Cailey: To Silence a Song

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Trying to work on something and get out of the slump I was in, I ended up writing a gift story for ECMajor/Unicorn and came up with this tale, starring his particularly lovely and attractive kangaroo, Cailey.

... because every good character needs a story!

Just wish I could have had it done a lot sooner. I've actually been working on this for what feels like quite some time now! During it's starting phase a lot went wrong IRL, and it took some work to sit down and return to authoring when it was all said and done. Beyond that, I had also sat down and given Homestuck a try, only to find myself reading years worth of material up to the point that I'm caught up with the webcomic.

But, none the less, please enjoy!~

Cailey: To Silence a Song

Story (c) Professor Bob

Cailey (c) ECMajor (Unicorn)

The lighting of the large auditorium naturally dim and subdued, its glossy wood stage and dark burgundy curtains stood out in the forefront to draw eyes and attention. While there was no grand spotlight or sprawling crowd, sets of track lights struck a single performer with their heat as she stepped across the stage with a graceful and confident stride of her hooves. Their claps echoed faintly from the laminated surface, ceasing once the sole short figure reached the center of the open space with her thick, yet dainty fingers clutching one another against the front hem of her black, thigh-hugging mini-skirt. A slightly elongated neck raised toward an immodest smile, accented by bright, curly, desert colored hair. Presenting herself as a llama of class with a crafted, fake primrose flower tucked behind her right ear, the young girl slid a pink index card from a pocket in her skirt. Lifted into the light, she gave the words etched upon it a glance before closing her eyes and parting her lips into a faint breath.

Her left hand coming to her flattened chest, the llama lifted her chin and began to sing a slow, melodious song with her toned, higher pitched voice. Practicing the lyrics with the card she held, she sang the words with the soft allure of a choir as she gently ran from line to line; doing it without care that she was being watched and listened to by other school classmates that fine afternoon. The preteen's arrogance was thinly veiled, pressing through the song without a shy stutter or delay, even when a mistake in key was made. All in all it wasn't bad, having been in chorus programs since Elementary school, but there was always room for some criticism - even if particularly unconstructive.

"Boo~!", a low pitched voice unrecognizably warbled through the school theater's sound system without warning, booming easily over the llama's non-amplified and sweet feminine tones to make everyone in the auditorium jump. The llama flinched awkwardly, finally stumbling over her own unmemorized lyrics before suddenly startling into silence with a restrained squeal as something the size of a baseball struck the stage. It made a thud against the shiny wooden platform, bringing the girl to sidestep to avoid the object that bounced bulbously by her hooves. The look of shock was obvious on her face as the building's lights shined exclusively on her, bringing a darker silhouette to spring out of their first row seat with an aggressive spin on their feet.

"Who threw that?!", the older and authoritative female voice of the chorus teacher broke into the strange mix of silence and snickers that came after the outburst, looking into the auditorium far above for answers to the disruption.

For a well mannered vocalist, the older wolf was still a wolf, and a bit of her teeth still managed to gleam from the bright light that came off the stage behind her. Directing their sharp portrayal of anger out into the theater's seats, they quickly turned up toward the boys high up on the catwalks that were supposed to be taking care of the stage and lighting. Sure enough there were only a few of them scattered about, none looking too guilty as her glare was met with shrugs from the darkness above. Frustrated and in the moment, particularly displeased from what happened during a student's practice recital, the teacher snapped her head toward the tinted glass of the auditorium control room.

"And who-... !", she began to yell out in demand, only to stop amid her own confusion. Expecting to spot someone near the microphone or it's controls, clued in by the 'boo' that rang out, she was forced into silence by the sight of the room's door remaining locked as it should have been when not in use. Without a soul to chastise, the wolf scrunched her expression and threw her tail off to one side, lifting a hand to her chin.

"An... onion?", the teacher's ears pivoted toward her rear as she heard questioned in a similar bewilderment, sounding sharp and shaken.

Turning her head with a tip of her muzzle, she raised an awkward brow at what was indeed a small yellow onion seated in the palm of the llama's right hand; having stepped over to where the object had stopped to examine what had been lobbed in her general direction. Flabbergasted and upset, the sole girl in the stage's lights clutched the onion and grit her teeth toward her barely visible audience with a wet glint in her eyes. Beyond the cool exterior of a classy llama, she displayed something much more rough and shrill as her anger took forefront.

"Who the hell throws onions at people?!", she yelled with a shaky, near tearful sort of preteen damnation.

Throwing the onion to the stage, it made a hollow sounding thud and bounded back toward it's edge; papery exterior crumbling from the abuse as she turned her curly, fluffy tail and made prompt haste for the backstage area to escape this horrible indignity. Running off and surely crying, even if trying to hide it, her gaggle of friends knew better and clambered up the side steps of the stage to follow. Making a scene as gaggles did best, calling out, "Ariel!", their teacher figured she'd pick her battles and stay quiet to let the bunch take care of their fallen comrade in private. Her gray features scowled threateningly to her students both high and low, showing a side of her they so rarely got to see from the relatively kindred spirit.

She wasn't happy, and she'd let everyone know how strongly she rejected that sort of treatment inside of her theater.

But elsewhere the tension was not to be had, too far above her muzzle-stiffening scolds to feel their brunt. Away from the crossing of metal beams and walkways, tucked into the darkness of a wall, a canid maw stifled it's sniggering giggle with the firm clasp of a hand over her snout. Balanced precariously in the loose fingers of her other hand was an old microphone, attached to a cable junction with a twist of a few frayed copper wires. Control rooms weren't necessary if you wired yourself into the same sound amplifier from a more direct location, peering over the whole auditorium and stage from an unused spotlight cutout near the ceiling. Sitting cross-legged to make sure her glasses wouldn't reflect light back down to the ground level and give her presence away, the canine disconnected her jury-rigged device and tucked it into the safety of her backpack as a few trinkets and ponies jingled from the zippers they decorated. Many of them had the name 'Sheira' written in whiteout, and their lighter playfulness stood in contrast to the snooty llama of the same age.

Fur split into three varying hues as a German Shepherd, her fluffy, puppy-like ears easily picked up the approach of a returning friend as large, broad feet crept up on the alcove she hid within. Cailey slipped right on in with a slide on her shorts-covered hip, throwing her thick tail out of the way as she took a deep, relieved breath; back against the wall. Even in the low light of their hole-in-the-wall, her plush white kangaroo fur and bright clothing made her seem faintly illuminated.

"You've got a heck of an arm! Did you see Misses Drybeck, like, look right up at the lighting boys thinking it had to be one of them that chucked that thing?", Sheira immediately broke into conversation with an amused, but still kind of embarrassed overtone to her hushed, timid little voice. This wasn't the sort of thing she partook in, and using her head to such ends hadn't really happened before. But, at the same time, she could see that the outcome made Cailey happy, catching a proud grin emanating off her short 'roo muzzle. Her two poms of blue hair slopped and rubbed against the dark, fuzzy, sound-reducing piece of wall they shared amidst regaining her quiet and composure.

"It wasn't bad. Onion lobbing is all in the physics.", Cailey waved the compliment off as if to not even humor the idea of being strong, trying not to laugh at all as she playfully flicked a single hand. Being a kangaroo gave her some great lower body strength, but when it came to her arms and seemingly petite hands, she didn't think of them doing much more than being quick on video game controllers. Sheira just crooked the smirking ends of her black and tan muzzle, slightly lifting her eyeglass frames from the bridge of her snout. Below, it seemed like their last period chorus class was starting to get back on track in wake of Cailey's abrupt plan's success, and that at least gave her some personal relief that they had not been caught.

"You're supposed to throw tomatoes at people on stages. I don't know about onions.", the shepherd rolled into an inquisitive joke, wanting to avoid sounding too awkward after what they had just done; settling her idle hands into the crumpled lap of her blue sundress. Like two kids snickering it up after an adventure, Cailey was quick to expressively wave her pinkened palms through the air to continue on a bemused retort.

"A tomato would be too good for Ariel. At least you can't pick up an onion and go, hey, look at this delicious onion.", the tiny reddish dots she gave her cheeks jumped as she spoke, trying to make a point on why the ugly soil-dweller made a stronger statement than an ordinary hurled insult. Personally she couldn't stand the sulfuric, bug-like crunchy bits in her food anyway.

Rubbing the end of her muzzle, Cailey had to quietly laugh at least a little bit of that off. She had never pulled one over on a bully like that before, and she did feel a lot more empowered than usual. At her side, her friend and regular Dungeon Master seemed to do the same, though her discomforted body language wasn't well read alongside her stiff, shy expression. Sheira's dark brown eyes peered to her side in their solitude, feeling some remorse in what they had done.

"You know, I'll skip asking why you had an onion in your backpack and... I guess, ask why we had to do this? She's not nice to me either, but I didn't think you were into revenge or anything. That still felt really low.", the canid girl lifted her knees as she tried to explain how she felt on a somber note, leaning on an older, more serious tone to convey the fact that her conscience took a blow in knowing she hurt someone - even if it was for some apparent, necessary reason. Sheira wasn't the best with the word 'no' after all, but this felt rather wrong and out of character for them both, and she didn't know if she liked it.

Though even if she didn't like telling others 'no', that was the very first thing she was told defensively in response; finally adding a bit of that disquieted tone of hers to Cailey's own voice.

"No, no - not revenge. A lesson. Admiral Ponyton could have cooked this one up.", Cailey seemed to sound like she was trying to correct and spin on their behalf, eluding that their actions had a sort of intellectual benevolence. For effect, she reached between them for Sheira's backpack and plucked her Admiral Ponyton 'My Little Pony' toy from the zipper he was clipped to and moved him up and down to simulate nodding. A Starfleet insignia for a cutie-mark, the cunning starship commander was Sheira's favorite character; something Cailey was rather prompt to play on when the colorful pony acted as a calculated moral figure.

"I don't think the good Admiral would have gone through with it, though.", Sheira sighed tepidly, curling her brows a little as she plucked Ponyton from Cailey's fingertips.

Not immediately buying the rationale, the white furred kangaroo was left to lightly hum while Sheira went about returning her backpack toy to his proper place. Being forced to think about it was at least a tad frustrating, and likely should have been, she imagined. Cailey understood it wasn't exactly brimming with righteousness, but...

"Look - I'm always standing up to her crap and brushing it off, but it's gotten to be a bit much. While we were coming into the theater today, out in the front lobby, she asked me today if I needed any eye drops - just to get a rise out of her airhead groupies.", she went on to actually explain, rather than twist and dodge like the twelve year old she was. Cailey was usually a calm, joyous, and really playful sort; causing the words she chose to ease away from the cackles and awkwardness of having done something so out of the ordinary. She just felt wronged, compelling her into adamance.

"Eye drops? What does that have-... ", Sheira went on to turn her head and question with a confused scrunch of her face, only to have Cailey promptly do the same - but with an expressive, gestural squint in her direction. The pair of long time friends seated side by side, meeting eyes in the low, glowing light coming in from the spotlight slat in front of them, a colored twinkle made the shepherd stop suddenly.

"Oh.", she was duly reminded of a particular sensitive subject, feeling a sympathetic pang in her throat. Cailey, being an albino, had reddish eyes. Her fur was white for a reason, and everyone generally knew what that was.

"Right.", Sheira turned her head back, mumbling the word slightly. Okay, she could see how that would be pretty bad - insulted for a condition she herself tried to downplay and ignore. Today Cailey was in a beige t-shirt and light blue, lower-thigh length shorts; choosing such colors just to make sure her fur stood out less.

"It's about time she had a taste of being on the other end. Maybe she'll get a clue. I don't know. Middle school has been awesome so far, and I'm tired of people like her always getting their way because they think they're the best thing to ever walk the earth. Being in the afternoon singing program together hasn't been roses either. I swear, she gets worse when she thinks she has competition.", Cailey notably toned down her tone of voice, pressing her honest reasoning and feeling over the matter until it melted back into a less defensive conversation. The kangaroo crossed her lithe arms, seeming to try and relax and remain comfortable as another small voice began practicing their singing on the stage far below, and out of sight in their dim hideaway.

"You vocal-y types sing it out against each other?", her last comment managed to stir out of Sheira, leaning away from the questioning of her ethics. Cailey surely didn't mind that, getting to chuckle a little under her breath. There were only a few being specifically mentored by their new school, leaving the follies and adventures of her blooming singing ability to always be fresh stories to tell.

"No, but she thinks we do. That neck gives her a few keys that are hard to hit, and she tries to one-up everybody all the-... ", Cailey started with some amusement as she highlighted just yet another reason Ariel was such a pain in the tail. She came to interrupt herself though as her arms uncrossed to make a few gestures for her neck, coming to see in her movement that Sheira's eyes and ears seemed to be pointed just past her; up over her muzzle, as if her senses caught something.

In the quiet, with a muffled, out of key song being sung in the background, an ungraceful thump at her side practically made the kangaroo jump. Twisting her body back around to get off the wall and slump instead into Sheira's backpack, she yanked her tail in toward her to get it away from the niche's tiny narrow opening and the intruder that sounded like they nearly fell into it. As soon as her eyes corrected themselves, the image of a figure beside her came to fruition with an open hand on the edge of the niche's narrow, constrictive opening. A pair of short horns reached up, dulled into shadows above a white and brown snout.

"This a private party, ladies? Did'ja bring the beer?", a somewhat older boy's voice cut in as the new figure greeted Cailey and Sheira without much of they grace they would have appreciated, speaking so quickly and crassly upon landing on his knees.

Most of the boys in their new school perpetuated this crude "coolness", but especially after startling her and not minding his own business, Cailey made sure the sigh she let off sounded bothered by his joke. It was actually a gazelle she had seen many times before, mostly after school during her chorus mentorship program, even though she had never met or spoken with him. He was always working on theater sets and props for the eighth-graders that put on plays and performances, putting them in the same building for their after-school activities. Sometimes on stage practicing as the theater crews worked on things behind them, Cailey was even fairly sure of his name; knowing him to be an actual teenager, if only a year or so older than she was.

"Oh jeez - aren't you charming. Reidar, right?", she openly quipped to discourage any more "jock-a-doodle-do" remarks while at least trying to be nice in some way. In her case, being very intelligent and loving of science fiction, games, and nerdier things didn't make her any less confident in her social affairs. Albinism aside, she held no reasons to be shy, and ended up being the verbally stronger of her group of mostly female friends.

"What if we actually said yes, this was private?", Sheira went on to add, sounding more uncomfortable about the intrusion and eager to be rid of him after such a shameless introduction. Cailey recognized the faint thump of Sheira's tail striking the ground, figuring it was a nervous reaction. Poor girl was only outgoing when she was role-playing in the safety of her own circle.

The reason for that reared it's head when her retort brought the gazelle to snicker - likely at her. Crossing his amusement with a scoff, Reidar continued his smug attitude with a condescending tip of his snout.

"I'd rather talk to your prettier friend. She's an edgy, naughty little geek-ette.", he showed a bit of his true colors as an abrasive jerk, leaning heavily on his taunting tones. Tension sparking, the insult got Sheira to bare her timid fangs while Cailey snapped her eyes to his with a sharp glare.

"Where do you get off, acting like such an-... !", Cailey's blue hair bounced in the sudden nature of the words she fired off, firm and forceful.

Her haste in protecting she and Sheira meant nothing to Reidar though, whom didn't so much as blink as she began her snap. Instead, he matter-of-factly raised a flattened object to the height of his chest which glowed a light from a still, mostly dark image of a figure with white fur. Essentially a picture of Cailey from behind, and clearly so, it showed her on the trailing edge of a lighting catwalk with an object clutched in her right hand. That alone was enough to freeze Cailey's maw from outright screaming at this older boy, as if the picture itself was a statement to cut her off. Her mouth curled mid-word, struck in the chest with an airy, unfamiliar worry. She didn't do bad things, and had no experience in being caught. It brought the once confident kangaroo to stammer, stumbling into a shaken tone after a pause; the light from Reidar's cellphone screen illuminating her face.

"Wha-... What of it?", Cailey tried to force out defensively, as if she thought nothing of what she saw. She felt like she ought to play it off, but as Reidar so cozily grinned, he remained poised to prove how little leverage she had. The off-white fur of his fingertip reached over the edge of the phone and swiped it's screen, flipping to another picture of Cailey with her arm distorted in mid-throw.

"That stupid display? Pretty meaningless to me, but it's the sort of thing that could land a fresh sixth-grader in a world of shit she doesn't want to be in. Somebody that unsportsmanlike couldn't be allowed to stay on an extra-curricular chorus team, now could they? I bet that'd cause a lot of trouble down in the office too, and a paddle could be well involved.", Reidar taunted in the tone of a sly threat, painting a picture of all the things Cailey could lose while facing the school's administration should these images see the light of day.

Struck with fear, Cailey's lips stiffened as if she wanted to speak, but couldn't. The pressure and tension squeezing on her body made her queasy as Reidar began to put his phone away, thinking of all the things at stake. Known for being behaved and docile, the trouble this could land her in was foreign, scary territory. Losing her mentorship and ability to sing with the others was more than bad enough, but being thrown in front of the school officials, knowing well what could happen to her?

"You'd be that much of a jerk? She's never done anything to you!", came over Cailey's shoulder with more vigor than she was used to from Sheira, whom seemed just as shaken over her being targeted like this. It snapped the white furred kangaroo out of her imaginative trance, lost in thinking about what the heck being paddled would feel like.

"Blackmail? Seriously, we're going there?", Cailey's lips managed to part and move, sort of growling under her breath as she glared with disquieted anger. There was only one reason the older gazelle would speak in such a way, eluding to a motive of his own. She wanted to stay strong, but the honest reality was that she felt trapped between a rock and a hard place she didn't know how to get out of.

"Glad I don't have to spell it out. I'll trade my silence for a little favor, so humor me after school is let out if you don't want 'teach to see who's neck she needs to wring. Nothing horrible, and everybody keeps their pants on.", Reidar patted his slacks pocket to make sure his phone was settled in his grim nonchalance.

While he didn't say what, his choice of words made it clear that he expected something "reasonable" from Cailey herself. She silently balked in disgust without even knowing what this favor was to be, clenching her hands into fists beside the rims of her shorts' leg holes. Lacking an immediate retort, her mind raced to say something to grab any kind of advantage she could, but wasn't fast enough when compared to Reidar's brisk, to-the-point manner of speech. He obviously wanted her to feel helpless if she didn't want her life ruined and tail beat, and the way he looked at her, smiling, cut deep into her worried heart.

"Junk closet, before our meet-ups today. If you don't show, I'll pay Drybeck a visit and get this ball rolling.", he uttered a bit more quietly than he had been speaking, adding a firm emphasis to what would be his directive and ultimatum. Eye to eye, he wanted Cailey to know that he meant business, and that she would cooperate or face the consequences she wished to avoid so feverishly.

Then, without another word, the gazelle rose to his hooves, gave the pair a parting glance, and slipped out of the alcove's entry niche; taking his leave without a care of his own, just as quick as he came. In the right place at the right time with his cell phone out, he held the cards to obtain something he wanted, and seemed perfectly comfortable in trying to obtain it.

It left Cailey and Sheira sitting in the dark alone as they had been before, but with the quiet brought on by contempt and regret. Jumpy and shaken, the silence lasted only a few moments before questions turned into a pair of kid's flustered bickering over what to do, and how much of a strange, perverted creep their intruder ended up being. Sheira didn't want her friend anywhere near him, and after a drawn out back and forth over what was best for her, Cailey eventually threw her hands up in a wave, assuring that she'd dodge Reidar and figure something out. It all sounded panicked and riled, showing how far out of their league they had gone with a stunt they normally would have never pulled. With her persuasions, Cailey calmed things down and promised that everything would be okay. She'd handle this, and Sheira herself wouldn't have to be involved; needing to head off to her bus once the last bell rang. Cailey would stay behind for her mentorship with the other girls and maybe have an honest talk with Miss Drybeck, or anyone else she thought might be able to help with Reidar's threatening advance.

Cailey managed to soothe her agitated companion and usher her on her way home in time, accepting reminders that what they did was wrong without arguing with the upset shepherd. At that point she didn't feel the need to be defensive any longer, and had been left behind in the lonely nook to pull her knees close and think of her own shame. After everything she said, she had to add "liar" to her list of offenses that awful afternoon on top of what she had already done. In the dark, she hugged her knees and sat misty eyed, muzzle tucked against her legs as the theater building emptied for the day.

Truth was, she planned to see Reidar and find out what it was that he wanted from her. Sheira was right - she was stupid, and that was nothing but childish revenge dressed as "teaching someone a lesson." Ariel struck a nerve, so she fetched Sheira and did something about it while she was too busy feeling wronged to think of what could happen. Cailey felt terrible now that she had been forced to consider how others would have viewed her brash, mean spirited actions, acting like the sort of bully she hated. She was a good girl, and it felt jarring to be jumped on the moment she finally made a big, foolish mistake. Not wanting to be scorned and punished, disappointing her parents and herself by wrecking so much they had worked to create for her, that junk closet was going to be her first stop this afternoon; for better or for worse. After nurturing her natural vocal gift with private singing instructors and these special school programs, she wouldn't dare stand before them as an ungrateful brat.

Drenched in guilt; her mature sense of right and wrong now bruised; this was the real side of Cailey. She was a twelve year old albino gray kangaroo, and a particularly bright and kind one at that. Looking different made her reject bullies that much more strongly, but she wasn't the sort to start acting like one when things didn't go her way. A playful, outgoing, kindred spirit, the young flier liked to read, sing like a bird, and play games with her friends; video or tabletop, as the pouch of sided dice she hung from her backpack relayed to other potential dragon slayers. She dyed her hair blue regularly to offset the lack of pigment in her body, adding dabs of pinkish red to her cheeks below the dangle of her curly, highlighted bangs, and the two pom-like tails she pulled her hair into. Going as far as to get her parents to let her pierce both her ears, Cailey did all she could to be a pretty young lady in light of her red eyes and colorless figure; which happened to be thin and smoothly curved, headed down toward her fit kangaroo legs and broad, protective sock laden feet. Still a hint of young fat in her tail and thighs, she was a good looking... geek-ette, as that foul-mouthed gazelle so rudely put it.

Having not used her head, or so her hindsight made her judge, Cailey's tense arms reached for her backpack tucked into the corner and rose to her feet to face what she apparently had coming to her. Posture dull and eyes listless, she sulked in her young mind's thoughts as she threw her school bag over a single shoulder and slipped out of her special hiding niche with a look much different than she came in with. Ears half folded and her tail hung somewhat limp, the girl stepped back out onto the theater's black metal catwalk to find only a couple of people remaining in the building, and some slightly louder than others. Without any further laughter or pride over the matter, Cailey paused against the guardrail with a knowing sort of frown as she watched and could faintly hear Ariel ranting and complaining beside the front edge of the stage with an obvious onion again clutched in the grip of her right hand. To her friends she went on, waving the injured lump of vegetable around as Cailey guessed her tears eventually turned to sympathy-milking over what happened. She wasn't sure how, but the kangaroo figured she'd have to make this up to the llama; sighing at the mere thought of such a thing.

Crooking one end of her mouth, none too happy with herself or the predicament she created, Cailey turned away from the figures below and left the shadows for the nearby stairwell. Lit only enough for the theater students to see where they were going, her cloth covered footpaw pads eased their way back down the steps and to what she understood the "junk closet" to be, having walked by it so many times accessing the catwalks. There was a drab olive green door in serious need of repainting in the backstage area that no one ever seemed to bother with, disused and always locked like some relic of the past. Cautious and nervous over possibly being seen, Cailey forced her ears erect once she landed back on the ground level, creeping through the quiet, painted block surrounding her. Past ropes and boxes, tucked right beside the closed stage curtain and dressing rooms, the flier took one last look over her shoulder and placed her hand on the old metallic door's rough surface. The bracing nudge pushed the door open an inch, bringing Cailey to snap her head back around from the unexpected surprise. There was light bleeding from around the door, and considering it was always locked, seemed to have been left ajar just for her. Such an invitation giving her butterflies, already not liking the feeling of this, Cailey's tense hand hesitated before carefully pushing the door open.

A dusty, faintly wooden scent struck her nose from a room that was cleaner, bigger, and better lit than she thought would be after being told this was technically a closet. Old painted backdrops of houses, rooms, and castles were propped against the walls, worn down by time and use, while tall metal shelves with cans and material dotted the left side of the modest little space. Pulling her backpack through the door, the right side of the room ended up being a pallet of unused sanded wood sheets in between a couple of crates, occupied by a gazelle.

Seated on the flat, hard bench the pile of wood sheets made, it was a lot easier to see Reidar's features than it was in the dark. His short, deep brown horns were no longer just shadowed silhouettes, but rather ribbed with pointed tips reaching back as his tan furred ears reached up. Dark brown stripes went up the sides and top of his snout while a hue of white rounded his eyes, mixing all of his sandy, woodsy colors around his face. He was thin with a bit of muscle, and didn't look like much of a pushover physically. Wearing a blue-on-black swirled shirt and black khaki pants; gazelle hooves preened and polished; he even looked the part of "arrogant." Slouching with his arms on his knees, Reidar held back something of a laugh upon his greeting.

"I wasn't sure if you'd be too scared to come, or too scared not to.", the young teenager seemed to joke in an off key, knowing that he had Cailey by the balls she didn't actually wear on her person. Smug yet casual over the whole thing, his attitude stiffened Cailey's face as she pulled her tail inside and shut the door; latch clacking back into a locked state. Feeling a strong, sheepish discomfort she wasn't sure on how to handle, she feigned some confidence as she slunk a few steps forward.

"Lets cut to the chase. What do you want from me?", she spoke hastily and uneasily, directing the conversation straight to the affairs that brought them to this meeting. Approaching Reidar and avoiding eye contact, Cailey dropped her backpack on the sheets of wood he sat upon, letting her feelings come off in a flavor that made her seem gruff. Filled with such mixed emotions and disdain, forcing herself into this, the face she wore wasn't one the bright kangaroo ever showed others.

Lifting a hand in gesture, showing it's broad, ebony, hoof-like nails, Reidar switched over to a lighter smile. Seeming to oblige, the gazelle slid off the sanded wood and rose to his hooves.

"Just some business - you know. All you have to do is sit here and let me do what I want, once you ditch those socks and your shirt.", Reidar began with a plain and casual sort of allure to his voice, speaking as if this was all normal until he reached what could have been construed as his first "order." In the middle of mildly stretching his arms and legs after standing up, his green, stretched pupil eye looked toward his side without turning his head.

"What?", Cailey would have bared her fangs if she had any, snapping her muzzle toward him with a growling tone. Hand upon the smooth wood she sat her backpack on, her delicate white fingers curled in response.

"I am not doing anything... that nasty with you! My shirt? Even you said-... ", her blue poms wobbled as she tried to get a word in edge-wise on the matter of what he wanted from her; other arm coming up defensively over her torso; only to be cut off.

"I said that everyone would be keeping their pants on. What's getting to hang with a kangaroo if I can't see and feel me some of that pouch you're hiding? That's all there is to it, and all you need to do is take those things off and have a seat here.", Reidar had turned slightly to press, curling his brows to put a little more weight onto his typically smooth and casual speech. Those were his conditions, and he was quite serious.

"It aint' a raw deal.", he added with another lift of his open right hand, again trying to downplay Cailey's predicament.

Feeling her ears quivering at their tips, fighting to keep them erect and not folded back from sheer embarrassment, Cailey paused. There was a lot to lose if she didn't put these reservations aside, and it didn't help that she felt a phantom twinge in her stomach after he specifically mentioned her pouch. There wasn't a lot to show on her species, but she did keep the thin-furred spot on her belly fairly private. Dryly she swallowed, huffing through her nostrils in the heavy quiet of the concrete room.

"Yeah... fine.", she relented quietly, speaking with an airy voice as she averted her eyes and turned to place her hip against the stack of wooden planks.

She propped herself up and sat down with a slide on her tail, throwing it slowly behind herself to let her feet dangle. Red hued eyes peering up, she gave the watching gazelle a quick, timid glance before turning her attention downward to strip herself of what he asked. While the request to remove the protective cloth socks she wore as alternative footwear seemed odd, Cailey lifted her paws up to pull the two cotton sleeves from her large, broad young kangaroo feet one at a time. The fur and flesh beneath looked similar to the socks themselves, cleverly cushioning the long pale gray and pink paw-pad on the bottom of her feet and toes with a thick layer of gray fabric, with the rest matching her albino-white. Strong and well shaped up into her ankles, her species' anatomy shined brightly through her three toes and four big, dark claws, nestled ahead of her soft, delicate paw-pad. The middle toe always being the most dominant in a kangaroo's shape, the special socks were all she could wear that would fit her while out of the house.

Bare pawed, she tossed the hefty socks beside her, onto her backpack, and reached her thinly furred palms and fingers straight for the bottom of her beige t-shirt without pausing to fret and hesitate. Swallowing down her reservations in an effort to get this over with, Cailey lifted her shirt with a yank, working to pull her arms out and get the neck hole past the clips of her hair poms, knowing well that even starting this motion brought her pouch and belly into the junk closet's light. The beige fabric jumped and danced against the very zenith of her tummy's special opening, showing fur so thin and immature the area was nearly all pink around the opening of the soft, fleshy ring. Formed into something of an oval shape, her pouch was a small, faintly protruding lip at about the location of another fur's belly-button, where it's interior sloped down toward her groin; holding her mammary glands out of sight. This anatomy left her chest barren despite the very feminine shape of her torso, and Reidar got to smirk and take in the unique sight as Cailey more weakly shoved her shirt, crumpled, beside her backpack. Feeling naked and demeaned, she frowned and instinctively placed her fidgeting hands defensively in her lap, looking down over her pouch and the elastic waistband of her blue shorts just a little beneath it.

It wasn't a proud moment, but with a long face, Cailey figured she would try and be a trooper.

"Man, see... Kangaroos are such fine things. Never even seen one of these before.", Reidar commented out loud with a restrained sense of giddiness, seeming to be happy that he was getting his way in the form of a kangaroo girl sitting in nothing but a pair of shorts. He was prompt to dive into those impulses and thoughts, taking a step forward to squat down and better assess the spoils of his blackmail. Stroking the short fur on his head back, flicking his ears, the gazelle's snout ended up at the height of Cailey's midriff in front of her, leaned inward toward the inside of her thighs to get a good look at the supple opening of her feminine pouch. An inviting fleshy pink with a rim so defined and puffy that it looked to have the same hint of baby-fat that remained in her tail and thighs.

Eyes down over the personal shame of baring her body for such reasons, Cailey watched the colorful tip of Reidar's snout hovering beside her tummy. Looked over as if she was a pinup on a lewd magazine, she sat and let him stare at her private spot and hidden curves until she outright flinched at Reidar's tan and off-white hand reaching into her narrow, shy field of view. Visually forewarned, her arms went rigid and her hands clenched, tucked between her thighs, just as the feeling of foreign fingertips graced the outer opening of her pouch. They pressed lightly upon her, raising onto to the lip of pink to trail down it's sensitive perimeter. It was a sharp and airy feeling for Cailey, feeling a lump in her stomach, and a soft and special one for Reidar, feeling up something others couldn't offer him. Trying to look inside of her small preteen pouch, his fingers hooked on the bottommost faintly jutting part of her feminine flesh as he stroked, curling his fingertips enough to get inside of the lip. He pulled a little to test the waters beside Cailey's stiff, unsteady hands, and found that fleshy spot stretching like a mildly taut organic elastic. Getting his first glimpse into the delicate, reddish interior he had been toying with, Reidar let a single, relaxed chuckle out of his throat.

"Such a small thing but so... ", he looked to mull affectionately, tipping his head.

"I bet I could get my whole hand in this hot little purse if I tried. At least a feel... ", Reidar followed up the loose thought with something more complete, becoming distracted in his own curious exploration. The base of Cailey's short kangaroo muzzle wrinkled, keeping her teeth in a constant, uncomfortable grit.

"Make it quick.", Cailey barked under her breath, though still loud enough for Reidar's tall, close ears to pick up on her irritation and disapproval.

Reidar's right hand pressed to her belly, turning to flatten his palm against her. Taking up so much room upon the lower regions of her bare stomach, Cailey was forced to remove her hands from her lap and wedge them into her sides; almost sitting on her fingers as close as they came to being under her thighs. Pouch fully clear of obstruction, with a girlish line traveling from it's sensitive opening to down into her shorts and underwear, Reidar turned his body a little to get comfortable leverage and sink his fingers into the stretchy, welcoming pocket. It's shape directing his attentions like a funnel, sliding his hand against her body, Reidar's fingertips flowed into Cailey's pouch, widening it's opening as the special flesh accommodated him as it was designed. Fingers descending without sensuality into a place with sexually-inclined nerves, the gazelle slipped his invasive touch right into her with something of a shove. Wincing, Cailey gripped the fabric of her shorts and huffed an awkward, pained sound through her nostrils from the sudden jab; pressure dragging along the thinner, more feminine tissue lining the inside of her pouch. Her glands needed something of a gentle touch, and Reidar was more interested in a boy's clueless grope.

"Hey, I think I found one.", the gazelle curled the ends of his mouth into an immature grin, joking aloud to himself as he felt Cailey's pouch up; fingertips crossing the unmistakable bump of tiny teat as he dug down toward her groin. The rim of her pouch hugging his knuckles, the feminine pocket soaked his digits with their heat, massaging firmly into pubescent flesh that felt silken and spongy. Below, outside of both their sights, Cailey's kangaroo toes stiffened and curled.

While it was little more than a sexy anatomy lesson for Reidar, grabbing at flesh she babied and handled with care, Cailey felt a lot more than that. Rattled nerves and harsh jams of an inexperienced set of fingers aside, it was still a sexual experience for a young girl coming of age. Biting her lip to keep quiet, even if just for a few moments to give Reidar what he wanted, rubbing at her pouch's teats was a quick way to shoot sharp, flowing feelings throughout her pelvis. It was hard to tolerate for any length of time, accepting touches from someone she held in such contempt. The hairlike strands of off-white fur on Reidar's fingers tickling and brushing her small, nerve-laden nipples in these oblong circles, it was only a matter of time before the modest kangaroo flier couldn't take another moment of it.

"That's enough! You... got your stupid feel!", Cailey broke their silence with an abrupt snap, bolting her hands for her pouch to grab Reidar's wrist. Her voice tapered, breaking into something less abrasive as she went on, not wanting to incur any kind of wrath when Reidar still held those damned incriminating pictures. Teeth together from being upset and having this welling feeling in the lowest regions of her belly, she still had boundaries, she affirmed, and was not about to have relations or outright sex, even with those photographs over her head.

"Whatever. I guess so.", Reidar sighed roughly, as if to tease Cailey over her objection. As he spoke, he lifted his hand and slid his fingers from the pleasant wrap of her pouch hole's lip; leaving behind a faint, nagging tingle from his tiny hairs stroking bare skin. Reaching down for the concrete beneath his hooves, the gazelle leaned back and fell onto his rear, sitting instead with a deep breath. Squinting with uncertainty, Cailey lowered her hands and balled them up against her waist, as if to protectively hug the lowest part of her molested pouch.

"Look, can we just do whatever'll get rid of those pictures you took?", she shrank a little where she sat, tail draped over the sheet of wood with a curl. The encounter had begun adding even more regret to Cailey's normally innocent, now tumultuous mind, wanting to flee this level of self-shaming. Eyes threatening to start burning, so confused over what to do, her "partner" merely lifted his head and made a dismissive wave beneath her seated perch; eyes at the level of her bare, highly defined ankles.

"I doubt you'll bitch about what I had planned. Pouch thing was a last minute bonus to go with my kangaroo theme - ya' see?", fell out of Reidar's maw, adding an unusual conversational overtone to his positive spin as his tan and white hands reached up to cup one of those ankles before him. Held loosely, unlike the rough start he had with her pouch, the gazelle's touch cradled the back of her left paw with some care; fingers shaping to bone, and the very top of her footpaw's big pad.

"It's all about the features.", he explained, shedding some light on his plan's internal train of thought as his horns tipped back and his snout came up, giving Cailey a hint of his species' wide green eyes. The addition brought the sensation of a stroke to her paw, feeling one of those hands sliding slowly down the outside edge of her foot with a mild grip into it's strong, broad exterior. Drawn to his face with a curl of her brows, she could barely see his hand moving against her white fur in the lowest part of her peripheral.

"So, you let me sit here and enjoy these for a while; maybe lick em' and stuff; and my phone will be all sorts of mum about your angry onion crap.", Reidar did exactly as Cailey wanted in this case and cut straight to the chase using the fewest, most blunt words possible. By then the massaging drag of his fingers and palm had reached her left paw's outer toe, sliding upon it to squeeze and add a comforting, relaxing sensation to her joint and tense muscle. The large digit stretched and flexed upwards with the grip of his hand, feeling his fingers pressing into the soft, pale pinkish-gray pad covering the furless bottom of her treasured paw.

Cailey's mouth failed to open in the few seconds that ticked by, peering over her knees with butterflies flapping about her chest. Reidar's snout had turned back to her paw, focusing on the apparent prize he had sought out for this whole time. Sitting on the tall stack of wood sheets with her legs limply hanging off the edge, Reidar freely slid the three broad-based fingers of his right hand under her footpaw, settling the ball of her foot into his palm so that his free hand could stroke up the sloped top of her paw with an apparent pleasure. Rolling his palm up the bony upper surface of her paw, getting a feel for it's structure and the muscle that stretched into her large center toe, Cailey took a breath and broke her defensive hand posture to rub her muzzle.

Kangaroo theme. He was a paw-lover and saw an opportunity to use her "features", as he so put it. It wasn't as bad as having her pouch grabbed at, but still came with a side effect that was quickly becoming apparent now that Reidar was doing something he had some knowledge in. The gazelle's massage was lovely for his own purposes, trailing his thumb across the shiny smooth surface of her middle toe's claw to rub it's largest and most sensitive bit of pad into the ball of his other cradling hand. Breathing close enough to her paw to feel his breath wafting through the fur between her toes, the face he made was rather pleased, contented, and surely aroused in his "worship", keeping his eyes barely open as he dotted over her paw - flexing joints and stroking skin. For Cailey though, the paw she brought to her muzzle ended up being needed to muffle a rough exhale, experiencing a warm, pleasureful feeling creeping up through her mildly muscled calf.

As it was, a kangaroo's footpaw was more than just a special staple of their appearance for others to enjoy. Loaded with nerves and interlinked so closely to their person, it was also discreetly erogenous to have toyed with, even if Cailey's innocence had veiled this fact from her. All she knew was that attentions to her toes and pads were rewarding, bringing her to take good care of her paws and preen them like any 'roo girl would. When Reidar took her paw into a tight hold, thumbs rubbing atop her toes while his fingers all squeezed into the arching sole of her spongy grayish paw-pad, all she was really sure of was the sudden airy twinge she felt within the musculature of the lowest part of her tummy. Creeping through her nerves and calming her tension, it was a familiar sort of "good" feeling.

"Damn, kangaroo girls just have the best... ", Cailey's ears flicked as Reidar began to mumble to himself, lifting her paw a little more in the two-handed grip he had on it's sides. Tipping his head, the young teenage boy turned and nuzzled the side of his snout up and over the hump of her central toe, right up the white fur atop her foot.

"Smells like cotton.", Reidar again mumbled, sliding the end of his snout back down toward her toes; bending her middle and innermost as he leaned in with his face and rolled her buffed claws through the blended stripes of savannah colors beside his mouth. Part of the reason she wore those cushioning, protective socks was to keep clean and cozy, leaving it no wonder that she would absorb the footwear's scent into her fur.

Her paw warm as heck across his hands and snout, indulging in his fetish, Reidar sighed against her skin; opting to move his hands further up to the ascending portion of Cailey's foot. Bracing her left foot behind the back of her ankle, where her long gray pad finally fell back into white fur, the preoccupied gazelle brought the paw up further, flexing Cailey's knee in order to get a nice look at the underside of her paw. The albino paw-pad followed the shape of her paw, flowing onto the bottoms of her toes as one soft, silken sea. Cailey unable to keep perfectly still, her three toes flexed for him, curling and wrinkling her pad at their bases. Reidar smirked a little, easily brushing his hand up and down the underside of her footpaw, working his digits into the creases between her toes on each passing. Much hotter than the top of her paw and far more gentle, toes naturally gripping at his fingers, the boy couldn't resist just placing the tip of his snout against the arch of her pad to drag it slowly up toward her claws. The fur-like hair between his nostrils brushing against the most sensitive spots of her roo-paw, crawling over the ball of her foot, Cailey stiffened and grit her teeth with the tiniest, most hidden feminine sound trapped in her muzzle. Far sharper than his other attentions, the level of pleasure the sensation brought on made a tight, flowing feeling come over her pelvis and inner thighs as certain muscles went taut. Cailey's toes clenched, tightening her whole paw, but came free as Reidar nuzzled over their bottoms, stroking her three digits back up. It left a nagging, though not exactly bothersome glow between her inner thighs.

Cailey's thumb went over the very right edge of her mouth, covering her red, self-applied dimple in her effort to be still and absent from Reidar's own enjoyment of the encounter. Index finger curling along her lip, she wanted to not care about what feelings his tender touches created, opting to try and ignore every bit of it even if her body wasn't. Looking over the white of her hand and down the bare fur of her belly, she was stuck watching him as all of these confusing signals coming up her leg stirred her young mind and form. A long press into the base of her big toe made the muscles of her groin clench and her nostrils flare for a fraction of a second before returning to normal above her lost little frown, forced to tolerate any of the quick, shooting sensations her tender, thin paw-pad tormented her with.

Although her red-tinged eyes were listlessly monitoring Reidar's busy hands and lustful snout rubbing and grinding over her footpaw, she found herself shocked into a heavy flinch by the most intense feeling yet across the very bit of pad behind the bases of her toes. Her blue bangs bounced against her forehead as she squinted, "M'rrrff!"-ing through her closed teeth at the soft, warm press of flesh her own paw had hidden from her sight. Reidar's snout tucked beneath her toes, curled against his face, the gazelle had parted his lips and placed his tongue to her paw-pad without any kind of prior warning. Cailey's faintly pink footpaw pad indented, slicked with a streak of saliva as his tongue dipped into the smooth and spongy skin with some of his own, curling it into the crease between her paw and toes. The heat of his breath crossed the moisture he left behind, sharpening how it felt that much more; stepping into the realm of direct pleasure, tingling and tickling. Swallowing, the hand that rested between her pouch and the waistband of her shorts gripped into her belly, enduring the same feeling again and again as Reidar began a steady, painstakingly slow lap at the sole of her foot.

Exchanging those flowing, fuzzy feelings for Cailey's silken texture and sweet, lightly salted flavor, the spots of pad Reidar chose to lick varied in their firmness once the kangaroo's toes started to squirm. Over the hump of taut muscle and back into softer territory, a drawn out drag of his red, wet tongue slid off the central part of her pad and onto her big middle toe, leaving the pad's creamy allure to dip into the thin fur between her toes; having her digits stroke past his lips, using her own clenches to make it feel as if her foot was grabbing at his snout. The pair of pubescent cubs had their minds and hearts racing for one reason or another, granted physical pleasures that graced their immature senses and took them toward pure excitement. Trying not to close her eyes, Cailey found herself breathing awkwardly, huffing out every other breath through her mouth rather than her nose as the rosy blush of arousal crept along her crotch; prickling the nerves of skin folds. By design her paw filled her with a sexual need which she fought, stiffening her face to keep her legs still and not attempt to rub her thighs together from the discomfort of not acknowledging a sensation so strong, and growing outward from the center of her groin. Cailey could only hope that Reidar was nearly done, mind so distracted and noisy with his tongue dancing about the bottoms of her toes. He even began using his mouth and lips themselves, latching onto the puffier parts of her pad to give a faint, stroking suckle that added a deeper tickle to the mass of arousing stimulation balled up into her footpaw.

The licking was enough to leave a lump between the crease of her legs, formed by the tensing of the muscles surrounding her immature vaginal walls. Kicking the sensitivity of her unseen feminine slit to unbearable levels, trying to push out Reidar's incessant slurping of her footpaw; damn near shivering from being licked between her toes; Cailey felt as if her own underwear touching her thinly furred lips and tiny hint of pink was actually stimulating her, feeling something akin to a feather being brushed against her slit. She wasn't ignorant of it at her age, having innocently tucked a vibration-capable video game controller between her thighs to wait out a cut-scene in a long time ago, only to be taught a thing or two after a series of on-screen explosions. It was a terribly bashful way to be taught what her girl-parts could do, but at least here in the moment, she was sure she felt her body acting on it's own; pumping against something that wasn't inside of her. She was at a loss for how her paw could do such a thing, feeling as pleasured as her groin, and all she could do was pretend it wasn't there.

Coming up through the fingers wrapped around the joint of her left ankle, Cailey felt a quivering sort of tremble from how riled Reidar had managed to make himself; lost entirely in the act he was drunkenly performing, as if he couldn't take his senses away from the now slobbery moist pad of her footpaw. His tongue having worked her childlike, immaculate paw-pad to the level of nearly glistening in the light of the junk closet, Cailey clutched her pouch like someone getting a needle in their arm from all she had to watch and endure. Boys could be such mongrels, the kangaroo judged, seeing Reidar behave so immorally and immodestly while she at least tried to hide the fact that certain things had been stirred up in her - not that she'd even embrace them in front of the bastard.

"Lets put the other one to some use... ", Reidar mumbled even lower and quieter after a deep, raspy breath over the sole of Cailey's footpaw. Cailey's brows turned downward, barely hearing what he said before having her right paw grasped.

With a scoot forward on his stubby, fluffy tail, Reidar maneuvered closer and pressed down upon the top of her free foot, holding each of her paws with a single hand. Snout wedged against her left paw enough to spread her middle and outermost toes around toward both sides of his face, the gazelle worked the footpaw he could not see only by feel; shoving it unceremoniously into his lap. During the first few moments it didn't seem like he was doing much of anything, barely moving his fingers against her paw like he did with the first one. But... something felt off. The sole of Cailey's right footpaw felt too warm and soothed against the fabric of his black khaki pants, finding that the tiny motions he was making with his wrist, stroking the back-end of her foot, were just rubbing the front of her paw against him. Cailey's previously unused paw-pad felt a smooth, jutting something forming into it, slipping into the crease her toes made with it's slightly tapered, though blunted tip. As should have been expected of her, Cailey winced, tail curling sharply enough to make a sweeping sound against the wood sheets she sat upon.

"Gross - get the hell off!", Cailey's hand left her face and muzzle with a swing, smacking her wooden seat. She yanked her right leg to leave the unseen rod, but the sensation of a firm object only got as far as the tip of her big middle toe before it wedged right up into the ball of her paw, coupled with a sharp pain behind her arch that made her cringe. For the first time in a while, Reidar's eyes had abandoned her paw, putting more focus on using his strength to counter her objection and keep her right footpaw right where it was; forced down into his crossed legs. His fingers dug at her soft pad in his grip, jamming into a tendon.

"Pants are still on, aren't they? Shut up and hold still while I finish up!", the gazelle took a harsher tone than the smooth operator had used before, lacking any of his manipulative overtones. His glare and words were nearly angry, too clouded from what he had been doing.

Failing to keep that cat in the bag any longer, Reidar dropped Cailey's slobbery left paw and squeezed her right ankle with both of his hands, working himself into her. His khakis veiled a lot of the sensation and shape, but to the younger kangaroo's disgust and unfathomable disdain, she could still feel enough to know exactly what was touching what. What had to be the flare atop the head of his cock caused his pants to drag when it pulled against the spongy center of her middle toe, where his shape wanted to fold into her own. Thrusts into her ball and the bases of her toes made the tip of the hard object seem a little softer, and more obvious as to what it was. Curling her toes and trying to get away from the lump she was being used to please only made it worse, inevitably stroking, gripping, and guiding Reidar's erection as it even jammed between her toes.

If she wasn't already a perfect white, Cailey would have turned pale as a ghost. What pleasures this could have brought were all ruined by the fact she didn't want to be here, and wouldn't be abused in this way. The whole thing had already been bad enough, but this wasn't a place she was going to go - working some massive jerk to ejaculate against her paw. Too scared to stop him physically, Cailey's chest heaved as her hands raised, tense and open, looking around for anything she could use while Reidar focused on his lap; trying to burn a rut into her paw-pad.

Wide pupils narrow around pools of emerald green, gritting his teeth, an ever so familiar "flowing" feeling came over Reidar's shaft. Indulging as he had been, it wasn't difficult to work himself quickly to the brink of orgasm, tensing his nether regions to milk himself at his age. It came over him like a bucket filling with water, getting more wonderful until that very moment when it would tip and spill; throbbing and needing his moment before he would let these lovely paws go. Or, so he expected; slowly squinting into a pre-orgasmic throw; until a light made his pupils widen.

Unsure of the flash of light, Reidar's eyes unclenched, allowing him to peer upward without much lifting his head. Like a blow to the chest, his wince was strong enough for Cailey to feel through his hands. Above, in that split second, all he needed to see was a thin black object held upright in her hands to suddenly hit the offense - thinking it had to have been a cellphone taking a picture of what he had been doing.

"Give me that!", Reidar shouted, hands leaving Cailey's ankle to burst up and reach for the object she held at the level of her face. Though, as soon as he released her foot, Cailey did something unexpected, jamming it downward instead of pulling away as she had been.

It all happened in the fraction of a second, from flash to yowl. The young kangaroo's toes guided by the gazelle's own seeping erection, she purposely used it to stomp down to it's base; stamping upon Reidar's testicles with the size and force of a kangaroo's will, before his fingertips could reach up and snatch the phone from her hand. Pinned under the paw-pad and toes he was just worshiping and abusing, Reidar hunched forward and grunted shrilly in pain, trying to get some of Cailey's weight off of his nuts as she came to lean forward. Teeth bare and exceptionally cross, the kangaroo he thought would be too scared and small to ever do much of anything to him pierced her eyes straight through his head.

"Take that damn phone out of your pocket and delete those pictures, now!", Cailey became the one to be giving demands, grasping power from a powerless situation. Firm and hard, though still rattled and unpredictable, she meant business and wasn't to be trifled with while so upset.

His balls piercing with pain, feeling as if they would be crushed under her press, Reidar's hands began fumbling over his pocket. Grasping awkwardly and desperately, fingers flailing, the teenager dashed his own thin black phone into his hand and began swiping at the screen. Shaking and breathing in short gasps, having not been able to release the load he wanted to get off, his erection dribbled into his briefs and made things worse by throbbing harder; kangaroo toes jammed against it, pulling on the skin of his sheath. In only a few moments time, the boy quickly turned his phone around to show it's screen and the last of the pictures shrinking away, graphically depicting it's destruction in a way that proved he did as she commanded.

"There, it's fucking gone! You do yours!", Reidar's agonized face tried to make demands back, wanting the pressure to be taken off of him and his balls. The orbs pressing between Cailey's paw and the floor underneath, barely spared by the layers of fabrics he wore, the 'roo didn't lighten up her vice-like press.

"Like hell I am!", she retorted, shoving the contents of her right hand straight into the open slot the ring of her pouch made against her tummy. The phone so briskly slipped out of sight, not coming to even terms with him, Reidar responded with a stammering fury.

"What do you mean? I fuckin'-... !", he wanted to argue, but didn't get very far before Cailey pressed her right paw down a little harder, putting the squeeze on his nuts as his hidden erection pulsed a single jump between her toes. His growl was high pitched, scrunching his face and clenching his eyes shut.

"I've made some stupid mistakes, but this is a mistake that I'm going to take back! I never should have come in here, and as far as you're going to be concerned, we never did! None of this happened, and if you ever breathe one stupid word about it, I'll send this picture to everyone I can think of!", Cailey threatened, hands balled into fists as she leaned forward and yelled, reversing the blackmail Reidar had used to get his way. The afternoon rife with regrets, this was one she intended to fix.

"A paddle may well be involved.", the ends of her mouth curled into a taunting smirk in the heat of the moment, uttering the words to mock the way Reidar had originally used them himself; his ears quivering.

"... And an expulsion, I guess?", she quickly followed up with a tone in her voice, cocking her head to one side as if it was a question. Like a trapped rat with no place to go, Reidar lifted his hands off of Cailey's paw and ankle and waved them in the air at the height of his neck. If Cailey didn't know any better, the sound he made was damn near a whimper.

"Alright, alright! I get the hint, just get off!", Reidar seemed to at least try and be tough sounding when he started, but having been so desperate and short on air, quickly turned his words to a pitch much more shrill.

Placing her hands flat on the wood sheet beneath her, Cailey let up off of Reidar's groin with a quick pull of her leg. Once the weight left him, that very instant had the gazelle backtracking on his tail, sliding ungracefully away from her with a few kicks of his legs against the cement. Pained and clearly shaken, he was given a dose of something like he had given his victim. The pair meeting eyes one last time, Cailey squinted her red ones down at him.

"Don't pull this shit on anyone ever again.", the flier told him with a subdued voice and tall ears, spoken slowly as if to be her own parting ultimatum. She wasn't one to swear, but after being damn near molested and strung along like a cheap whore trying to get something she wanted, Cailey wouldn't change her choice in words for anything. The way she glared, unmoving, told the older boy that she was watching him, and he needed to know that.

Getting back up to his hooves, Reidar didn't say another word. Just as his body went erect, he flinched and groaned, slouching with his forearms plastering themselves over his stomach and groin. Brows perpetually curled in pain, his legs wobbled and made their way for the door, making haste without actually being all that fast about it. Clop by clop against the dusty cement floor, tail tucked against the dirtied seat of his black khakis, the wounded gazelle left with horns duller than when he came; door metallically clunking closed as he wandered into the backstage hallway outside. He never even looked back, having been so severely burned by a girl.

Free and alone in the abrupt silence, Cailey's blue hair poms shifted as she looked defensively around the room, still breathing hard as she caught her breath. He was gone. It was all so sudden and quick, and she wasn't even sure it would work. In Reidar's wake, Cailey removed not one, but two things from the tuck of her pouch. Sighing aloud from relief; left footpaw drying in the open air; she dumped the items beside the backpack she had slyly slid them from with a limp toss.

They clattered to the wood with a plastic sound, being that of a key-chain flashlight and simple black calculator. Cailey showed Reidar only what she wanted him to see, hiding the flashlight in the palm of her hand. Her parents didn't give her a cell phone, and there was no incriminating picture to speak of. Tired and shaken out of her wits, knowing that she pulled such a fast one made her maw curl with a bit of the pride she had lost through the choices she had been making. In the end she didn't compromise her integrity by letting him do things she didn't approve, and that part helped her at least feel better about herself. The photographs of her initial regret now gone, the strife of the afternoon had finally been allowed to end in silence - granting the twelve year old another chance to walk out and return to life as it was.

Still, after all she had been through, there were a lot of leftover feelings and thoughts to sort out. Torso and paws still a bare white, half naked in the locked, junk-scattered room, Cailey instinctively pushed herself off of the stack of wooden sheets to stand up and try and find some calm bearings for her rattled, reeling mind. Her footpaws landed with ease, but having been so uneasily aroused from the whole ordeal, those tense sexual feelings she had been trying to ignore between her legs surged and brought her to make something of a face; knees bending as her thighs hugged together like two magnets. Just as she experienced during Reidar's paw-licking, under the impression that she had grown sensitive to even the faintest contact to her vaginal crease, sliding off the edge of the wood she sat on felt like she thrust her fingers flat up against her lips and shoved them roughly back toward her tail. Filled with this strong, unfamiliar sensation of a basketball wedged between her legs, Cailey braced herself with a hand upon the stack of wood, heart thumping in her chest. Even if it wasn't fun, she did have an "experience"... and her body was hot and bothered, far more than the young, generally curious flier thought somebody could become. Deep within the lowest part of her belly she felt a twitch of muscle convulsions so tiny, flowing down into her legs to turn them to gelatin.

"Ah - geez... ", Cailey squinted and griped out of both pleasure and perturbed surprise, huffing the last of her breath through her nose.

Never having experienced arousal on this level before at her age, having her mind clouded and senses amplified, her right hand wandered down to the blue fabric covering her groin to lightly grasp herself. Like a cub cradling a sore spot, she found her genitals puffy, feeling fabric gracing skin it normally wouldn't. Urged to by her inquisitive young nature and the feelings that were overwhelming her, Cailey slid a thumb between her pelvis and panties and pulled her clothing away from her waist somewhat bashfully, even while alone, to have a look down into them. Over the white hump her groin and pubic mound formed, nestled in the dim light above her heavily wrinkled, heart-dotted panty crotch she stretched, was the unmistakable pink bump of a furiously swollen clitoris; sheathed and shrouded by it's protective hood. Poking out from her thinly furred labia at the very top of her vagina, seeing the nub erect as it was made Cailey pull the right side of her mouth into a knowing expression. Her genitals feeling as if they were as flushed as the skin beneath her white muzzle fur, the flier sighed, allowing her elastic waistbands to snap back against her.

There was no way she could run off back to the other girls and still be able to sing, as strongly distracted and uncomfortable her arousal was making her. Getting on stage like this would be a total nightmare! She'd sing off-key at best, and like a pubescent boy going through a vocal change at worse. Worked up to the point she really didn't want to bear it, Cailey tipped her head hesitantly toward the dull corroded door. This was something she could take care of by her own hand as a quick fix, but it was such a peculiar place, no matter the privacy. But, on the other hand, her mentorship program with the others should have been starting very soon, and she needed to get her tail moving!

Racing between the two different points, conflicted on what she should do, the desire burning at her nether jaded itself into becoming a twelve year old girl's precedence.

Making a hasty decision despite the fetters, Cailey took one last look at the door before sending her hands to her hips. She whisked the last of her clothing from her waist, pulling the blue and heart-speckled fabrics down her legs in one motion until gravity dropped them from her calves. Crumpling into a pile at her ankles, covering her footpaws up to her toes, Cailey leaned back and eased herself down to the cool concrete floor at the base of the stack of wood she had been sitting on, giving herself plenty of room to sprawl. Limited experience giving her only a few tricks, the position was her one favorite for this type of "relaxation." Seated on the upper part of her bottom and the base of her tail, putting the thick appendage between her legs and atop the remnants of her clothes, a slight recline was all she needed to comfortably spread her legs apart with her knees bowed; paws side by side ahead of her.

Her hair poms brushing the side of the wood pile, Cailey craned her head down and trailed her red eyes across her curvy white surface to her exposed groin. Within her there was a tightness of muscle that didn't seem to ease up, leaving a warm, radiating physical pleasure in her inner thighs. That arousal was strong enough to keep her groin looking taut above her pubescent slit, where the nub she noted was the only thing a perfect reddish hue; unaffected by her lack of pigment. Not being the sort to shyly traipse about her own body and beat around the bush, Cailey's right hand and it's small, soft, pinkened bottomed fingers slid over the contour of her pelvis and onto the zenith of her vaginal crease. Like a wrinkle beneath her fingertips, the parting of delicate skin was quickly interrupted by her personal feminine nub pressing out from between her two lips, with only a hint of pink labia peering through her closed genitalia farther south.

The outer portion of her sex graced her senses with a wonderful allure as it was, but Cailey wasn't exactly a timid little tyke any longer, pushing into what would eventually be her teenage years. Brushing the outside of herself alone had become too simple when there were realms of reddish pink to explore. Hypersensitive and heated, her hand's index and center fingers pressed into the tip of that sweet crease and parted it enough to glide her fingertips along both sides of her clitoral hood. Faintly textured and silken smooth to the touch, the thinnest and softest of fur of her fingers felt like feather-tips against the sensual nub, inciting a soft flex of her toes and intake of air. Erect and literally at the forefront of her anatomy, starting puberty made that sensitive spot more of a focus, poking out from under it's bit of covering skin to become just so perfect for a digit's circular, fondling massage. This time around, looking down upon herself, caressing alongside her clit and hood brought one of the most rewarding chills she had ever had, wandering deep into her tail to make that basketball-sized lump of tension squeeze upon her.

Cailey's "jellybean" had become the usual starting point for these actual sessions of blowing off steam, when she sat down with the intention of having more than just an innocent rub. She had Sheira to thank for that, having had a girl-talk session with her during a sleepover a while back when the subject came up amidst some red muzzles. She referred to the bit of genitalia as a tropical punch jellybean when trying to say it felt "special" in a ridiculously sheepish way, and it just kind of stuck in Cailey's head. After all she had been through today, mind clouded and worn into this state, it actually felt kind of good to drop her drawers and take a moment; closing her eyes a little as she began a moderate rub of herself, pressing into the tip of her vagina to calmly masturbate like she meant it. She chose to stick to her confidence and work through these feelings without adding any more shame to her pile this afternoon, accepting the wave of powerful sexual impulses up into herself as her vaginal passage reactively clenched.

She found right off the bat that her nub felt firmer than usual, stroking over it's exposed tip with a single roll of her hips toward her diddling fingers. Curling them toward her, Cailey whipped them into her clit with barely a predictable rhythm in her arousal, stroking over the thin flesh faster at times then others, making the outer lips of her vulva faintly flick about from the contact. The young kangaroo's heart jumped with excitement, invigorating her in what was really a relaxing moment. Such pleasure was non-stop and only seemed to get stronger the more she lovingly beat at the top-end of her feminine lips; forcing her thighs to flex and tense into a slightly more closed bow, scrunching her face as she stared off into the sight of her own act. Without Reidar here to trash her self-image and concept of sexuality, all he inevitably taught her encouraged the soles of her tender footpaws to touch, hugging the pads of her innermost toes together. Those feelings of mature delight skittered about the folds of her vagina and down her passage in pulses, forcing clenches strong enough to even curl the lightly wrinkled ring of her anus, tucked between her body and the tail she sat upon.

With a heartfelt stroke of her hand Cailey drug her fingers over her exposed clitoris, stopping her focused rub to run her fingertips through the silken, hot length of her still partially immature slit. Her puffy vulva coming up around her digits, she slid her touch through the crevice her genitalia formed as it reached toward her tail, parting her labia with a solid press against her own pinkened, hidden flesh. The shape of her vagina forming ridges and valleys, her fur provided a zip of a tickle past the pin-prick opening of her urethra before dipping into the faint bowl the entryway to her most feminine passage formed. Her flesh hugging naturally into the tip of her small index finger, the feeling of loose moisture soaked into her fur as she made a quick stroke of the hole's membranous rim. It might not have been as intense as working her clitoris alone, but as a hint of a smile struck Cailey's muzzle, it was certainly fun to include the whole thing; toying with different feelings. Sliding her hand with a turn against her crotch, that same finger pushed along her labia to spread her lips apart, granting the white 'roo a glance over her features and the glisten of light that came off her lowest bits of stretched, folded pink. She did like making such curious examinations, being honestly fond of how she looked "down there." Curling her toes fairly intentionally, Cailey squeezed the muscles in her crotch to see the sunken little hole of her vagina clench faintly, tugging her skin back away from the pull of her fingertip.

Letting her vulva come back together and feeling quite the need to continue; legs not wanting to remain still; Cailey pressed her bare back into the side of the wood pile and moved her left hand to join her right. Her agile fingers stroked back up the outside of her lips to her clitoral nub while the new set of digits reached over the lower half of her slit, easily covering most of her tiny mound. Giving herself something to quiver and push against, curling her left index finger's tip between her lips to wedge into the nerve laden ring of her vaginal passage's opening, Cailey resumed her masturbation with joyous ferocity. The fingertips of her right hand struck her tender, pleasure aching clitoris while her left hand followed with a broad press, making it feel as if she was doing more than merely fingering herself off to the rest of her sexually excited vagina. Her body grabbed at the very tip of her small left index finger, pulsing and jerking against it to make a full, flowing sensation down the short length of her passage. Inexperienced and new to the feelings, masturbating with one hand and into the other tricked her body into feeling as if there was something delightfully gripped within the hot, wet walls of her inner sex, creating muscle convulsions and contractions that were far more powerful. Her crotch went as taut as the bit of belly above it, pounding inside with arousal while her tropical punch jellybean turned more of a cherry hue.

Knees wanting to shake, Cailey's eyes closed to slits from the intensity of where she was in her task. It felt like her vaginal walls were pumping, and her clitoris glowed like the sensations of a million white-hot nerves stoked to the brink. Everything following her physical and now mental arousal, drawn into the moment as a pubescent girl, the flier's hole-teasing fingertip trembled as a deep, shrill welling sensation started within her slit. The young singer took a rough, raspy breath through her bare teeth, nearly biting her lip while her right hand's fingers flicked, beat, and smacked at her clit over the passing of several moments, basking in the churn of such ungodly arousing feelings fluttering around her body. It made Cailey feel as if she could pop, knowing what an orgasm was even if she hadn't exactly had a whole bunch before. Worked up to this point, radiating heat from her face and neck; breathing in airy, feminine puffs; she became quite certain she was going to have one today.

Gnashing her eyelids together, submitting to the noisy rush of impulses that came over her, Cailey worked to make certain she'd have a finish that made this all worthwhile; clothing twitching in a heap against her ankles. Muscles and body all moving in some way, wobbling against the wood she propped herself up against, the fingers that diddled her clit stiffened up, moving more rapidly to grind skin and fur against smooth, spongy flesh. Beneath her enthusiastic pleasuring, her left hand joined in to be more active, trying to wiggle and move her invading index finger as a trail of thin fluid gathered around it. Such movement and pressure making a lump straight up to her uterus and pouch, Cailey's naked hips and strong thighs ground themselves upon her hand, as if giving herself something to orgasm against. Sharper and sharper, the quivers and heated pulsations peaking to the point Cailey uttered a muffled, tense whimper, the tight, full feeling surrounding her crotch and pelvis snapped.

Like a tidal wave thrust into a wall, the orgasm she felt coming struck with an explosive clench deep within her vagina that spread outward in a flash. It rolled down the walls of her passage in a single shot, bringing her to growl out a high pitched whine. Straddling her left hand and the fingertip that became enveloped in her body's orgasmic squeeze, forming to it like a glove, her right hand was barely able to keep rubbing herself; trembling like a leaf over the zenith of her lips. Patting and smacking in the throws of her climax was more than enough to keep her going comfortably in the state she was in, letting her colorful hair get caught up against the wood behind her to ruffle and separate her preened strands. That massive grip tightening her tense body suddenly pulsed, wobbling and waning as it worked itself out.

Cailey's teeth parted, breaking her grit as her face loosened just enough for her to curl her brows deeper and gasp for a breath. The downward leg of her orgasm's rollercoaster didn't stop her finger's attentions, nor the instinctive, needy pushes of her groin against her hand. Not even thinking about it, though she hit what she knew her "end" to be, both her mind and body weren't prepared to stop. Feeling unfinished and even more deeply aroused, the kangaroo's fingertips jammed against her to brush as feverishly as they could, picking up a touch of feminine slobber that seeped out from between the lovely fold of her vulva; forced up by her left hand. The smooth silken skin of her vagina making a wet sound after her orgasm left it's signature upon her unwrinkled pre-teen folds, her adamance filled the small space with a tiny slapping and slicking sound, covered by her strained vocalizations. Unable to exhale quietly, flushed all the way around her face, Cailey grunted and whimpered in such girlish ways, pulling her entire frame into the edge of the climax she didn't want to leave; keeping the sensation of convulsing going behind each blind hump of her crotch against her hand.

Her knees raised, closing her thighs toward her busy hands, and her tail arched into an upward curl over the shorts and panties that bound her ankles together. Paws tightened to the point her toes were locked, Cailey's heaving chest sucked inward as a second orgasm overcame her, stiffening her entire body. Teeth gnashing back together with a snap, the girl hunched forward into the rush of intense pleasure, letting off a restrained "M'rrrf!" the moment her back left it's wooden resting place.

Far more powerful than her first one, the orgasm she followed into pulsed down her vaginal passage as if a fist grasped it and pulled along her insides. Rather than simply clenching on her finger and jutting into her gripping hand, the opening of her vagina pushed outward and widened faintly from the roll of the flowing, rhythmical convulsion, pushing out a tiny bit of a female's sticky fluids onto her waiting hand. For a split second her right hand had been able to quiveringly continue against her well-worked clitoris, but as she came she couldn't keep it up while her body went rigid. The convulsion continued, hard, until her body's most private of muscles all began to jump; pulsating themselves sensually as they tired out. Released from a back-to-back orgasm, arm going sore from the sudden intense effort, Cailey slumped back against the wood with an exhausted thump.

Hands right where they had been left, cradling her sex, Cailey panted aloud and caught her breath with her eyes half closed and ears folded. A stray clench of her groin's muscles brought a twitch against her hands, feeling a much thicker wetness against the index and middle fingers of her left hand from her apparent ejaculation.

Slowly but steadily coming down from her post-orgasmic fog, having put a lot into that heated session of self-gratification, Cailey got her wits about her after several moments of heavy breathing and recovery. Still shocked and awestruck at how aroused she had actually gotten, managing to "finish" twice, she lifted her sullied left hand from the lower end of her vulva and raised it to the level of her eyes to see the remnants of her private play plastered over her fingers. At twelve, even her most heart pounding orgasm only produced a teaspoon of cum, but that was already more than she had ever seen from herself. The feminine secretion clung to the bottom tips of her fingers, seeming to make long, sticky strands between her digits when she spread them apart. Behaving like a goo as she moved her fingers and rubbed the fluid between her fingertips, the bit of curious experimenting left the 'roo realizing that her breathing had eased in her distraction, and the afterglow that immobilized her was fading. Knowing she went rigid and made this tiny bit of juice in such a fit brought Cailey to timidly sort of hum.

How the heck could something as feminine as fingering yourself feel so... unladylike?

Philosophy aside, getting more of her mind back by the second, Cailey eyed the evidence gluing her fingers together, knowing she needed to be rid of it quickly. Personally she didn't love the taste, but it wasn't horrible, and it did need to go somewhere in a hurry. With little more delay then a last look, the kangaroo brought her hand to her muzzle and closed her mouth around the two slickened fingers. Her tongue lashed at her digits while she suckled at them, swishing her saliva around to rid her skin and fur of the feminine ejaculate; inevitably creating a few sticky strands around her mouth that took some slaps of her tongue to break. It's flavor lightly musky, Cailey did make a bit of a face as she swallowed the thick slurry down her throat. As it turned out, it was somewhat stronger tasting when there was more of the stuff. It was... unique, to say the least.

Thinking of the time and how she likely had none of it left, Cailey worked herself back to her feet now that her mind and body were both back in the right place. She had exerted herself and the whole trial had worn her down, but she figured her lungs were warmed up enough for a good sing now that matters could return to some semblance of normal. Free from the fear of having her butt paddled, the once distracted flier found focus in clothing her exceptionally naked and compromised body so that she could escape this dusty, terrible old room.

Elastic back around her waist and her pouch finally covered the way it should have been, Cailey snatched her backpack and threw it over her shoulder in mid-stride as she bolted for the old green door. Hoping no one with a keen nose would be any wiser to what transpired, the young kangaroo smacked the light switch and left the room, leaving it as dark and unoccupied as it should have always been.

She had been naive, sure, but... she was twelve alongside being smart, and this would have to be a lesson to learn from.