Salia’s secret

Story by Lunarmon on SoFurry

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Hey just in case you DON'T know you have to be 18(or 21) to read this story, and all character's is mine so don't use them without my permission, now enjoy the story.

Salia's secret

A young traveler sits under a tree relaxing as the sun begins its last phase over the sky. "Hmmm, I better get going or I wouldn't get to the village I saw from the hill awhile back, before nightfall."

The traveler then stood up, reviling himself as a lupine with light gray furred body, with white fur on his stomach and chest and black furred ears and the tip of his tail. He took his bag on his right shoulder and begun his walk towards the village.

As the sun was setting in the horizon, he saw a young female human, no more that 19 or 20 he thought, in a long azure blue dress, picking herbs among the trees. "Hello my lady, do you need any help?" He asked her in a friendly voice. She took one look at him and ran into the forest so fast the he couldn't see her after a few seconds.

He just looked at where she disappeared. "What did I do... I just asked her if she needed some help, why did she run like that?" He asked himself in wonder "oh well, I guess that I can get an answer to that question, when I get to the village." He then continued on his journey as the sun begun to disappear behind the horizon.

After a few minutes of walking he got the village gate in his sight. "There it is" he smiled to himself as he walked to the gate and walked through it, looking around he saw many houses, a blacksmith, a shop, a meeting hall and an inn.

He walked into the inn and up to the innkeeper. "Hey, do you have any free rooms, my good man." He asked the innkeeper with a smile, the innkeeper smiled back.

"Yes, I have a lot of free room right now, what will you like?" he asked the traveler while putting his hands on the desk.

"Just a little nice room for a night or few." He said looking around the inn, he could see the stair that lead to the second floor, and a door to the left of the desk, that he believe lead to the pub, from the sounds and small coming from it, he smiled, and another door to the right that he thought lead in to the privet parts of the inn.

The innkeeper scratched his head. "Well I have a nice little room with a bed, a table and a closet, for only 4 Tarills and 45 Merins." The innkeeper told him.

(Note: a little about the money system that I'm using in this story, the highest value of money is a Gimes and one Gimea is 60 Tarills and one Tarills is 120 Merins)

"Hmmm, that sounds fair enough," he the handed the innkeeper the money, as the innkeeper was counting the money, the traveler asked him a question "When I was almost at the village I saw a young woman picking herbs, but when I try to speak to her she, took one look at me and ran and it wondered me a little, do you know who it was, she was wearing an really blue dress." He said to the innkeeper, he raised his head to look at him.

"Yeah, I know who she is, she is a kind young lady, who live on the border of the forest outside of the village, she don't like strangers really much and always runs from them if she is surprised, we don't know why but," he shrugged his shoulders "we guess that it has something to do with her past, but we don't ask, if she wants us to know she'll tell us," he smiled "and she is so friendly and loves the children of the village so much and they often go to her house to play with her," he stood up and placed his left hand on the travelers shoulder "don't worry you'll probably run into her here in town, especially if you're going to be staying a couple of days, oh and her name is Salia. Now let me show you your room." He then turned around and walked upstairs with the traveler in tow.

As they reached a door on the right halfway down the second floor, the innkeeper bit goodnight to the traveler before going back downstairs again, the traveler unlocked the door and walked in. As he looked around he saw the table, closet and bed. "Hmmm, nice room" he said to himself before he walked over to the window and looked out at the village as the darkness of night begun falling over the land "Salia... perhaps I should stay in this village for a few days" he shakes his head "It's too late to decide that right now," he then yawned "and I'm too tired." He then took off his cloths and went under the covers to get a good night's rest.

As the sun shined in through the window, he stirs from his sleep, sitting up stretching his body. "Arrr, Mmmm." He groans before standing up, taking his clothes on.

As he walks down the stairs he meets the innkeeper. "Hey young man, good to see you up, want some breakfast." He asked the wolf with a smile.

"Sure, I'll like some food." He said with a smile as he reached the foot of the stairs looking at the innkeeper.

"Then follow me my friend" he said as he turn to the door on the left of the desk, he then turned his head at the traveler "By the way, what's you name lad." The innkeeper asked him as they walked through the door.

"My name is Reon, what's yours?" He asked the innkeeper with a smile making the quite fat human man laugh.

"Heh my name is Garol Sarigil" he told Reon as they sat down at a table, then a young maid that looked to be around the 16 years old, came to their table "and this is my daughter Lisaren Sarigil."

"Or just Lisa, good traveler" she said with a smile "what'll you like to eat for breakfast?" she asked him while handing him a menu.

"What about me." her father asked her.

She just smiled at him. "I already know what you'll want, some bacon and eggs and a mug of ale." He just smiled at her.

"Your sure right my dear." He then gave her cheek a gentle rub with his right hand.

"I'll think I'll take a plate of bread, butter, ham and cheese" he said to her while smiling "and a mug of ale too, please." He then handed her the menu back still smiling at her.

"Okay I'll be back with your food soon." She then walked away towards the kitchen.

"She's a nice child, right." Garol said to Reon as he watched his daughter walk away.

"Yeah, she's nice and friendly... just hope she'll never run into any bad people, who'll ruin that friendly soul of hers." He said in low whisper as he looked around the room.

Garol furrowed his brow as he looked at the young man in front of him, there was something in his voice before, something that he couldn't place, not with so young a person. "Hey, tell me my young friend, how old are you?" He asked while looking at the wolf as he turned his gaze back to Gerol.

"I'm 23 years old." He said while looking into Gerol's eyes, which made Gerol shudder, there was something in his gaze that he didn't understand. Just then his daughter came with their food.

"Here you go, hope it'll be to your liking," she then turn to her father "and here's yours, eat up." She smiled at them before walking back to the kitchen.

When Gerol looked back at the Reon, He saw nothing unusual in him. 'Was I just seeing things' he asked himself as he begun to eat his breakfast 'no, there was something there, but it's gone now' he then looked at the young wolf again 'perhaps it's best if I don't asked, I have a feeling I won't like the answers.' He then smiled and begun to eat his food with great pleasure.

As they were almost done eating, a group of three person entered the room looking around before walking over to them.

"Hello, you're the traveler who came to our village yesterday, right." The one in the middle asked, he was a big panther with a white fur, with black stripes.

Reon looked at them, to the right of the panther stood a fox, more precisely a vixen, with red-orange fur with black tips on her ears and white fur at the end of her fluffy tail ,and down her chest and stomach, he guessed. To the left of the panther stood and older male human probably around the 70 years, although he still look quite strong for his age and his mind looked to be as shape as ever, after looking at them for a few moments he bowed his head at the elder man and looked at the panther.

"Yes, I came to this village yesterday eve, what'll you want with me?" He asked them calmly while looking at them.

"Would you mind if we sat down, young man." The elder man asked with a low old voice.

"Sure, be my guest." He said and they all took a chair and sat at the table with the traveler.

"We'll just like to hear if you have heard anything on your travels, we live pretty far away and we haven't heard any news in many months." The vixen said to him as they sat down at the table.

"Well I have heard a lot on my travels and I've traveled long so far," he leaned forward so his elbows rested on the table with his paw right in front of his muzzle "I'm guessing, you want to know if there's any trouble." They all three nodded

"Yes, that is what we want to know, if there's any danger to our village," the panther said while looking at him "what can you tell us." Reon looked at them for a few moments.

"In the west across the mountain Samagrot there have been some fights against the dark creatures, and a few gangs of outlaws, had spread fear in Vedarus but not this far east, yet" he then went silent for a few moments "But I've heard one thing that you might should think over, when I was in Kal'maros just on the other side of the mountain, I heard something from a hunter who had just returned from this side of the mountain, he said that he encountered a troll on this side, some of the people of Kel'maros didn't believe him, but what I saw in his eyes and from what he said, I believe that he have seen a troll and I trust my instincts, although I didn't see any trolls when I crossed the mountain, but I did hear something I'm not sure what was, no matter if it's a troll or not there's something out there in the mountains that could be a problem, at least that's what I think." He looked at them as they looked at each other, the panther then turned his head to the wolf.

"What do you think it is you heard in the mountain?" He asked him, Reon looked at him.

"I'm not sure but I think it's either a troll or another dark creature, or its people, who're doing something in the mountain, that I don't know what is." He then went silent as they thought over what he told them.

"Hmmm, what should we do Tamral." The elder man asked the panther.

"I think we need to look into it, no matter what it is, we cannot afford to ignore it, Valina," Tamral said looking at the vixen "how fast can you get a scout team ready." She looked at him.

"If I go now, I can have a team ready in less than one hour, but let's say two hour, as I don't think it's an emergency." She said while looking at Tamral and the elder man.

"Okay, then in two hour you and a team of scouts travels to the mountain and sees what you can find and gets back here as fast as passable." He told her and she nodded.

"If we're not back in two days, prepare for the worst," she said as she stood up "Tamral, Makan see you later and you traveler have a nice stay here." She said with a smile before walking out of the inn.

"I hope she'll be alright." Reon said to himself.

"Valina is going to be alright, she's good at moving unseen and unheard, now there's not much more to do before she returns, good bye mister Reon it was nice talking to you, hope you'll stay for a few days." Tamral said as he and the elder man stood up to leave.

"I think I will, this village has gotten my interest." He said as he bit them goodbye. He and Garol sat talking for another hour before he said goodbye and walk out of the inn, to look at the town and surroundings, with a smile on his muzzle.

As the sun begun to sink again behind the horizon, he return to the inn to get something to eat before going to his room, in his room he sat down at the table and took out his diary and wrote down what happen yesterday and today, when he was done he leaned back in the chair.

"I didn't see her in town today, I hope I'll met her tomorrow. There is something about her that's intriguing me... I have to learn more about her" he then got up and went to his bed, took of his cloths and lay down "I'm sure there's an interesting story behind her" he smiled "and I'm going to find out if I can." He then closed his eyes and fall asleep soon after.

"Salia, Salia are you home?" A young voice call from outside her house, slowly she got up and walked to the door, smiling at the young fox boy outside.

"Hello Kalmin, come on in." She said to him as she stepped aside, so he could get in, he smiled at her and gave her a hug and walked inside

She looked at him and her smile grew bigger. "So what do I owe the honor of such an early visited." She said with a smile as she walked over to her table and sat down beside the boy, who smiled at her.

"I just wanted to be with you, you have not been in the village for a few days... I've missed you Salia," he said a low voice as he throw his arms around her and pushed his body to her "it's so nice her with you, I don't know why I can't come live her with you, Jalia and Faron have said that they wouldn't mind if you took care of me." He then begun to cry and tears ran down his cheek.

She immediately took him up on her hips and hugged him close to herself. "Don't cry Kalmin shhh, please don't cry," he slowly calmed down, though still sobbing softly in her arm "I'll really like to have you here with me, but I don't think I can yet, there's things about me you don't know, that I'm not ready to tell you, I'm not sure how you'll react" she pulled him close to her putting her head on top his "Please don't cry... I promise that I'll tell you one day... soon, so please don't cry, ok?" She asked him as she moved her head so she could look him in the eye.

"Okay Salia, I just want to be together with you." He said as he buried his head in her chest again.

"That's good, Kalmin." She said as she laid her head on his again, crying silently, they just sat like that for a long time holding each other close.

Some hours later Kalmin walked back towards the village, with Salia's promise that she'll come to town today. He just walked in his own thoughts, thinking about what Salia said to him. 'What is it that she doesn't think she can tell me,' he thinks to himself as he walks through the village "no matter what it is, it's not going to change anything." He said to himself, clenching his paws in determination.

"Ahhh." A voice screamed from outside the village, anyone stopped up and ran to the walls of town to see what was wrong. And many screamed in terror, outside of the village stood a large troll.

The troll was about 10 feet tall with arm like tree trunks, with long dark claws, its skin was dark green like a mash. Its head had a snout and a mouth with many Sharpe fangs. It roared as people outside tried to run from it, the guards and warriors of the village ran out of the town as fast as they could to try to save their village, but they stood a disadvantage as the trolls skins was as hard as stone and it had bone breaking strength, one hit and you'll probably be dead.

"Sir, we're no match for this troll." A young human man said to Tamral, he just looked at the man, about to yell at him.

"He is right, a troll can rarely be beaten by so weak weapons... without a lot of injuries at least." Another voice said calmly beside him, he turned around to yell at the new voice and blinked, seeing the traveler standing beside him looking at the fight.

"Wha..." he begun, but Reon interrupted him.

"You need heavy artillery or an Varlin weapons, or a strong wizard." Tamral just looked at him.

"We have none of these things." He said as he shakes his head.

"I'm going to try to help, I'm no strong wizard, but it'll be better than nothing." He said as he stepped forward and raised his hand.

"You're a wizard?" Tamral asked shocked and Reon smiled.

"Yes, but not really strong yet but it'll have to do" he then return his eyes to the battle and gathered his magical energies while chanting and an fire blast shot from his hand, at the troll hitting it in the chest making it roar in pain and rage, as fire swept across its chest.

Swinging its arms around wildly in rage, many of the warriors was hit and it begun to run to the west of the village, just then Reon saw that a young fox boy was in the wild trolls path, and it was getting close, he couldn't cast another spell in time and no one of the warriors could get there in time all he could do was look, as the troll lifted it's right arm to crush the boy.

Then he blinked, just like anyone else as the trolls crushing blow was blocked, by a young woman in an azure blue dress, standing in front of the fox boy, Reon turned his head to Tamral. "Is that Salia." He asked as he recognized her as the lady he saw a little while before getting to the village.

"Ye... yes... it's her, but how did she stop... that blow without being crushed." Tamral looked at him with wide open eyes, and a look Reon couldn't place.

"I have absolutely no idea." Reon said as he looked back at Salia, just in time to see her push the trolls arm away and strike it in the chest throwing it back a few feet, she then turned around and fall to her knees taking the fox boy in her arms, hugging him to her chest.

"Is that her son?" Reon asked Tamral and he shakes his head.

"She has no children but she really like Kalmin and treats him like if he was her son." Tamral told him as he looked at her.

"What about his own parents." Reon asked turning back to her and the boy.

"He has none, they died when he was very young." He said before he gasped as the troll stood up again roaring even louder, he was about to yell to his warriors, when he saw Salia standing in front Kalmin again, protecting him, he then heard her voice but somehow it sounded different than before, more... dark.

"You'll regret ever come here, foul best of darkness, you tried to harm one I cared about." Salia said, she then lifted her right arm pointing at the troll, it roar and run towards her intending to run her over and crush her, but then she begun to chant in an unknown language as dark energies begun to swirl around her hand, as the troll ran towards her, roaring at her.

When it was within a few meters, she unleashed the dark energies in a blast that hit the troll right in the chest and went through it and the troll flew back and hit the ground hard many feet away with a loud thumb and after a few twitch the body laid still as dark blood flowed out from the wound in it chest, a wound that could only be made through the use of powerful magic.

As anyone looked at the dead troll and Salia, Salia fall to her knees crying, as Kalmin was about to run to her one of the warriors took hold of his shoulder. "Let me go." He cried, trying to pull free from the man.

"No, young man, she is dangers." He said as he strengthened his grip on the boys arm and Salia seemed to wince as she heard the words of the warrior.

"No, she is not," Kalmin said again pulling even harder trying to get free "let me go." He cried again as tears begun to fall from his eyes.

Salia turned her head and saw Kalmin crying as the warrior held his arm with his sword in the other hand ready to defend himself and the fox boy, from what he now knew her to be and many more begun to realize what she was.

"She is an Vahlia." Tamral said in shock as he looked at her.

(Note: Vahlia is what I have decided that vampires are call here, and it sounds like this ,Va-li-a, the -h- is hard to pronounce so you can drop it if you want.)

"It seems like it." Reon said in an low voice as he stood beside Tamral looking at Salia.

Salia looked at Kalmin and said. "I'm sorry Kalmin," she then turned around "good bye... my Kalmin." She whisper into the wind, she then walked away until Tamral shouted to her.

"Where are you going." She turned her head to him.

"To my house, to get my things before leaving as I'm no more welcome here." She said to him and continued walking.

"Hmmm, was it just me or was she crying, when she turned her head away." Reon said silently to himself as he looked at the woman, walking towards the forest, by now many of the villagers had come out and saw what had happened and learned what Salia was.

Many of the children was crying as they saw her walk away, many of the adults was scared. But many was wondering if she could really be an Vahlia.

The children was taken into the village and people begun to tend to their wounded warriors and guards, as the night grow near Tamral sent a group of warriors to Salia's house, as the night fall they returned and told that the house was abandoned, and many of her most treasured possessions were gone.

"Then I guess, that she is gone" The elder Makin said and shakes his head "I would never had guessed that she was an Vahlia." As the warriors walked away Tamral gave a sighs.

"Neither would I," he lowered his head "I even liked her, if she had cheered up this year, I had thought of asking her if she would move in with me." Makin smiled.

"Didn't you ask her that last year." He said and looked at Tamral, Tamral looked back at him.

"Yes I did, but she said that she wasn't ready for something like that and that there was something about herself that she was not ready to tell anyone," The big panther sighed again and turned his head to look at the night sky "I fully understand little Kalmin, he loved her and it was easy to tell that she loved him as her own child... I'm going to miss her" he then turned his head back to Makin "if you'd excuse me, I'll return to my own house, I have a feeling that this is going to cause a lot of sorrow in the village... she was liked really much, even if she was an Vahlia." He then walked away from the elder who just stood there, looking out into the night.

"I think you right old friend" he said quietly, before turning his head to the left "why don't you come over here to me, and tell me what's on your mind." He said as a low laugh came from the shadows, before the traveler walked up beside the elder.

"You knew I was there, didn't you?" He asked the man and the elder nodded.

"Yes, I knew you were there, listening." He said and smiled, Reon lowered his head.

"Sorry about that, bad habit of mine, but I agree with you in what Tamral said, from what I have heard many liked Salia very much, and many can still not believe that she is an Vahlia." He said as he looked into the starry sky, Makin turned his head up to look at the sky.

"Yes, myself included, she didn't behave like we have heard. I have been standing her thinking about everything I've ever heard about Vahlia's." Reon turned to look at him.

"And what do you know about Vahlia's?" Reon asked the elder, and Makin chuckle and smiled at the traveler.

"I was a traveler in my youth, and I traveled far and wide, seeing and hearing a lot, when I returned to the village, I knew a lot more than most of the people here and some years later, I became the village elder, I know quite a lot about Vahlia's... maybe more and you." He said with a smile, Reon just looked at him.

"I won't have guessed that, I too have learned a lot about Vahlia's in my travels and from my studies... and I have fought one, once together with others... and all of my knowledge says that she should have attacked and killed us, but instead she cried and walked away... I don't understand why." Reon said as he shakes his head.

Makin looks at him then he returns his eyes to the sky. "I have once read an old scroll many years ago, I have been trying to remember it but it's too long ago." The elder says with a sigh, Reon looks at him with a frown.

"A scroll, what's about that scroll?" He asks and Makin looks at him again.

"In the scroll stood something quite unbelievable about Vahlia's but I can't remember it." The elder said and Reon looked at him.

"Why not, what was the name of the scroll, maybe I've read it." He said to the elder but Makin sighed.

"I don't think you've read it, as far as I know there was only that one scroll and it was destroyed many years ago." Reon looked at him in disbelieve.

"Why was it destroyed?" He asked.

"Because anyone thought it was a fake, even I thought that." The elder said.

"But you don't think so now." The elder looked at him.

"No, now I think there might have been some truth in it, but as I said I can't remember much about it, but one thing I can remember is the name of the one that wrote it, his name was Kaldon Maldian, if I remember right it was about 3 to 5 hundred years old" The elder said to Reon "I'm going to bed you should do the same, there's nothing we can do about it right now, that's also something I've learned in my years, good night." The elder then walked away to get to his own house.

"I think he is right, I better get some sleep." Reon then walked back towards the inn.

Suddenly a loud noise made Reon wake from his sleep. "What was that" he said to himself, then he heard a scream from outside, he move to the window and looked out, outside he saw men fighting, warriors from the village and people he recognized as brigands "so there where people in the mountains, I didn't think there'll be any outlaws around here." He said as he put on his cloths and his weapons, before running out of his room and down the stairs.

As he got down he saw Garol fighting two brigands. He gathered his magical energies while chanting and a bolt of ice shot at the two brigands hitting one in the back freezing him, just then the other got an attack in and wounded Garol in the left side just as he was about to give the last blow he was cut down from behind by Reon's sword. "Are you okay?" He asked the man as he pushed at his left side.

"Yeah, I'll be alright... but three other's moved in through that door" he pointed to the door to the right of the stairs "My daughter is in there, please help her." He said as his winced in pain.

"Okay just wait here." He said and run in through the door.

"Aaaa, let me go." He heard Lisa'a voice in the room to the left of him.

"Lay still, girl." He heard a rough voice and the sound of a strike against flesh.

"Just hurry up Asgal, I want a go too." Another voice said.

"Not if I get to her first." A third voice growled.

'Okay so all three are in there and it sounds like they're about to rape her, I have to do something and fast.' Reon thought to himself.

He then lifted his sword and run into the room startling the three brigands. One hold Lisa down, his pants was down around his knees and his cock was standing erect close to Lisa exposed cunt, another stood to the right of the first further back, and the last stood to the left of the first close to the door.

He cut the one close to the door through the throat and lifted his other hand at the brigand to the right of the first. He gathered his magical energies again while chanting and a lighting blot shot from his hand and hit the brigand in the chest and threw him back a few feet hitting before hitting the wall. "Now it's your turn." He said as the last outlaw tried to reach his sword but Lisa kicked him in the groin, giving Reon enough time to thrust his sword through the brigand's heart and he fall to the ground with blood flowing from his mouth.

"Thank you Reon." Lisa said as she sat on the ground, trying to cover herself in her shredded clothes. Reon looked around the room until he saw a blanked on a couch, he walked over and took it and gave it to Lisa.

"Here take this around you and come with me." She took the blanked and warped it around her body and followed him out of the door, back to the entrance where her father lay by the wall, with one of the woman from the village beside him tending to his wound.

"Dad." Lisa cried as she saw her father by the wall wounded and ran to him, to see if he was okay.

"It's okay my child, it's only a flesh wound." He said and stroked her cheek and felt her tears.

"That's good to hear, I was a little worried about you." Reon said as he got closer, still with his sword in his hand.

"What about the three men?" He asked as he looked at Reon.

"I got there in time, they were about to rape her when I came, they're all dead." Garol looked at his daughter.

"That's good" he said with an angry voice "if they've been alive I've skinned them alive." He then pushed his daughter closer to him.

"I think you'll be okay," he said as he looked at them "I'm going to try and find out what's happening." Reon then walked out of the door with sword in paw and a spell on his lips.

Outside was chaos, warriors and guards where fighting the outlaws all over the village, Reon run towards the village middle where Tamral and a group of his warriors fought the brigands, he fought his way through the outlaws with his sword and his spell. "Good to have you with us Reon, I think your magic will be quiet useful to us." Tamral said as Reon got to him.

"I'll be more than happy to help" he said as he stood back to back with the panther, he gathered his magical energies while chanting, and spikes of sharp stones erupted from the earth, killing many of the attacking brigands. He smiled but then he had to lift his sword to defend himself, he then swings his sword pushing his opponent sword away and turned his sword to cut the man across the chest sending him to the ground where he gave him the dead strike through the heart, he then got ready for another.

He parried a blow then countered it with the a cut from the left down across to the right, he then got it back in front of him in time to parry another attack, he pushed the sword out of the way and strike his attacker in the chest killing him.

As his opponent fall to the ground, he lifted his head and saw the boy Kalmin and some other children, crawling in fear in front of a brigand, with a lifted greatsword, laughing, as he swings the sword downward to kill the children, Reon cries "No!!" And tries to get the before it's too late, even knowing that only a miracle can save them.

The night was falling and Salia walked through the forest sobbing to herself, she was again on her own, in a world that didn't like her, but mostly she cried because she'll never see little Kalmin again.

As the darkness of night grew darker, she was already far away from the village, a village she'll never see again. But then her ears picked up some noises to the side some were in between the trees, she silently walked in the direction the noises came from, and after around 5 minutes, she found Valina laying with her back against a tree, she was badly hurt and blood followed slowly from many wounds, the worst was bandaged with some of her clothes that she had cut in pieces.

As Salia walked closer, the vixen snapped her eyes open to see Salia coming towards her. "Sa... Salia... is that really you." She said in a weak voice.

"Yes, it's me, what've happen to you?" She asked the vixen worried as she sank down on her knees beside her.

"When we neared the mountain... we encounter... a large group of people... outlaws... they attacked us... they were too many... for us... we ran as fast... as we could... to try and get back... to the village... in time... to warn it about them... I got away and managed... to kill the outlaw... that pursued me... but the wounds... that they gave me... I'm afraid... I don't have much time left." As she says the last part her eyes closed.

"Valina... listen there is hope for you yet, if you'll trust me." Valina slowly opens her eye and looks at Salia sighed.

"I have always trusted you, above all others" Salia just looks at her and Valina slowly raises her left hand up to Salia's cheek "I've trusted you from the moment... that I saw you for the first time... I will entrust you with my live... always, you are my friend." She said as she closed her eyes again.

Salia laid her head beside the head of the wounded vixens. "Thank you, you don't know what that means to me... I'm going to save you, you're the first one in many years, to tell me from the heart, that they're my friend... just relax and you'll be as good as new." Valina open her eyes again.

"I trust you." She said in a sigh, Salia moved her head in front of her face and smiled.

"I'll never make you regret your trust in me." She then moved her head to Valina's neck and softly bit into it, with her sharp fangs.

Valina gasped as she felt Salia's fangs bit into her neck, but she trusted her more than anyone else and just lay still as she began her work. She felt that some of her blood was been drained from her and that something was been injected into her bloodstream, then she felt Salia remove her head from her neck.

"Sleep my friend, you're in good hands now." And Valina fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

As the village got closer she could small blood and smoke and hear the sounds of fighting, as she ran as fast and silent as the wind and jumped over the wall of the village, and took a look at her beloved village and all of the people she loved, she saw the warriors, guards and people of the village fighting against the outlaws, that attacked Valina and her scout team. She saw Tamral and the traveler fighting in the village square back to back and she smiled at them, but then she looked beyond, and she gasped in fear as she saw a large brigand walking towards a group of children with a greatsword in hand, and she saw that one of the children, was her Kalmin.

She gave a howl and jumped out over the wall, filled with anger. 'How dare that lowly man try and hurt MY Kalmin, MY little child.' She thought to herself as she moved with such speed, that everyone seemed to stand still. And after what they've done to Valina, they dared to try and hurt Kalmin, she couldn't let them, if he was kill she didn't know what she should do.

Just as the man begun to thrust his sword downward towards the children she heard someone yell."NO." She got in front of the children and struck out at the sword and threw it out of the outlaw's hands and before he could as much as blink she had slashed his throat with her claws and then she ripped him apart, she turned to face the children.

"Are you all okay?" she asked worried, some of the children were still scared from all of the fighting around them, but Kalmin jumped into her arms.

"Salia, you're back." He said as he cried on her shoulder, she hugged him close to her.

"Yes, I back, are you all alright." She asked again as she held him to her.

"Yes, we're okay, thanks to you." He said between his sobbing.

She smiled. "Good, then get to safety while I take care of these lowlifes." She released him from her arm and stood up but he grabbed her left hand.

"You're not going to leave me again, are you?" He asked her almost in tears, she turn back to him and got down on her knees.

"No, I'm not going to leave you again, if I have to go I'll take you with me," she then gave him a kiss on the forehead "now get to safety." She stood back up and ran towards Tamral and the traveler.

Reon just stared as the greatsword was thrown out of the outlaws hands and then as his body was torn apart by Salia, still in her azure blue dress, he saw how one of the children casted himself into her arm and how she pulled him into her, like if he really was her own child, then he saw that she let go of the boy and turned around and tried to walk away but the boy grabbed her left hand and she turned back to face him and sank down on her knees for a short time before she stood up again and ran towards where he stood.

As she got closer some of the outlaws tried to stop her and was killed fast and easy. "You can't kill a Vahlia so easy." He mumbled to himself as she reached him, and ran past him until she stood beside Tamral, he turned his head and had near gotten a heart attack seeing her.

"Sa...Salia is that you?" he asked, not believing his eyes, she just flashed him a smile.

"Yes, I hope you don't mine if I help a little." She said as she struck a sword out of the way and slashed her claw like hand and the man's throat killing him almost instantly.

" not at all." He said as he saw the man fall to the ground bleeding from the throat.

"Good, that let's get this over with." And she jumped into the fight and killed all the outlaws that she could get her hands on.

When the fighting was over and almost all of the brigands were dead, Tamral, Reon and Salia stood in the village square, as the wounded was taken care of.

"It's good to see you again Salia." Tamral said happy that she was back but at the same time sacred, of how easy she could end a live, but still he like her and didn't want her to leave.

"Thank you Tamral, I'm also glad to be back even if it's only for a short time" her words made him wince and she saw tears in his eyes, she sighed and took a step towards him and took his hands and placed them on her heart "You know that I can't stay, there can be no doubt in anyone's mind anymore, about what I am," she took his hands to her cheeks "I can't stay even through there's nothing I've rather do." She let go of his hands and they fall down beside him.

"Salia please, there have to be a way." He said to her pain in his voice at the thought of losing her again.

"Shhh" she said softly to him "I know how you feel and I feel the same" she then moved her head and kissed him softly and lovingly on the mouth "I love you as much as I love Kalmin, Kalmin I gave the choice to come with me when I had to go but you, the village still needs you, you can't leave." She said as she held onto him.

He placed his arms around her and held her to him. 'She is right, but still, I can't bear to think of losing her again.' They stood there holding each other as a young man ran up to them.

"Tamral, sir." The two released each other and look at the man.

"Yes, what is it." Tamral said as he held Salia's hand in his paw.

"It's the elder sir, he is greatly wounded and the healer is not sure she can save him, I was send to find you as fast as passable." The young man said to them, but before Tamral could say anything.

"Makin, no, where is he, please tell me." Salia begged the man and he just looked at her just now recognizing her.

"Salia, is that you?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, but please, tell me where Makin is." She pleaded with him, he looked from her to Tamral.

"Just tell her Jaron, I don't think she has any ill will against our village." The man nodded.

"The elder is in his house you should go there immediately." They both nodded.

"Thank you." Salia said and bowed her head at the man before running with Tamral towards the elder Makin's house, as they got there they where showed to his bedroom.

He laid in his bed, as they entered the room he opened his eyes and smiled. "I'm glad... that what I've heard... is not just some rumor,... it's good to see you again... one last time, Salia." She took a few steps towards his bed.

"Makin... how bad is the wound?" She asked in a low voice.

"It's bad, Salia, I'm afraid that even you healing herbs won't help him." An older woman said, sitting in a chair by the wall.

"Malena..." she said as she looked at the old woman, and she smiled at her.

"It's good to see you Salia." Salia bowed her head at the healer.

"Thank you Malena." She said as she walk over to Makin's bed and sat down on it looking at him.

"Makin I don't want you to die." She said as she carefully lays her right hand on his chest.

"Maybe Salia... but even Malena here... can't heal my wound,... I'm afraid that there's nothing to do." He said and gave her a weak smile.

She sighed. "There is a lot that you don't know about me, but if you can trust me, I can save you so you can live the rest of you live." She said to him while looking him in the eyes.

He blinked. "You can?" He asked as he looked into her eyes and she smiled at him.

"If you can truly trust me, then I can save you, just as I did with Valina out in the forest, before I came here." This news startled all three.

"Valina's alive?" The elder asked shocked, he had thought just like all others that she was dead.

"Yes, when I found her in the wood many miles from the village she was closed to dead, and could barely speak because of her wounds, when I left her, she was almost healed," she leaned closer to him "if you can trust me, then I can do the same for you." He looked at her then nodded.

"If you can heal me... then I trust you" he smiled "I have always trusted you... and that have not changed,... I trusted you last winter... when you gave me that medicine... when I got sick,... so of cause I trust you now." He said as he falls back in his bed.

She bowed her head in respect. "I'll make sure that you don't regret your trust in me," she said and gave him a kiss on his forehead, she then turned to look at Tamral and Malena "please, no matter what you see, don't interrupt me" they both nodded their heads "thank you." She then turned her eyes back to Makin.

She then lowered her head to his neck and bit into it, the elder gasped as he felt her fangs pierced his skin and sank into his neck and he felt his lifeblood been drained from him and felt something else been pumped into him from Salia but he laid still trusting her completely, after some time he felt her remove her head from his neck and heard her whisper in his ear. "Sleep sweetly, my dear friend, you're in good hands with me." And he felt his eyes grow heavy and soon he was fast asleep." Salia carefully remove the covers from his body finding the wound in his stomach, as the two watch, she carefully removed the bandages from the wound, but they didn't do anything they trusted her just like the elder had and just stood watching as she got to work.

In the morning Makin awoke in his bed, not knowing where he was, the last thing he remembered, was the pain from his stomach wound and that Salia had told him to sleep. Then it hit him he couldn't feel the wound he slowly removed the cover and saw that he was nude, and that the wound was gone.

"Yeah, it's quite amazing, there's not even a scare left from the wound." Malena said as she walked to his bed with a tray with some breath and water on it.

The elder just looked at her. "So, that wasn't just a dream, Salia is really back." Malena giggled.

"Yes, she is back and she isn't the only one, early this morning Valina walked into town without a scratch on her body, and told that she was badly wounded and close to dyeing when Salia came to her and saved her from dead, of cause she was surprised when she was told that Salia was an Vahlia but she said that she still trusted Salia, even if she is an Vahlia" Malena smiled "if you are strong enough in the evening then there'll be a meeting about Salia, and you and Valina is not the only ones that she saved from death lasted night." The elder nodded.

"I think I'll be strong enough." He said and smiled.

"Good." She smiled to herself and left the elder to his own thoughts.

"Are you sure about this Tamral?" Salia asked the panther, sitting in front of her, in her house.

"Yes, Salia I'm sure and now I know what you wasn't ready to tell before, so now I ask you again. Will you be my mate?" He asked her while looking her in the eyes.

She began to cry and cast her arms around him. "Yes, yes I'll be glad to be your mate, if you truly love me, even through I'm an Vahlia." He held her close to his chest.

"I DO love you, more than anything else, I'll gladly give you my life," he took her out from his chest so he could look her in her face "I'll even let you, turn me into an Vahlia if you want me to be one." He told her seriously. She looked him in the eyes, then she shakes her head.

"No, I don't want you to be an Vahlia, not yet at least" She said to him and placed her head on his shoulder "I just wanted to know if you truly loved me, because... I can only get pregnant with one that I truly love and that truly love me" she lifted her head to look at him "I love Kalmin and will take him as my own child, but I'll still like to have my own child that I myself have given birth to... will you do that for me, do you love me enough to give me what I want the most?" she asked him in a shaking voice.

He just looked at her, than he smiled. "More than willing to my love" he said and gave her a kiss "I'll be more than happy if we could get children of our own... but actually I didn't think that we'll be able to get any kids" he smiled at her "I'll love to give you some children of our own." He then kissed her again and pushed her closer to his chest and begun to purr through the kiss.

She looked at him with love and happiness. "Thank you." She said as she laid her head on his shoulder.

He chuckled. "There's still many hours before the evening and the meeting, how 'bout we shows just how much we love each other." She lifted her head from his shoulder and grinned at him.

"That sounds like a good idea" she said and gave him a lick on the cheek "do you need me to lead you to the bedroom or can you carry me there in your big strong arms." She said in a sultry voice as she traced circles on his upper arms and smiled at him.

"Oh, I think that I can find the bedroom without help." He said and took her in his arms and carried to her bedroom and laid her down on her bed and laid down beside her.

He kissed her softly as his hand caressed her body through her dress, she moaned through the kiss as her hands begun to remove his clothes. Tamral then broke the kiss and looked down at her, she looked at him with love and lust in her eyes. "Let me help you with your clothes." She said as she sat up in the bed and removed his shirt, she lets her hands run down his chest slowly feeling the warmed from his body, the beating of his heart and his breathing.

She then pushed him back into the bed and begun to take of his pants, slowly, when she had pulled it off, she looked at his crotch and smiled as she saw a tent in his underwear, she then carefully remove it and looked at his hardening cock and his sheath. "Mmmm" she moans as she looked at it "it looks delicious." She said smiling at him, then she lowered her head down and slowly engulfed his hard cock in her mouth.

"Ohhh." He groaned as she moved her head up and down his cock, she then licked the head of his penis and down the side of it and gave his scrotum a soft lick, feeling him twist as she did it.

She smiles at herself, then she slowly licks back up the underside of his hard feline cock and puts the head back into her mouth and sucks on it, as she bobbed her head up and down on it. "Ohhh... I'm close... keep sucking my love... *groan* I'm going to cum" he moaned as she sucked him even stronger than before, as he lays on his back twisting in pleasure from her soft mouth on his hard penis "here I cum, ahhh." He moaned as his cock ejaculate into her mouth filling her fast, she swallowed it as fast as she could as more cum filled her mouth, after awhile Tamral stopped cumming and Salia swallowed the last of his seed, she then cleaned his cock before removing her mouth from it and crawled up the bed to lay above him she then kissed him again and he could taste his own cum in her mouth and on her tongue as she pushed it into his mouth while kissing him.

She continued kissing him for a few minutes before braking it and laid her head on his well muscled chest. "Was that good, my love?" She asked him while gently rubbing his furry stomach.

He lifted his head from the bed and looked at her. "I have never felt anything so good." He laid his right paw on her neck and gentle caress it, then he twisted as he felt her hand on his softening cock, soon his cock was hard again and she smiled at him.

"Then repay me by making love with me, and give me what I need to fulfill my deepest wish." Tamral then turned her around so she was on her back and kissed her.

"With pleasure my love, I'll give you my love and my seed, as many times a day as I can, to make sure that our dream will be fulfilled" he then remove her blue dress and the rest of her clothes and tossed it down on the floor, he then sniffed her cunt before positioning his cock at the entrance to her pussy and slowly pushed it in, past the outer lips of her cunt, he kept pushing deeper into her, until he reached a residence, he looked at her surprised "You're still a virgin?" He asked her and she nodded.

"No one, other than you has even had their cock in me" she then smiled at him "take my virginity, mate me and take me as your mate, now and for the rest of our lives." She said and pulled his head down and kissed him with love and passion, she felt him pull back a little before thrusting into her taking her innocence forever.

She yelped into the kiss as she felt the pain of her virginity been taken, he stayed still in her for a few minutes, letting her get comfortable with his 9 inched long and 3 inched thick cock in her tight cunt. "Go on my love, mate me." She said as she broke the kiss and looked him in the eyes, she then moans as he pulls out of her slowly and push into her again slowly.

He starts mating her slowly and gently, but soon he is thrusting in and out of her faster but still caring. He pants into her ear and licks her cheek lovingly as she moans under him, as he is rutting her faster and faster, until he was pounding into her with all his strength. She moans each time he thrusts into her as the barbs on his cock rubbed over her g-spot and the sensitive walls of her vagina, and she felt his cock pushing at her cervix with each thrust into her, making her moan even more.

"Ohh... I'm going to cum, ahhh..." She moans as her orgasm wreaked her body, her love kept pounding into her, through her orgasm, as it subsided she felt the beginning of a new one and gave a lick to her lover's ear and murmured into it as she was getting closer to orgasm again.

She then felt him give one more hard thrust into her breaking through her cervix into her womb and felt her lover stiffing above her, she looked at him, as he lifted his head into the air, then she felt it as he ejaculated into her. Just then, she moan loudly as her second orgasm washed over her, she then felt Tamral caressing her stomach with his left paw and licking her right cheek lovingly, she then cried as she felt the love he had for her, as she felt him filling her womb with his fertile seed, to make sure that he impregnate her with his cubs.

She then looked him in the eyes and saw the love and care he had for her in them, she smiled and lifted her head so she could get to his ear and whispered. "I am yours and you are mine, now and for the rest of our lives." She then placed her hands on the sides of his head and kissed his muzzle with love, pulling him down with her so he laid over her in the bed as he finished inseminating her, he just lay on her with his semi hard cock deep in her pussy.

After a few hours cuddling with her and another mating, he looked out of the window. "Perhaps we should get ready for the meeting. It should begin within an hour or so." He said as he looked at her, she looked back at him and kissed him ones again on his muzzle.

"I think you're right... there's an small lake behind my house, we can wash our bodies there." She said to him as she got out of the bed, as she stood up the rays of the evening sun, pouring in through her window, bathed her in gulden light. Tamral just looked at her.

"You seem even more beautiful in the evening sun, my love." He said softly to her, she turned to him and walked to his side of the bed.

"Thank you, but you said it yourself, we have to get ready for the meeting" she smiled at him "so you're not getting in my pants right now... the pants that I don't have on right now" she then walk towards the door as she reached the doorway she turned her head "are you coming my love, or do I have to bath alone." She turned her head again and continued her walk, after a few steps she felt his arms around her waist.

"No, you're not going to be alone again my love, I'll be there by your side from now on." He then kissed her neck and they both walk down to the lake nude, as the evening sun sunk down behind the horizon.


Hey it took me longer to write this than I thought but I hope it's good please tell me what you think, see ya.
