Red and Glaceon
A Little Something New
"glaceon..." the blue-furred pokemon grinned widely at me as she came up and nuzzled my face to say hello. "glaceon gla," she said in her native tounge. glaceon was as you would say, the 'family pet'.
A Frosty Acquaintance
glaceon had an unreadable, wild look in her eyes. absol, despite his propensity for sensing disasters, couldn't've predicted glaceon tackling him to the very edge of mt.
Breeding Ground
The whimper quickly became a sharp intake of worry as she felt the glaceon mount her, his paws wrapped around her body. glaceon felt the body of the female beneath him tense with worry as he mounted her.
Eevee evolutions orgy 2
Replied umbreon as she turned to look at glaceon. the other turned to watch eevee, jolteon and glaceon. eevee was humping her fingers as she continues licking glaceon and jolteon was still fingering glaceon. eevee could not take it any more.
Crepe Date
The glaceon's passage was tight, as usual.
Evolutionary desires pt 5
glaceon looked back to see her brother lapping up the mess they had made. not wanting to miss out, glaceon turned around and pulled her brother into another passionate kiss.
Cooling Off With Pokemon
glaceon! glaaceon! eon! glaceon!"
Separation Anxiety F Glaceon X M Trainer
#1 of separation anxiety a trainer's clingy glaceon makes up for ruining his chances of getting a girlfriend. * * * f glaceon x m trainer * * * "glaceon use ice beam!" i shouted. "dodge it turtwig!"
The Glaceon of Blizzards
I am not a human, i am a glaceon..." the glaceon leader smiled and nodded, "that's right, not only are you a glaceon but you are my follower. not only that but you adore me, you and your fellow glaceons have given to me your undying loyalty."
Pokemon Boarding School: Playing with Planes
Chapter 3 of the pokemon boarding school series, this time following cecil, a glaceon boy who has a talent with making and throwing paper airplanes.
The flareon exclaims, but the glaceon is unable to answer back. she points to the muzzle mask on her face, and mumbles. "mmmm, mmmm!". the flareon, runs up and tackles the glaceon to the ground.