A Difficult Birth Part one

Story by wolfgirl01 on SoFurry

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Poor Leaf, she fell ill at the beginning of the 4th month, she had been out in the snow too long trying to save some newly planted sapling, because her typing is Grass she became ill as it snowed, not only that but as she grew ill she became weak as her body was fighting the illness

As you can imagine it doesn't bode well when giving birth

I typed this up 3 times and I don't have word on my laptop so im posting this now

"A-hem... now then... from the start." Fenrir announced as he began to read to his Daughter Aria.

She loved story time, it was the most favourite time of her day, besides earning gold stars at school.

The story was about two siblings, something that touched on real life that Akila, Fenrirs mother, had cleverly given to her so she could learn about being a good big sister, Aria had no idea at all until that day about her being a big sister soon.

Fenrir smiled as he soon noticed little aria had fallen asleep he gently shut the book so not to wake her.

His Ears twitched when he her a small weakly spoken voice behind him "Fenrir..." Panted Leaf his wife

"yes?" he turned to see her shakily standing by the door

He got to his feet worriedly looking at her as she collapsed to the floor still panting, he knew her stomach was way to heavy for her to carry now, he rushed to her side and gently helped her back up asking the question that he had been dreading.

"Is it time?" "No... I just... Wanted to... Do it myself..." She said slowly clinging on to him "I wanted to get something but... I... Can't..."

"What did you want to get?" He asked, his worry was clear in is voice

"Just a stick of... cheese and some water..." Leaf whimpered

"let me help you." He replied gently supporting Leafs body weight in his arms

Leaf hated having to be so needy, she hated being so ill "I'm sorry..." She whimpered panting

"Don't be" Said Fenrir, she was his wife, it was his duty to help her, not only that but he loved her more then any thing and he wasn't about to let her suffor for his own comforts in life, he preferred Leaf to ask for help in stead of trying to do everything her self.

"I'm sorry" She said again

"Again, don't be, alright?" he didn't like her constantly apologising, he knew she couldn't help it.

They manage to get into the kitchen fine, Fenrir sat leaf on a chair before passing her the water and cheese, he then sat beside her as She ate, she was fixated on the ground.

"I wish I never... got ill..." She said quietly and sounding regretful

"Easy love..." He replied softly trying to be a comfort, he looks to the window to discover the snow coming down again, it was already coming up to the knees, why did they need more snow? Leaf peered out the window at the falling snow and asked "how bad is the snow?... Is it still deep?"

"Knee deep still" He was keeping an eye on her in case she collapsed.

"Oh... Really high..."... Leaf held her stomach with a whimper "Fenrir... My contractions are closer together..."

"So... it's close to that time then" He sighed

"I don't know...I think so... The baby is kicking..." Leaf squealed slightly

"hmm, let me help you get your heavy winter coat on" He sighed, the baby was 3 days early if it came now, it may not seem like a big deal to most, but because of Leafs heritage her pregnancy lasted for 4 months, it was 5 months for little Aria

"Its going away... False alarm..." She panted

"Ahh...never mind then..but still." He started to get a little more tense

"We will be... Ok..." She said trying to relax, she was frightened due to her state, how would she be able to give birth if she barely had strength to walk to the kitchen and back?

Fenrir lead he back to their bedroom, he was trying to take on most of her weight, he helped her onto the bed as she then curled up and fell asleep exhausted.

Later that night, at 4am as a city lay asleep Akila in her dreams would her Martians voice, Martian was Leafs deceased mother, Akila had met her twice in the past.

At the same time Leaf started to cry and curl up in the bed.

Akila looked around in her dream, confused as she heard Martians voice ring out "Wake up Akila, she needs you"

"Leaf... What's wrong with her?" She woke with a jolt

Leaf was crying in pain "Fenrir... Wake up...Please" she pleaded

The grey Arcanine stirred awake before yawning "mhhr wha-" "Fenrir..." she squeaked shaking and panting hard "My... Waters broke..."

Fenrir expression showed his true thoughts as he simply stated "Oh dear..." he got up quickly and dressed himself as leaf curled up tightly whining"

While Fenrir was dressing there was a knock at their main door, it then opened to reveal Akila standing their "Fenrir, Leaf..." she said worriedly

Leaf was curling tightly trying to hide her agonised face

Akila stepped inside and closed the door, her coat frosted over due to the blizzard outside.

Fenrir was currently helping leaf to her feet and trying to dress her as Akila went to fetch Leafs coat

Gen was standing at the front door watching them and blocking the way out "I wouldn't if I we're you" he said slyly to Akila and Fenrir

"eh?" Fenrir looked to Leaf father

"What do you mean?" Akila enquired calmly

"Even with her coat leaf won't make it out there" Gen Paused "Even if you both try to keep her warm"

"...it's that bad is it?" he asked starting to get very tense

"She is very ill encase you havn't noticed" Gen pointed out "and the snows coming down fast, you cant protect her from that"

"Well it's best I got here then." Akila smiled trying to reassure her son, she was after all a nurse and she may not have had particular training in being a midwife but she still knew a thing or two about child birth.

Gen as well as Fenrir was wondering why Akila had gotten their that late, it couldn't have just been a normal visit from the mother. Leaf was crying out painfully with the contractions.

"Ill get aria some where else, ill chat later" he grins before heading to Arias room and taking her through a dark void to Akilas house, landing smack bang in the middle of her bedroom. "Right" Akila nodded and walked into our room

"M-mom when did you-" stuttered Fenrir

"There's not much time is there" Akila quickly cut him off as she gently helped Leaf into a more comfortable position "Easy there sweetie" she said smoothie as Leaf cried.

Akila gently massaged the Leafeon swollen stomach as she got the bed ready for childbirth.

Leaf was panting hard and whimpering

"You've been through this before..sshh.." she was being very calm for both Leaf and Fenrirs sake.

Meanwhile Gen prodded Arias grandfather back and whispered to the unsuspecting Houndoom "Hey, can Aria bunk with you?"

"Mhhh... sure... what's wrong?" he replied sleepily, he didn't like to be woken up but he had been finding it a little difficult to sleep since Akila bolted out of the room at a ridicules time.

"Leaf is in labour and they cant get to the hospital" Gen whispered

"She's in labour? then what about Akila- where is she?" asked Krauzer half asleep

"At their house" Gen replied smugly "No clue why she decided to get there at that time but its a good thing"

Leaf was curling up tightly

"Leaf, I know it hurts but you can't be too tense here" Akila said smoothie as she massaged Leaf a little, As Akila was preparing the bed she had also mad sure to strip Leaf from the waist down.

Leaf didnt move as Akla Rubbed her stomach "Leaf... How close are your contractions?"

"8 minetes... I think..." she whimpered in reply

"8 minutes..i see i see." Akila repeated to her self in thought, she quickly but gently grasped the quivering Leafeon and held her still as she was about to roll over keeping her tail over her "Leaf, Leaf!... Easy..."