Life of Zeks, Episode 2: Crystal Swamp

Story by Casca on SoFurry

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#4 of Life of Zeks

Zeks, the cougar adventurer, continues in his nascent adventure but runs into some rough and tumble Gators first.

The swamp was quiet as Zeks pushed his Disk across the water. This was the best time of year to search for Tass. A number of rich leylines -- the natural paths that carried magical energy like river currents -- crossed under the swamp and, when the first spring floods receded, the magic that crystallized at the nexus was easy to harvest from the mud. Many people feared the murky water would taint the otherwise pure magic but it wasn't much of a concern for the cougar. So, for a feline with no love of mining, Crystal Swamp was the perfect choice for collecting enough magic to fuel the dark platform serving as his raft.

Springtime flowers masked the scents of stagnant water and stinking weeds, making the trip infinitely easier than the fetid humidity of the summer would have. The water sparkled from the late afternoon sunlight struggling to penetrate the canopy of the trees growing around it but the muddy water stayed only so dark that Zeks could still make out his cum splattered face if he looked close.

The dense spunk dried slowly in such thick air, giving the feline plenty of time to wipe it from his whiskers and lap up the musky, salted cocktail of his and, his friend, Qif's from around his mouth before it started to get in his way. The rest of the witch doctor's cum Zeks left, though. It was good luck to carry a friend along travelling, even if it was just an hour's trip into a familiar swamp. The world was not a safe place and having allies was the best way to survive but, if they couldn't be there in person, then a token of their presence would be the next best thing.

But luck comes to the well prepared, and the cougar was always prepared for trouble. Reaching the darker pools of the swamp, he knew there were brigands and thugs waiting to find an unfortunate traveller or adventurer like himself. They liked the dark patches near the nexus; easy to pop out of the brush and bully the unexpecting for their pocket change and, more often than not, an exhausting, selfish fucking for the trouble.

So he hooked his thumb in the waist of his bulging thong and opened the pouch, rummaging against the soft, meaty flesh bundled inside to find his adventuring kit. It could be difficult searching through the special folds sewn into his enchanted sling; they were much deeper than any simple cut of silk ought to reach, but after a moment, he found what he was looking for. He grasped around the handle and pulled it free. Textured steel and smooth gold inlay stroked his thick manhood, dragging a subtle purr from him while he extracted his weapon. His bulge tented by the time the sword was free, a dark spot spreading in the blue fabric as he unwound the harness wrapped around the blade.

It was an old sword. A relic he found on his very first adventure. The dark steel gleamed in the shadows; the same, seemingly indestructible, material as the disk floating under him. Without his disk's enchantment it lost its polish if he didn't care for it, but the edge was as keen as ever so he always kept it at arm's length.

Practiced fingers looped the leather harness around his shoulders. It was little more than a few straps to hold the sword in place but it felt like armour to him and his luck in it had served him so far. He slid the cool blade against his back in the loop waiting for it and pushed deeper into the swamp, his senses sharp for anything out of place.

He didn't have to wait long before a pair of heads peered out of the dark water. Dark scales barely stood out against the bog but speckled red eyes quickly caught the cat's attention. He reached over his shoulder, placing a tight grip around his sword.

"Come on out," Zeks called out to the swamp, "You're not sneaking up on me."

His erection hadn't flagged, the stroke waking up the drooling shaft and the tension and anticipation of trouble keeping it ready for excitement. Zeks relished a good fight or a close call. He thrived on danger. It's why he turned to the life of an adventurer in the first place. His days had been too easy lately, he wanted the trouble.

"Now how do you like that, Gobb?" said the alligator as more of his head emerged from the surface. His tough scales dripping with the cool water, the deep texture making it run in accentuating rivulets over his thickly formed body. "Cat thinks he's gonna take us."

The other rose up slowly as well, water rushing down his hide in the same auspicious way. "Oh don't be like that kitty, Slup and I are just nervous about asking for a little charity's all."

They might have been brothers if it weren't for how different their scales were coloured. Both massive reptiles oozed a sense of dangerous strength. Gobb, the larger of the two, was simply muscle on top of muscle; cobbled shapes resting on top of each other like a grey, stone wall. His body writhed just so as he lifted a heavy stone maul out of the water, destroying whatever minute amount of sincerity he had. The thick slabs of muscle on his chest puffed out and looked as impenetrable as any hide armour. Long leather gloves stretched over taut arms, simple save for the triangles carved into them in the style of the Lowlanders.

Slup was shorter though he looked to be the elder of the two. His broad snout was missing a few teeth and a deep scar from some battle or another marred an otherwise handsome, reptilian face. His shape was certainly rounder than Gobb's but no less rugged. Dense muscle hidden by a layer of taut pudge made him look more like a warlord than a common bandit but gnarled straps across his chest and the scarred plate on his shoulder seemed proof enough that he wasn't to be trifled with.

Zeks was only invigorated by the challenge they posed. He slid his sword free with a dull ring and gave the pair a lopsided grin. "If I had anything worth giving it'd be yours but I don't think you two need anything I've got."

"Sounds like he's not gonna give us anything, Gobb," the round one declared with affected disappointment.

"Sounds like it, Slup. And here I thought the Farlanders were supposed to be generous."

Zeks had forgotten for a moment about the hexagons painted across his bicep. A sign of his heritage in the Savage Lands. If they knew where he came from and still wanted to fight he was in for a worthwhile rumble.

He sighed as disingenuously as they spoke and let his guard down for a moment. But before his sword tip fell to the water he pushed with an explosion of speed and leapt from his raft to a muddy island behind him. The disk skipped and splashed chaotically, scattering the two in the tumult and giving the cougar a chance to settle his feet for their charge.

The bigger one slipped back into the water, almost melding with it, while his rounded partner pulled an axe over the surface and ran for the land. A clash of steel on steel rang out among the trees with Zeks' quick block. Slup's swing was heavy, sending a coarse shock down the puma's arms, but before he could recover the axe pulled back and took another strike.

The nimble feline bowed his head quickly, digging his claws into the muck to get the most out of his next leap. The axe swung sharply over him, putting the gator just off balance enough that Zeks' shoulder check could push him off his feet and onto the ground with a wet thud. He held onto the dire axe but, off his guard, the bandit couldn't regain control of it. The head slammed into the mud while Zeks raised his sword to strike again.

Before he could take the swing, though, a heavy foot caught the cougar in the ribs and tossed him to the side. He didn't wait to catch his bearings and rolled to the side. The clumsy dodge saved him from the stone maul coming down on him but now he was on the ground looking up at a pair of very dangerous bandits.

The worst part of it was they were terribly distracting from that angle. Perspective made their fat crotches all the more dominating. Slup's bulging shorts looked like they were barely holding together under the pressure of his size, each of his heavy balls hugged by the fabric while his cock tunnelled toward his hip in the shadow of his broad gut. Gobb's maleness was much less modest, flopping pendulously against his thigh, rendering the tattered loincloth around his waist pointless. Of course, Lowlanders loved that style, clothes so blatantly small that they seemed to enhance the size of what they were supposed to cover.

Zeks could see why. He panted, partly to catch his breath, while he watched them crowd over him. He wasn't out of the fight. There were mud and tender spots at his disposal, he wasn't above fighting dirty. But frankly he didn't want to fight, especially if he had to kick such well developed balls. Each one of the four had to be the size of the cat's fist and the cocks over them were just as delightfully thick.

Both of their dicks swelled at the sight of a cougar sprawled in front of them. A good sign for Zeks. He could have gotten back up and fought but a new option crossed his mind; a less painful one. So he put on his best defeated face and let go of his sword. He was banking on them being not too bright, wiggling his hips as best he could to keep them watching as his dark skin showed from the waist band slowly sinking down his waist.

"Well that was quick," Gobb laughed raising his weapon to his shoulder with one hand while the other scratched at one of his heavy balls.

"I guess he wasn't as tough as he thought. What should we do with him, Slup?"

"I guess we'll need to take that little pouch off him and make sure he doesn't actually have anything."

They stared in surprising silence at Zeks' shaft as it popped out of his thong, chuckling to each other at his seeming surrender. The cat swung his legs up slowly to reveal his pair of holes, one still painted from his old friend, as he tossed his strip of silk over his blade.

"Now look at that, Slup, he's got one for you too. Ain't that nice of him?"

"You can have the pussy, Gobb," rumbled the short one. "Looks like he already gave the other one to someone and you know I always love sloppy holes."

"Just hurry up," Zeks snapped, acting as repulsed as he could. As much as he wanted to feel them slip in he wanted to spring his trap so much more.

Gobb dropped hard over the prone cougar, barely giving him enough time to spread his legs around him. Fat and already becoming a fountain of precum, his grey dick probed blindly for Zeks' dark lips while the two wrestled for control of the cat's arms. They twisted and writhed against each other, smearing the gator's warm lust across his thighs and belly.

But after a long, wet moment, Zeks let the meaty weight of scales and muscle settle over him and feigned just enough struggle to guide the sopping cockhead to pop in him. He moaned under his breath, defying his own urge to shout with pleasure, then growled out some token resistance.

"He's nice and warm, Slup. Mammals are always the best targets," he insisted as he pushed more of his flesh into the cat.

The scent of flowers and sex was a disorienting combination; subtly cool flesh in his body only making it difficult to spring his plan. Inch after inch of it sunk in, each one a little bit more than Zeks had intended but far but unpleasant. He even wanted to let the gator have his way with him. Deep down he really did. But he couldn't just let himself be beaten by someone who just tried to rob him. But all too soon he felt heavy balls against his ass and his resolve returned.

His puss clenched tight. Vice tight. Enough to make the gator shout with surprise and at least a modicum of pain. The cougar's body knew just what to do, flexing trained muscles to trap his assailant, then twisting with feline agility, he pulled the paralyzed reptile to force them tumbling across the ground. Gobb's stance made it difficult but the grip he had around Zeks' wrists gave him the perfect pivot to pin the raider on his back.

Both of them shouted in confusion, Slup so much so that he couldn't respond before the adventurer broke the grapple and pushed his comrade's head back into the dirt. The feline was even able to bounce his hips down harshly, using his weight to push the wind out of Gobb and keep him from fighting too hard before Zeks could really figure out how to handle the other gator. But before his mind could really process a good plan, the rounder thug took up his beating stick, readying himself to save his friend, and charged.

Good fortune had always been Zeks' and luckily, the two bandits weren't communicating well in the sudden shift of control. Gobb thrashed best he could, stunned as he was, and with his bulk he was able to turn his mark over again, pulling them out of the way and tripping Slup and letting him tumble out into the dark water. A perfect chance to take them one at a time.

The cougar, lifted his legs and gripped fiercely around the gator's waist, stopping them but leaving him underneath. Still he was filled with adrenaline again and his soft cunny now needed to satisfy itself on the cock still lodged deep inside of him. He growled and leaned up to scrape his teeth against Gobb's tough hide and pulled him back in down to the root, slamming their bodies together in a forceful slap. Zeks wasn't gentle. He couldn't afford to be. The gators were stronger than him, he couldn't fight them head on but he could wear them down and slip away as he pleased with them panting in the dirt.

Gobb twisted and struggled as best he could, scrabbling for a grip but the cat was quick, tangling their arms to keep him still and grind hard, pulling with his legs to make each thrust as exhausting as he could. The gator thrashed as best he could but only played into Zeks' ploy, stripping away his resistance with every motion, until instead of fighting to escape, he was fighting to hold back the orgasm building up in him.

On his back, Zeks couldn't get the control he really wanted but looking back as the other brigand rose out of the water again he was glad he hadn't turned over again. Pulling the fat dick into him from that angle might have looked like the reptile had gotten his momentum and writhing together like they were the feline banked on Slup not being able to tell who was resisting whom. So he moaned and whined and growled and the rounded gator let down his guard.

"There you go, Gobb. Maybe I should have gone first," he teased with a laugh, setting the head of his weapon in the dirt and fishing the meatier one out of his bulging shorts.

"N-no... He- He's... get him..." the words came clumsily, interrupted by strangled grunts and wincing hisses. Desperation was masked with the wet noises of rough lust and Zeks' exaggerated pleasure so before Slup could see through the bluff, his friend shouted out his climax and his body went tense.

The cat purred at the feeling of spunk rushing into him. It was copious and thick, even cool thanks to the nature of a reptile's body, and splattered in sharp bursts against the cougar's inner lining. The forceful goo might have made him tense and quiver anyway, but in his current mindset he clenched his whole body, forcing the pressure to build in his opponent so each blast was an even greater relief. He knew the technique was exhausting for both of them but alligators had a reputation for for weak stamina, something about their lungs as best as Zeks could remember.

Blast after forcefully augmented blast filled his tunnel and quickly bubbled back out of him, squirting in time with his harsh milking. It drooled in sloppy globs down his ass, smearing between his tan cheeks and dripping to the ground in a growing pool. It didn't stop even when Gobb collapsed, spent and weary in the cat's grasp, simply draining himself into the sticky passage and churning up enough of a current with his continuing jets of cream.

Finally, Zeks felt the stream ebb and pulled his arms back, pushing on the scaled and dead weight threatening to squeeze the breath out of him. The cougar shoved hard, dragging the grey shaft out of him with a sticky 'schlorp' and a gooey gush of cum, soaking his balls in Gobb's essence while the gator panted and groaned and fell to his back, spraying the last of his orgasm over his own chest.

Zeks rolled over his shoulders, an ungainly maneuver in the damp mire but agile enough to put him out of Slup's reach so he could take a much needed breath. "Now," he said, raising his paws to block himself. "The other one looks like he's done. So come at me."

The remaining gator grunted without any of the sarcasm from before and swung his axe from its position in the dirt. He whirled in one direction then the other, putting up a barrage of attacks to adjust for Zeks' speed. The axe head did it's best to follow the cat but each time it moved it simply sang through air. But with feline grace, the cougar guided him to one of the dense swamp trees and the last strike sunk the weapon into its trunk, stuck in deep and again putting the bandit off balance.

Quick arms pulled from behind the reptile's legs and swept him off his feet, pulling him onto his back, with his dick flopping like a cudgel against his plump belly. Zeks pushed his weight forward once he had the gator where he wanted him, holding Slup's thick on his shoulders to fold him in half while he aimed himself wear him down too. Pinned that way, the gator couldn't muster up a defense, his belly spread his legs too far apart and with his shoulders under Zeks' and most of his own weight he couldn't move them enough to gain leverage.

So all he could do was snarl and snap while Zek's reached between his legs and let Gobb's seed pour out into his paw. The goo was warm, heated in the cat's body, and slicked over his dark meat with a rich froth. The excessive spooge made easy work of the gator's hole when the cat forced himself forward, the fat head spreading him out then easing him even further for the really dense part of his shaft.

Slup arched his back as best he could to escape the feeling but his cock throbbed and spat a grateful jet of precum into his face. The way the heat pulsed into him and the deep pressure on his prostate made him thrum with not entirely unwelcome pleasure. His spine tried to twist but Zeks shifted his weight, trapping the gator's own throbbing cock between them and dominated as much space as he could so the defeated Lowlander couldn't buck him off.

A resentful hiss followed by a pleasured grunt seemed to melt Slup's indignation. Of course, Zeks knew that feeling too; a hot dick plowing into his prostate after a fight, it felt as if the exertion made the body even weaker to the pleasure of a good fucking. The gator still tensed and writhed, though, but with each thrust the bandit worked with the cougar a little more. Losing the fight made it difficult to enjoy the pounding at first but Zeks ground deeply into his tender spot and let his precum warmed fur stroke smoothly around the desperate erection throbbing against his belly.

Each thrust came harder than the last once the thick bellied thug gave up the fight and got into the sex. Zeks needed to make sure to wear him down before the sun set, after all, and that would be easier if he didn't have to take down the other gator again. So he pulled himself back out to the tip then slammed back in all the way to the root, Gobb's lathered and spent cum slurping loudly as their skin slid along side each other and his balls slapped the taut scaled ass with a wet smack. Over and over Zeks pummeled his backside to a chorus of winces and moans.

But Slup was nothing if not tough, lavishing in the rough fuck, clawing at the dirt under him and growling for more. Zeks readily obliged, rolling forward to give himself the best angle and get the use of every last centimeter of his forearm-sized dick. It freed Slup's dick, aiming it toward his own face, but Zeks was more concerned with getting a mind numbing orgasm out of the gator than anything else.

Luckily it only took a couple more thrusts before the reptile gave a short, strangled groan and shut his eyes tight. It took a moment before Zeks could recognize it but the barrage of white, sloppy strings firing across Slup's snout, painting the dull green scales a murky white. The barrage was only increased by the feline heat and pressure against his prostate, each throb seeming to milk him and the relenting thrusts redoubling the effect.

Long streams of the sticky batter rained down on the brigand in a constant salvo until every muscle in his body went limp. A fan of white over his chest and face oozed over the rest of his scales, making the paint job more and more uniform as the feline let his dick flop free. The black lance throbbed, still steely and triumphant while Slup struggled to catch his breath, blowing bubbles through his own cum, dripping with its improvised lube and his own own drooling arousal.

Had it been another day he might have stayed a minute or two to enjoy the messy tableau but the sky peeking through the swamp's canopy was getting uncomfortably colourful and Zeks still needed to find his disk. So he scooped up his sword and his thong, tucking them in place in his harness and waded through the water. The shining, dark metal glittered excitedly for his return on the shore of the next hump of land rising out of the water and with a little focus and some moist fumbling, the cat was on his way again.

He pushed his raft faster this time, willing it to move over the water and sending splatters around it as the waning magic of the old artifact pushed it all aside. Of course the deeper Zeks navigated into the swamp, the less gregarious his transport seemed. The water around him coiled into whirlpools or rose up against gravity into moss covered mountain ranges. Leylines of magic grew intensely powerful were they crossed and the rules of life and matter started to break down. So the water flowed uphill and floated in misshapen balls over the surface or left empty bubbles underneath.

Even the trees grew leaning toward the nexus of power, entwining with one another into a loose weave of wooded knots leading to the center of the tumult of power. In the early spring that place would have been a raucous eddy of swamp water and magic but with the floods receded and much of the excess magic bled into the leylines leading away from this point, the swamp was quiet and reserved.

The pool of still water appeared to have been cut away in a few places, each gap shaped like pyramid, one even going so deep that the bare bottom of the swamp breathed darkly from it. Above the holes, the missing water danced orderlessly, crashing gently through each other then separating in different sizes, changing the holes in the swamp accordingly. The only pattern among them was the massive one, like two pyramids stacked bottom to bottom, which seemed to turn them all around it.

Zeks knew from experience that was where the lines met, floating in the center of the swamp and the droplets falling from its lowest point were full of solidifying magic. The cougar cast his disk between the dancing shapes then lowered himself gently into the hole under the nexus, careful to avoid the water itself. The Tass grew like a stalagmite toward the nexus, pulsating with a dim energy surrounded by the less neatly formed splatters of excess and runoff. The dense spike of magic was dense and black, but somehow it was transparent. Looking through it was like seeing the swamp in the dark of night. Even the little ones seemed to be little pockets of nighttime scattered across the ground.

Tass, as pure magic, wouldn't have been simple to grasp had it not been for Qif's magic, but rather than sending an overwhelming bolt of power through his body, the cat just felt a strong vibration in his paws. The tingling presence of magic was actually very arousing to Zeks. Not everyone felt that way about the energy but for the cat, he couldn't stop his erection for blasting precum in sloppy glittering arcs through the swamp air, evaporating as the Tass scattered it with its concentrated power.

Each smooth crystal, tucked against the now twice enchanted thong, seemed to send a pulse right into his crotch until he erupted with pleasure, roaring into the fading evening and firing off another round of cum. His pearly ropes crashing through the uncanny planes of water, around him since with his hands occupied he couldn't quell his own shaft as it jumped and throbbed with pleasure.

He struggled to gather another crystal while he showered the nexus in his spunk but he couldn't handle any more of the magical sensation radiating from the pouch on his chest. Instead he just lied back on his raft until his orgasm faded, his legs soaked in the coarsely milked semen. A few moment to catch his breath gave Zeks the strength to lift himself back to the water's surface, then a few more let him stand, careful not to slip in his own musky mess.

"Alright," he said to no one in particular as his floating disc carried him off again. "There's maybe 20 minutes left to the spell? Well damn I could go for another one of those."

But he just strapped his thong and laid it between his feet and hurried to find a clean place to charge his disc. He had a long way to travel and a bit of work to do before his magical plate was ready for it.