Tails from the Fastlane, Ch. 7

Story by Buster Williamson on SoFurry

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((Wow... THE FINAL CHAPTER. Or is it? Only time will tell. Seven chapters of this shit and my ADD is ready to whoop my ass in twenty different directions. So like, if you dig this story, pass it around and whatnot, 'cause new stuff depends on my inspiration, which may take a while to regenerate. And now for my favorite part... WARNING! This story contains gay orgies, hard drugs, teenagers, and DEATH! HAHAHA! Which character will be picked off? Read on... if you won't be offended and are of legal age. And once again, I do not condone any of the illegal activity that takes place in this WORK OF FICTION. Thanks. Have fun.))

Tails from the Fastlane, Chapter Seven

By Buster Williamson

The months passed, the seasons changed, and eventually it was summer; a sweet new time of the year that brought back memories of a camping trip long past.

Troy rolled out of bed, and was immediately hit by a bright beam of sunlight gleaming through his window. Blinking himself to consciousness, the bat stood up and rubbed his eyes, giving his legs a tight stretch. The last day of school was going to crawl by, as it always would. Michael's graduation had been on his mind for quiet sometime now, and he hoped there'd be some sort of celebration that night.

Adrik had just the thing to celebrate with. Fuck everyone else, he'd be the light of the party if he could help it... He glanced over to his alarm clock flashing 7:00 AM and grinned. The young raccoon hadn't slept in over a day, and still felt on top of the world. Who could stop him? Before his mom could even yell for him to get ready, he was dressed and had already snorted his morning lines, and packed away a little bag of the rejuvenating white powder into the side of his sock for gym class. Today, he would push himself to the limit...

Preston, as usual, was the first to arrive on campus. The black jackal sat on the steps outside the gymnasium, sighing with sadness as he wondered why his lover had been acting so strange lately. The two had grown apart considerably, and though Preston feared the worst, he ignored it. His warm hearted little raccoon that cuddled him to sleep so many nights couldn't possibly be consumed with a hardcore drug addiction...

Michael took a deep breath as he drove along the long, scenic route to school. All morning, his dad had been crying and taking pictures of him in his graduation gown and cap. He'd never seen his father overcome with such emotion, and in all honesty, it creeped him out a bit... The gecko had agreed to go to the party with Preston that night, but was still suspicious of Adrik.

Nobody had spoken to Skyler in over a month.

"God, I thought today would never end!" exclaimed Adrik, sniggering as he sat back in his cushioned seat.

Preston shrugged. "Seemed like any other day..." The jackal took a sip of his milk shake, looking up as Troy sat down with a tray of burger boxes.

"Man, as sick of fast food as I am, I'm actually enjoying the luxury of cold air conditioning in here..." The bat passed around the boxes. "Mike's busy taking more pictures with his family or something, but he said he'd meet us at Chase and Dax's in about an hour."

Adrik's nose twitched at the scent of food. He knew he'd have to force it down and ignore the nauseating feeling of his stomach settling, but he didn't want to be any shadier around his friends than he had to be. "Er... That's nice, I guess."

"Of course it is," said Preston, "we've been waiting all year for us all to get together and do something again. Either of you heard from Skyler?"

The raccoon huffed. "Man, you gotta' be kiddin' me... The so-called friend who leaves without a trace for a little money and a big dick? I ain't mourning over his deserting sellout ass!"

Troy scowled at him. "Just... chill out..."

They remained in silence as they finished their meals, keeping their attention focused on a television in the ceiling corner showing the eight o' clock news. Nothing interesting was on.

Chase was overwhelmed by how many people had shown up to he and his brother's house that evening. He immediately spotted Michael's SUV as it parked on the road by the drive way, which was packed full of other cars now. The eager puma watched as Mike, Preston, and Troy climbed out and began making their way to the front door. Soon after, a sleek black Mercedes sedan screeched to a halt in the middle of the street, vibrating the ground with pumping music. A young raccoon cackled with a loud laugh as he stepped out, waving to the others inside as the car sped off. Adrik was dressed in a dark crimson business suit, tailored with such fantastic golden trim and detail that he'd only seen in movies... What the hell was up with that guy?

"Chase! Come take care of the new group that just showed up, I have to find our beer bong!" Dax shouted across the back yard.

Chase nodded, walking inside just as Adrik stumbled through the front door. "Oh, hey guys! Glad you could make it."

Michael looked up from the couch. "Yeah man, it's no problem. What all's going on?"

The puma smiled, snapping his fingers. "Glad you asked. A little drinking, swimming, music, and some wrestling later on, if you're up for it."

"I'm more than up for it..." The gecko smirked. "I've been training for a long time now. Where's it taking place?"

The puma shrugged. "Wherever suits you, my friend... Though preferably, around a lot of chanting people." He gave a quick chuckle, then turned around to see his twin brother's girlfriend already flirting with the other guests outside the sliding doors. "Uh, you guys make yourself comfy, I'm going to go play referee."

Preston scratched his head. "Well, you guys up for swimming?"

"...Not really," muttered Adrik.

A sudden burst of yelling outside sparked their collective attention. The four friends ran outside on the front porch and watched as a glimmering white limo parked on the other side of the road. Young furs scrambled to surround the vehicle, making it difficult for the doors to open. Nevertheless, they did, and out came Skyler and Blasphemy. The two made their way through the crowd, smiling and giving the occasional wave. The tall, silver jackal motioned for his young mate to go and join his friends, used to handling large groups of people.

It took a minute, but Skyler finally made it onto the front porch. "Hey guys! What's been happenin'?"

Adrik huffed. "You'd know... if you'd been around..."

The white fox let the comment roll off his back and looked to Preston, forcing himself to continue smiling. "So, how's your dad's business going?"

"Decent. He's still a small time grower, but at least we don't have to pay for our weed anymore with his new hydroponics system and all."

"I see..." The fox glanced over Michael's figure for a moment, noticing the ring around his finger. "Whoa, is that what I think it is?"

The gecko arched a brow. "Only if you think it's an engagement ring."

"Of course... So you two are serious now?"

Troy nodded, holding up his hand with a ring on it as well.

"That's cool..." Skyler looked around nervously for a moment, biting his lower lip. "It's great seeing you guys again, but I think I'm gonna' go catch up with a few others before I have to leave back to the west coast." With that, the fox slowly walked off into the back yard of the fairly large suburban house, waving to a group of furs by the pool.

Adrik faintly snarled. "Exactly like the fuck I said..." The raccoon pulled a cigarette from his breast pocket and went inside. He was feigning for a fix anyway.

Troy sighed. "Seems everyone is growing apart..."

The dark jackal nodded slowly. "You're telling me... I've known those guys since we were four feet tall. You go from playing G.I. Joe in the sandbox to smoking blunts together to not knowing each other hardly at all... and that's all life has had to teach me so far."

Michael frowned. "Better than losing them completely, I suppose."

"Yeah, but it's like I already have... Skyler isn't going to keep in touch forever, that's for sure. And Adrik... He's become a completely different coon altogether since he started hanging around with his cousins... I hate to sound like a parent, but I think they're a bad influence."

The bat leaned over and stroked the back of Preston's head. "It'll be okay, everyone who means something to each other will eventually come back together."

"Thanks, Troy, but I think I'm just going to go for a walk..." Preston began treading off behind the house. Too much was on his mind for him to enjoy this party...

"Suit yourself!" yelled the gecko after him, putting an arm around his boyfriend. "Wanna' go for a swim?"

"Sure," said Troy, "just let me get a towel."

Adrik's heart pumped like a set of roaring pistons as he stood high upon a patio table, motivating a nearby group of teenage furs who'd decided to start a mosh pit. He felt some foreign form of infinite power surging inside him, and with that, he knew cocaine was his new lover. He'd flat out drop Preston if he had to.

"Come on! Spill some fucking blood!" the raccoon shouted over the stereo system blasting Mandrax, an intense thrash metal band he'd heard through Andrei. His words certainly seemed to have some sort of effect, as he watched a confused rabbit get pummeled by a two much larger horses. Adrik howled with laughter as he witnessed the other furs continue moshing around the injured rabbit, his pupils dilated above the size of his irises.

Michael rose above the cool water of the pool, turning his head from side to side to see if anyone was looking, and stole a kiss from Troy.

The bat smirked. "Mmm... Where'd that come from, love?"

"My heart, silly."

The two embraced each other beneath the water, gently grinding their hips together as they floated steadily in one another's arms.

Troy leaned his chin on the gecko's shoulder, letting the warm breath from his lips flow smoothly over the reptile's moist scales.

"Hey guys, hope you don't mind me dropping in for a minute," Skyler's voice said from above them.

Michael looked up and tilted his head. "Is it important?"

The white fox nodded shyly.

"Come on, then... What's up?"

Skyler sighed and sat down at the edge of the pool, staring off into the ripples of water on the shallow end of the pool. "I want to try to fix things between everybody... It's worked for Kawa Tzu, and I know it can work for us."

Mike rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself. "Look... We know you've been having fun living it up in the hills or whatever, but back here, reality has been a bitch. We think Adrik's on the powder, but don't say anything to Preston... That poor jackal has been put through too much."

The fox gritted his teeth. "So now even you're antagonizing me for doing something with my life? What the hell is wrong with you people!? I can't be everywhere at once!" He threw his hands into the air and stood up, ignoring the blank faces on Troy and Mike. "Get everyone together and meet in the basement around eleven, if everyone clears out by then..." He turned and walked off to find Blasphemy, the last bit of emotional support he could think to find at the moment.

Michael glanced back to Troy. "Should we go along with whatever the hell this is?"

The bat nuzzled into Michael's neck, closing his eyes. "Anything's worth a try at this point..."

Skyler shook Dax's hand, sliding a hundred dollar bill into the golden puma's jean pocket. "Thanks for lookin' out for us..."

"No problem, man. Just don't make a mess down there."

The fox nodded and opened the door, flinching as he was hit with a gust of cool air. He flipped a switch on the wall, turning on a single overhead fluorescent bulb dangling from the tiled ceiling. There was an old sofa and a thick spread of quilts over the floor, just enough to get everyone comfortable. He took a seat on the couch and waited for someone to arrive...

It was only a few minutes later that Preston entered. He feared something bad was about to happen, and sat down on the floor in silence. The jackal dared not glance up until Adrik arrived...

Troy and Michael came in next together, sitting on the floor opposite to Preston.

The gecko narrowed an eye. "You guys are strangely quiet..."

No one said anything after that. They gazed into the floor, waiting for their final friend to show up... If he'd even remembered.

They could hear the sound of lots of cars cranking up and driving off. They all thought the same; did he already leave? After a few more minutes, it was silent as ever... Until they heard footsteps padding up to the door.

The shaky wooden door flung open, Adrik slamming it behind him and sniffing loudly. "Ugh... What? What the fuck is it now?"

In truth, none of them knew. And so the raccoon hopped onto the couch by Skyler, turning his head to give the fox an intimidating glare.

Awkward tension filled the room now, and a few more minutes of silence went by.

Preston suddenly pounced from his position and pinned Michael to the floor, planting a large kiss on the gecko's lips.

At first, Troy figured he should be jealous. But before he could think, he giggled instead. The bat rose up and leaned toward the raccoon sitting on the couch above him, pulling him forward without a bit of resistance and kissing him deeply as well.

Skyler arched a brow. "Oh no, I'm not being left out again..." The fox slid off the couch and onto his knees, running his hands over Adrik's thighs.

Troy wrapped his fingertips around the white fox's hips, grinning as he gently pressed his crotch to the male's rear.

Preston smirked, sliding off his beige vest and standing above the orange furred bat.

Michael followed the jackal's movement, standing up alongside him and slowly unzipping his pants, running his free hand over the base of Preston's fluffy black tail.

Adrik blinked. "Who saw this coming?"

The five friends began helping each other out of their clothing, the youthful bodies exposed bare in the atmosphere of a cool, damp basement. Adrik was the first one to be aroused, the feel of Skyler's cold nose running over his sheath sending chills throughout his lithe body. The fox felt the tip of Troy's slick member behind him caress the pucker of his tight tail hole, looking back in time to see Preston's thick black canine cock brushing against the orange bat's cheek. He could feel his own member filling with life, ears flickering as he heard a whimper escape the black jackal's muzzle. Michael's cock was already well lubed, and so he'd proceeded to penetrate his reptilian member between the two soft, fuzzy ass cheeks in front of him.

The raccoon watched intently as his pulsing red male hood was buried into the white fox's hot, wet muzzle, and the feel of a slithering tongue spiraling around his length making his neck arch back in pleasure. Skyler's back, however, tensed up as he felt the bat enter his sensitive insides from behind. Troy pushed his hips forward, head tilted to the side as he suckled on the tip of Preston's dark meat, a bit of pre dribbling down his chin. The bat could hear the slurping noises of his gecko's slippery member thrusting in and out of the jackal's ass, sending his sexual senses into overdrive. He could only let out a short moan, having to stay focused on doing two jobs at once.

The scent of the five stimulated friends stuffed the room, and would have cast a light headed spell on any normal fur. Troy bit his lower lip as he felt himself slipping already, shaking as he tried to hang on to the moment for as long as he possibly could. Slurping noises filled the air around the formation of sucking and fucking furs, and eventually drove each of them to a chilling collective flooding of physical and emotional ecstasy.

Adrik gasped as he felt his hard red cock throb with life between Skyler's lips, suddenly spraying several loads of cum inside his muzzle. He watched Troy's expression change as well, seeing a string of white juice squirt from behind the white fox, driving his orgasm on further than he could have imagined. The bat's facial expression was soon decorated by steamy, white seed as well, Preston moaning loudly as he peaked all over Troy's muzzle. Michael sank his fingers into the jackal's side and rammed his thick meat inside the warm tail hole one last time before he erupted with an explosion of potent reptilian love fluid, which he could feel drizzling from the male's ass down onto his soft, green balls.

As the friends finished each other off, they settled down and laid out on the assortment of quilts in the floor together, each of them drenched in cum and sweat. The nude furs gazed around to each other, as if suddenly unable to believe in what had just happened.

"Wow," said Preston, "that was amazing... I always wondered what it would be like..."

"...To get stuffed by a scaly?" Michael chuckled. "Isn't so bad, now is it?"

Adrik huffed and climbed to his feet, sliding his crimson dress pants back on. "I'm certainly glad we got that out of the way, then..." The raccoon stepped outside the door.

Troy sat up. "Should I go talk to him?"

Preston reached over and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Yes... do your best."

The bat smiled over to him, then got up and wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way outside.

He found Adrik sitting behind a tool shed in the now deserted back yard of Chase and Dax's house. The raccoon looked up as a shadow covered the glow of the overhead orange lamp. "Oh, hey there."

"I know something's wrong... Do you want to talk to me?"

The coon shrugged, coiling his ringed tail around him. "Sure. First, care to smoke a blunt with me?"

Troy smirked. "Ah, sure... It's been too long..."

Adrik slid a small metallic case from his pocket, retrieving a thickly rolled blunt and a zippo lighter, handing it to Troy.

The bat lit the tip, glancing over to the coon for a moment. "Man, it's going to be funny walking back in there so fucked up..."

"Indeed... You take the first hit. Make it big and make it count, eh?"

"Hehe, as always..." Troy put the blunt to his lips and inhaled as deeply as he could, sucking back a ridiculous amount of smoke. The first thing he noticed was an odd chemical taste... something that definitely shouldn't be there. Then came a searing pain in his lungs. The bat burst out in a coughing fit, the doubled over as he held his chest tightly.

"Ack! That's not weed!"

Adrik snatched the blunt off the ground and extinguished it on the back of his hand, sniggering. "Of course it is. But oh, I forgot to mention, it's laced with over a quarter of an ounce of crack and PCP!"

Troy gagged and began straining as his body went numb and his mind shot millions of different thoughts around at once. He was suddenly shaking too bad to make any attempt at standing up, and began straining to breathe and think rationally.

"Cut it out man, nobody hits that hard on their first puff..." Adrik crossed his arms as he watched the bat struggle on the ground below him.

Preston, Michael, and Skyler treaded up quickly.

The gecko looked on in horror. "What's wrong!?" He dashed over to where the bat was laying and picked him up, cradling him in his arms.

The dark jackal narrowed his eyes toward Adrik. "What went on here?"

Adrik began to answer. But he stopped himself as he came to the realization... He loved Preston. But just what had he done wrong that his coke ridden mind wasn't telling him?

Skyler latched a tight grasp around the raccoon's throat and pushed him against the side of the tool shed. "Speak up! What did you do to him!"

The raccoon jerked away and turned around, sniffling. That's when Preston spotted it... The bishop and spade tattoo.

"Wait a minutes... You're part of a mob, aren't you?" asked the jackal, easing Skyler to the side. "That's where you've been getting fucked up at... That's where you've been getting all that money, isn't it?"

Adrik didn't know what to do. But what he knew NOT to do, he did anyway, and swung his fist across the jackal's muzzle with all his strength. Before he could gauge any of their reactions, the raccoon took off in a sprint across the yard and hopped the wooden fence, running shirtless across the neighbor's field as he grabbed a cell phone from his belt holster and pressed autodial to reach his cousin Tamara. He knew Preston was chasing him, but he was pumped up and could easily outrun him at least for half a mile.

"Tamara!" shouted Adrik, panting heavily as he kept up his pace. "I'm on the run heading towards the Lakewood intersection, come pick me up, hurry!"

Preston did his best to keep up, but eventually fell to his knees on the side of the road, too short winded to continue. Digging his fingers into the ground, the jackal looked up to the dark, starry sky and yelled out fiercely after the raccoon with the remaining oxygen in his lungs, "This isn't the end, motherfucker!"

His words echoed all the way back to Chase and Dax's backyard. Troy had quit struggling now. Michael laid his head on the bat's chest and sobbed as the flashing lights of an ambulance illuminated the scene. The twin pumas, along with their parents, stood by the crying gecko as the medics lifted Troy's limp body onto a stretcher and rolled him back to the ambulance.

Skyler bit his lip. He'd seen all he could take. The white fox found Blasphemy still hanging out around the limo, and clung to him, crying.

"It'll be okay, hon..." said the tall, silver jackal, petting the back of his young lover's head.

"Let's just go," replied the fox.

Michael took a seat in the ambulance next to his dying lover and grasped the bat's hand while it was still slightly warm. He felt as if his mind snapped in two, his heart sank to his stomach, and the only emotions left inside him at all were hopelessness and hatred...

Troy saw his precious gecko's face through the cold white light engulfing his being, and gave a final flinch of his lips, an attempt at a smile, before fading into eternal unconsciousness.

"I... w-will make him pay, my angel... And anybody who gets in my way... I love you more than you'll ever know..."

And so the result of another tail in the fastlane took it's toll, and sparked a new beginning for four former friends brought together by destiny and separated by one fur's corruption.

To be continued...?

((As usual, that was fun. But don't forget to comment, vote, and/or send me an email at [email protected]! Seriously. Tell me what you think, for it is the readers' opinions alone that will decide the future of my stories. Again, thanks for reading. And remember kids, crack is bad. Why did he die from one puff of that mean old blunt? Because there's just no telling what else was rolled up in there. ;) All in due time, hanging fans...))