. It was pretty simple; a standard off the shelf mass market brand with a little sugar and a little milk.

"So long I wouldn't find it very appealing." Oda observed blandly as he moved over to the table.

Sean laughed, "It's inedible, afterward." He glanced aside at the wolf, standing within easy arm's reach while Sean sat, reclined, in the deck chair. His eyes were level with the wolf's groin and he found himself staring at it as he sipped his coffee. How might it taste -

No! Sean's thoughts revolted. As much as he had done, that was going too far for the last little part of his brain that remained steadfastly and unflinchingly heterosexual. He looked up when the wolf got to his feet and set down his half-empty plate. Sean hadn't even managed to touch his own so far. "I'm out, going in for a refill. You want one?"

"Nah, I'm goods still," Sean replied, trying to casually shrug off where his eyes had been wandering. He was still trying to bring his wandering thoughts under control a few minutes later -- having settled on trying to decide what kind of dinner to make Taws -- when the rear door gave another yowling protest as Oda passed through it.

"It seems," the wolf growled softly as he came to stand beside Sean, "that we are out of milk."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Sean shrugged, craning his head back to gaze up at the wolf standing close by. "Since this is our last day here, and I don't have a clue when this place will be used again, I thought that milk -" He trailed off with a surprised hiss when Oda dropped to one knee and, holding his coffee safely off to one side, leaned forward, buried that cold nose under the hem of Sean's robe, right under his balls. Sean scooted up in his chair as the wolf's muzzle drew upward, the damp coolness of his nose tracing across his uplifted balls, letting them fall only to be lifted again by the warm tongue that followed. "Ohhh_DA_!" Sean yelped in surprise, almost spilling his coffee, as that tongue continued upward, pressing his flaccid cock against his stomach until reaching the tip, where it stopped, pressed warm and yielding against Sean's glans, and the wolf looked up, the edges of the robe spilling off the sides of his face. "What are you doing?" He was surprised to find that his voice had risen to an unmanly squeak, but his manhood was acting all too manly, despite the repeated exertions the previous night.

It had only been hours ago, and a few short ones at that! Sean could still feel the lingering aftereffects quite keenly.

Yet, under the smooth, teasing warmth of Oda's tongue his cock began to thicken and grow. "Something I want to do." Oda murmured with a warm growl. He reached up and with a quick yank undid the knot of the robe's belt, casting it open to reveal Sean's full nakedness before once more dropping his head and sliding the width of his muzzle between Sean's thighs to lift his balls. He whuffled deeply beneath them, filling his nostrils with Sean's masculine aromas, savoring them with his acute senses, eyes half closed and ears turned rearward. Sean could only watch, one hand clutching the arms of the chair and the other trying not to spill his coffee, as the wolf's head nuzzled deeper and inhaled again, Sean's balls resting on the bridge of the wolf's broad muzzle. Drawing upward slowly, Oda's nose chilled the underside of Sean's balls as they rose upward, then dropped down only to be warmed in return by Oda's tongue. The wolf's maw opened as his head continued up, but his lower jaw remained fixed in place just below Sean's balls. Wider and wider that maw opened, revealing the long, broad tongue that dipped down to curl beneath Sean's vulnerable sac, tasting and warming as the wolf's golden eyes looked up.

Sean found himself grinning incongruously from one corner of his mouth at what, to the unknowing, was a truly frightening display - predatory teeth all too close to his tender, soft man parts. That wide, pink tongue slid upward, Sean's orbs an even more pale hue upon it, until they finally slipped free and the lick continued, now along the tumescent girth of Sean's awakening erection. It wrapped beneath and around him, drawing him further up, until his shaft was held erect while the lick circled around his tip and then let him fall with a damp slap against his stomach. Oda brought his mug across into Sean's rather narrowed focus and tapped him lightly in the stomach with it.

"Last night was your choice, Sean. This morning is mine." He kept his golden gaze fixed on Sean and tilted his muzzle down to lightly trace his nose upward from balls to tip again, "And, besides, you owe me cream for my coffee."

So odd was that comment that, at first, Sean did not catch it and only stared stupidly down at the predatory muzzle poised above his eager hardness. Then, slowly, it percolated through as Oda's gaze finally dropped and his nose slowly traveled downward. Sean tried to laugh, but the slow caress of the wolf's tongue tip along one side of his erection caused it to get lost in a light hiss of pleasure when that nose looped around his tip, ending with a light kiss from lupine lips before slowly licking downward. Sean released his hand from the arm of his chair and reached down to take Oda's mug, setting it with his own on the deck beside his plate. He returned both hands to Oda's shoulders, sinking them into the thick ruff and kneading at the muscles beneath.

Oda's tongue traveled upward with another slow, teasing lick and circled about his tip. "I liked what I tasted the other night." The wolf mumbled without looking up, gazing down at the throbbing length bobbing just behind the end of his muzzle, his lips brushing it as he spoke. "I'm hungry to taste it again." Opening his muzzle and letting his tongue loll out, the wolf slipped it under Sean's length and drew it up as he let his head drop down.

He took Sean, fully, in one hot gulp to the root and even Sean's length did not bottom out in the wolf's deep muzzle. Turning his head slowly Oda suckled upon that length, his tongue pressing, pushing forward with a rolling swallow and then drawing back as he rotated his head the other direction. Sean could feel the back of his cock sliding against the broad curve of the wolf's palette, either side sliding against the complex contours at the back of flesh-rending teeth, and the subtle rasp of that hot, muscular tongue gliding along the sensitive underside of his twitching erection. His fingers clutched into the fur of Oda's shoulders and his back pressed into the chair, his spread legs pressing down, striving to lift his hips, as if he could thrust any more of himself into that greedy muzzle.

This was something Taws took delight in just as much as the wolf seemed to; to bring him writhing to the edge of his sanity within the depths of her muzzle. She had once told him that she had seldom done that with others; canine cocks had different sensitivities that did not respond quite so spectacularly to the warmth of a muzzle. From the outset, though, she had revealed that she had some amazing skills; both from her limited previous experience and that which nature had given her - a deep muzzle and a wonderfully long, warm tongue. Few -- perhaps two in all of his years -- of Sean's girlfriends had ever evinced the same joy at having a dick in their mouths, and none of them could compare to the sheer depths of the collie's muzzle, nor that of the wolf, by any margin. Sean gasped as Oda's nose pushed down against his groin and his jaw muscles tightened down, putting intense pressure upon the his cock, pressing it between his rippling tongue and the ridged curve of his palette. Oda rested one hand on Sean's far thigh as he drew his head upward slowly, coaxing a moaning sigh of pleasure from the man who's most vulnerable asset was between his jaws.

Slowly he continued to draw upward, until only Sean's almost painfully sensitive head was held between the stout lengths of his deadly canine teeth, the touch of his sharp foreteeth softened by his tongue below, and a slight angle to keep them from tender flesh above. With a last, noisy suckle he let Sean slip free and dipped his head down to press the cool pad of his nose against Sean's balls, "You're a mouthful." The wolf whuffed a pleased laugh, inhaling the growing scent of Sean's arousal. "A very, very tasty mouthful." His nose traced upward, the damp chill chased away by the scalding heat of the wolf's hungry tongue. The tip flicked playfully around Sean's tip and he clutched at the wolf's shoulders. His cock slipped against the wolf's lips, feeling a brief caress of dangerous, sharp lupine teeth before sliding into that deadly cavern. Sean's hips bucked and his eyes rolled as that tight embrace descended upon him stopping only when the wolf's nose pressed against his shaven groin. He let out a gasping cry when that hot tongue pushed upward and rippled forward again and the wolf opened his muzzle wide to curl his tongue beneath Sean's balls.

Sean writhed, lifting his hips upward to press his throbbing erection against the wolf's nose as that lick drew upward, pressing his length down. "I'm - I'm glad you - approve." He managed to gasp, then choke a cry when his length was once more scooped up by that tongue and angled into the hot confines of the wolf's muzzle. Oda chuckled at his strangled cries, the vibration rolling up from deep within his breast and shivering into Sean's aching length with a firm upward press of that ever so skillful tongue. Sean bit his lower lip and panted through is nose, his hips lifting up as the wolf's head drew upward again, ever so slowly, each rippling caress of his tongue gliding smoothly just below the underside of Sean's tip as if wholly aware where a human's most sensitive places were. "Y- you've done this - before, ha- aven't you?"

Oda nodded slowly, his muzzle pushing down and then up, Sean's cock following it as he held merely the first couple of inches. He mumbled an approbation at the taste of the human's pre coating his tongue and suffusing his senses with that delicate, subtly sweet robust flavor. Shifting his hands from furry shoulders Sean drew them up Oda's neck, digging his fingers into the heavy ruff of his jawline and cupping just below the ears in the hollow between thumb and palm. With a clench he grasped the wolf's head, insistently but not savagely, to pull him down again. A heavy, growling whuff blasted hot air along Sean's length with a gleeful outward explosion of warmth as Oda obeyed that urgent, needy command. Sean's hips thrust up as he hauled that huge, dangerous, yet pleasing head downward to bury himself in the predator's muzzle with a powerful jump of his cock.

He could feel the wolf's hand move from his thigh as he repositioned himself closer to the chair, his head describing a vertical downward angle above him. It was an awkward tilt for his cock, which wanted to draw upward, but Sean was beyond the point of caring. Taws had learned how to situate her head so that she could enjoy him without straining him at the root; that being almost bowed to the point where her ears touched his chest, and the wolf, though skilled, was simply in an awkward pose of his own. He could not straddle Sean without climbing onto the chair which was fragile enough under the weight of one. With them both writhing about upon it the poor thing would probably come crashing down. Sean's thumbs stroked into the fur in front of and slightly below the wolf's uplifted ears while his fingers clutched desperately at the fur of his head, letting him up briefly only to pull him back down with a grunting thrust.

A warm hand slid up from his thigh to cup his taut drawn balls, rolling them as if to feel how much they had to offer which, after the last twelve hours of energetic play, would not be a whole great deal. But it would be delivered with gusto, for Sean drew rapidly closer to his peak under the torturous onslaught of the heat surrounding him, his hands relaxing to let him draw upward, then clenching to haul him down into another muscular shove of his hips with increasing haste. When a strong finger, tipped with a stout, blunt claw, rubbed against his taint in a slow, firm stroke downward to press against his tight anal ring Sean gasped a breathless cry. His head snapped back and his hips shoved upward, legs tensing as he hovered, ever so close.

Yet his hips fell before that peak could be reached, held at bay by a powerful clench of the carnivore's powerful jaws, and that finger gave another slow, teasing, powerful caress downward, circling around Sean's anal heat, and then drew upward while the wolf lifted his head. "O- d - da!" Sean roared at the torturous pressure halting his release, his hips falling while the wolf held his muzzle still. "GODS!" He strove upward again and the wolf merely laughed around him as his muzzle was once more filled.

That laugh ended with a pleased, whuffing grunt when that muzzle was filled with considerably more than cock at the apex of Sean's thrust. Sean's hips froze, muscles tense, his cock slamming up against the roof of the wolf's muzzle as a muscular ripple slid downward. With a rising groan that became a cry his body tensed, his fingers digging desperately into the deep white ruff, and then jerked, once, powerfully. The rush of his release exploded into the back of Oda's palate in a short, powerful torrent with a spastic twitch of his cock. His hips jerked up to drive it home, settling briefly in that moment between one muscular release and the next, only to jerk again as his fingers pressed against the head beneath all of that fur. His seed gushed forth in swift, hot torrents that peaked and, all too swiftly, ebbed. As they faded so too did Sean's strength and, slowly, his hips twitched, shuddered, jerked, and slumped back down onto the creaking wood of the deck chair.

Oda did not immediately gulp down the rich salty infusion that filled his muzzle, his tongue and lips sealed tight around the twitching length until it finally ceased its muscular spasms. Sean's hands held his head for a few moments longer before releasing. A half-hearted attempt was made to smooth the ruffled fur before they fell to Oda's shoulders, weak and shaking. "Okay... mhh, yeah." Sean huffed and panted, wincing and twitching bodily as the heat of the wolf's tongue slowly drew upward along the underside of his satiated, extremely sensitive cock. Drawing his head up about half way, Oda's tongue pressed upward to hold him in place as his throat bobbed, at last sending the gift of the human's pleasure into the depths of his body. "Yeah, you're good at that."

Slowly the wolf opened his muzzle and, ever so gently, lowered Sean's still erect length down to rest against his stomach, whereupon Oda began to lick it slowly, root to tip, carefully avoiding the almost painfully sensitive glans. "I try." He rumbled, pleased and likewise relaxed. The slow stroke of his tongue was a gentle, whispering rasp of flesh against flesh as he gave Sean's slowly dwindling dick a gentle cleansing. Not that there was the slightest drop to be found by that warm canine grooming, he did it for he truly did find that simple action enjoyable for himself. "A fine vintage, indeed."

Sean, still trying to catch both breath and wits, stroked gently between the wolf's ears and watched the simple, slow licking. "Goober, I'm not wine."

"A fine wine upon which to dine, a gift of thine that I've chosen as... mine." Oda glanced up as he finally finished his grooming, Sean's cock once more the rather short, wrinkled, altogether uninspiring vestige of its momentary glory.

"Taws might argue that point." Sean gave his head a ruffle and reached down to gather up the coffee he had set aside, "Hardly sufficient for your coffee, though."

Oda sat back on the deck, tail thumping the wood slats as he grinned like a fool. He picked up his mug and sipped it languidly. "Mhh, let her get in line." He winked, "Shall you break your fast, or are you just going to let it get cold?" He picked up the plate and set it in Sean's lap. "I've already broken mine." He added with a pointed glance at Sean's still exposed loins and gave his whiskers a slow lick.

Sean chuffed a breathless laugh and took the steak knife out of his BLT, "And then some."

Chapter 8 < > Chapter 10