Skunked Pt. 1

Rygle sidled through the forest, stepping over the leafy ground and mossy rocks. The trees were much farther apart here, a nice change to the thick foliage he had been squeezing through earlier. He could now see the small mound ahead, the place he...

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One Way to Last Longer

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ralph leaned back, maw gaping with his tongue flopping out, both paws spread out behind him for support. In between his thighs were a pair of massive ears, belonging to the fennec that was currently sucking him off. They...

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The Gryphon's bust

So this is my first ballbusting story. Techinically it was part of a larger set of stories I had posted a while back. They weren't very good, so I've taken them down. This particular story had a ballbusting scene and I thought I might as well put it...

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Under Pressure

Rygle could tell immediately that something was wrong as Clarisse broke through into the clearing of their meadow. She headed straight for him, her face red and eyes wet. He immediately forgot the sarcastic remark he had planned for her being late. She...

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Rekindling an Old Pain

Rygle woke with a loud snort as a branch cracked overhead. His golden eyes snapped open blearily, getting into a half crouch as his muscles tensed. His acute sight scanned the trees he was lying under, looking for the source of the sound as he squinted...

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