Always Cry Wolf XI

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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Jenny stared at the red front door of Nisha's house and felt a warmth growing in her chest as footsteps sounded from within.

"Hey girl, you're right on time."

The lioness smiled and reached out to embrace the fox warmly. Jenny took in the body of her crush, allowing herself to be held tightly for a moment and wishing they could linger together for just a little bit longer. Nisha was wearing a short black skirt with knee high black boots. Her white blouse had a high waist and low neck line to expose her shoulders. She had pulled her dreads up into a beautiful twist above her neck. A pair of large silver hoped earrings swung from her feline ears.

"Wow, you look like a bomb shell!" said the gawking fox, modest in her own jeans and tight red top.

"Thanks sister, I think we're going to have a lot of fun tonight. So, where to eat?"

"Well, what are you in the mood for? There's a great Thai place with a mango curry to die for."

"I'm sold. Now, is their veggie menu comparable?"

Jenny tried to hide her look of surprise, but the lioness caught on with a laugh.

"Yes, I am a vegetarian. I know, I know; I'm a lion, but hey, with all the nutritional advances in culinary experimentation, I've found a way."

"Well, all the curries are available with tofu in stead of meat. There's also a great veggie section of the menu and I hear that the "green awesome" can't be beat."

"Sounds perfect, I'm glad you're driving tonight. Thanks for doing this."

Nisha slipped her arm into Jenny's as they walked to the car together. The vixen blushed and nearly tripped on the last step.

The summer night air smelled of city life as the two women walked from the car to the restaurant. Nisha was now holding Jenny's hand as they waited to be seated. The waiter offered them a quiet corner table and the females happily seated themselves. The lioness gave a low purr of pleasure as she scanned over the menu. They both ordered Thai iced tea and decided to share both the mango curry and green awesome, complete with tofu. While they waited for the food, Jenny eagerly chatted about the night life of the city. Nisha listened with interest.

"So there are three major clubs in the down town area that I think you'd enjoy. Then there are specialty clubs that are a little more, well, specific."

"Like what?"

"Well, Dark Angel is a goth BDSM type place with a dungeon. If you're into whips and chains..."

"Hehe, I think I'll skip it for tonight, but I do like industrial from time to time."

Jenny made a mental note of this as she continued.

"Yes, well the best place to dance is at The Horse Shoe, but I'm boycotting the place."


"It's a really long story, but part of it is the DJ. He has a huge crush on me and I don't want to deal with him tonight."

"Oh, you mean Josh?"


"Hmm, he did mention being a DJ. I've also noticed him eyeing you during class from time to time. We can skip that too. I don't want you to have a miserable time at my expense."

"Thanks. That leaved us with Four Leaf Clover and Sleeper."


"It's more a bar than club, but they play good music and I like the atmosphere."

"Let's start there then."

The girls' food had arrived and they proceeded to eat and talk more about night life, the city, and a good place to go for dessert.

Kendal lay in the bed next to his dozing partner. The fox let his mind wander as he followed the water stain in his ceiling across the room. For a moment he thought of his sister. He was waiting to hear the font door open; wanting to make sure she had made it home safely that night. Why wouldn't she? He pushed the darker thoughts and fears that tried to enter his mind away and rolled over into Trevor's arms. The wolf's blond hair rubbed into his face and the two embraced.

"Are you having trouble falling asleep?"

"No, I'm not trying to go to sleep yet." answered Kendal.

"Well, I could go again if you want to. It's hard to lie here next to you and not get all hot and bothered."

The kit elbowed his partner playfully and gave his muzzle a lick.

"You big horny bastard!"

"Yeah? And what are you?"

"A perfectly innocent victim of your sexual prowess."

They burst out laughing together and Trevor began tickling his lover until the laughing turned to tearful begging.

"Stop, I can't breath, geeze Trevor, I... no... eep!"

They rolled around on the bed, lanky jock against muscular wolf. The fox was quick to slip out of the grapple his lover attempted, but Trevor caught his leg as they slipped onto the floor together.

"Hey! That's my foot!."

"Yes, and this is your knee, and your thigh, and..."

"Yikes! You're not subtle at all are you?"

"Not when I know what I want. Now, come here."

The larger male pulled his smaller k-nine mate down on top of him with a smile.

"Why don't you ride me? I need an abdominal work out."

Kendal let himself be guided onto the wolf and felt his partner's sheath hardening beneath him as he rubbed his ass against it. Trevor's head tilted back as he felt himself slipping into his lover's tight ass. This time Kendal was in control.

The fox pulled up right as he was being penetrated and slowly came back down over the tip. He let Trevor pump him a few times and then pulled up again.

"Ah, you're going to toy with me this time little one?"

"How did you guess? Now, lay back and hold on."

He offered the wolf a paw for his own balance and Trevor held on tight. The fox moved onto the balls of his rear paws and began moving up and down with confidant strokes, pulling the wolf's cock in and out. The larger male groaned and let his other paw rest at his base for added support as the fox's tail hole continued to arouse him.

"Are you getting close?"

"With you riding me like that I am."

"Well, I should slow up then, don't want a premature performance from you."

Kendal pushed down and held on, letting his hole contract around his lover's swollen shaft.

"Oh god you're a real tease you know that?"

"Yes, and you're a real good fuck. I'm going to finish you now."

With that, the fox moved in a series of fluid transitions up and down over Trevor's cock. The wolf howled with joy as he felt himself building into orgasm. In a torrent of passion Kendal felt his lover exploding inside him.

"Yeah fucker, cum for me."

The fox continued to ride his partner until he felt his own body shivering with the anticipation of climax. Trevor's sensitive organ also felt the spasms of his lover's tail hole and began bucking furiously into Kendal. The fox yiffed as his cock jetted warm cum all over Trevor's face. The wolf licked happily at the mess around his muzzle. Then, as Kendal bent down to kiss him, Trevor delivered the salty liquid into his mouth.

"A snowball for the world's greatest lover."

Kendal swallowed slowly, never before tasting seconds like that before. He let his own liquid drip down his throat and he moaned softly as Trevor pulled out of him.



"Are you worried about Jenny?"

The fox was not expecting this from his partner.

"What? I, um, no. I mean, she's an adult, bad ass, mother fucker. She's taken care of herself just fine all these years. Besides, she's on a date tonight and they won't go to The Horseshoe."

Trevor nodded and pulled himself up off the floor. Kendal followed and the two males headed into the bathroom to shower together.

Nisha gently pressed her hips into the vixen as the two swayed in rhythm with the low bass beat throbbing through the dark room of the club. Jenny let her hands caress the lioness' neck before letting them trace her arms down to their paws which clung together for a moment before they broke away from each other with mutual smiles of delight. Body language was enough to confirm their mutual attraction, but the vixen wondered how the night would end.

They had been dancing for hours and the night was getting on. Both women had to be at school tomorrow and Jenny thought it might be time to wind down. Happily, the DJ seemed to feel the same way. The song ended and lights around the dance floor came up. Other animals began milling out towards their seats as a CD was left on allowing the DJ a moment to catch up at the bar. Nisha followed Jenny to their table and the two females caressed each other for a moment before sitting down.

"Wow Jenny, this has been a lot of fun. I hope I'm not coming on too strong."

The vixen nearly choaked on her water.

"N-no, I'm having a great time too. This is what I'd hopped you had in mind."

The lioness smiled mischievously. "Well, something like this, there's a part of me wanting something else."

Jenny felt a paw on her knee. She set down her water glass and looked at Nisha in earnest.

"You want to get out of here?"

"You read my mind."

The two headed out quickly; enjoying soft touches and exchanged whispering on the ride home.

At the red front door Nisha stopped for a moment.

"Are you ok with all of this? I mean, I am your professor and this is considered a little unprofessional in most circles."

"I've already taken the exam and you'll grade me harder if anything. The term's over Nisha, I want you."

With that, the vixen thrust herself into the lioness and kissed her roughly on the muzzle. Nisha fell into the unlocked door and the two slid inside while groping and nuzzling all the way to the bedroom.

Nisha's room was purple with lush highlights of gold. The bed was soft, with crushed velvet and silk draped lavishly over a plush comforter. The splendor went quite unnoticed as the two women fell upon each other in lustful wanting. Jenny slid her paws up the lioness' skirt quite skillfully and found her partner without underwear and very wet in anticipation. Nisha was tearing at the vixen's jeans but Jenny pushed the lioness down on the bed and proceeded to drop to her knees.

The lioness' scent was strong and musty with a slight hint of jasmine. Jenny slid her paws up the insides of her partner's thighs and then back down the insides of the knees. Nisha purred with pleasure, flexing her claws as she ran her digits through the vixen's red fur. The fox nuzzled closer, taking in the spread legs before her, as well as an occasional glance up into the almond eyes of her lover. A paw drifted across the moist lips of the lioness and Nisha moaned.

"Are you going to play with me first?"

Jenny smiled at this and nodded as her paw again passed gently over the pulsing flesh.

"I like making you wait. I've wanted to do this for many months now."

This time, as her paw drifted across, she let a digit slip between the soft walls of flesh, seeking out the pleasure center of the lioness' clit. Nisha's head fell back and she moaned again louder, this time, placing her own paw on the vixen's, guiding her to the right spot.

"I'll cum for you if you touch me here. Gently, yes, like that. Oh!"

Jenny could feel the hot spot and began stroking it ever so slowly, watching as her partner shuddered with pleasure.

Nisha closed her eyes and focused on the touch between her legs. She could feel the delicacy with which she was being handled and reveled in the company of another female. Jenny was young, but apparently well versed in the sexual intimacy of women. The lioness pushed her hips into the vixen's hand, egging her on faster. Jenny happily complied, feeling the wetness in her partner's sex and wishing she had more paws.

"Jenny, yes. Right there, there, yes... oh god, oh-OH!"

The vixen felt her fingers squeezed as she penetrated the lioness with one paw, while the other continued to stroke the clit. Nisha roared out quite loudly as her sex exploded. The sound shook the whole room and sent a primal shiver down Jenny's spine.



"That was fabulous."

"Oh, well, you're a good partner."

"Yes, and you're a great fuck."

The two women curled into each other to the sound of Nisha's deep purr.

Trevor wiped a paw across the foggy mirror and started at his reflection. He looked passed himself back to the shower where his mate Kendal was still washing himself. The wolf thought of the many times they'd shared a shower together, how intimate their lived had spun together in the past year. Homosexuality had not been in his thoughts this same time last year. Now he was living with another male and in love. Kendal was beautiful, but a rougher interior lay beneath his athletic physique. The kit had been abruptly thrown into adult hood by traumatic events that Trevor had only recently discovered. The wolf's reckless vigilantly actions to avenge his lover had not brought on the security he desired for his pack mate. Now, Trevor lived in a restless division between reality and the nightmares built out of his own violent actions. Any unexpected noise made him jump, shadows stalked the edges of his dreams, and fear crept into his thoughts at every turn.

The fox family he lived with now was oblivious to his concerns. Kendal seemed content with their plans to move into an apartment across town while Jenny still clung between them as an adored sister and third lover. Her role in this motley pack was still unclear. The boys were dedicated, but her recent pursuit of a lioness professor had thrown both males off kilter. Nisha was a much older woman, a teacher, and lesbian. Jenny was happy in her new relationship, but at the cost of not spending as much time with her other two lovers. She was staying over with the lioness a lot, her own bed empty, leaving Trevor and Kendal to question her interest in actually moving in with them in the fall.

Kendal was taking it the hardest. Instead of bitching in his usually way, the fox had stopped talking about his older sister all together. Whenever she came around he found an excuse to disappear. Jenny did not overlook these actions, and began pestering Trevor about why she was being given the cold shoulder. The wolf did not like the idea of playing in the middle like this. He wanted his two friends to kiss and make up so to speak. But Nisha was a legitimate wrench in the plans. As Kendal stepped out of the shower, Trevor knew it was time to speak his mind.

"Kendal, I don't think Jenny should move in with us."

The fox stopped toweling off for a moment, the cloth over his face. A deep sigh let Trevor know the kit had not overlooked this reasoning. Kendal dropped the towel to his side and looked at his lover with a nod.

"I know, she's planning on moving in with Nisha next month."

This took the wolf by surprise.

"What? When did she tell you that?"

"She didn't. I heard her talking with mom and dad the other night in the kitchen."

This angered Trevor.

"Why the fuck hasn't she talked to us?"

"Because we've stopped talking to her."

"That's not fair, we..."

Kendal raised a paw to silence him.

"We've been growing apart from her for a while. Hell, I haven't slept with her since she started seeing Nisha, and neither have you. That lioness has us both beat. She's giving Jenny the attention we reserve for each other. It's ok. I've been thinking a lot about it and I'm glad. I'm glad she's got someone who can love her the way you love me. It's only fair. We have to give her that. We love her too."

Trevor turned back to the mirror, letting his paws rest heavily on the sink. Kendal slipped a paw on his shoulder, gently pulling himself into the larger male wolf.

"Trevor, I'm hurting too, but at least we have each other."

The wolf wiped the mirror again and caught the green eyes of his lover.

"Ok, but I think the three of us should talk. I don't like the way every thing's so distant."

"I agree, let's snag her next time she's home."

With that, the kit spun his towel up and whipped the wolf's bare ass.

"You mother fucker!"