Skunked Pt. 1

Story by Hundredand on SoFurry

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#4 of Rygle and Clarisse

So it's been a while but I finally managed to write a little something down. This one's a bit less silly and a bit more violent compared to the other Rygle stories I've written. Not too much ballbusting yet, but it's only the beginning. Would love some feedback and suggestions are welcome as well. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Rygle sidled through the forest, stepping over the leafy ground and mossy rocks. The trees were much farther apart here, a nice change to the thick foliage he had been squeezing through earlier. He could now see the small mound ahead, the place he called home. it wasn't much, just a hill with a hole he had dug out in the side. He had been staying there ever since he had met Clarisse, having wanted to have an abode that was somewhat close to her clan. Before that he had actually had a pretty nice cave a couple hours flight away, but that was probably claimed by another gryphon or dragon by now.

As he approached, he became wary. The strong smell of skunk was in the air and it was getting stronger the closer he got to the mound. It wasn't long before he spotted the black and white creature. He slowed his pace, but continued to move forward, something decidedly familiar about this skunk.

About 50 yards from the creature he stopped. The skunk was female, obvious now by her clothing; a strap of fabric across her chest and what looked like a long loin cloth around her waist, midriff bare. The getup was rather odd, though he relaxed a bit; she wasn't here for a fight, otherwise she'd be wearing armor.

She was watching him, sitting on a tree stump, eyes narrowed. Obviously this creature knew him, Rygle was just having an incredibly hard time remembering why. Over the course of his 25 years the gryphon had met dozens of different people, had sexual escapades with a quarter of them. Of course he had settled down since he had met his human, but she could very well be a burnt female out to get him, he was somewhat used to that now. The clothing was at least familiar. It had a certain style to it that evoked images of wooden huts and a lake....

He tensed as the female stood up, then relaxed. She was small, only coming up to his beak, about the same size as Clarisse. Her musculature was even less; slender and petite, her curves slight. It wasn't like she could do anything to him, at least not like what Sari had done. He did take note of a small dagger at her hip, he'd have to at least keep his distance.

Rygle began to approach again, much more slowly now, until he was about 10 yards away, in speaking distance. A chill ran down his spine when he saw that the skunk was smiling...yep, he'd done something wrong, but what the hell was it? He gave up on wracking his brain and decided to let the skunk bitch refresh him. He sat down on his rear, waiting. A few moments passed, then Rygle realized she was waiting for HIM to speak. Rygle opened his beak, trying to think of what to say.

" you need something?"

The smile immediately dropped from the skunk's face, her nostrils flaring.

"You don't even remember who I am, do you!?" She practically screamed, Rygle's ears going back. He was flustered for a moment, then glared, yellow eyes narrowing. Sure, he may have offended her at one point in time, but this was HIS home, HE was in charge here. He flared his wings, making himself look bigger as he took another step forward.

"Hey, I don't know who you think you are, but you'll need to lighten that tone before I decide to drop you out of the sky. I'm assuming I fucked you at some point and now you're poor little heart can't deal with the fact that I left?"

With some satisfaction Rygle watched the skunk sputter with her mouth hanging open for a moment, then she seemed to collect herself, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before opening them again.

"My brother...."

Rygle started. Her brother? He thought back hard. It had been at least three years since he had been with another male, and that had been with the gryphon he had decided to leave the tribe with. Between that gryphon's passing and now he couldn't think of another one.

"You don't even remember!"

The female was now shaking with anger.

"You came to our clan looking for work ten seasons ago!"

He was getting a hazy image; damp sand to his left, the glittering of moonlight off the lake to his right, and two white stripes running down the back of a muscular, black frame, a bushy tail pushed off to the side.

The female was calming herself again. Her smile returned, and Rygle began to worry. "Your job was to be a lookout and protector from gnoll bandits that had been hounding us?"

Now he remembered. Not having been used to being on his own the gryphon had decided he needed more stability while he got used to doing things on his own. He had disposed of the bandits within the first week, but had decided to stick around. They supplied him with food and medicine, all he had to do was make them believe the bandits were still around and that his mere presence was the only thing keeping them away. The skunk clan had seemed like a good idea at first, but their strict customs and extremely conservative views on things, namely sex, disenchanted the gryphon. Of course, their constant offering of mead had kept him around for longer than he would have originally liked to stay. One of those nights he assumed he had gotten a bit too drunk because the next thing he knew he was being chased off by a few skunks, leaving behind that naked one on the beach. He was starting to remember this skunk as well, he remembered a young female being particularly interested in him, always hanging around him, eyes straying where they shouldn't. He remembered considering asking for a special made set of trousers just to cover up, but that would have been ridiculous. He also remembered that she had been special, something to do with magic...he couldn't remember what it was exactly, but she was being bread to defend the village once Rygle left...Jule, was that her name?


The skunk woman gave him a smirk. "That's right, you remember, don't you? My dear, dear gryphon, do you know what your actions cost my brother? He was next in line to become chief, but do you know what happens to someone's reputation after they've been raped, by a gryphon, no less?"

Rygle flared at this, "Hold on a second, that wasn't rape, he was completely willing, I would never...."

Rygle's voice trailed off as he watched the dagger from the skunk's hip levitate from her belt. It twirled slowly around next to the skunk's ear, the metal flashing with each rotation. Rygle watched it, seemingly hypnotized by the telekinetic skunk's power.

"That's not what he said. Who do you think I'm going to believe; my own brother, or a a free-loading, raping gryphon?

Rygle was tensed, ready to flee at any moment. He didn't know the potential of this skunk's power. She could be bluffing. Just twirling that knife could be taking up all her mental power. Then again, she could shoot the knife through a tree trunk if she was the real deal.

"J-juel...think about it, he was the one serving me mead. If anything he was the one who...."

Again, Rygle's voice trailed off, this time into a raspy whisper as the knife leveled itself at him, pointing straight towards his chest.

She was still smiling, obviously enjoying his fear...she had waited for this for a long time.

Rygle had had enough, whether or not she was powerful enough to skewer him, he wasn't taking any chances. Turning around, the gryphon started a sprint for a clearing about 30 feet away. He was there within a few seconds and, without looking back, lunged upwards, wings spreading.

He wasn't two flaps in when a blinding pain shot down his ear, making him squint an eye shut. He faltered, but his muscle memory kept his ascent steady. His breathing was labored, mostly in panic knowing that she had just thrown a knife at his head. Five feet from clearing the tree tops, his flight came to an abrupt and wrenching stop. His body elongated as his hindquarters were suddenly halted from progressing. His paws stretched up towards the clearing in the trees, eyes bugging out as a strained grunt groaned out of his beak, the force on his body almost too much. Finally, as inertia faded the gryphon slumped in the grasp of the invisible force, but only for a moment. With blinding speed, the was pulled down. Wind whistled in his ears and his stomach dropped before the two story fall was ended as he slammed underbelly-first into the ground.


A cloud of dust kicked up from the dusty pine needles as every ounce of breath left the gryphon's beak in a hiss as stars exploded in front of his eyes. For a few moments he was still and it was silent. Then, as the feeling of being completely winded kicked in Rygle began to writhe on the ground, forepaws clutching at his chest as he rolled onto his side, eyes wide and tongue hanging out, making strange, strangled squawking sounds as he tried to get his paralyzed diaphragm working again.

He felt a sudden weight on his side and turned a bloodshot eye to find Juel sitting on his flank. The knife was already back in her paws. He watched her grinning face as his beak opened and closed slightly, still trying to work some air into his chest. She was powerful, REALLY powerful if that was all her. He'd never known anyone that was able to take down a fully grown gryphon, to actually pull one out of the sky. And he was bigger than average, too. The power was rarely strong enough to be useful in combat, yet this skunk....

She was pulling at his shoulder now, rolling him over onto his back. The gryphon was till stunned and it didn't take too much to roll his burly form over. Once she had him on his back she sat her rear in the curve between his stomach and chest, which did not help his breathing, and put the knife to his throat.


Rygle started to wheeze for air as his paralyzed chest started working again, feeling the cool steel pressing through the fur on his neck. He was going to die. He couldn't believe it. Just ten minutes ago he was taking a walk through the forest with Clarisse, and now this. His eyes watered as he looked up at the skunk bitch, waiting for the pain, the bleeding out, then...

"You think I'm gonna end it that easily? Hell no, get up, I wanna have some fun!"

Rygle stared at her as she hauled herself up, stepping over him and pacing away before turning around to face him.

"First, I'm going to give you the beating of your life," She smiled sweetly at him, lifting the knife, "then I'm going to cut off your balls, as punishment for your crimes." She twirled the steel around before putting it back in its sheath.

With a wheezey grunt of pain, Rygle rolled over, one paw still to his chest, sure he had broken ribs. He had to get out of here, he didn't know if he could take her down. A telekinetic that powerful was likely untouchable. One minute into their fight and he felt like he had been snapped in two. His left ear was flat against his head due to the pain, blood leaking down the side of his head. It felt like it was split down the middle a centimeter or two, through the tuft. He faced her, grimacing as she stared back, smiling.

"Why don't we start..."

Rygle suddenly saw double as his eyes crossed, staring down his beak as his hind legs snapped together instinctualy. A vice had suddenly clamped down on his balls, his sac shrinking a few sizes as it was compressed horribly. Rygle squawked, beak opening, entire body tensing and convulsing, belly towards the ground as his rump raised. He stumbled forward, his body trying to escape whatever had a hold of him. It stayed with him, though, nothing connected to the force in between his legs.

Jule laughed at how ridiculous the bird looked; cross-eyed, tongue lulling out the side of his beak and thick back thighs stuck ridiculously together as he stumbled around aimlessly. Rygle let out another honk of agony, as he was suddenly yanked viciously toward the skunk by his balls. His hips shot forward, following the direction of the pull, causing him to practically walk on his forepaws as he leaned back, his hips and hind legs levitated in the air, leading the way towards the vicious skunk. He came to a dusty stop in front of the female and now Rygle got a good look at his own nut sack. The large, beige, furry forms were stretched grotesquely from his body towards Jule, the skin between them and his hips stretched thin. Rygle stared at this, wide-eyed, gagging in his sitting position, eyes barely able to focus. The pain lanced into his belly and back, the nut pain only now setting in.


Rygle sputtered softly as they both watched his balls stretch a bit further. He finally had the right of mind to reach out with both paws, slowly, trying to push his balls back to his pelvis. Jule giggled again, the big gryphon looking even more ridiculous sitting on his rear, hind legs spread wide while his forepaws desperately pushed his balls towards where they should be.

Obviously this gryphon was overly sensitive. Not that any other male wouldn't be screaming in pain at this point, but he had some of the silliest reaction she had ever seen. It was even more satisfying considering how big and muscular he was. She slowly touched a paw to her slit, smirking down at the drooling gryphon.

This was going to be fun...